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use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

use Test::More 0.96;
BEGIN { $INC{"BSON/"} = undef }

binmode( Test::More->builder->$_, ":utf8" )
  for qw/output failure_output todo_output/;

use lib 't/lib';
use TestUtils;

use BSON;
use BSON::Types ':all';

sub _BSON { BSON->new(@_) }

subtest "error_callback" => sub {
    my $bad = "\x05\x00\x00\x00\x01";
    my @errs;
    my $obj = _BSON( error_callback => sub { push @errs, [@_] } );
    is( 0+ @errs, 1, "error_callback ran" );
    like( $errs[0][0], qr/not null terminated/, "error_callback arg 0" );
    is( ${ $errs[0][1] }, $bad,         "error_callback arg 1" );
    is( $errs[0][2],      'decode_one', "error_callback arg 2" );

subtest "invalid_char" => sub {
    my $obj = _BSON( invalid_chars => '.' );
    eval { $obj->encode_one( { "" => 1 } ) };
        qr/key 'example\.com' has invalid character\(s\) '\.'/,
        "invalid char throws exception"

    $obj = _BSON( invalid_chars => '.$' );
    eval { $obj->encode_one( { "example.c\$om" => 1 } ) };
        qr/key 'example\.c\$om' has invalid character\(s\) '\.\$'/,
        "multi-invalid chars throws exception"

subtest "max_length" => sub {
    my $obj = _BSON( max_length => 20 );

    my $hash = { "" => "a" x 100 };
    my $encoded = _BSON->encode_one($hash);

    eval { $obj->encode_one($hash) };
        qr/encode_one.*Document exceeds maximum size 20/,
        "max_length exceeded during encode_one"

    eval { $obj->decode_one($encoded) };
        qr/decode_one.*Document exceeds maximum size 20/,
        "max_length exceeded during decode_one"

subtest "op-char" => sub {
    my $obj = _BSON( op_char => '-' );

    my $hash = { -inc => { x => 1 } };
    my $expect = { '$inc' => { x => 1 } };
    my $got =$obj->decode_one( $obj->encode_one($hash) );

    is_deeply( $got, $expect, "op-char converts to '\$'" )
      or diag explain $got;

subtest "prefer_numeric" => sub {
    my $hash = { x => "42" };

    my $pn0 = _BSON( prefer_numeric => 0 );
    my $pn1 = _BSON( prefer_numeric => 1 );
    my $dec = _BSON( wrap_numbers   => 1, wrap_strings => 1 );

    is( ref( $dec->decode_one( $pn1->encode_one($hash) )->{x} ),
        'BSON::Int32', 'prefer_numeric => 1' );
    is( ref( $dec->decode_one( $pn0->encode_one($hash) )->{x} ),
        'BSON::String', 'prefer_numeric => 0' );

subtest "first_key" => sub {
    my @doc = ( x => 42, y => 23, z => { a => 1, b => 2} );

    my $obj = _BSON( ordered => 1 );

    my $got =
        $obj->encode_one( bson_doc(@doc), { first_key => 'y', first_value => 32 } ) );

    my ( $k, $v ) = each %$got;

    is( $k, 'y', "first_key put first" );
    is( $v, 32,  "first_value overrode existing value" );
    ok( ! exists $got->{z}{_id}, "first_key doesn't propagate" );

    # empty doc with first_key
    $got =
        $obj->encode_one( bson_doc(), { first_key => 'y', first_value => 32 } ) );
    ( $k, $v ) = each %$got;

    is( $k, 'y', "first_key put first" );
    is( $v, 32,  "first_value overrode existing value" );

subtest "dt_type" => sub {
    my $now = time;

    # undef
        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => undef );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        my $hash = $obj->decode_one($bson);
        is( ref( $hash->{A} ), 'BSON::Time', "dt_type = undef" );

    # BSON::Time
        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => "BSON::Time" );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        my $hash = $obj->decode_one($bson);
        is( ref( $hash->{A} ), 'BSON::Time', "dt_type = BSON::Time" );

    # DateTime
    SKIP: {
        eval { require DateTime };
        skip( "DateTime not installed", 1 )
        unless $INC{''};

        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => "DateTime" );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        my $hash = $obj->decode_one($bson);
        is( ref( $hash->{A} ), 'DateTime', "dt_type = DateTime" );

    # DateTime::Tiny
    SKIP: {
        eval { require DateTime::Tiny };
        skip( "DateTime::Tiny not installed", 1 )
        unless $INC{'DateTime/'};

        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => "DateTime::Tiny" );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        my $hash = $obj->decode_one($bson);
        is( ref( $hash->{A} ), 'DateTime::Tiny', "dt_type = DateTime::Tiny" );

    # Time::Moment
    SKIP: {
        eval { require Time::Moment };
        skip( "Time::Moment not installed", 1 )
        unless $INC{'Time/'};

        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => "Time::Moment" );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        my $hash = $obj->decode_one($bson);
        is( ref( $hash->{A} ), 'Time::Moment', "dt_type = Time::Moment" );

    # Mango::BSON::Time
    SKIP: {
        eval { require Mango::BSON::Time };
        skip( "Mango::BSON::Time not installed", 1 )
          unless $INC{'Mango/BSON/'};

        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => "Mango::BSON::Time" );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        my $hash = $obj->decode_one($bson);
        is( ref( $hash->{A} ), 'Mango::BSON::Time', "dt_type = Mango::BSON::Time" );

    # unknown
        my $obj = _BSON( dt_type => 'BOGUS' );
        my $bson = $obj->encode_one( { A => bson_time() } );
        eval { $obj->decode_one($bson) };
        like( $@, qr/unsupported dt_type/i, "dt_type = BOGUS" );



# This file is part of BSON
# This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Stefan G. and MongoDB, Inc.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
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