The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use Forks::Super ':test';
use Test::More tests => 18;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $untaint = 0;
if (${^TAINT}) {
    $untaint = 1;
    my $ipc_dir = Forks::Super::Job::Ipc::_choose_dedicated_dirname();
    if (! eval {$ipc_dir = Cwd::abs_path($ipc_dir)}) {
	$ipc_dir = Cwd::getcwd() . "/" . $ipc_dir;
    ($ipc_dir) = $ipc_dir =~ /(.*)/;
my ($a,@a,%a);

if (!Forks::Super::Config::CONFIG('filehandles')) {
  SKIP: {
      skip "share feature requires file-based IPC", 13;

my $pid = fork {
    sub => sub {
	$a = 5;
	sleep 2;
    share => [ \$a ],
    untaint => $untaint
waitpid $pid, 0;
ok($a == 5, 'scalar value shared from child to parent');

$pid = fork {
    sub => sub { @a = (5..10) ; sleep 2 },
    share => [ \@a ],
    untaint => $untaint
@a = (11..14);
waitpid $pid, 0;
ok("@a" eq "11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10",
   'array value passed from child to parent')
    or diag("\@a was: \"@a\", expected \"11 12 13 14 15 6 7 8 9 10\"");

my $len = scalar @a;
%a = (abc => 'def', ghi => 'jkl');
$pid = fork {
    sub => sub { sleep 2; %a = (abc => 'xyz', mno => 'pqr'); @a = ('foo') },
    share => [ \%a , \@a ],
    untaint => $untaint
waitpid $pid, 0;
ok($a{mno} eq 'pqr', "hash value passed from child to parent");
ok($a{ghi} eq 'jkl', "parent hash value retained");
ok($a{abc} eq 'xyz', "... unless overwritten by child");
ok(3 == keys(%a), "all keys in shared hash accounted for");
ok(@a >= $len, "parent array values retained");
ok(@a == $len+1 && $a[-1] eq 'foo', "array value from child appended to parent");

# does sharing happen when child process fails ?
$a = '';
@a = ();
%a = ();
$pid = fork {
    sub => sub { 
	@a = reverse (1..10);
	$a = @a;
	$a{"Forks"} = "Super";
	sleep 6;
	$a{"Super"} = "Forks";
    timeout => 3,   
    share => [ \$a, \%a, \@a ],
    untaint => $untaint
waitpid $pid, 0;

# sharing is not guaranteed to work if the child fails,
# but it often does.

ok($pid->{status} != 0, "testing unsuccessful job");
if ($a eq '') {
    ok(1, "share scalar not updated on failed job");
} else {
    ok($a == 10, "share scalar ok even on job failure");
if ("@a" eq '') {
    ok(1, "share array not updated on failed job");
} else {
    ok("@a" eq "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "share array ok even on job failure");
if (keys %a == 0) {
    ok(1, "share hash not updated in failed job");
} else {
    ok($a{"Forks"} eq "Super", "share hash ok even on job failure");
ok(!defined $a{"Super"}, "job failed before second child hash assignment");


# test sharing in a natural child (implemented in 0.67)

my ($b, @b, %b);

$b = 1;
@b = ("foo");
%b = (foo => 123, bar => 456);

$pid = fork { share => [ \%b, \@b, \$b ] };
if ($pid == 0) {
  $b = 42;
  @b = ("bar");
  %b = ("forks" => "super");
ok($pid, "natural fork with share launched");
ok(waitpid($pid, 0), "waitpid ok");
ok($b == 42, "shared scalar in natural fork updated");
ok($b[0] eq "foo" && $b[1] eq "bar",
   "shared array in natural fork updated");
ok($b{"foo"}==123 && $b{"forks"} eq "super",
   "shared hash in natural fork updated");