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##-*- Mode: CPerl -*-
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use 5.010; ##-- in case old EU::MM doesn't grok MIN_PERL_VERSION

## PDL-dependencies (for CONFIGURE_REQUIRES)
my %pdl_deps = (
		'PDL' => '2.007', ##-- dist:2.007, local:2.014
		'PDL::CCS' => '1.23.1',
		'PDL::VectorValued' => '1.0.5',

##-- disable PDL-Utils build if PDL isn't installed
eval "use PDL;";
my $HAVE_PDL = defined($PDL::VERSION);
warn("$0 WARNING: PDL module is missing or broken, TDF relation will be disabled!") if (!$HAVE_PDL);

   NAME		=> 'DiaColloDB',
   AUTHOR       => 'Bryan Jurish <>',
   ABSTRACT	=> 'Diachronic collocation index',
   VERSION_FROM	=> '',
   LICENSE      => 'perl_5',
   MIN_PERL_VERSION => 5.010, ##-- v5.10.0
   META_MERGE   => {
		    'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, ##-- doesn't seem to work
		    resources  => {
#				   repository => {
#						  type => 'svn',
#						  url => 'svn://',
#						  web => '',
#						 },
		    ##-- prereqs: for Meta::Spec v2
		    prereqs => {
				runtime => {
					    recommends => {
							   'DDC::XS' => 0.15,
							   'forks'   => 0.36, ##-- pseudo-threads for list-clients
					    #suggests => {},
				build => {
					  recommends => { %pdl_deps },

   PREREQ_PM    => {
		    'Algorithm::BinarySearch::Vec' => '0.07', ##-- for fast integer-set operations
		    #'Cwd' => 0, ##-- for abs_path
		    'DB_File' => 0,  ##-- for temporary hashes; 1.831
		    'DDC::Concordance' => 0.34, ##-- for DDC::Any (+ order and quoting fixes)
		    'File::Copy'    => 0, ##-- for move()
		    'File::Find'    => 0,
		    'File::Map'     => 0,  # 0.63
		    'File::Path'    => 0,  ##-- make_tree, remove_path; 2.08_01
		    'File::Spec'    => 0,
		    'File::Temp'    => 0,
		    'Getopt::Long'  => 0,
		    'IPC::Run'      => 0,  # 0.94
		    'JSON'          => 0,  # 2.53
		    'Log::Log4perl' => 1.07,   # 1.29
		    'LWP::UserAgent' => 0, ##-- 6.06, for http client-mode
		    'Tie::File::Indexed' => '0.08', ##-- for temporary object arrays
		    'Time::HiRes' => 0,		    ##-- for runtime profiling
		    'XML::LibXML' => '1.70',	    ##-- for XML-based input formats (TCF, TEI)
		    'Test::More' => 0,
		    ##-- for (term x document) models (TDF, formerly "Vsem")
			  'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.52, ##-- for CONFIGURE_REQUIRES

   EXE_FILES => [ glob('dcdb-*.perl'), ],
   #NORECURS  => 1, ##-- don't recurse into local 'MUDL' mirror dir
   DIR => [ ($HAVE_PDL ? 'PDL-Utils' : qw()) ],

## Extensions

sub MY::constants {
  package MY;
  my $css = 'perlpod.css';
  my $inherited = shift->SUPER::constants(@_);
  $inherited .= (
		 ###-- constants: html css
		 ."CSS ?= $css\n"
  return $inherited;

sub MY::depend {
  package MY;
  my $inherited = shift->SUPER::depend(@_);
  $inherited .= (
		 ###-- depends -> README.txt, CAB/
		 ."readme: README.txt\n"
		 ."dist: README.txt\n"
		 ."create_distdir: README.txt\n"
		 #."distdir_am: README.txt CAB/\n"
		 ."distcheck: README.txt\n"
		 ."manicheck: README.txt\n"
		 #."blibdirs: CAB/\n"
  return $inherited;

sub MY::special_targets {
  package MY;
  my $inherited = shift->SUPER::special_targets(@_);
  $inherited .=
.SUFFIXES: .pm .pod .rpod .man .txt .html

\tpod2html --css=\$(CSS) --infile=\$< --outfile=\$@

\tpod2text \$< \$@

\tpod2html --css=\$(CSS) --infile=\$< --outfile=\$@

\tpod2text \$< \$@

\tpod2html --css=\$(CSS) --infile=\$< --outfile=\$@

\tpod2text \$< \$@


  return $inherited;

sub MY::manifypods {
  package MY;
  my $inherited = shift->SUPER::manifypods(@_);
  my $out = $inherited;

  my $new = $inherited;
  my $html_ns_sep = ".";
  $new =~ s/.*(?=^manifypods\b)//sm;
  $new =~ s/\n\n.*//s;
  my ($deps0,$rules0) = split(/(?<!\\)\n/, $new, 2);
  my ($deps,$rules);

  ## html
  my $htmlvars ='

##--- pod -> HTML

.SUFFIXES: .html

INST_CSS ?= ../../$(CSS)
POD2HTMLFLAGS ?= --css="$(INST_CSS)" --backlink="(Back to Top)" --podroot=blib --podpath="lib:script" --header

INST_HTMLDIR ?= blib/html

HTML_EXT ?= html

##-- lifted from MakeMaker blibdir section
$(INST_HTMLDIR)$(DFSEP).exists :: Makefile.PL

  ($deps,$rules) = ($deps0,$rules0);
  $deps =~ s/^manifypods\b/htmlifypods/;
  $deps .= "\\\n\t".'$(INST_HTMLDIR)$(DFSEP).exists';
  $rules =~ s/POD2MAN/POD2HTML/g;
  $rules =~ s/MAN(\d)EXT/HTML$1EXT/g;
  $rules =~ s/INST_MAN\dDIR/INST_HTMLDIR/g;
  $rules =~ s/^\s+\$\(NOECHO\).*?\n//smg;
  $rules =~ s/::/${html_ns_sep}/sg if ($html_ns_sep ne '::');
  $rules =~ s/\\\n/\n/sg;
  my $hackit = ("\\\n"
		."\t | ".'$(PERL) -p'." \\\n"
		."\t   ".'-e\'sub hackhref {($$href=shift)=~s{^/*}{}; $$href=~s{^(?:script|lib)/}{}; $$href=~s{/}{'.$html_ns_sep.'}g; $$href;}\''." \\\n"
		."\t   ".'-e\'s/<a href="([^"]*)/\'\\\'\'<a href="\'\\\'\'.hackhref($$1)/eg;\''
  #$hackit = ' | cat - ';
  $rules =~ s/\t\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/\t\$(POD2HTML) --infile=$1 ${hackit} \\\n\t > $2 || (rm -f $2 && false)/sg;
  $out .= $htmlvars.$deps."\n".$rules."\n\n";

  ## text
  my $text_ns_sep = $html_ns_sep;
  my $textvars ='

##--- pod -> txt

POD2TEXT ?= pod2text

INST_TEXTDIR ?= blib/txt
TEXT_EXT ?= txt

##-- lifted from MakeMaker blibdir section
$(INST_TEXTDIR)$(DFSEP).exists :: Makefile.PL

  ($deps,$rules) = ($deps0,$rules0);
  $deps =~ s/^manifypods\b/textifypods/;
  $deps .= "\\\n\t".'$(INST_TEXTDIR)$(DFSEP).exists';
  $rules =~ s/POD2MAN/POD2TEXT/g;
  $rules =~ s/MAN(\d)EXT/TEXT$1EXT/g;
  $rules =~ s/INST_MAN\dDIR/INST_TEXTDIR/g;
  $rules =~ s/^\s+\$\(NOECHO\).*?\n//smg;
  $rules =~ s/::/${text_ns_sep}/sg if ($text_ns_sep ne '::');
  $rules =~ s/\\\n/\n/sg;
  $rules =~ s/\t\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/\t\$(POD2TEXT) $1 $2/sg;
  $rules .= "\n\ntxtifypods: textifypods\n\n";
  $out .= $textvars.$deps."\n".$rules."\n\n";

  ## pod
  my $pod_ns_sep = $html_ns_sep;
  my $podvars ='

##--- pod+perl -> pod


POD2POD ?= podselect -section ""

INST_PODDIR ?= blib/pod
POD_EXT ?= pod

##-- lifted from MakeMaker blibdir section
$(INST_PODDIR)$(DFSEP).exists :: Makefile.PL

  ($deps,$rules) = ($deps0,$rules0);
  $deps =~ s/^manifypods\b/podifypods/;
  $deps .= "\\\n\t".'$(INST_PODDIR)$(DFSEP).exists';
  $rules =~ s/POD2MAN/POD2POD/g;
  $rules =~ s/MAN(\d)EXT/POD$1EXT/g;
  $rules =~ s/INST_MAN\dDIR/INST_PODDIR/g;
  $rules =~ s/^\s+\$\(NOECHO\).*?\n//smg;
  $rules =~ s/::/${pod_ns_sep}/sg if ($pod_ns_sep ne '::');
  $rules =~ s/\\\n/\n/sg;
  $rules =~ s/\t\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/\t\$(POD2POD) $1 > $2/sg;
  $out .= $podvars.$deps."\n".$rules."\n\n";

  ##-- return
  return $out;

sub MY::distdir {
  package MY;
  my $inherited = shift->SUPER::distdir(@_);
  my $local_dont = '
  ##-- distdir_am: hacked create_distdir for superordinate automake
	$(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=manicopy,maniread" \\
	  -e "manicopy(maniread(),\'$(DISTDIR_AM)\', \'$(DIST_CP)\');"

PMLIST_AM ?= ../doc/pm_list
pm_list: $(PMLIST_AM)
	echo "$(TO_INST_PM)" | xargs -n 1 echo | grep -v "\.in$$" > $@
  return $inherited; #.$local;

sub MY::postamble {
  package MY;
  my $inherited = shift->SUPER::postamble(@_);
  return $inherited;