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# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Mons Anderson <>. All rights reserved
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package lib::abs;

=head1 NAME

lib::abs - C<lib> that makes relative path absolute to caller.


our $VERSION = '0.93';


Simple use like C<use lib ...>:

	use lib::abs qw(./mylibs1 ../mylibs2);
	use lib::abs 'mylibs';
	# if your path may not exists and it is ok, then:
	use lib::abs -soft => qw(./mylibs1 ../mylibs2);

Extended syntax (glob)

	use lib::abs 'modules/*/lib';

There are also may be used helper function from lib::abs (see example/ex4):

	use lib::abs;
	# ...
	my $path = lib::abs::path('../path/relative/to/me'); # returns absolute path


The main reason of this library is transformate relative paths to absolute at the C<BEGIN> stage, and push transformed to C<@INC>.
Relative path basis is not the current working directory, but the location of file, where the statement is (caller file).
When using common C<lib>, relative paths stays relative to curernt working directory, 

	# For ex:
	# script: /opt/scripts/
	use lib::abs '../lib';

	# We run `/opt/scripts/` having cwd /home/mons
	# The @INC will contain '/opt/lib';

	# We run `./` having cwd /opt
	# The @INC will contain '/opt/lib';

	# We run `../` having cwd /opt/lib
	# The @INC will contain '/opt/lib';

Also this module is useful when writing tests, when you want to load strictly the module from ../lib, respecting the test file.

	# t/00-test.t
	use lib::abs '../lib';

Also this is useful, when you running under C<mod_perl>, use something like C<Apache::StatINC>, and your application may change working directory.
So in case of chdir C<StatINC> fails to reload module if the @INC contain relative paths.


Q: We already have C<FindBin> and C<lib>, why we need this module?

A: There are several reasons:

=over 4

=item 1) C<FindBin> could find path incorrectly under C<mod_perl>

=item 2) C<FindBin> works relatively to executed binary instead of relatively to caller

=item 3) Perl is linguistic language, and C<`use lib::abs "..."'> semantically more clear and looks more beautiful than C<`use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";'>

=item 4) C<FindBin> b<will> work incorrectly, if will be called not from executed binary (see L<> comparison for details)


=head1 BUGS

None known


Copyright 2007-2010 Mons Anderson.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Mons Anderson, C<< <> >>


Oleg Kostyuk, C<< <> >>


use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib ();
use Cwd 3.12 qw(abs_path);
$lib::abs::sep = {
	( map { $_ => qr{[^\\/]+$}o } qw(mswin32 netware symbian dos) ),
	( map { $_ => qr{[^:]+:?$}o } qw(macos) ),
}->{lc$^O} || qr{[^/]+$}o;

BEGIN { *DEBUG = sub () { 0 } unless defined &DEBUG } # use constants is heavy

sub _carp  { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp  }
sub _croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak }
sub _debug ($@) { printf STDERR shift()." at @{[ (caller)[1,2] ]}\n",@_ }

sub mkapath($) {
	my $depth = shift;
	# Prepare absolute base bath
	my ($pkg,$file) = (caller($depth))[0,1];
	_debug "file = $file " if DEBUG > 1;
	$file =~ s/${lib::abs::sep}//s;
	$file = '.' unless length $file;
	_debug "base path = $file" if DEBUG > 1;
	my $f = abs_path($file) . '/';
	_debug "source dir = $f " if DEBUG > 1;

sub path {
	local $_ = shift;
	local $!;
	my $abs = mkapath(1) . $_;
	my $ret = abs_path( $abs ) or _carp("Bad path specification: `$_' => `$abs'" . ($! ? " ($!)" : ''));
	_debug "$_ => $ret" if DEBUG > 1;
our $SOFT;
sub transform {
	my $prefix;
	no warnings 'uninitialized';
	map {
		ref || m{^/} ? $_ : do {
			my $lib = $_;
			local $!;
			my $abs = ( $prefix ||= mkapath(2) ) . $_;
			if (index($abs,'*') != -1 or index($abs,'?') !=-1) {
				_debug "transforming $abs using glob" if DEBUG > 1;
				map {
					my $x;
					$x = abs_path( $_ ) and -d $x
						or $SOFT or _croak("Bad path specification: `$lib' => `$x'" . ($! ? " ($!)" : ''));
					defined $x ? ($x) : ();
				} glob $abs;
			} else {
				$_ = abs_path( $abs ) and -d $_
					or $SOFT or _croak("Bad path specification: `$lib' => `$abs'" . ($! ? " ($!)" : ''));
				_debug "$lib => $_" if DEBUG > 1;
				defined $_ ? ($_) : ();
	} @_;

sub import {
	return unless @_;
	my $soft = 0;
	if ($_[0] eq '-soft') {
		$soft = 1;
		shift @_;
	local $SOFT = $soft;
	@_ = ( lib => transform @_ = @_ );
	_debug "use @_\n" if DEBUG > 0;
	goto &lib::import;

sub unimport {
	return unless @_;
	@_ = ( lib => transform @_ = @_ );
	_debug "no @_\n" if DEBUG > 0;
	goto &lib::unimport;
