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#  Copyright 2009-2013 MongoDB, Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

package MongoDB::BulkWrite;

# ABSTRACT: MongoDB bulk write interface

use version;
our $VERSION = 'v0.708.1.0';

use MongoDB::Error;
use MongoDB::OID;
use MongoDB::WriteResult;
use MongoDB::BulkWriteView;
use Try::Tiny;
use Safe::Isa;
use Syntax::Keyword::Junction qw/any/;

use Moose;
use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';

#pod =attr collection (required)
#pod The L<MongoDB::Collection> where the operations are to be performed.
#pod =cut

has 'collection' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'MongoDB::Collection',
    required => 1,

#pod =attr ordered (required)
#pod A boolean for whether or not operations should be ordered (true) or
#pod unordered (false).
#pod =cut

has 'ordered' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Bool',
    required => 1,

has '_executed' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    isa      => 'Bool',
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => 0,

has '_queue' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    isa      => 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef]',
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => sub { [] },
    traits   => ['Array'],
    handles  => {
        _enqueue_write => 'push',
        _all_writes    => 'elements',
        _count_writes  => 'count',
        _clear_writes  => 'clear',

has '_database' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    isa        => 'MongoDB::Database',
    lazy_build => 1,

sub _build__database {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->collection->_database;

has '_client' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    isa        => 'MongoDB::MongoClient',
    lazy_build => 1,

sub _build__client {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->_database->_client;

has '_use_write_cmd' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    isa        => 'Bool',
    lazy_build => 1,

sub _build__use_write_cmd {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->_client->get_master->_use_write_cmd;

with 'MongoDB::Role::_WriteQueue';

#pod =method find
#pod     $view = $bulk->find( $query_document );
#pod The C<find> method returns a L<MongoDB::BulkWriteView> object that allows
#pod write operations like C<update> or C<remove>, constrained by a query document.
#pod A query document is required.  Use an empty hashref for no criteria:
#pod     $bulk->find( {} )->remove; # remove all documents!
#pod An exception will be thrown on error.
#pod =cut

sub find {
    my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;

    confess "find requires a criteria document. Use an empty hashref for no criteria."
      unless defined $doc;

    unless ( @_ == 2 && ref $doc eq any(qw/HASH ARRAY Tie::IxHash/) ) {
        confess "argument to find must be a single hashref, arrayref or Tie::IxHash";

    if ( ref $doc eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        confess "array reference to find must have key/value pairs"
          if @$doc % 2;
        $doc = {@$doc};

    return MongoDB::BulkWriteView->new(
        query       => $doc,
        write_queue => $self,

#pod =method insert
#pod     $bulk->insert( $doc );
#pod Queues a document for insertion when L</execute> is called.  The document may
#pod be a hash reference, an array reference (with balance key/value pairs) or a
#pod L<Tie::IxHash> object.  If the document does not have an C<_id> field, one will
#pod be added.
#pod The method has an empty return on success; an exception will be thrown on error.
#pod =cut

sub insert {
    my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;

    unless ( @_ == 2 && ref $doc eq any(qw/HASH ARRAY Tie::IxHash/) ) {
        confess "argument to insert must be a single hashref, arrayref or Tie::IxHash";

    if ( ref $doc eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        confess "array reference to insert must have key/value pairs"
          if @$doc % 2;
        $doc = {@$doc};
    elsif ( ref $doc eq 'HASH' ) {
        $doc = {%$doc}; # shallow copy
    else {
        $doc = Tie::IxHash->new( map {; $_ => $doc->FETCH($_) } $doc->Keys );
        $doc->STORE( '_id', MongoDB::OID->new ) unless $doc->EXISTS('_id');

    if ( ref $doc eq 'HASH' ) {
        $doc->{_id} = MongoDB::OID->new unless exists $doc->{_id};

    $self->_enqueue_write( [ insert => $doc ] );

#pod =method execute
#pod     my $result = $bulk->execute;
#pod Executes the queued operations.  The order and semantics depend on
#pod whether the bulk object is ordered or unordered:
#pod =for :list
#pod * ordered — operations are executed in order, but operations of the same type
#pod   (e.g. multiple inserts) may be grouped together and sent to the server.  If
#pod   the server returns an error, the bulk operation will stop and an error will
#pod   be thrown.
#pod * unordered — operations are grouped by type and sent to the server in an
#pod   unpredictable order.  After all operations are sent, if any errors occurred,
#pod   an error will be thrown.
#pod When grouping operations of a type, operations will be sent to the server in
#pod batches not exceeding 16MiB or 1000 items (for a version 2.6 or later server)
#pod or individually (for legacy servers without write command support).
#pod This method returns a L<MongoDB::WriteResult> object if the bulk operation
#pod executes successfully.
#pod Typical errors might include:
#pod =for :list
#pod * C<MongoDB::WriteError> — one or more write operations failed
#pod * C<MongoDB::WriteConcernError> - all writes were accepted by a primary, but
#pod   the write concern failed
#pod * C<MongoDB::DatabaseError> — a command to the database failed entirely
#pod See L<MongoDB::Error> for more on error handling.
#pod B<NOTE>: it is an error to call C<execute> without any operations or
#pod to call C<execute> more than once on the same bulk object.
#pod =cut

my %OP_MAP = (
    insert => [ insert => 'documents' ],
    update => [ update => 'updates' ],
    delete => [ delete => 'deletes' ],

sub execute {
    my ( $self, $write_concern ) = @_;
    if ( $self->_executed ) {
        MongoDB::Error->throw("bulk op execute called more than once");
    else {

    $write_concern ||= $self->_client->_write_concern;

    my $ordered       = $self->ordered;
    my $use_write_cmd = $self->_use_write_cmd;

    # If using legacy write ops, then there will never be a valid nModified
    # result so we set that to undef in the constructor; otherwise, we set it
    # to 0 so that results accumulate normally. If a mongos on a mixed cluster
    # later fails to set it, results merging will handle it that case.
    my $result = MongoDB::WriteResult->new( nModified => $use_write_cmd ? 0 : undef, );

    unless ( $self->_count_writes ) {
        MongoDB::Error->throw("no bulk ops to execute");

    for my $batch ( $ordered ? $self->_batch_ordered : $self->_batch_unordered ) {
        if ($use_write_cmd) {
            $self->_execute_write_command_batch( $batch, $result, $ordered, $write_concern );
        else {
            $self->_execute_legacy_batch( $batch, $result, $ordered, $write_concern );

    # only reach here with an error for unordered bulk ops

    # write concern errors are thrown only for the entire batch

    return $result;

# _execute_write_command_batch may split batches if they are too large and
# execute them separately

sub _execute_write_command_batch {
    my ( $self, $batch, $result, $ordered, $write_concern ) = @_;

    my ( $type, $docs )   = @$batch;
    my ( $cmd,  $op_key ) = @{ $OP_MAP{$type} };

    my $boolean_ordered = $ordered ? boolean::true : boolean::false;
    my $coll_name = $self->collection->name;

    my @left_to_send = ($docs);

    while (@left_to_send) {
        my $chunk = shift @left_to_send;

        my $cmd_doc = [
            $cmd    => $coll_name,
            $op_key => $chunk,
            ordered => $boolean_ordered,
            ( $write_concern ? ( writeConcern => $write_concern ) : () )

        my $cmd_result = try {
        catch {
            if ( $_->$_isa("MongoDB::_CommandSizeError") ) {
                if ( @$chunk == 1 ) {
                        message  => "document too large",
                        document => $chunk->[0],
                else {
                    unshift @left_to_send, $self->_split_chunk( $chunk, $_->size );
            else {
                die $_;

        next unless $cmd_result;

        my $r = MongoDB::WriteResult->_parse(
            op       => $type,
            op_count => scalar @$chunk,
            result   => $cmd_result,

        # append corresponding ops to errors
        if ( $r->count_writeErrors ) {
            for my $error ( @{ $r->writeErrors } ) {
                $error->{op} = $chunk->[ $error->{index} ];
                # convert boolean::true|false back to 1 or 0
                for my $k (qw/upsert multi/) {
                    $error->{op}{$k} = 0+ $error->{op}{$k} if exists $error->{op}{$k};

        $self->_assert_no_write_error($result) if $ordered;


sub _split_chunk {
    my ( $self, $chunk, $size ) = @_;

    my $max_wire_size = $self->_client->_max_bson_wire_size;

    my $avg_cmd_size       = $size / @$chunk;
    my $new_cmds_per_chunk = int( $max_wire_size / $avg_cmd_size );

    my @split_chunks;
    while (@$chunk) {
        push @split_chunks, [ splice( @$chunk, 0, $new_cmds_per_chunk ) ];

    return @split_chunks;

sub _batch_ordered {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @batches;
    my $last_type = '';
    my $count     = 0;

    my $max_batch_count = $self->_client->_max_write_batch_size;

    for my $op ( $self->_all_writes ) {
        my ( $type, $doc ) = @$op;
        if ( $type ne $last_type || $count == $max_batch_count ) {
            push @batches, [ $type => [$doc] ];
            $last_type = $type;
            $count     = 1;
        else {
            push @{ $batches[-1][-1] }, $doc;

    return @batches;

sub _batch_unordered {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %batches = map { ; $_ => [ [] ] } keys %OP_MAP;

    my $max_batch_count = $self->_client->_max_write_batch_size;

    for my $op ( $self->_all_writes ) {
        my ( $type, $doc ) = @$op;
        if ( @{ $batches{$type}[-1] } == $max_batch_count ) {
            push @{ $batches{$type} }, [$doc];
        else {
            push @{ $batches{$type}[-1] }, $doc;

    # insert/update/delete are guaranteed to be in random order on Perl 5.18+
    my @batches;
    for my $type ( grep { scalar @{ $batches{$_}[-1] } } keys %batches ) {
        push @batches, map { [ $type => $_ ] } @{ $batches{$type} };
    return @batches;

sub _assert_no_write_error {
    my ( $self, $result ) = @_;
    if ( my $write_errors = $result->count_writeErrors ) {
            message => "writeErrors: $write_errors",
            result  => $result,

sub _assert_no_write_concern_error {
    my ( $self, $result ) = @_;
    if ( my $write_concern_errors = $result->count_writeConcernErrors ) {
            message => "writeConcernErrors: $write_concern_errors",
            result  => $result,

# XXX the _execute_legacy_(insert|update|delete) commands duplicate code in
#, but that code is wrapped up in a way that doesn't easily allow
# grabbing result details.  We can't parse a response directly because the
# network receive code is tightly coupled to a cursor.  These functions work
# around these limitations for the time being

sub _execute_legacy_batch {
    my ( $self, $batch, $result, $ordered, $write_concern ) = @_;
    my ( $type, $docs ) = @$batch;

    my $coll   = $self->collection;
    my $client = $self->_client;
    my $ns     = $coll->full_name;
    my $method = "_gen_legacy_$type";

    # check write_concern with 'eq' for string "0" because write concern can be
    # 'majority' or a tag-set and it would be an error to check that with '=='
    my $w_0 = defined $write_concern->{w} && $write_concern->{w} eq "0";

    for my $doc (@$docs) {
        # legacy server doesn't check keys on insert; we fake an error if it happens
        if ( $type eq 'insert' && ( my $r = $self->_check_no_dollar_keys($doc) ) ) {
            if ($w_0) {
                last if $ordered;
            else {
                $self->_assert_no_write_error($result) if $ordered;

        my $op_string = $self->$method( $ns, $doc );

        # this isn't quite right; a command should allow a max-sized object plus
        # some overhead, but this is consistent with how does it
        if ( length($op_string) > $client->max_bson_size ) {
            if ($w_0) {
                last if $ordered;
            else {
                $result->_merge_result( $self->_fake_doc_size_error($doc) );
                $self->_assert_no_write_error($result) if $ordered;

        my $gle_result;

        # Even for {w:0}, if the batch is ordered we have to check each result
        # and break on the first error, but we don't throw the error to the user.
        if ( $ordered || !$w_0 ) {
            my $op_result = $coll->_make_safe_cursor( $op_string, $write_concern )->next;
            $gle_result = $self->_get_writeresult_from_gle( $type, $op_result, $doc );
            last if $w_0 && $gle_result->count_writeErrors;
        else {
            # Fire and forget and mock up an empty result to get the right op count
            $gle_result = MongoDB::WriteResult->_parse(
                op       => $type,
                op_count => 1,
                result   => { n => 0 },

        $self->_assert_no_write_error($result) if $ordered;


sub _get_writeresult_from_gle {
    my ( $self, $type, $gle, $doc ) = @_;
    my ( @writeErrors, $writeConcernError, @upserted );

    # Still checking for $err here because it's not yet handled during
    # reply unpacking
    if ( exists $gle->{'$err'} ) {
            message => $gle->{'$err'},
            result  => MongoDB::CommandResult->new( result => $gle ),

    # 'ok' false means GLE itself failed
    if ( !$gle->{ok} ) {
            message => $gle->{errmsg},
            result  => MongoDB::CommandResult->new( result => $gle ),

    # usually we shouldn't check wnote or jnote, but the Bulk API QA test says we should
    # detect no journal or replication not enabled, so we check for special strings.
    # These strings were checked back to MongoDB 1.8.5.
    if ( exists $gle->{jnote} && $gle->{jnote} =~ /^journaling not enabled/ ) {
            message => $gle->{jnote},
            result  => MongoDB::CommandResult->new( result => $gle ),
    if ( exists $gle->{wnote} && $gle->{wnote} =~ /^no replication has been enabled/ ) {
            message => $gle->{wnote},
            result  => MongoDB::CommandResult->new( result => $gle ),

    my $affected = 0;
    my $errmsg =
        defined $gle->{err}    ? $gle->{err}
      : defined $gle->{errmsg} ? $gle->{errmsg}
      :                          undef;
    my $wtimeout = $gle->{wtimeout};

    if ($wtimeout) {
        my $code = $gle->{code} || WRITE_CONCERN_ERROR;
        $writeConcernError = {
            errmsg  => $errmsg,
            errInfo => { wtimeout => $wtimeout },
            code    => $code

    if ( defined $errmsg && !$wtimeout ) {
        my $code = $gle->{code} || UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        # index is always 0 because ops are executed individually; later
        # merging of results will fix up the index values as usual
        my $error_doc = {
            errmsg => $errmsg,
            code   => $code,
            index  => 0,
            op     => $doc,
        # convert boolean::true|false back to 1 or 0
        for my $k (qw/upsert multi/) {
            $error_doc->{op}{$k} = 0+ $error_doc->{op}{$k} if exists $error_doc->{op}{$k};
        $error_doc->{errInfo} = $gle->{errInfo} if exists $gle->{errInfo};
        push @writeErrors, $error_doc;
    else {
        # GLE: n only returned for update/remove, so we infer it for insert
        $affected =
            $type eq 'insert' ? 1
          : defined $gle->{n} ? $gle->{n}
          :                     0;

        # For upserts, index is always 0 because ops are executed individually;
        # later merging of results will fix up the index values as usual.  For
        # 2.4 and earlier, 'upserted' has _id only if the _id is an OID.  Otherwise,
        # we have to pick it out of the update document or query document when we
        # see updateExisting is false but the number of docs affected is 1

        if ( exists $gle->{upserted} ) {
            push @upserted, { index => 0, _id => $gle->{upserted} };
        elsif (exists $gle->{updatedExisting}
            && !$gle->{updatedExisting}
            && $gle->{n} == 1 )
            my $id = exists $doc->{u}{_id} ? $doc->{u}{_id} : $doc->{q}{_id};
            push @upserted, { index => 0, _id => $id };


    my $result = MongoDB::WriteResult->_parse(
        op       => $type,
        op_count => 1,
        result   => {
            n                 => $affected,
            writeErrors       => \@writeErrors,
            writeConcernError => $writeConcernError,
            ( @upserted ? ( upserted => \@upserted ) : () ),

    return $result;

sub _gen_legacy_insert {
    my ( $self, $ns, $doc ) = @_;
    # $doc is a document to insert

    # for bulk, we don't accumulate IDs
    my ( $insert, undef ) = MongoDB::write_insert( $ns, [$doc], 0 );

    return $insert;

sub _gen_legacy_update {
    my ( $self, $ns, $doc ) = @_;
    # $doc is { q: $query, u: $update, multi: $multi, upsert: $upsert }

    my $flags = 0;
    $flags |= 1 << 0 if $doc->{upsert};
    $flags |= 1 << 1 if $doc->{multi};

    return MongoDB::write_update( $ns, $doc->{q}, $doc->{u}, $flags );

sub _gen_legacy_delete {
    my ( $self, $ns, $doc ) = @_;
    # $doc is { q: $query, limit: $limit }

    return MongoDB::write_remove( $ns, $doc->{q}, $doc->{limit} ? 1 : 0 );

sub _check_no_dollar_keys {
    my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;

    my @keys = ref $doc eq 'Tie::IxHash' ? $doc->Keys : keys %$doc;
    if ( my @bad = grep { substr( $_, 0, 1 ) eq '$' } @keys ) {
        my $errdoc = {
            index  => 0,
            errmsg => "Document can't have '\$' prefixed field names: @bad",
            code   => UNKNOWN_ERROR

        return MongoDB::WriteResult->new(
            op_count    => 1,
            nModified   => undef,
            writeErrors => [$errdoc]


sub _fake_doc_size_error {
    my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;

    my $errdoc = {
        index  => 0,
        errmsg => "Document too large",
        code   => UNKNOWN_ERROR

    return MongoDB::WriteResult->new(
        op_count    => 1,
        writeErrors => [$errdoc]





=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

MongoDB::BulkWrite - MongoDB bulk write interface

=head1 VERSION

version v0.708.1.0


    use Safe::Isa;
    use Try::Tiny;

    my $bulk = $collection->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;

    $bulk->insert( $doc );
    $bulk->find( $query )->upsert->replace_one( $doc )
    $bulk->find( $query )->update( $modification )

    my $result = try {
    catch {
        if ( $_->$isa("MongoDB::WriteConcernError") ) {
            warn "Write concern failed";
        else {
            die $_;


This class constructs a list of write operations to perform in bulk for a
single collection.  On a MongoDB 2.6 or later server with write command support
this allow grouping similar operations together for transit to the database,
minimizing network round-trips.

To begin a bulk operation, use one these methods from L<MongoDB::Collection>:

=over 4

=item *


=item *



=head2 Ordered Operations

With an ordered operations list, MongoDB executes the write operations in the
list serially. If an error occurs during the processing of one of the write
operations, MongoDB will return without processing any remaining write
operations in the list.

=head2 Unordered Operations

With an unordered operations list, MongoDB can execute in parallel, as well as
in a nondeterministic order, the write operations in the list. If an error
occurs during the processing of one of the write operations, MongoDB will
continue to process remaining write operations in the list.


=head2 collection (required)

The L<MongoDB::Collection> where the operations are to be performed.

=head2 ordered (required)

A boolean for whether or not operations should be ordered (true) or
unordered (false).

=head1 METHODS

=head2 find

    $view = $bulk->find( $query_document );

The C<find> method returns a L<MongoDB::BulkWriteView> object that allows
write operations like C<update> or C<remove>, constrained by a query document.

A query document is required.  Use an empty hashref for no criteria:

    $bulk->find( {} )->remove; # remove all documents!

An exception will be thrown on error.

=head2 insert

    $bulk->insert( $doc );

Queues a document for insertion when L</execute> is called.  The document may
be a hash reference, an array reference (with balance key/value pairs) or a
L<Tie::IxHash> object.  If the document does not have an C<_id> field, one will
be added.

The method has an empty return on success; an exception will be thrown on error.

=head2 execute

    my $result = $bulk->execute;

Executes the queued operations.  The order and semantics depend on
whether the bulk object is ordered or unordered:

=over 4

=item *

ordered — operations are executed in order, but operations of the same type (e.g. multiple inserts) may be grouped together and sent to the server.  If the server returns an error, the bulk operation will stop and an error will be thrown.

=item *

unordered — operations are grouped by type and sent to the server in an unpredictable order.  After all operations are sent, if any errors occurred, an error will be thrown.


When grouping operations of a type, operations will be sent to the server in
batches not exceeding 16MiB or 1000 items (for a version 2.6 or later server)
or individually (for legacy servers without write command support).

This method returns a L<MongoDB::WriteResult> object if the bulk operation
executes successfully.

Typical errors might include:

=over 4

=item *

C<MongoDB::WriteError> — one or more write operations failed

=item *

C<MongoDB::WriteConcernError> - all writes were accepted by a primary, but the write concern failed

=item *

C<MongoDB::DatabaseError> — a command to the database failed entirely


See L<MongoDB::Error> for more on error handling.

B<NOTE>: it is an error to call C<execute> without any operations or
to call C<execute> more than once on the same bulk object.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

David Golden <>

=item *

Mike Friedman <>

=item *

Kristina Chodorow <>

=item *

Florian Ragwitz <>



This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by MongoDB, Inc..

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
