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 * Copyright 2013 MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef BSON_H
#define BSON_H


#include "bson-compat.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "bson-macros.h"
#include "bson-config.h"
#include "bson-atomic.h"
#include "bson-context.h"
#include "bson-clock.h"
#include "bson-error.h"
#include "bson-iter.h"
#include "bson-keys.h"
#include "bson-md5.h"
#include "bson-memory.h"
#include "bson-oid.h"
#include "bson-reader.h"
#include "bson-string.h"
#include "bson-types.h"
#include "bson-utf8.h"
#include "bson-value.h"
#include "bson-version.h"
#include "bson-writer.h"



 * bson_empty:
 * @b: a bson_t.
 * Checks to see if @b is an empty BSON document. An empty BSON document is
 * a 5 byte document which contains the length (4 bytes) and a single NUL
 * byte indicating end of fields.
#define bson_empty(b) (((b)->len == 5) || !bson_get_data ((b))[4])

 * bson_empty0:
 * Like bson_empty() but treats NULL the same as an empty bson_t document.
#define bson_empty0(b) (!(b) || bson_empty (b))

 * bson_clear:
 * Easily free a bson document and set it to NULL. Use like:
 * bson_t *doc = bson_new();
 * bson_clear (&doc);
 * assert (doc == NULL);
#define bson_clear(bptr) \
   do { \
      if (*(bptr)) { \
         bson_destroy (*(bptr)); \
         *(bptr) = NULL; \
      } \
   } while (0)

 * The maximum size in bytes of a BSON document.
#define BSON_MAX_SIZE ((size_t)((1U << 31) - 1))

#define BSON_APPEND_ARRAY(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_array (b, key, (int)strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_ARRAY_BEGIN(b,key,child) \
      bson_append_array_begin (b, key, (int)strlen (key), child)

#define BSON_APPEND_BINARY(b,key,subtype,val,len) \
      bson_append_binary (b, key, (int) strlen (key), subtype, val, len)

#define BSON_APPEND_BOOL(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_bool (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_CODE(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_code (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_CODE_WITH_SCOPE(b,key,val,scope) \
      bson_append_code_with_scope (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, scope)

#define BSON_APPEND_DBPOINTER(b,key,coll,oid) \
      bson_append_dbpointer (b, key, (int) strlen (key), coll, oid)

#define BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN(b,key,child) \
      bson_append_document_begin (b, key, (int)strlen (key), child)

#define BSON_APPEND_DOUBLE(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_double (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_document (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_INT32(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_int32 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_INT64(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_int64 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_MINKEY(b,key) \
      bson_append_minkey (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

#define BSON_APPEND_MAXKEY(b,key) \
      bson_append_maxkey (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

#define BSON_APPEND_NULL(b,key) \
      bson_append_null (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

#define BSON_APPEND_OID(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_oid (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_REGEX(b,key,val,opt) \
      bson_append_regex (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, opt)

#define BSON_APPEND_UTF8(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_utf8 (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, (int) strlen (val))

#define BSON_APPEND_SYMBOL(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_symbol (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, (int) strlen (val))

#define BSON_APPEND_TIME_T(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_time_t (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_TIMEVAL(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_timeval (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_DATE_TIME(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_date_time (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val)

#define BSON_APPEND_TIMESTAMP(b,key,val,inc) \
      bson_append_timestamp (b, key, (int) strlen (key), val, inc)

#define BSON_APPEND_UNDEFINED(b,key) \
      bson_append_undefined (b, key, (int) strlen (key))

#define BSON_APPEND_VALUE(b,key,val) \
      bson_append_value (b, key, (int) strlen (key), (val))

 * bson_new:
 * Allocates a new bson_t structure. Call the various bson_append_*()
 * functions to add fields to the bson. You can iterate the bson_t at any
 * time using a bson_iter_t and bson_iter_init().
 * Returns: A newly allocated bson_t that should be freed with bson_destroy().
bson_t *
bson_new (void);

 * bson_init_static:
 * @b: A pointer to a bson_t.
 * @data: The data buffer to use.
 * @length: The length of @data.
 * Initializes a bson_t using @data and @length. This is ideal if you would
 * like to use a stack allocation for your bson and do not need to grow the
 * buffer. @data must be valid for the life of @b.
 * Returns: true if initialized successfully; otherwise false.
bson_init_static (bson_t        *b,
                  const uint8_t *data,
                  size_t         length);

 * bson_init:
 * @b: A pointer to a bson_t.
 * Initializes a bson_t for use. This function is useful to those that want a
 * stack allocated bson_t. The usefulness of a stack allocated bson_t is
 * marginal as the target buffer for content will still require heap
 * allocations. It can help reduce heap fragmentation on allocators that do
 * not employ SLAB/magazine semantics.
 * You must call bson_destroy() with @b to release resources when you are done
 * using @b.
bson_init (bson_t *b);

 * bson_reinit:
 * @b: (inout): A bson_t.
 * This is equivalent to calling bson_destroy() and bson_init() on a #bson_t.
 * However, it will try to persist the existing malloc'd buffer if one exists.
 * This is useful in cases where you want to reduce malloc overhead while
 * building many documents.
bson_reinit (bson_t *b);

 * bson_new_from_data:
 * @data: A buffer containing a serialized bson document.
 * @length: The length of the document in bytes.
 * Creates a new bson_t structure using the data provided. @data should contain
 * at least @length bytes that can be copied into the new bson_t structure.
 * Returns: A newly allocated bson_t that should be freed with bson_destroy().
 *   If the first four bytes (little-endian) of data do not match @length,
 *   then NULL will be returned.
bson_t *
bson_new_from_data (const uint8_t *data,
                    size_t         length);

 * bson_new_from_buffer:
 * @buf: A pointer to a buffer containing a serialized bson document.  Or null
 * @buf_len: The length of the buffer in bytes.
 * @realloc_fun: a realloc like function
 * @realloc_fun_ctx: a context for the realloc function
 * Creates a new bson_t structure using the data provided. @buf should contain
 * a bson document, or null pointer should be passed for new allocations.
 * Returns: A newly allocated bson_t that should be freed with bson_destroy().
 *          The underlying buffer will be used and not be freed in destroy.
bson_t *
bson_new_from_buffer (uint8_t           **buf,
                      size_t             *buf_len,
                      bson_realloc_func   realloc_func,
                      void               *realloc_func_ctx);

 * bson_sized_new:
 * @size: A size_t containing the number of bytes to allocate.
 * This will allocate a new bson_t with enough bytes to hold a buffer
 * sized @size. @size must be smaller than INT_MAX bytes.
 * Returns: A newly allocated bson_t that should be freed with bson_destroy().
bson_t *
bson_sized_new (size_t size);

 * bson_copy:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * Copies @bson into a newly allocated bson_t. You must call bson_destroy()
 * when you are done with the resulting value to free its resources.
 * Returns: A newly allocated bson_t that should be free'd with bson_destroy()
bson_t *
bson_copy (const bson_t *bson);

 * bson_copy_to:
 * @src: The source bson_t.
 * @dst: The destination bson_t.
 * Initializes @dst and copies the content from @src into @dst.
bson_copy_to (const bson_t *src,
              bson_t       *dst);

 * bson_copy_to_excluding:
 * @src: A bson_t.
 * @dst: A bson_t to initialize and copy into.
 * @first_exclude: First field name to exclude.
 * Copies @src into @dst excluding any field that is provided.
 * This is handy for situations when you need to remove one or
 * more fields in a bson_t. Note that bson_init() will be called
 * on dst.
bson_copy_to_excluding (const bson_t *src,
                        bson_t       *dst,
                        const char   *first_exclude,
                        ...) BSON_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED BSON_GNUC_DEPRECATED_FOR(bson_copy_to_excluding_noinit);

 * bson_copy_to_excluding_noinit:
 * @src: A bson_t.
 * @dst: A bson_t to initialize and copy into.
 * @first_exclude: First field name to exclude.
 * The same as bson_copy_to_excluding, but does not call bson_init()
 * on the dst. This version should be preferred in new code, but the
 * old function is left for backwards compatibility.
bson_copy_to_excluding_noinit (const bson_t *src,
                               bson_t       *dst,
                               const char   *first_exclude,
                               ...) BSON_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;

 * bson_destroy:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * Frees the resources associated with @bson.
bson_destroy (bson_t *bson);

 * bson_destroy_with_steal:
 * @bson: A #bson_t.
 * @steal: If ownership of the data buffer should be transfered to caller.
 * @length: (out): location for the length of the buffer.
 * Destroys @bson similar to calling bson_destroy() except that the underlying
 * buffer will be returned and ownership transfered to the caller if @steal
 * is non-zero.
 * If length is non-NULL, the length of @bson will be stored in @length.
 * It is a programming error to call this function with any bson that has
 * been initialized static, or is being used to create a subdocument with
 * functions such as bson_append_document_begin() or bson_append_array_begin().
 * Returns: a buffer owned by the caller if @steal is true. Otherwise NULL.
 *    If there was an error, NULL is returned.
uint8_t *
bson_destroy_with_steal (bson_t   *bson,
                         bool      steal,
                         uint32_t *length);

 * bson_get_data:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * Fetched the data buffer for @bson of @bson->len bytes in length.
 * Returns: A buffer that should not be modified or freed.
const uint8_t *
bson_get_data (const bson_t *bson);

 * bson_count_keys:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * Counts the number of elements found in @bson.
bson_count_keys (const bson_t *bson);

 * bson_has_field:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key to lookup.
 * Checks to see if @bson contains a field named @key.
 * This function is case-sensitive.
 * Returns: true if @key exists in @bson; otherwise false.
bson_has_field (const bson_t *bson,
                const char   *key);

 * bson_compare:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @other: A bson_t.
 * Compares @bson to @other in a qsort() style comparison.
 * See qsort() for information on how this function works.
 * Returns: Less than zero, zero, or greater than zero.
bson_compare (const bson_t *bson,
              const bson_t *other);

 * bson_compare:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @other: A bson_t.
 * Checks to see if @bson and @other are equal.
 * Returns: true if equal; otherwise false.
bson_equal (const bson_t *bson,
            const bson_t *other);

 * bson_validate:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @offset: A location for the error offset.
 * Validates a BSON document by walking through the document and inspecting
 * the fields for valid content.
 * Returns: true if @bson is valid; otherwise false and @offset is set.
bson_validate (const bson_t         *bson,
               bson_validate_flags_t flags,
               size_t               *offset);

bson_append_value (bson_t             *bson,
                   const char         *key,
                   int                 key_length,
                   const bson_value_t *value);

 * bson_append_array:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @array: A bson_t containing the array.
 * Appends a BSON array to @bson. BSON arrays are like documents where the
 * key is the string version of the index. For example, the first item of the
 * array would have the key "0". The second item would have the index "1".
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_array (bson_t       *bson,
                   const char   *key,
                   int           key_length,
                   const bson_t *array);

 * bson_append_binary:
 * @bson: A bson_t to append.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @subtype: The bson_subtype_t of the binary.
 * @binary: The binary buffer to append.
 * @length: The length of @binary.
 * Appends a binary buffer to the BSON document.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_binary (bson_t         *bson,
                    const char     *key,
                    int             key_length,
                    bson_subtype_t  subtype,
                    const uint8_t  *binary,
                    uint32_t        length);

 * bson_append_bool:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: The boolean value.
 * Appends a new field to @bson of type BSON_TYPE_BOOL.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_bool (bson_t     *bson,
                  const char *key,
                  int         key_length,
                  bool value);

 * bson_append_code:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the document.
 * @javascript: JavaScript code to be executed.
 * Appends a field of type BSON_TYPE_CODE to the BSON document. @javascript
 * should contain a script in javascript to be executed.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_code (bson_t     *bson,
                  const char *key,
                  int         key_length,
                  const char *javascript);

 * bson_append_code_with_scope:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the document.
 * @javascript: JavaScript code to be executed.
 * @scope: A bson_t containing the scope for @javascript.
 * Appends a field of type BSON_TYPE_CODEWSCOPE to the BSON document.
 * @javascript should contain a script in javascript to be executed.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_code_with_scope (bson_t       *bson,
                             const char   *key,
                             int           key_length,
                             const char   *javascript,
                             const bson_t *scope);

 * bson_append_dbpointer:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @collection: The collection name.
 * @oid: The oid to the reference.
 * Appends a new field of type BSON_TYPE_DBPOINTER. This datum type is
 * deprecated in the BSON spec and should not be used in new code.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_dbpointer (bson_t           *bson,
                       const char       *key,
                       int               key_length,
                       const char       *collection,
                       const bson_oid_t *oid);

 * bson_append_double:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * Appends a new field to @bson of the type BSON_TYPE_DOUBLE.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_double (bson_t     *bson,
                    const char *key,
                    int         key_length,
                    double      value);

 * bson_append_document:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: A bson_t containing the subdocument.
 * Appends a new field to @bson of the type BSON_TYPE_DOCUMENT.
 * The documents contents will be copied into @bson.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_document (bson_t       *bson,
                      const char   *key,
                      int           key_length,
                      const bson_t *value);

 * bson_append_document_begin:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @key_length: The length of @key in bytes not including NUL or -1
 *    if @key_length is NUL terminated.
 * @child: A location to an uninitialized bson_t.
 * Appends a new field named @key to @bson. The field is, however,
 * incomplete.  @child will be initialized so that you may add fields to the
 * child document.  Child will use a memory buffer owned by @bson and
 * therefore grow the parent buffer as additional space is used. This allows
 * a single malloc'd buffer to be used when building documents which can help
 * reduce memory fragmentation.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_document_begin (bson_t     *bson,
                            const char *key,
                            int         key_length,
                            bson_t     *child);

 * bson_append_document_end:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @child: A bson_t supplied to bson_append_document_begin().
 * Finishes the appending of a document to a @bson. @child is considered
 * disposed after this call and should not be used any further.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_document_end (bson_t *bson,
                          bson_t *child);

 * bson_append_array_begin:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @key_length: The length of @key in bytes not including NUL or -1
 *    if @key_length is NUL terminated.
 * @child: A location to an uninitialized bson_t.
 * Appends a new field named @key to @bson. The field is, however,
 * incomplete. @child will be initialized so that you may add fields to the
 * child array. Child will use a memory buffer owned by @bson and
 * therefore grow the parent buffer as additional space is used. This allows
 * a single malloc'd buffer to be used when building arrays which can help
 * reduce memory fragmentation.
 * The type of @child will be BSON_TYPE_ARRAY and therefore the keys inside
 * of it MUST be "0", "1", etc.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_array_begin (bson_t     *bson,
                         const char *key,
                         int         key_length,
                         bson_t     *child);

 * bson_append_array_end:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @child: A bson_t supplied to bson_append_array_begin().
 * Finishes the appending of a array to a @bson. @child is considered
 * disposed after this call and should not be used any further.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_array_end (bson_t *bson,
                       bson_t *child);

 * bson_append_int32:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: The int32_t 32-bit integer value.
 * Appends a new field of type BSON_TYPE_INT32 to @bson.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_int32 (bson_t      *bson,
                   const char  *key,
                   int          key_length,
                   int32_t value);

 * bson_append_int64:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: The int64_t 64-bit integer value.
 * Appends a new field of type BSON_TYPE_INT64 to @bson.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_int64 (bson_t      *bson,
                   const char  *key,
                   int          key_length,
                   int64_t value);

 * bson_append_iter:
 * @bson: A bson_t to append to.
 * @key: The key name or %NULL to take current key from @iter.
 * @key_length: The key length or -1 to use strlen().
 * @iter: The iter located on the position of the element to append.
 * Appends a new field to @bson that is equivalent to the field currently
 * pointed to by @iter.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_iter (bson_t            *bson,
                  const char        *key,
                  int                key_length,
                  const bson_iter_t *iter);

 * bson_append_minkey:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * Appends a new field of type BSON_TYPE_MINKEY to @bson. This is a special
 * type that compares lower than all other possible BSON element values.
 * See for more information on this type.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_minkey (bson_t     *bson,
                    const char *key,
                    int         key_length);

 * bson_append_maxkey:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * Appends a new field of type BSON_TYPE_MAXKEY to @bson. This is a special
 * type that compares higher than all other possible BSON element values.
 * See for more information on this type.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_maxkey (bson_t     *bson,
                    const char *key,
                    int         key_length);

 * bson_append_null:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * Appends a new field to @bson with NULL for the value.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_null (bson_t     *bson,
                  const char *key,
                  int         key_length);

 * bson_append_oid:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @oid: bson_oid_t.
 * Appends a new field to the @bson of type BSON_TYPE_OID using the contents of
 * @oid.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_oid (bson_t           *bson,
                 const char       *key,
                 int               key_length,
                 const bson_oid_t *oid);

 * bson_append_regex:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key of the field.
 * @regex: The regex to append to the bson.
 * @options: Options for @regex.
 * Appends a new field to @bson of type BSON_TYPE_REGEX. @regex should
 * be the regex string. @options should contain the options for the regex.
 * Valid options for @options are:
 *   'i' for case-insensitive.
 *   'm' for multiple matching.
 *   'x' for verbose mode.
 *   'l' to make \w and \W locale dependent.
 *   's' for dotall mode ('.' matches everything)
 *   'u' to make \w and \W match unicode.
 * For more information on what comprimises a BSON regex, see
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_regex (bson_t     *bson,
                   const char *key,
                   int         key_length,
                   const char *regex,
                   const char *options);

 * bson_append_utf8:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: A UTF-8 encoded string.
 * @length: The length of @value or -1 if it is NUL terminated.
 * Appends a new field to @bson using @key as the key and @value as the UTF-8
 * encoded value.
 * It is the callers responsibility to ensure @value is valid UTF-8. You can
 * use bson_utf8_validate() to perform this check.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_utf8 (bson_t     *bson,
                  const char *key,
                  int         key_length,
                  const char *value,
                  int         length);

 * bson_append_symbol:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: The symbol as a string.
 * @length: The length of @value or -1 if NUL-terminated.
 * Appends a new field to @bson of type BSON_TYPE_SYMBOL. This BSON type is
 * deprecated and should not be used in new code.
 * See for more information on this type.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_symbol (bson_t     *bson,
                    const char *key,
                    int         key_length,
                    const char *value,
                    int         length);

 * bson_append_time_t:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: A time_t.
 * Appends a BSON_TYPE_DATE_TIME field to @bson using the time_t @value for the
 * number of seconds since UNIX epoch in UTC.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_time_t (bson_t     *bson,
                    const char *key,
                    int         key_length,
                    time_t      value);

 * bson_append_timeval:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @value: A struct timeval containing the date and time.
 * Appends a BSON_TYPE_DATE_TIME field to @bson using the struct timeval
 * provided. The time is persisted in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch in UTC.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_timeval (bson_t         *bson,
                     const char     *key,
                     int             key_length,
                     struct timeval *value);

 * bson_append_date_time:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @key_length: The length of @key in bytes or -1 if \0 terminated.
 * @value: The number of milliseconds elapsed since UNIX epoch.
 * Appends a new field to @bson of type BSON_TYPE_DATE_TIME.
 * Returns: true if sucessful; otherwise false.
bson_append_date_time (bson_t      *bson,
                       const char  *key,
                       int          key_length,
                       int64_t value);

 * bson_append_now_utc:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @key_length: The length of @key or -1 if it is NULL terminated.
 * Appends a BSON_TYPE_DATE_TIME field to @bson using the current time in UTC
 * as the field value.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_now_utc (bson_t     *bson,
                     const char *key,
                     int         key_length);

 * bson_append_timestamp:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * @timestamp: 4 byte timestamp.
 * @increment: 4 byte increment for timestamp.
 * Appends a field of type BSON_TYPE_TIMESTAMP to @bson. This is a special type
 * used by MongoDB replication and sharding. If you need generic time and date
 * fields use bson_append_time_t() or bson_append_timeval().
 * Setting @increment and @timestamp to zero has special semantics. See
 * for more information on this field type.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_timestamp (bson_t       *bson,
                       const char   *key,
                       int           key_length,
                       uint32_t timestamp,
                       uint32_t increment);

 * bson_append_undefined:
 * @bson: A bson_t.
 * @key: The key for the field.
 * Appends a field of type BSON_TYPE_UNDEFINED. This type is deprecated in the
 * spec and should not be used for new code. However, it is provided for those
 * needing to interact with legacy systems.
 * Returns: true if successful; false if append would overflow max size.
bson_append_undefined (bson_t     *bson,
                       const char *key,
                       int         key_length);

bson_concat (bson_t       *dst,
             const bson_t *src);


#endif /* BSON_H */