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# Part of get-flash-videos. See get_flash_videos for copyright.
#	Reverse-engineering details at
#	by Sylvain Fourmanoit
#	un grand merci a Sylvain qui a tout debrousaille!
#	Stavr0
package FlashVideo::Site::Tou;

use strict;
use FlashVideo::Utils;
use URI::Escape;

sub find_video {
  my ($self, $browser) = @_;

  # Get the video ID
  #  on cherche:	,"pid":"45Kr9K8SfwVF1Q5anv7TrRpWa6nMtkG4",
  my $video_id;
  if ($browser->content =~ /,"pid":"(\w+)"/) {
    $video_id = $1;
  debug "Video ID = " . $video_id;

  die "Couldn't find TOU.TV video ID" unless $video_id;

  # on cherche:		,"titleId":"2010-03-29_CA_0052"
  my $filename;
  if ($browser->content =~ /,"titleId":"([^"]+)"/) {
    $filename =  $1 ;
  debug "Filename = " . $filename;

  # On va chercher le XML qui contient le lien RTMP

  die "Couldn't download TOU.TV XML: " . $browser->response->status_line
    if !$browser->success;

  # on cherche:  	rtmp://
  my $url;
  if ($browser->content =~ /(rtmp:[^\<]+)/) {
    $url = uri_unescape($1);
  debug "URL = " . $url;

  # on cherche:		auth=daEdrbRdbbtcYbUb3bQbzacdOaIbNczbva9-blS.uA-cOW-9rqBvkLqxBB
  my $auth;
  if ($url =~ /auth=([^&]+)/ ) {
    $auth = uri_unescape($1);
  debug "AUTH = " . $auth;

  #	on decoupe a partir de 'ondemand/'
  my $app;
  if ($url =~ /(ondemand\/.+)/ ) {
    $app = uri_unescape($1);
  debug "APP = " . $app;

  #  on decoupe apres <break>
  my $playpath;
  if ($url =~ /&lt;break&gt;(.+)/ ) {
    $playpath = uri_unescape($1);
  debug "PLAYPATH = " . $playpath;

=for comment
#	et ca donne....
#  rtmpdump.exe
#  	--app ondemand/?auth=daEcCamaRcPbCczdabkaRdkbSa8b8aec7bl-blS.4u-cOW-aqpyxlDpFCA&aifp=v0001&slist=002/MOV/HR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_hr;002/MOV/MR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_mr;002/MOV/BR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_br
#  	--flashVer WIN 10,0,22,87
#  	--swfVfy
#  	--auth daEcCamaRcPbCczdabkaRdkbSa8b8aec7bl-blS.4u-cOW-aqpyxlDpFCA
#  	--tcUrl rtmp://;002/MOV/MR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_mr;002/MOV/BR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_br
#  	--rtmp rtmp://;002/MOV/MR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_mr;002/MOV/BR/2010-03-29_CA_0052_br
#  	--playpath mp4:002/MOV/HR/
#	-o 2010-03-29_CA_0052_hr.flv

  return {
      app => $app,
      pageUrl => $url,
      swfUrl => "",
      tcUrl => $url,
      auth => $auth,
      rtmp => $url,
      playpath => $playpath,
      flv => "$filename.flv",

sub search {
  my($self, $search, $type) = @_;

  my $browser = FlashVideo::Mechanize->new;
  $browser->get("" . uri_escape($search));
  return unless $browser->success;

  my $results = $browser->content;

=for comment
  <a href="/les-invincibles" id="MainContent_ctl00_ResultsEmissionsRepeater_TousLesEpisodesLink_0" class="tousEpisodes"></a>
  <a href="/c-est-ca-la-vie" id="MainContent_ctl00_ResultsEmissionsRepeater_TousLesEpisodesLink_1" class="tousEpisodes"></a>
  my @emissions;
  my @links;

  while($results =~ /<a\s+href="([^"]+)"\s+id="[^"]+"\s+class="([^"]+)/g) {
    debug $1;
    if($2 eq "tousEpisodes") {
      push @emissions, $1;

  for my $emission (@emissions) {
    my $liste = $browser->content;

    # <a id="MainContent__ffd5dd30f7cc3406_ctl00_ctl90_DetailsViewTitreEpisodeHyperLink" class="episode" onclick="CTItem(&#39;Episode_titre&#39;,this)" href="/c-est-ca-la-vie/S2009E04"><b>+pisode 4 : Club de boxe pour Úviter le dÚcrochage scolaire&nbsp;</b></a>
    while($liste =~ /<a.+class="episode".+href="([^"]+)".+>(.+)<\/a>/g) {
      push @links, { name => $1, url => "$1", description => $2 };

  return @links;
