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#  Copyright 2009-2013 MongoDB, Inc.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Test::More 0.88;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::Deep 0.111 qw/!blessed/;
use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr/;
use Tie::IxHash;
use boolean;

use MongoDB;
use MongoDB::Error;

use lib "t/lib";
use MongoDBTest qw/skip_unless_mongod build_client get_test_db server_version/;


my $conn = build_client();
my $testdb = get_test_db($conn);
my $coll = $testdb->get_collection("test_collection");
my $server_version = server_version($conn);

my $ismaster      = $testdb->run_command( { ismaster     => 1 } );
my $server_status = $testdb->run_command( { serverStatus => 1 } );

# Standalone in "--master" mode will have serverStatus.repl, but ordinary
# standalone won't
my $is_standalone = $conn->topology_type eq 'Single' && ! exists $server_status->{repl};

my $server_does_bulk = $server_version >= v2.5.5;

my $supports_collation = $server_version >= v3.3.9;
my $case_insensitive_collation = { locale => "en_US", strength => 2 };

sub _truncate {
    return( length($_[0]) > 1600 ? (substr($_[0],0,1600)."...") : $_[0] );

sub _bulk_write_result {
    return MongoDB::BulkWriteResult->new(
        acknowledged         => 1,
        write_errors         => [],
        write_concern_errors => [],
        modified_count       => 0,
        inserted_count       => 0,
        upserted_count       => 0,
        matched_count        => 0,
        deleted_count        => 0,
        upserted             => [],
        inserted             => [],
        batch_count          => 0,
        op_count             => 0,

subtest "constructors" => sub {
    my @constructors = qw(
      initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op
      ordered_bulk unordered_bulk
    for my $method (@constructors) {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        isa_ok( $bulk, 'MongoDB::BulkWrite', $method );
        if ( $method =~ /unordered/ ) {
            ok( !$bulk->ordered, "ordered attr is false" );
        else {
            ok( $bulk->ordered, "ordered attr is true" );
            refaddr $bulk->collection,
            refaddr $coll,
            "MongoDB::BulkWrite holds ref to originating Collection"

note("QA-477 INSERT");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: insert errors" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        # raise errors on wrong arg types
        my %bad_args = (
            LIST   => [ {}, {} ],
            EMPTY  => [],

        for my $k ( sort keys %bad_args ) {
                exception { $bulk->insert_one( @{ $bad_args{$k} } ) },
                "insert( $k ) throws an error"

            exception { $bulk->insert_one( 'foo' ) },
            "insert( 'foo' ) throws an error"

            exception { $bulk->insert_one( ['foo'] ) },
            qr{must have key/value pairs},
            "insert( ['foo'] ) throws an error",

            exception { $bulk->find( {} )->insert_one( {} ) },
            qr/^Can't locate object method "insert_one"/,
            "find({})->insert_one({}) throws an error",

        is( exception { $bulk->insert_one( { '$key' => 1 } ) },
            undef, "queuing insertion of document with \$key is allowed" );

        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::WriteError', "executing insertion with \$key" );

    subtest "$method: successful insert" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        is( $coll->count, 0, "no docs in collection" );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on insert" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        is( $coll->count, 1, "one doc in collection" );

        # test empty superclass
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::WriteResult', "result object" );

        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                inserted_count   => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
                inserted => [ { index => 0, _id => 1 } ],
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

    subtest "$method insert without _id" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        is( $coll->count, 0, "no docs in collection" );
        my $doc = {};
        $bulk->insert_one( $doc );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on insert" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        is( $coll->count, 1, "one doc in collection" );
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                inserted_count   => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
                inserted => [ { index => 0, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") } ],
            "result object correct"
        my $id = $coll->find_one()->{_id};
        # OID PIDs are the low 16 bits
        is( $id->_get_pid, $$ & 0xffff, "generated ID has our PID" )
          or diag sprintf( "got OID: %s but our PID is %x", $id->value, $$ );


note("QA-477 FIND");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: find" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
            exception { $bulk->find },
            qr/find requires a criteria document/,
            "find without doc selector throws exception"

note("QA-477 UPDATE and UPDATE_ONE");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "update and update_one errors with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk;
        # raise errors on wrong arg types
        my %bad_args = (
            SCALAR => ['foo'],
            EMPTY  => [],     # not in QA test

        for my $update (qw/update_many update_one/) {
            $bulk = $coll->$method;
            for my $k ( sort keys %bad_args ) {
                    exception { $bulk->find( {} )->$update( @{ $bad_args{$k} } ) },
                    qr/argument to $update must be a single hashref, arrayref or Tie::IxHash/,
                    "$update( $k ) throws an error"

            $bulk = $coll->$method;
                exception { $bulk->$update( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } ) },
                qr/^Can't locate object method "$update"/,
                "$update on bulk object (without find) throws an error",

            $bulk = $coll->$method;
            $bulk->find( {} )->$update( { key => 1 } );
                exception { $bulk->execute },
                qr/update document must only contain update operators/,
                "single non-op key in $update doc throws exception"

            $bulk = $coll->$method;
            $bulk->find( {} )->$update( [ key => 1, '$key' => 1 ]);
                exception { $bulk->execute },
                qr/update document must only contain update operators/,
                "first non-op key in $update doc throws exception"


    subtest "update all docs with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $coll->insert_one($_) for map { { key => $_ } } 1, 2;
        my @docs = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        $bulk->find( {} )->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 3 } } );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 2,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 2 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

        if ( $server_does_bulk ) {
            ok( $result->has_modified_count, "newer server has_modified_count" );
        else {
            ok( ! $result->has_modified_count, "older server has_modified_count" );

        # check expected values
        $_->{x} = 3 for @docs;
        cmp_deeply( [ $coll->find( {} )->all ], \@docs, "all documents updated" );

    subtest "update only matching docs with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $coll->insert_one($_) for map { { key => $_ } } 1, 2;
        my @docs = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } );
        $bulk->find( { key => 2 } )->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 2 } } );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 2,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 2 : undef ),
                op_count    => 2,
                batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 1 : 2,
            "result object correct"

        # check expected values
        $_->{x} = $_->{key} for @docs;
        cmp_deeply( [ $coll->find( {} )->all ], \@docs, "all documents updated" );

    subtest "update_one with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $coll->insert_one($_) for map { { key => $_ } } 1, 2;

        $bulk->find( {} )->update_one( { '$set' => { key => 3 } } );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 1 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"

        # check expected values
        is( $coll->count( { key => 3 } ), 1, "one document updated" );

    subtest "update and update_one with collation, using $method" => sub {
        for my $update (qw/update_many update_one/) {
            $coll->insert_one( { key => "a" } );

            my $bulk = $coll->$method;
            $bulk->insert_one( { key => "b" } );
            $bulk->find( { key => "A" } )->collation($case_insensitive_collation)
              ->$update( { '$set' => { key => "b" } } );

            my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
            if ($supports_collation) {
                is( $err, undef, "bulk update_one w/ collation" );
                is( $coll->count( { key => "b" } ), 2, "collection updated" );
            else {
                    qr/MongoDB host '.*:\d+' doesn't support collation/,
                    "bulk update_one w/ collation returns error if unsupported"
                is( $coll->count( { key => "b" } ), 0, "collection not updated" );

note("QA-477 REPLACE_ONE");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "replace_one errors with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk;
        # raise errors on wrong arg types
        my %bad_args = (
            SCALAR => ['foo'],
            EMPTY  => [],     # not in QA test

        $bulk = $coll->$method;
        for my $k ( sort keys %bad_args ) {
                exception { $bulk->find( {} )->replace_one( @{ $bad_args{$k} } ) },
                qr/argument to replace_one must be a single hashref, arrayref or Tie::IxHash/,
                "replace_one( $k ) throws an error"

            exception { $bulk->replace_one( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } ) },
            qr/^Can't locate object method "replace_one"/,
            "replace_one on bulk object (without find) throws an error",

        $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( {} )->replace_one( { '$key' => 1 } );
            exception { $bulk->execute },
            qr/replacement document must not contain update operators/,
            "single op key in replace_one doc throws exception"

        $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( {} )->replace_one( [ '$key' => 1, key => 1 ] );
            exception { $bulk->execute },
            qr/replacement document must not contain update operators/,
            "mixed op and non-op key in replace_one doc throws exception"


    subtest "replace_one with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $coll->insert_one( { key => 1 } ) for 1 .. 2;

        $bulk->find( {} )->replace_one( { key => 3 } );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 1 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"

        # check expected values
        my $distinct = [ $coll->distinct("key")->all ];
        cmp_deeply( $distinct, bag( 1, 3 ), "only one document replaced" );

    subtest "replace_one with collation, using $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => "a" } );

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( { key => "b" } );
        $bulk->find( { key => "A" } )->collation($case_insensitive_collation)
          ->replace_one( { key => "b" } );

        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        if ($supports_collation) {
            is( $err, undef, "bulk replace_one w/ collation" );
            is( $coll->count( { key => "b" } ), 2, "collection updated" );
        else {
                qr/MongoDB host '.*:\d+' doesn't support collation/,
                "bulk replace_one w/ collation returns error if unsupported"
            is( $coll->count( { key => "b" } ), 0, "collection not updated" );

note("QA-477 UPSERT-UPDATE");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "upsert errors with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

            exception { $bulk->upsert() },
            qr/^Can't locate object method "upsert"/,
            "upsert on bulk object (without find) throws an error",

            exception { $bulk->find( {} )->upsert( {} ) },
            qr/the upsert method takes no arguments/,
            "upsert( NONEMPTY ) throws an error"


    subtest "upsert-update insertion with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } );
        $bulk->find( { key => 2 } )->upsert->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 2 } } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                upserted_count => 1,
                modified_count => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                upserted       => [ { index => 1, _id => ignore() } ],
                op_count  => 2,
                batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 1 : 2,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

            [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
            [ { _id => ignore(), key => 2, x => 2 } ],
            "upserted document correct"

        $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } );
        $bulk->find( { key => 2 } )->upsert->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 2 } } );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on second upsert-update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
                matched_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                op_count    => 2,
                batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 1 : 2,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

    subtest "upsert-update updates with $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => 1 } ) for 1 .. 2;
        my @docs = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->upsert->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 2,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 2 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

        $_->{x} = 1 for @docs;
        cmp_deeply( [ $coll->find( {} )->all ], \@docs, "all documents updated" );

    subtest "upsert-update large doc with $method" => sub {

        # QA test says big_string should be 16MiB - 31 long, but { _id => $oid,
        # key => 1, x => $big_string } exceeds 16MiB when BSON encoded unless
        # the bigstring is 16MiB - 41.  This may be a peculiarity of Perl's
        # BSON type encoding.
        # Using legacy API, the bigstring must be 16MiB - 97 for some reason.

        my $big_string = "a" x ( 16 * 1024 * 1024 - $server_does_bulk ? 41 : 97 );

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => "1" } )->upsert->update_many( { '$set' => { x => $big_string } } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                upserted_count   => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                upserted        => [ { index => 0, _id => ignore() } ],
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;


for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "upsert-update_one insertion with $method" => sub {

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->update_one( { '$set' => { x => 1 } } ); # not upsert
        $bulk->find( { key => 2 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { x => 2 } } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-update_one" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                upserted_count => 1,
                modified_count => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                upserted      => [ { index => 1, _id => ignore() } ],
                op_count  => 2,
                batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 1 : 2,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

            [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
            [ { _id => ignore(), key => 2, x => 2 } ],
            "upserted document correct"


    subtest "upsert-update_one (no insert) with $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => 1 } ) for 1 .. 2;
        my @docs = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { x => 2 } } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-update_one" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 1 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

        # add expected key to one document only
        $docs[0]{x} = 2;
        my @got = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        cmp_deeply( \@got, bag(@docs), "updated document correct" )
          or diag _truncate explain \@got;


for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "upsert-replace_one insertion with $method" => sub {

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->replace_one( { x => 1 } ); # not upsert
        $bulk->find( { key => 2 } )->upsert->replace_one( { x => 2 } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-replace_one" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                upserted_count => 1,
                modified_count => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                upserted      => [ { index => 1, _id => ignore() } ],
                op_count  => 2,
                batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 1 : 2,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

            [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
            [ { _id => ignore(), x => 2 } ],
            "upserted document correct"


    subtest "upsert-replace_one (no insert) with $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => 1 } ) for 1 .. 2;
        my @docs = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->upsert->replace_one( { x => 2 } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on upsert-replace_one" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                matched_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 1 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

        # change one expected doc only
        $docs[0]{x} = 2;
        delete $docs[0]{key};

        my @got = $coll->find( {} )->all;

        cmp_deeply( \@got, bag(@docs), "updated document correct" )
          or diag _truncate explain \@got;


note("QA-477 delete_many");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "delete_many errors with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

            exception { $bulk->delete_many() },
            qr/^Can't locate object method "delete_many"/,
            "delete_many on bulk object (without find) throws an error",

    subtest "delete_many all with $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => 1 } ) for 1 .. 2;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( {} )->delete_many;

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on delete_many" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                deleted_count    => 2,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

        is( $coll->count, 0, "all documents removed" );

    subtest "delete_many matching with $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => $_ } ) for 1 .. 2;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { key => 1 } )->delete_many;

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on delete_many" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                deleted_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

            [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
            [ { _id => ignore(), key => 2 } ],
            "correct object remains"

    subtest "delete_many with collation, using $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => "a" } );
        $coll->insert_one( { key => "a" } );

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( { key => "b" } );
        $bulk->find( { key => "A" } )->collation($case_insensitive_collation)

        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        if ($supports_collation) {
            is( $err, undef, "bulk delete_many w/ collation" );
                [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
                bag( { _id => ignore(), key => "b" } ),
                "collection updated"
        else {
                qr/MongoDB host '.*:\d+' doesn't support collation/,
                "bulk delete_many w/ collation returns error if unsupported"
                [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
                bag( { _id => ignore(), key => "a" }, { _id => ignore(), key => "a" } ),
                "collection not updated"

note("QA-477 delete_one");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "delete_one errors with $method" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

            exception { $bulk->delete_one() },
            qr/^Can't locate object method "delete_one"/,
            "delete_one on bulk object (without find) throws an error",

    subtest "delete_one with $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => 1 } ) for 1 .. 2;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( {} )->delete_one;

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "no error on delete_one" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
        isa_ok( $result, 'MongoDB::BulkWriteResult', "result object" );
                deleted_count    => 1,
                modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                op_count    => 1,
                batch_count => 1,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

        is( $coll->count, 1, "only one doc removed" );

    subtest "delete_one with collation, using $method" => sub {
        $coll->insert_one( { key => "a" } );

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( { key => "b" } );
        $bulk->find( { key => "A" } )->collation($case_insensitive_collation)

        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        if ($supports_collation) {
            is( $err, undef, "bulk delete_one w/ collation" );
                [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
                bag( { _id => ignore(), key => "b" } ),
                "collection updated"
        else {
                qr/MongoDB host '.*:\d+' doesn't support collation/,
                "bulk delete_one w/ collation returns error if unsupported"
                [ $coll->find( {} )->all ],
                bag( { _id => ignore(), key => "a" } ),
                "collection not updated"

subtest "mixed operations, unordered" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { a => $_ } ) for 1 .. 2;

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_unordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( { a => 1 } )->update_many( { '$set' => { b => 1 } } );
    $bulk->find( { a => 2 } )->delete_many;
    $bulk->insert_one( { a => 3 } );
    $bulk->find( { a => 4 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { b => 4 } } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on mixed operations" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
            inserted_count   => 1,
            matched_count    => 1,
            modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 1 : undef ),
            upserted_count   => 1,
            deleted_count    => 1,
            op_count    => 4,
            batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 3 : 4,
            # XXX QA Test says index should be 3, but with unordered, that's
            # not guaranteed, so we ignore the value
            upserted     => [ { index => ignore(), _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") } ],
            inserted     => [ { index => ignore(), _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") } ],
        "result object correct"
    ) or diag _truncate explain $result;


subtest "mixed operations, ordered" => sub {

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->insert_one( { a => 1 } );
    $bulk->find( { a => 1 } )->update_one( { '$set' => { b => 1 } } );
    $bulk->find( { a => 2 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { b => 2 } } );
    $bulk->insert_one( { a => 3 } );
    $bulk->find( { a => 3 } )->delete_many;

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on mixed operations" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
            inserted_count   => 2,
            upserted_count   => 1,
            matched_count    => 1,
            modified_count   => ( $server_does_bulk ? 1 : undef ),
            deleted_count    => 1,
            op_count    => 5,
            batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 4 : 5,
            upserted        => [ { index => 2, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") } ],
            inserted        => [
                { index => 0, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") },
                { index => 3, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") },
        "result object correct"
    ) or diag _truncate explain $result;


subtest "unordered batch with errors" => sub {
    $coll->indexes->create_one( [ a => 1 ], { unique => 1 } );

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_unordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->insert_one( { b => 1, a => 1 } );
    $bulk->find( { b => 2 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 1 } } );
    $bulk->find( { b => 3 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 2 } } );
    $bulk->find( { b => 2 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 1 } } );
    $bulk->insert_one( { b => 4, a => 3 } );
    $bulk->insert_one( { b => 5, a => 1 } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', 'caught error' )
        or diag _truncate explain $err;
    my $details = $err->result;

    # Check if all ops ran in two batches (unless we're on a legacy server)
    is( $details->op_count, 6, "op_count" );
    is( $details->batch_count, $server_does_bulk ? 2 : 6, "batch_count" );

    # XXX QA 477 doesn't cover *both* possible orders.  Either the inserts go
    # first or the upsert/update_ones goes first and different result states
    # are possible for each case.

    if ( $details->inserted_count == 2 ) {
        note("inserts went first");
        is( $details->inserted_count, 2, "inserted_count" );
        is( $details->upserted_count, 1, "upserted_count" );
        is( $details->deleted_count,  0, "deleted_count" );
        is( $details->matched_count,  0, "matched_count" );
        is( $details->modified_count, ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ), "modified_count" );
        is( $details->count_write_errors, 3, "writeError count" )
          or diag _truncate explain $details;
        cmp_deeply( $details->upserted, [ { index => 4, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") }, ],
            "upsert list" );
    else {
        note("updates went first");
        is( $details->inserted_count, 1, "inserted_count" );
        is( $details->upserted_count, 2, "upserted_count" );
        is( $details->deleted_count,  0, "deleted_count" );
        is( $details->matched_count,  1, "matched_count" );
        is( $details->modified_count, ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ), "modified_count" );
        is( $details->count_write_errors, 2, "writeError count" )
          or diag _truncate explain $details;
                { index => 0, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") },
                { index => 1, _id => obj_isa("MongoDB::OID") },
            "upsert list"

    my $distinct = [ $coll->distinct("a")->all ];
    cmp_deeply( $distinct, bag( 1 .. 3 ), "distinct keys" );


subtest "ordered batch with errors" => sub {
    $coll->indexes->create_one( [ a => 1 ], { unique => 1 } );

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->insert_one( { b => 1, a => 1 } );
    $bulk->find( { b => 2 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 1 } } );
    $bulk->find( { b => 3 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 2 } } );
    $bulk->find( { b => 2 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 1 } } ); # fail
    $bulk->insert_one( { b => 4, a => 3 } );
    $bulk->insert_one( { b => 5, a => 1 } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', 'caught error' );

    my $details = $err->result;

    is( $details->upserted_count, 0, "upserted_count" );
    is( $details->matched_count,  0, "matched_count" );
    is( $details->deleted_count,  0, "deleted_count" );
    is( $details->modified_count, ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ), "modified_count" );
    is( $details->inserted_count, 1, "inserted_count" );

    # on 2.6+, 4 ops run in two batches; but on legacy, we get an error on
    # the first update_one, so we only have two ops, still in two batches
    is( $details->op_count, $server_does_bulk ? 4 : 2, "op_count" );
    is( $details->batch_count, 2, "op_count" );

    is( $details->count_write_errors,       1,     "writeError count" );
    is( $details->write_errors->[0]{code},  11000, "error code" );
    is( $details->write_errors->[0]{index}, 1,     "error index" );
    ok( length $details->write_errors->[0]{errmsg}, "error string" );

            q => Tie::IxHash->new( b      => 2 ),
            u => obj_isa( $server_does_bulk ? 'MongoDB::BSON::_EncodedDoc' : 'Tie::IxHash' ),
            multi  => false,
            upsert => true,
        "error op"
    ) or diag _truncate explain $details->write_errors->[0]{op};

    is( $coll->count, 1, "subsequent inserts did not run" );

note("QA-477 BATCH SPLITTING: maxBsonObjectSize");
subtest "ordered batch split on size" => sub {
    local $TODO = "pending topology monitoring";

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    my $big_string = "a" x ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 );
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => $_, a => $big_string } ) for 0 .. 5;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 0 } );  # will fail
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 100 } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', 'caught error' )
      or diag "CAUGHT ERROR: $err";
    my $details = $err->result;
    my $errdoc  = $details->write_errors->[0];
    is( $details->inserted_count,         6,     "inserted_count" );
        { map { $_ => $_ } 0 .. 5 },
        "inserted_ids correct"
    is( $details->count_write_errors, 1,     "count_write_errors" );
    is( $errdoc->{code},             11000, "error code" ) or diag _truncate explain $errdoc;
    is( $errdoc->{index},            6,     "error index" );
    ok( length( $errdoc->{errmsg} ), "error message" );

    is( $coll->count, 6, "collection count" );

subtest "unordered batch split on size" => sub {
    local $TODO = "pending topology monitoring";

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_unordered_bulk_op;
    my $big_string = "a" x ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 );
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => $_, a => $big_string } ) for 0 .. 5;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 0 } );  # will fail
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 100 } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', 'caught error' )
      or diag $err;
    my $details = $err->result;
    my $errdoc  = $details->write_errors->[0];
    is( $details->inserted_count,         7,     "inserted_count" );
    is( $details->count_write_errors, 1,     "count_write_errors" );
    is( $errdoc->{code},             11000, "error code" ) or diag _truncate explain $errdoc;
    is( $errdoc->{index},            6,     "error index" );
    ok( length( $errdoc->{errmsg} ), "error message" );

    is( $coll->count, 7, "collection count" );

note("QA-477 BATCH SPLITTING: maxWriteBatchSize");
subtest "ordered batch split on number of ops" => sub {

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => $_ } ) for 0 .. 1999;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 0 } );    # will fail
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 10000 } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', 'caught error' )
      or diag $err;
    my $details = $err->result;
    my $errdoc  = $details->write_errors->[0];
    is( $details->inserted_count,         2000,  "inserted_count" );
        { map { $_ => $_ } 0 .. 1999 },
        "inserted_ids correct"
    is( $details->count_write_errors, 1,     "count_write_errors" );
    is( $errdoc->{code},             11000, "error code" );
    is( $errdoc->{index},            2000,  "error index" );
    ok( length( $errdoc->{errmsg} ), "error message" );

    is( $coll->count, 2000, "collection count" );

subtest "unordered batch split on number of ops" => sub {

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_unordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => $_ } ) for 0 .. 1999;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 0 } );    # will fail
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 10000 } );

    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', 'caught error' )
      or diag $err;
    my $details = $err->result;
    my $errdoc  = $details->write_errors->[0];
    is( $details->inserted_count,         2001,  "inserted_count" );
    is( $details->count_write_errors, 1,     "count_write_errors" );
    is( $errdoc->{code},             11000, "error code" );
    is( $errdoc->{index},            2000,  "error index" );
    ok( length( $errdoc->{errmsg} ), "error message" );

    is( $coll->count, 2001, "collection count" );

note("QA-477 RE-RUNNING A BATCH");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: rerun a bulk operation" => sub {

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( {} );

        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "first execute succeeds" );

        $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::Error', "re-running a bulk op throws exception" );

        like( $err->message, qr/bulk op execute called more than once/, "error message" )
          or diag _truncate explain $err;

note("QA-477 EMPTY BATCH");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: empty bulk operation" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute };
        isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::Error', "empty bulk op throws exception" );

        like( $err->message, qr/no bulk ops to execute/, "error message" )
          or diag _truncate explain $err;

for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: w > 1 against standalone (explicit)" => sub {
        plan skip_all => 'needs a standalone server'
          unless $is_standalone;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( {} );
        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute( { w => 2 } ) };
        isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DatabaseError',
            "executing write concern w > 1 throws error" );
        like( $err->message, qr/replica/, "error message mentions replication" );

    subtest "$method: w > 1 against standalone (implicit)" => sub {
        plan skip_all => 'needs a standalone server'
          unless $is_standalone;

        my $coll2 = $coll->clone( write_concern => { w => 2 } );
        my $bulk = $coll2->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( {} );
        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute() };
        isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DatabaseError',
            "executing write concern w > 1 throws error" );
        like( $err->message, qr/replica/, "error message mentions replication" );

subtest "initialize_unordered_bulk_op: wtimeout plus duplicate keys" => sub {
    plan skip_all => 'needs a replica set'
      unless $ismaster->{hosts};

    # asking for w more than N hosts will trigger the error we need
    my $W = @{ $ismaster->{hosts} } + 1;

    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_unordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
    my $err = exception { $bulk->execute( { w => $W, wtimeout => 100 } ) };
    isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::DuplicateKeyError', "executing throws error" );
    my $details = $err->result;
    is( $details->inserted_count,                1, "inserted_count == 1" );
    is( $details->count_write_errors,        1, "one write error" );
    is( $details->count_write_concern_errors, 1, "one write concern error" );

note("QA-477 W = 0");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: w = 0" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 2 } ); # ensure success after failure
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute( { w => 0 } ) };
        is( $err, undef, "execute with w = 0 doesn't throw error" )
          or diag _truncate explain $err;

        my $expect = $method eq 'initialize_ordered_bulk_op' ? 1 : 2;
        is( $coll->count, $expect, "document count ($expect)" );

# This test was not included in the QA-477 test plan; it ensures that
# write concerns are applied only after all operations finish
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: write concern errors" => sub {
        plan skip_all => 'needs a replica set'
          unless $ismaster->{hosts};

        # asking for w more than N hosts will trigger the error we need
        my $W = @{ $ismaster->{hosts} } + 1;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 2 } );
        $bulk->find( { id => 3 } )->upsert->update_many( { '$set' => { x => 2 } } );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 4 } );
        my $err = exception { $bulk->execute( { w => $W, wtimeout => 100 } ) };
        isa_ok( $err, 'MongoDB::WriteConcernError', "executing throws error" );
        my $details = $err->result;
        is( $details->inserted_count,         3, "inserted_count" );
        is( $details->upserted_count,         1, "upserted_count" );
        is( $details->count_write_errors, 0, "no write errors" );
        ok( $details->count_write_concern_errors, "got write concern errors" );

# Not in QA-477 -- Many methods take hashrefs, arrayrefs or Tie::IxHash
# objects.  The following tests check that arrayrefs and Tie::IxHash are legal
# arguments to find, insert, update, update_one and replace_one.  The
# delete_many and delete_one methods take no arguments and don't need tests

note("ARRAY REFS"); # Not in QA-477 -- this is perl driver specific
subtest "insert (ARRAY)" => sub {
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    is( $coll->count, 0, "no docs in collection" );
    $bulk->insert_one( [ _id => 1 ] );
    $bulk->insert_one( [] );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on insert" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->count, 2, "doc count" );

subtest "update (ARRAY)" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( [] )->update_many( [ '$set' => { x => 2 } ] );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->find_one( {} )->{x}, 2, "document updated" );

subtest "update_one (ARRAY)" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { _id => $_ } ) for 1 .. 2;
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( [] )->update_one( [ '$set' => { x => 2 } ] );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on update_one" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->count( { x => 2 } ), 1, "only one doc updated" );

subtest "replace_one (ARRAY)" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { key => $_ } ) for 1 .. 2;
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( [] )->replace_one( [ key => 3 ] );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on replace" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->count( { key => 3 } ), 1, "only one doc replaced" );

subtest "insert (Tie::IxHash)" => sub {
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    is( $coll->count, 0, "no docs in collection" );
    $bulk->insert_one( Tie::IxHash->new( _id => 1 ) );
    my $doc = Tie::IxHash->new();
    $bulk->insert_one( $doc  );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on insert" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->count, 2, "doc count" );

subtest "update (Tie::IxHash)" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( Tie::IxHash->new() )
      ->update_many( Tie::IxHash->new( '$set' => { x => 2 } ) );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->find_one( {} )->{x}, 2, "document updated" );

subtest "update_one (Tie::IxHash)" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { _id => $_ } ) for 1 .. 2;
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( Tie::IxHash->new() )
      ->update_one( Tie::IxHash->new( '$set' => { x => 2 } ) );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on update" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->count( { x => 2 } ), 1, "only one doc updated" );

subtest "replace_one (Tie::IxHash)" => sub {
    $coll->insert_one( { key => $_ } ) for 1 .. 2;
    my $bulk = $coll->initialize_ordered_bulk_op;
    $bulk->find( Tie::IxHash->new() )->replace_one( Tie::IxHash->new( key => 3 ) );
    my ( $result, $err );
    $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
    is( $err, undef, "no error on replace" ) or diag _truncate explain $err;
    is( $coll->count( { key => 3 } ), 1, "only one doc replaced" );

# not in QA-477
note("W = 0 IGNORES ERRORS");
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: w = 0" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 1 } );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 3, '$bad' => 1 } );
        $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 4 } );
        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute( { w => 0 } ) };
        is( $err, undef, "execute with w = 0 doesn't throw error" )
          or diag _truncate explain $err;

        my $expect = $method eq 'initialize_ordered_bulk_op' ? 1 : 2;
        is( $coll->count, $expect, "document count ($expect)" );

for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "collation w/ w:0 bulk writes return error, using $method" => sub {
        plan skip_all => "Collation tests for MongoDB 3.4+" unless $supports_collation;

        my $bulk = $coll->$method;
        $bulk->find( { x => "foo" } )->collation($case_insensitive_collation)->delete_one;
            exception { $bulk->execute( { w => 0 } ) },
            qr/Unacknowledged bulk writes that specify a collation are not allowed/,
            "bulk write w/ collation returns error if write is unacknowledged"

# DRIVERS-151 Handle edge case for pre-2.6 when upserted _id not returned
for my $method (qw/initialize_ordered_bulk_op initialize_unordered_bulk_op/) {
    subtest "$method: upsert with non OID _ids" => sub {
        my $bulk = $coll->$method;

        $bulk->find( { _id => 0 } )->upsert->update_one( { '$set' => { a => 0 } } );
        $bulk->find( { a => 1 } )->upsert->replace_one( { _id => 1 } );

        # 2.6 doesn't allow changing _id, but previously that's OK, so we try it both ways
        # to ensure we use the right _id from the replace doc on older servers
        $bulk->find( { _id => $server_does_bulk ? 2 : 3 } )->upsert->replace_one( { _id => 2 } );

        my ( $result, $err );
        $err = exception { $result = $bulk->execute };
        is( $err, undef, "execute doesn't throw error" )
          or diag _truncate explain $err;

                upserted_count => 3,
                modified_count => ( $server_does_bulk ? 0 : undef ),
                upserted     =>
                  [ { index => 0, _id => 0 }, { index => 1, _id => 1 }, { index => 2, _id => 2 }, ],
                op_count    => 3,
                batch_count => $server_does_bulk ? 1 : 3,
            "result object correct"
        ) or diag _truncate explain $result;

subtest "replace with custom op_char" => sub {
    my $coll2 = $coll->with_codec( op_char => '-' );
    my $bulk = $coll2->ordered_bulk;

    $bulk->insert_one( { _id => 0 } );
    $bulk->find( { _id => 0 } )->replace_one( { '-set' => { key => 1} } );
        exception { $bulk->execute },
        qr/replacement document must not contain update operators/,
        "single non-op key in update doc throws exception"

# XXX QA-477 tests not covered herein:
