#  Copyright 2009-2013 MongoDB, Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.96;
use Test::Deep qw/!blessed/;
use Test::Fatal;

use utf8;
use JSON::MaybeXS;

use MongoDB;

use lib "t/lib";
use MongoDBTest qw/skip_unless_mongod build_client get_test_db server_version server_type/;


my $conn           = build_client();
my $testdb         = get_test_db($conn);
my $server_version = server_version($conn);
my $server_type    = server_type($conn);
my $coll           = $testdb->get_collection("foo");

# basic indexes
subtest 'basic indexes' => sub {

    for ( my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) {
        $coll->insert_one( { 'x' => $i, 'z' => 3, 'w' => 4 } );
        $coll->insert_one( { 'x' => $i, 'y' => 2, 'z' => 3, 'w' => 4 } );

    ok( !$coll->get_indexes, 'no indexes yet' );

    my $indexes = Tie::IxHash->new( foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1 );
    ok( $coll->ensure_index($indexes) );

    my $err = $testdb->last_error;
    is( $err->{ok},  1 );
    is( $err->{err}, undef );

    $indexes = Tie::IxHash->new( foo => 1, bar => 1 );
    ok( $coll->ensure_index($indexes) );

    $coll->insert_one( { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1, boo => 1 } );
    $coll->insert_one( { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1, boo => 2 } );
    is( $coll->count, 2 );

    ok( $coll->ensure_index( { boo => 1 }, { unique => 1 } ) );

    eval { $coll->insert_one( { foo => 3, bar => 3, baz => 3, boo => 2 } ) };

    is( $coll->count, 2, 'unique index' );

    my @indexes = $coll->get_indexes;
    is( scalar @indexes, 4, 'three custom indexes and the default _id_ index' );
    my ($foobarbaz) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'foo_1_bar_1_baz_1' } @indexes;
    is_deeply( [ sort keys %{ $foobarbaz->{key} } ], [ sort qw/foo bar baz/ ], );
    my ($foobar) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'foo_1_bar_1' } @indexes;
    is_deeply( [ sort keys %{ $foobar->{key} } ], [ sort qw/foo bar/ ], );

    @indexes = $coll->get_indexes;
    is( scalar @indexes, 3 );
    ok( ( !scalar grep { $_->{name} eq 'foo_1_bar_1_baz_1' } @indexes ),
        "right index deleted" );

    ok( !$coll->get_indexes, 'no indexes after dropping' );

    # make sure this still works
    $coll->ensure_index( { "foo" => 1 } );
    @indexes = $coll->get_indexes;
    is( scalar @indexes, 2, '1 custom index and the default _id_ index' );

# test ensure index with drop_dups
subtest 'drop dups' => sub {

    $coll->insert_one( { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1, boo => 1 } );
    $coll->insert_one( { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1, boo => 2 } );
    is( $coll->count, 2 );

    eval { $coll->ensure_index( { foo => 1 }, { unique => 1 } ) };
    like( $@, qr/E11000/, "got expected error creating unique index with dups" );

    # prior to 2.7.5, drop_dups was respected
    if ( $server_version < v2.7.5 ) {
        ok( $coll->ensure_index( { foo => 1 }, { unique => 1, drop_dups => 1 } ) );


# test new form of ensure index
subtest 'new form of ensure index' => sub {

    ok( $coll->ensure_index( { foo => 1, bar => -1, baz => 1 } ) );
    ok( $coll->ensure_index( [ foo => 1, bar => 1 ] ) );

    $coll->insert_one( { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1, boo => 1 } );
    $coll->insert_one( { foo => 1, bar => 1, baz => 1, boo => 2 } );
    is( $coll->count, 2 );

    # unique index
    $coll->ensure_index( { boo => 1 }, { unique => 1 } );
    eval { $coll->insert_one( { foo => 3, bar => 3, baz => 3, boo => 2 } ) };
    is( $coll->count, 2, 'unique index' );

subtest '2d index with options' => sub {

    $coll->ensure_index( { loc => '2d' }, { bits => 32, sparse => 1 } );

    my ($index) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'loc_2d' } $coll->get_indexes;

    ok( $index,           "created 2d index" );
    ok( $index->{sparse}, "sparse option set on index" );
    is( $index->{bits}, 32, "bits option set on index" );

subtest 'ensure index arbitrary options' => sub {
    $coll->ensure_index( { wibble => 1 }, { notReallyAnOption => { foo => 1 } } );
    my ($index) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'wibble_1' } $coll->get_indexes;
    ok( $index, "created index" );
        { foo => 1 },
        "arbitrary option set on index"

subtest "indexes with dots" => sub {

    my $ok = $coll->ensure_index({"x.y" => 1}, {"name" => "foo"});
    my ($index) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'foo' } $coll->get_indexes;

subtest 'sparse indexes' => sub {
    for (1..10) {
        $coll->insert_one({x => $_, y => $_});
        $coll->insert_one({x => $_});
    is($coll->count, 20);

    eval { $coll->ensure_index({"y" => 1}, {"unique" => 1, "name" => "foo"}) };
    my ($index) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'foo' } $coll->get_indexes;

    $coll->ensure_index({"y" => 1}, {"unique" => 1, "sparse" => 1, "name" => "foo"});
    ($index) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'foo' } $coll->get_indexes;


subtest 'text indices' => sub {
    plan skip_all => "text indices won't work with db version $server_version"
        unless $server_version >= v2.4.0;

    # parameter required only on 2.4; deprecated as of 2.6; removed for 3.4
    if ( $server_version < v2.6.0 ) {
        my $res = $conn->get_database('admin')->run_command(['getParameter' => 1, 'textSearchEnabled' => 1]);
        plan skip_all => "text search not enabled"
            if !$res->{'textSearchEnabled'};

    my $coll = $testdb->get_collection('test_text');
    $coll->insert_one({language => 'english', w1 => 'hello', w2 => 'world'}) foreach (1..10);
    is($coll->count, 10);

    my $res = $coll->ensure_index({'$**' => 'text'}, {
        name => 'testTextIndex',
        default_language => 'spanish',
        language_override => 'language',
        weights => { w1 => 5, w2 => 10 }


    my ($text_index) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'testTextIndex' } $coll->get_indexes;
    is($text_index->{'default_language'}, 'spanish', 'default_language option works');
    is($text_index->{'language_override'}, 'language', 'language_override option works');
    is($text_index->{'weights'}->{'w1'}, 5, 'weights option works 1');
    is($text_index->{'weights'}->{'w2'}, 10, 'weights option works 2');

    # 2.6 deprecated 'text' command and added '$text' operator; also the
    # result format changed.
    if ( $server_version >= v2.6.0 ) {
        my $n_found =()= $coll->find( { '$text' => { '$search' => 'world' } } )->all;
        is( $n_found, 10, "correct number of results found" );
    else {
        my $results =
          $testdb->run_command( [ 'text' => 'test_text', 'search' => 'world' ] )->{results};
        is( scalar(@$results), 10, "correct number of results found" );

