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Thoughts about future releases, in no particular order.
Feel free to share your thoughts with me at 
or through

Possible TODOs:

    _x_ support sockets/pipes for cmd-style forks like IPC::Open3 does.
	_X_ for Unixy systems
	___ for MSWin32
	    IPC::Open3 supports MSWin32/os2 with the <system 1, @_>
	    construction. Don't think that is appropriate for this module.

    ___ There's enough stuff in here now that performance is affected,
	especially when there are lots of short tasks. What can be done
	to tighten up performance? What can be done to reduce overhead
	when there are many short tasks?
	___ disable $FSJ::Ipc::USE_TIE_?H? need to benchmark
	_X_ tightened some delays in file-based IPC
        ___ shorten $Forks::Super::Queue::QUEUE_MONITOR_FREQ

    ___ fork { run => [ \@cmd, ... ] }
	to invoke or emulate IPC::Run's rich feature set
	___ What else can I learn by studying IPC::Run?

    ___ What other key-value pairs should FSJ::read_stdxxx handle?
	_X_ warn => 0|1
	_X_ timeout => max number of seconds to wait for input
        ___ log => 0|1|*handle|\@list?

    ___ No complaints yet, but is there a smarter way to
        set the IPC directory?
    ___ Refactor how we create and remove the temp IPC directory.

    ___ Runtime IPC cleanup routine for long running programs. For long
	completed jobs: close the open filehandles that have slipped
	through the cracks; remove the IPC files; move from 

    ___ Demos/examples/cookbook section.
        ___ Perform 1000's of jobs, 20 at a time
            ___ with queueing to perform other tasks
            ___ example: web crawler
	    _x_ example: multi-threaded du
        _x_ timeout long running jobs
        _x_ manipulate CPU affinities
        ___ dependencies
        ___ interactive client/server example of IPC
        ___ run a server using Forks::Super
        _x_ see t/
        _X_ load management
            _X_ block while system is busy
            _X_ suspend/resume
            _X_ suspend/resume callback
        ___ bg_eval, bg_qx examples
	    _X_ for bg_eval
        ___ can_launch examples
        ___ how to: use sleep with Forks::Super
        ___ how to: use alarm with Forks::Super
        ___ changing IPC_DIR
        ___ tuning Forks::Super for fast jobs, slow jobs,
	    memory intensive jobs, cpu intensive jobs,
	    I/O bound jobs
        ___ scheduler app that can run for days at a time
	___ reuse
	___ share
	___ daemon

    _x_ Forks::Super::Job::dispose( @jobs ) method
        _X_ Removes entry from @ALL_JOBS, %ALL_JOBS

    ___ POSIX::RT::Timer as possible replacement for get/set itimer?

    ___ Does anything bad happen when you set $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE' ?
        'DEFAULT'? sub {} ? undef ?
        _X_ Yes. ANY setting for $SIG{CHLD} will let system calls
	    like  sleep  get interrupted by SIGCHLD events. Maybe.
	    See t/31. 

	    It's curious that we can assign to $XSIG{CHLD}[-1]
	    (which does set a handler for SIGCHLD) but that DOESN'T
	    trigger interruption of system calls. It's as if perl
            is just checking  defined $SIG{CHLD}  instead of whether
	    an actual signal handler is registered to decide whether
	    to interrupt sleep.

	    ___ Setting  $SIG{CHLD}=undef  makes FS subtly wrong, though
                setting  $SIG{CHLD}=\&bogus  is ok. How to keep $SIG{CHLD}
                from getting undefined?
`		___ Override $Signals::XSIG::SIGTie::STORE, ::DELETE ?
		___ Should we periodically set  $SIG{CHLD}=\&garbage?

        ___ Yes again. When $SIG{CHLD}='IGNORE', calling wait or waitpid
	    NEVER returns a pid; it's always either 0 or -1. See
	    t/ (actually, this is platform dependent).
 	    ___ Should  Forks::Super  check the value of $SIG{CHLD}
	        and emulate this behavior?

        ___ Actually, this would be part of a good XSIG framework workout.
            Some scripts with natural forks and wait/waitpid calls
            should produce the same results with and without Forks::Super
            (i.e., F::S is a drop-in replacement)

        _X_ Test F::S as a drop in replacement to a program that
            has a SIGCHLD handler. -- looks good

    ___ Track down, solve 'untie attempted while ... inner references'
        mystery with FST::IPCFileHandle
	_X_ helps to explicitly assign (tied *$handle) to lexical
	___ "untie attempted while inner references ..." is back in socket 0.55

    ___ Forks::Super::Tie::BackgroundScalar is no longer used with 'tie'
        (since v0.43). Change the name? 

    ___ INET sockets as well as UNIX sockets, if you can commit to a port
        before fork'ing and not bind to it until after fork'ing. Or if you
	can pass the port from parent to child with a pipe?

    ___ refactoring needed after getting daemon code to work.
        _x_ handle failures

    ___ reinstate t/31? ok on Cygwin, MSWin32, Linux, FreeBSD ?
        ___ still doesn't work on Linux? 

    _O_ Test file just for Forks::Super::XXX
	_X_ Forks::Super::Util
        _X_ Forks::Super::Queue
	_X_ Forks::Super::Job
	_O_ Forks::Super::Wait nothing testable in isolation 
	    except _cleanse_waitpid_arg

    _x_ Currently, 'kill' to a fork-to-cmd or fork-to-exec might signal
        two separate processes. Can we coerce kill to return 1 in this
	case instead of 2? Currently it is a big incompatibility between
	this module and core use.
	_?_ just signal $job->signal_pid, not $job->{real_pid}?
	    I think that works. When signal_pid != {real_pid}, {real_pid}
	    is a pretty thin wrapper around  signal_pid  and will not
	    last long when  signal_pid  is terminated. Still, you want to
	    be wary of calling  kill ...,$job  and immediately checking

    ___ a "wrapper" script that executes an arbitrary command in a
        separate process, but as if it had come from a fork call within
        a program using Forks::Super. The purpose is to make sure that
        a program runs in a detached process. The wrapper will set up
        all the (almost surely file based) IPC and then run the desired
        program. The other purpose is to execute a command on a remote

    ___ share MAX_PROC across processes, or have a SHARED_MAX_PROC
        attribute to limit the number of processes across a group
	of parent processes using Forks::Super.
 	___ defer to 1.0?
	___ and the dual of this problem -- manage multiple 
	    processes on separate remote hosts from a single
	    process (i.e., use Forks::Super to manage a grid?)

    _O_ are %CHILD_STDxxx variables obsolete? How to deprecate?
        Not obsolete. At least not until we remove the setting

    _o_ setuid =>  option to fork

    ___ Make an application that gets installed
        with Forks::Super
        _X_ put pod in t/

    ___ daemon support depends on file-based IPC?
        make a socket-based alternative. Let $job->{signal_ipc}, {daemon_ipc}
	be sockets?

    ___ FSJ::OS::Win32::signal_procs: is process group applied inconsistently?
        ___ Since MSWin32 doesn't have proper process groups, does it matter?
            Yeah, it does. We should try and DWIM w.r.t. process groups/Win32.

    _X_ In Java, you can send SIGQUIT to a virtual machine and the JVM will
        dump the stack trace for every thread with some other data about the
        program. Can we do something similar for Forks::Super? 
	_X_ not enabled by default
	_X_ install sighandler in every natural/sub child to write stack trace
	___ How to test?

    ___ Anything to learn from python  multiprocessing  module? See  
	_X_ synchronization objects, acquire and release methods
	    ___ perm fix for 48b with sync?
	___ anything else

    ___ option channel => $nchannel
        set up $nchannel bi-directional IPC channels with a background process.
        In parent, $job->write_channel($k,$message) and 
        In child, write_channel($k,$msg) and $msg=read_channel($k)

        For low volumes, use pipes and sockets.
        For high volumes, make channels use files.

    ___ exercise every method of FS::Tie::IPCDupSTDIN 
        (__config_fh_child_stdin_file, $job->{fh_config}{f_in},

    ___ use shared memory between processes, where supported
        ___ synchronization based on shared memory
	___ process pools based on shared memory

    ___ encryption layers on IO channels

    ___ parent_dump enhancements:
        _X_ get and display stack trace of natural/sub-style children
	___ measure input and output for IPCxxxHandle classes

    ___ CPAN testers find lots of timeout failures in FreeBSD that I can't
        reproduce. Are there circumstances/configurations where the
	SIGALRM isn't sent or received?
	___ last observed 0.56

    ___ CPAN testers find lots of timing errors in openbsd. Is pause(n)
        on openbsd prone to returning significantly more or less than n
	seconds later? Would a busy wait just for openbsd make things
	better or worse?

    _x_ Signal and conf file based controls. For example,
        sending SIG45 followed by SIG46 (within 500 ms) means
	"increase $Forks::Super::MAX_PROC by 1",
	SIG45+SIG45 means "reload config from file $ENV{FORKS_SUPER_CONFIG}".
	possible asynchronous operations:
	_x_ reload config file
	_x_ increase $Forks::Super::MAX_PROC
	_x_ decrease $Forks::Super::MAX_PROC
	_x_ increase $Forks::Super::MAX_LOAD
	_x_ decrease $Forks::Super::MAX_LOAD
	_x_ dump (see Forks::Super::Debug::parent_dump)
        ___ what else?

    ___ Emulation mode, good for debugging, where calling fork()
	does not actually create a new subprocess, but just runs
	the child code in the main process.