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use warnings;
use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
use Test::More;
use JSON::MaybeXS qw /encode_json/;
use lib qw(t/lib);

eval 'use TestUA';
plan skip_all => 'LWP::UserAgent 5.819 required' if $@;

plan tests => 12;

use_ok 'Net::Twitter';

my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(ssl => 0, traits => [qw/API::REST InflateObjects/]);

my $datetime_parser = do {
    no warnings 'once';

my $dt = DateTime->now;
$dt->subtract(minutes => 6);

my $t = TestUA->new(1, $nt->ua);
    text => 'Hello, twittersphere!',
    user => {
       screen_name => 'net_twitter',
    created_at => $datetime_parser->format_datetime($dt),

my $r = $nt->friends_timeline;
ok ref $r eq 'ARRAY', 'got an ArrayRef';

my $object = $r->[0];
ok     blessed $object, 'value is an object';
can_ok $object, qw/text user created_at relative_created_at/;
isa_ok $object->created_at,          'DateTime',      'DateTime inflation';
is     $object->relative_created_at, '6 minutes ago', 'relative_created_at';
is     $object->user->screen_name,   'net_twitter',   'nested objects';

# make sure we don't co-mingle our object methods
    foo => 'foo',
    bar => 'bar',
    baz => 'and of course, baz',

my $other = $nt->friends_timeline;
can_ok $other, qw/foo bar baz/;
isnt   $other->meta->name, $object->meta->name, 'different anon class';
ok     !$other->can('text'), 'different methods';

my $same  = $nt->friends_timeline;
can_ok $same, qw/foo bar baz/;
is     $same->meta->name, $other->meta->name, 'same anon class';