The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use Forks::Super qw(:test overload);
use Forks::Super::Util qw(is_socket is_pipe);
use Test::More tests => 14;
use strict;
use warnings;

$Forks::Super::SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT = 0.25;

# test blocked and unblocked reading for pipe handles.

my $pid = fork {
    child_fh => "out,err,pipe,block",
    sub => sub {
	print STDERR "foo\n";
	sleep 5;
	print STDOUT "bar\n";
	sleep 5;
	print STDOUT "baz\n";

ok(isValidPid($pid), "$pid is valid pid");
   || Forks::Super::Util::IS_WIN32(), "ipc with pipes");
sleep 1;
my $t0 = Time::HiRes::time();
my $err = Forks::Super::read_stderr($pid);
my $t1 = Time::HiRes::time() - $t0;
ok($err =~ /^foo/, "read stderr");
okl($t1 < 1.99, "read blocked stderr fast ${t1}s, expected <1s");   ### 4 ###

my $out = Forks::Super::read_stdout($pid);
my $t2 = Time::HiRes::time() - $t0;
ok($out =~ /^bar/, "read stdout");
okl($t2 > 2.95, "read blocked stdout ${t2}s, expected ~4s");

$out = Forks::Super::read_stdout($pid, "block" => 0);
my $t3 = Time::HiRes::time() - $t0;
my $t32 = $t3 - $t2;
ok(!defined($out) || (defined($out) && $out eq ""), 
   "non-blocking read on empty stdout returns empty")
    or diag("\$out was \"$out\", expected empty");
okl($t32 <= 1.0, "non-blocking read took ${t32}s, expected ~${Forks::Super::SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT}s");

$out = Forks::Super::read_stdout($pid);
my $t4 = Time::HiRes::time() - $t0;
my $t43 = $t4 - $t3;
ok($out =~ /^baz/, "successful blocking read on stdout");
okl($t43 > 3.5, "read blocked stdout ${t43}s, expected ~5s");

#### no more input on STDOUT or STDERR

$err = Forks::Super::read_stderr($pid);
my $t5 = Time::HiRes::time() - $t0;
my $t54 = $t5 - $t4;
ok(!defined($err) || $err eq '',                       ### 11 ###
   "blocking read on empty stderr returns empty");
okl($t54 <= 1.0, "blocking read on empty stderr fast ${t54}s, expected <1.0s");

$out = Forks::Super::read_stdout($pid, "block" => 0);
my $t6 = Time::HiRes::time() - $t0;
my $t65 = $t6 - $t5;
ok(!defined($out) || $out eq "",
   "non-blocking read on empty stdout returns empty")
    or diag($out);
okl($t65 <= 1.0, 
    "non-blocking read on empty stdout fast ${t65}s, expected <1.0s");