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# $Id:,v 33.3 2009/07/30 12:24:49 biersma Exp $
# (c) 1999-2009 Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
# See ..../src/LICENSE for terms of distribution.

package MQSeries::Command::Base;

use 5.008;

use strict;
use Carp;

use MQSeries qw(:functions);
use MQSeries::Command;
use MQSeries::Command::PCF;
use MQSeries::Command::MQSC;
use MQSeries::Message;
use MQSeries::Message::PCF qw(MQEncodePCF MQDecodePCF);

our $VERSION = '1.30';

sub new {

    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my %args = @_;

    my %MsgDesc =
       MsgType  => $class =~ /::Request/ ? MQSeries::MQMT_REQUEST : MQSeries::MQMT_REPLY,
       Format   => $args{Type} eq 'MQSC' ? MQSeries::MQFMT_STRING : MQSeries::MQFMT_ADMIN,

    if ( exists $args{MsgDesc} ) {
        unless ( ref $args{MsgDesc} eq "HASH" ) {
            $args{Carp}->("Invalid argument: 'MsgDesc' must be a HASH reference.\n");
        foreach my $key ( keys %{$args{MsgDesc}} ) {
            $MsgDesc{$key} = $args{MsgDesc}->{$key};

    $args{MsgDesc} = {%MsgDesc};

    my $self = MQSeries::Message->new(%args) || return;

    # What type of request is this?  PCF or MQSC?
    if ( $args{Type} ) {
        unless ( $args{Type} eq 'PCF' or $args{Type} = 'MQSC' ) {
            $self->{Carp}->("Invalid argument: 'Type' must be one of: PCF MQSC");
        $self->{Type} = $args{Type};
    } else {
        $self->{Type} = 'PCF';

    # The Command argument is required... but now (1.12 and later) we
    # check this in PutConvert.
    if ( $args{"Header"} ) {
        if ( ref $args{"Header"} eq 'HASH' ) {
            $self->{"Header"} = $args{"Header"};
            $self->{Command} = $self->{"Header"}->{Command}
              if exists $self->{"Header"}->{Command};
        } else {
            $self->{Carp}->("Invalid argument: 'Header' must be a HASH reference");

    if ( $args{Command} ) {
        if ( $self->{Type} eq 'PCF' ) {
            unless ( exists $MQSeries::Command::PCF::Requests{$args{Command}} ) {
                $self->{Carp}->("Invalid PCF command '$args{Command}'\n");
        } else {
            unless ( exists $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::Requests{$args{Command}} ) {
                $self->{Carp}->("Invalid MQSC command '$args{Command}'\n");
        $self->{Command} = $args{Command};
        $self->{"Header"}->{Command} = $args{Command};

    # The Parameters argument is optional
    if ( $args{Parameters} ) {

        if ( ref $args{Parameters} eq 'HASH' ) {
            $self->{Parameters} = $args{Parameters};
        } else {
            $self->{Carp}->("Invalid argument: 'Parameters' must be a HASH reference");
    } else {
        $self->{Parameters} = {};

    # Do we want strict mapping turned on?
    if ( exists $args{StrictMapping} ) {
        $self->{StrictMapping} = $args{StrictMapping};

    # At last, we need to pass the required PCF version to set Version and Type
    #  in the PCF header
    $self->{CommandVersion} = $args{CommandVersion};

    bless ($self, $class);

    return $self;


# This routine replaces something I originally did in C, using the
# perl internals API, to lookup all of these hashes and arrays.
# Yes, I was insane...
sub _TranslatePCF {
    my ($self, $header, $origparams) = @_;

    my $command = $header->{Command};

    # Set the type to either
    # - MQSeries::MQCFT_COMMAND (default)
    # - MQSeries::MQCFT_COMMAND_XR (PCF against the MF, filters)
    ($header->{Type}) = ( $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response") ?
                          MQSeries::MQCFT_RESPONSE :
                          ( $self->{CommandVersion} < 3 ?
                            MQSeries::MQCFT_COMMAND :
                            MQSeries::MQCFT_COMMAND_XR ),

    my $parameters = [];

    my ($ForwardMap) = ( $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response") ?
                         \%MQSeries::Command::PCF::Responses :
                         \%MQSeries::Command::PCF::Requests );

    my ($RequiredMap) = ( $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response") ?
                          {} :
                          \%MQSeries::Command::PCF::RequestParameterRequired );

    # Special handling for error responses.
    my $CommandMap = $ForwardMap->{$command} || do {
        $self->{Carp}->("Unknown command '$command'");

    $header->{Command} = $CommandMap->[0];

    my ($ParameterMap) = ( $header->{CompCode} ?
                           $ForwardMap->{Error}->[1] :
                           $CommandMap->[1] );

    my ($ParameterRequired) = ( exists $RequiredMap->{$command} ?
                                $RequiredMap->{$command} :
                                {} );
    my @required_order = sort { $ParameterRequired->{$a} <=>
                              } keys %$ParameterRequired;
    my $ParameterOrderList = $MQSeries::Command::PCF::RequestParameterOrder{$command};
    my @optional_order = ($ParameterOrderList ? @$ParameterOrderList : ());

    my %ParameterOrderHash = map { ($_,1) } (@required_order, @optional_order);

    # If a FilterCommand has been specified, translate it into a
    # StringFilterCommand, IntegerFilterCommand, or a
    # ByteStringFilterCommand.
    # We accept two types of filters:
    # - string: QDepth > 500
    # - hash: Parameter -> QDepth, Operator -> greater, Value -> 500
    my $filter = delete $origparams->{FilterCommand};
    if (defined $filter) {
        # We only support filters for requests; and filters require
        # the command version is 3.
        if ($self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response")) {
            $self->{Carp}->("FilterCommand only support for PCF requests, not responses");
        if ($self->{CommandVersion} < MQSeries::MQCFH_VERSION_3) {
            $self->{Carp}->("FilterCommand requires PCF commands with CommandVersion >= ", MQSeries::MQCFH_VERSION_3);

        my $valid = 0;
        if (ref $filter) {
            if (ref $filter eq 'HASH' &&
                keys %$filter == 3 &&
                defined $filter->{Parameter} &&
                defined $filter->{Operator} &&
                defined $filter->{Value}) {
                $valid = 1;
        } else {
            if ($filter =~ /^ \s* (\w+) \s*
                            ([<>!=]+ | \s+ like \s+ | \s+ contains \s+ | \s+ excludes \s+ | \s+ contains_gen \s+ | \s+ excludes_gen \s+ | \s+ not \s+ like \s+)
                            \s* ( -?\d+ | \w+ | \'[^']+\' ) \s* $/ix) {
                my ($param, $op, $val) = ($1, $2, $3);
                $val = substr($val, 1, length($val)-2) if ($val =~ /^\'.*\'$/);
                #print "_TranslatePCF: translate filter 'filter' into p $param, op $op, val $val\n";
                $op = lc $op;   # for like / not like / ...
                $op =~ s/^\s+//; # trim
                $op =~ s/\s+$//;  # rtrim
                $op =~ s/\s+/ /g; # for 'not like'
                $filter = { 'Parameter' => $param,
                            'Operator'  => $op,
                            'Value'     => $val,
                $valid = 1;
            } else {
                $self->{Carp}->("Cannot parse filter '$filter', expected format 'QDepth > 500'");
        unless ($valid) {
            $self->{Carp}->("Filter must be specified as a string or as a hash reference with Parameter, Operator, and Value");

        # Now find parameter; based on type, create the right filter type
        # The parameters that can be specified are all the attributes
        # for the object.  Since we need to have the type and possible
        # values, we need to get the response parameters, not the response
        # parameters.
        my $param_map = $MQSeries::Command::PCF::Responses{$command}->[1];
        unless (defined $param_map->{ $filter->{Parameter} }) {
            $self->{Carp}->("Invalid filter: parameter '$filter->{Parameter}' not known");
        my ($paramkey,$paramtype,$ValueMap) = @{ $param_map->{ $filter->{Parameter} } };
        if ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING ||
            $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING_LIST) {
            $filter->{Command} = 'StringFilterCommand';
        } elsif ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_BYTE_STRING) {
            $filter->{Command} = 'ByteStringFilterCommand';
        } elsif ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_INTEGER ||
                 $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_INTEGER_LIST) {
            $filter->{Command} = 'IntegerFilterCommand';
        } else {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unexpected type '$paramtype' for filter parameter '$filter->{Parameter}'");
        if (defined $origparams->{ $filter->{Command} }) {
            $self->{Carp}->("Cannot use both 'Filter' and '$filter->{Command}'");

        # Translate the operator string to an MQ constant
        my %ops = ('<'    => MQSeries::MQCFOP_LESS,
                   '<='   => MQSeries::MQCFOP_NOT_GREATER,
                   '=='   => MQSeries::MQCFOP_EQUAL,
                   '!='   => MQSeries::MQCFOP_NOT_EQUAL,
                   '<>'   => MQSeries::MQCFOP_NOT_EQUAL,
                   '>'    => MQSeries::MQCFOP_GREATER,
                   '>='   => MQSeries::MQCFOP_NOT_LESS,
                   'like' => MQSeries::MQCFOP_LIKE,
                   'not like' => MQSeries::MQCFOP_NOT_LIKE,
        my %list_ops = ('=='           => MQSeries::MQCFOP_CONTAINS,
                        'contains'     => MQSeries::MQCFOP_CONTAINS,
                        '!='           => MQSeries::MQCFOP_EXCLUDES,
                        '<>'           => MQSeries::MQCFOP_EXCLUDES,
                        'excludes'     => MQSeries::MQCFOP_EXCLUDES,
                        'like'         => MQSeries::MQCFOP_CONTAINS_GEN,
                        'contains_gen' => MQSeries::MQCFOP_CONTAINS_GEN,
                        'not like'     => MQSeries::MQCFOP_EXCLUDES_GEN,
                        'excludes_gen' => MQSeries::MQCFOP_EXCLUDES_GEN,
        my $op = $ops{ $filter->{Operator} };
        if ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_INTEGER_LIST ||
            $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING_LIST) {
            $op = $list_ops{ $filter->{Operator} };
        unless (defined $op) {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unexpected operator '$filter->{Operator}'  for filter parameter '$filter->{Parameter}'");

        # May have to translate value from text -> number
        my $value = $filter->{Value};
        if (defined $ValueMap) {
            my $mapped = $ValueMap->{$value};
            if (defined $mapped) {
                #print "Translate value '$value' to '$mapped'\n";
                $value = $mapped;
            } else {
                $self->{Carp}->("Cannot translate value '$value' to numeric constant for filter parameter '$filter->{Parameter}'");
        } else {
            #print "No need to translate filter parameter '$filter->{Parameter}' value '$value'\n";

        # The PCF XS code expects an array reference of format
        # [ Parameter, Operator, Value ]
        $origparams->{ $filter->{Command} } =
          [ $paramkey, $op, $value ];

    # Verify that all of the parameters are known - this finds my typos...
        my $unknown = 0;
        foreach my $param (keys %$origparams) {
            next if (defined $ParameterMap->{$param});
            $self->{'Carp'}->("Unknown parameter '$param' for command '$command'");
        return if $unknown;

    # Verify that all of the required parameters have been given.
        my $required = 0;
        foreach my $param ( keys %$ParameterRequired ) {
            next if (defined $origparams->{$param});
            $self->{Carp}->("Required parameter '$param' not specified for command '$command'");
        return if $required;

    # Sort the parameters, required then optional, and if necessary,
    # command dependent order.
    my @ordered_params = ();
    foreach my $pair ( [ 'Required', \@required_order ],
                       [ 'Optional', \@optional_order ] ) {
        my ($type, $list) = @$pair;

        foreach my $param (@$list) {
            next unless defined $origparams->{$param};
            push @ordered_params, $param;
        #print STDERR "Ordered: @ordered_params\n";

        foreach my $param (keys %$origparams) {

            next if ($type eq 'Required' &&
                     not exists $ParameterRequired->{$param});
            next if ($type eq 'Optional' &&
                     exists $ParameterRequired->{$param});
            push @ordered_params, $param
              unless $ParameterOrderHash{$param};
    #print STDERR "Ordered: @ordered_params\n";

    foreach my $param (@ordered_params) {
        my $origvalue = $origparams->{$param};

        #print STDERR "Param : $param\n";
        #if (ref $origvalue) {
        #    print STDERR "OrigVal:", @$origvalue,"\n";

        my ($paramkey,$paramtype,$ValueMap) = @{ $ParameterMap->{$param} };

        #print STDERR "PKey: $paramkey\n";
        #print STDERR "PType: $paramtype\n";
        #if (ref $ValueMap) {
        #    print STDERR "ValMap:", %$ValueMap, "\n";

        my $newparameter =
           Parameter    => $paramkey,

        # If the value passed is is an ARRAY, then make the
        # parameter a string list (Strings).  If not, and the
        # $paramtype requires a string list (MQCFT_STRING_LIST),
        # then make the value into a single entry array.
        # NOTE: We forcibly quote the values to force them into
        # strings, otherwise SvPOK() will complain about integers,
        # which can of course be represented as strings.  This
        # might just be a bad choice on my part in the XS code.
        if ( $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING ||
             $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING_LIST ) {
            if ( ref $origvalue eq "ARRAY" ) {
                $newparameter->{Strings} = [];
                foreach my $value ( @$origvalue ) {
                    my $newvalue = length($value) == 0 ? " " : "$value";
            } else {
                my $newvalue = length($origvalue) == 0 ? " " : "$origvalue";
                if ( $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING_LIST ) {
                    $newparameter->{Strings} = ["$newvalue"];
                } else {
                    $newparameter->{String} = "$newvalue";

        # BYTE_STRING - Added newly for WMQ6 : Not fully tested
        if ( $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_BYTE_STRING ) {
            my $newvalue = length($origvalue)== 0 ? "\0" : pack("H*",$origvalue);
            #print "byte string orig value: [$origvalue] - new value: [$newvalue]\n";
            $newparameter->{ByteString} = "$newvalue";

        if ( $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_INTEGER ) {
            if ( ref $ValueMap ) {
                #print STDERR %$ValueMap, "\n"; #FIXME
                unless ( exists $ValueMap->{$origvalue} ) {
                    $self->{Carp}->("Unknown int value '$origvalue' for " .
                                    "parameter '$param', command '$command'");
                $newparameter->{Value} = $ValueMap->{$origvalue};
            } else {
                $newparameter->{Value} = $origvalue;

        if ( $paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_INTEGER_LIST ) {
            foreach my $value ( @$origvalue ) {
                if ( ref $ValueMap ) {

                    unless ( exists $ValueMap->{$value} ) {
                        $self->{Carp}->("Unknown intlist value '$origvalue' for " .
                                        "parameter '$param', command '$command'");
                } else {

        # MQ v6 and above: Integer/String/ByteString Filter
        if ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_BYTE_STRING_FILTER) {
            unless (ref $origvalue eq 'ARRAY' &&
                    @$origvalue == 3) {
                $self->Carp("Invalid byte string filter for parameter '$param', command '$command': must be an array-reference with three elements");
            #print STDERR "XXX: Have byte string filter for [@$origvalue]\n";
            $newparameter->{ByteStringFilter} = $origvalue;
        } elsif ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_INTEGER_FILTER) {
            unless (ref $origvalue eq 'ARRAY' &&
                    @$origvalue == 3) {
                $self->Carp("Invalid integer filter for parameter '$param', command '$command': must be an array-reference with three elements");
            #print STDERR "XXX: Have integer filter for [@$origvalue]\n";
            $newparameter->{IntegerFilter} = $origvalue;
        } elsif ($paramtype == MQSeries::MQCFT_STRING_FILTER) {
            unless (ref $origvalue eq 'ARRAY' &&
                    @$origvalue == 3) {
                $self->Carp("Invalid string filter for parameter '$param', command '$command': must be an array-reference with three elements");
            #print STDERR "XXX: Have string filter for [@$origvalue]\n";
            $newparameter->{StringFilter} = $origvalue;

    #print STDERR "Params returned:", @$parameters,"\n";

#     foreach my $el(@$parameters) {
#       print "Element:", %$el,"\n";
#        foreach my $val(values %$el) {
#            if (ref $val) {
#                print "Values: ", @$val, "\n";
#            }
#        }
#     }

    # Lets set the Version to work with advanced V6 cmds and V6 MF qmgrs
    $header->{Version} = MQSeries::MQCFH_CURRENT_VERSION
        unless ( $self->{CommandVersion} lt 3 );

    #print STDERR "Request Header: $header->{Type}, $header->{StrucLength}, $header->{Version}, $header->{Command}, $header->{Reason}, $header->{ParameterCount}...\n";
    #print STDERR "header\n", map { "\t$_:$header->{$_}\n" } sort keys %$header;

    return ($header,$parameters);

# This routine does the reverse mapping of _TranslatePCF.
sub _UnTranslatePCF {

    my $self = shift;

    my ($header,$origparams) = @_;

    my $command = $header->{Command};

    #print STDERR "Response Header - $command, $header->{Type}, $header->{Version}, $header->{Reason}, $header->{ParameterCount}\n";
    #print STDERR "header\n", map { "\t$_:$header->{$_}\n" } sort keys %$header;

    # The (rather obscure) 'Escape' command requires special handling
    # of the reply reminiscent of the MQSC command handling.  Courtesy
    # of Mike Surikov.
    # NOTE: Since MQIACF_ESCAPE_TYPE conflicts with the Morgan Stanley
    #       extension for MQIAE_AUTH_PASSID, we have to exclude the
    #       MQCMDE_INQUIRE_AUTHORITY from this processing.
    if( $command != MQSeries::MQCMDE_INQUIRE_AUTHORITY &&
        $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response") &&
        scalar(@$origparams) &&
        exists($origparams->[0]->{Parameter}) &&
        ($origparams->[0]->{Parameter} == MQSeries::MQIACF_ESCAPE_TYPE ||
         $origparams->[0]->{Parameter} == MQSeries::MQCACF_ESCAPE_TEXT) ) {
        $command = MQSeries::MQCMD_ESCAPE;

    my $parameters = {};

    my ($ReverseMap) = ( $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response") ?
                         \%MQSeries::Command::PCF::_Responses :
                         \%MQSeries::Command::PCF::_Requests );

    my $CommandMap = $ReverseMap->{$command} || do {
        $self->{Carp}->("Unknown command '$command'");

    $header->{Command} = $CommandMap->[0];

    my $ParameterMap = ( $header->{CompCode} ?
                         $ReverseMap->{Error}->[1] :
                         $CommandMap->[1] );

    foreach my $origparam ( @$origparams ) {

        #print "OrigP: $origparam\n";
        my $paramkey = $ParameterMap->{$origparam->{Parameter}}->[0];
        #unless (defined $paramkey) {
        #    warn "Unexpected PCF parameter '$origparam->{Parameter}'\n";
        my $paramvalue = "";

        #print "ParamKey: [$origparam->{Parameter}] [$paramkey]\n";
        #print  "param\n", map { "\t$_:$origparam->{$_}\n" } sort keys %$origparam;

        if ( exists $origparam->{String} ) {
            ( $parameters->{$paramkey} = $origparam->{String} ) =~ s/\s+$//;
        } elsif ( exists $origparam->{ByteString} ) {
            $parameters->{$paramkey} = unpack("H*",$origparam->{ByteString});
            #$parameters->{$paramkey} = $origparam->{ByteString};
        } elsif ( exists $origparam->{Strings} ) {
            foreach my $string ( @{$origparam->{Strings}} ) {
                $string =~ s/\s+$//;
        } elsif ( exists $origparam->{Value} ) {
            $paramvalue = $origparam->{Value};
        } elsif ( exists $origparam->{Values} ) {
            $paramvalue = $origparam->{Values};
        } else {
            # Uh...  MQDecodePCF shouldn't ever let this happen...
            $self->{Carp}->("Unable to map parameter '$paramkey'\n");

        my $ValueMap = $ParameterMap->{$origparam->{Parameter}}->[1] || do {
            $parameters->{$paramkey} = $paramvalue;

        if ( ref $paramvalue eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            my $newvalue = [];
            foreach my $value ( @$paramvalue ) {
                if ( exists $ValueMap->{$value} ) {
                } elsif ( $self->{StrictMapping} ) {
                    $self->{Carp}->("Unable to map value of '$value' for parameter '$paramkey'");
                } else {
            $parameters->{$paramkey} = $newvalue;

        } else {

            if ( exists $ValueMap->{$paramvalue} ) {
                $parameters->{$paramkey} = $ValueMap->{$paramvalue};
            } elsif ( $self->{StrictMapping} ) {
                $self->{Carp}->("Unable to map value of '$paramvalue' for parameter '$paramkey'");
            } else {
                $parameters->{$paramkey} = $paramvalue;

    return ($header,$parameters);


sub GetConvert {

    my $self = shift;
    ($self->{Buffer}) = @_;

    my ($header,$parameters);

    if ( $self->{Type} eq 'PCF' ) {

        ($header,$parameters) = MQDecodePCF($self->{Buffer}) or do {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unable to decode PCF buffer\n");
            return undef;

        ($self->{"Header"},$self->{Parameters}) = $self->_UnTranslatePCF($header,$parameters) or do {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unable to translate Command/Parameters from MQDecodePCF output\n");
            return undef;

    } else {

        if ( $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Request") ) {

            $self->{Carp}->("MQGETing a MQSeries::Command::Request is not supported for type MQSC\n");
            return undef;

        } else {

            ($header,$self->{Parameters}) = $self->MQDecodeMQSC($self->{"Header"},$self->{Buffer}) or do {
                $self->{Carp}->("Unable to parse MQSeries Command response from message\n");
                return undef;

            foreach my $key ( keys %$header ) {
                if ( $key eq "ReasonText" ) {
                } else {
                    $self->{"Header"}->{$key} = $header->{$key};



    return 1;


sub PutConvert {

    my $self = shift;

    unless ( $self->{Command} ) {
        $self->{Carp}->("Required argument 'Command' is missing\n");
        return undef;

    if ( $self->{Type} eq 'PCF' ) {

        my ($header,$parameters) = $self->_TranslatePCF($self->{Header},$self->{Parameters}) or do {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unable to translate Command/Parameters into MQEncodePCF input\n");
            return undef;
        $self->{Buffer} = MQEncodePCF($header,$parameters);
    } else {
        if ( $self->isa("MQSeries::Command::Response") ) {
            $self->{Carp}->("MQPUTing a MQSeries::Command::Response is not supported for type MQSC\n");
            return undef;
        } else {
            $self->{Buffer} = $self->MQEncodeMQSC($self->{Command},$self->{Parameters});

    if ( $self->{Buffer} ) {
        return $self->{Buffer};
    } else {
        $self->{Carp}->("Unable to encode MQSeries Request Header and Parameters\n");
        return undef;


sub Parameters {

    my $self = shift;

    unless (
            ref $self->{Parameters} eq 'HASH' and
            keys %{$self->{Parameters}}
           ) {

    if ( $_[0] ) {
        return $self->{Parameters}->{$_[0]};
    } else {
        return $self->{Parameters};


sub Header {

    my $self = shift;

    unless (
            ref $self->{"Header"} eq 'HASH' and
            keys %{$self->{"Header"}}
           ) {

    if ( $_[0] ) {
        return $self->{"Header"}->{$_[0]};
    } else {
        return $self->{"Header"};


sub Command {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( $self->{Command} ) {
        return $self->{Command};
    } elsif ( ref $self->{"Header"} ) {
        return $self->{"Header"}->{Command};
    } else {

sub CompCode {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( ref $self->{"Header"} ) {
        return $self->{"Header"}->{"CompCode"};
    } else {

sub Reason {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( ref $self->{"Header"} ) {
        return $self->{"Header"}->{"Reason"};
    } else {

sub ReasonText {

    my $self = shift;
    my $reasontext = "";

    if ( ref $self->{"Header"} ) {
        if ( exists $self->{"Header"}->{"ReasonText"} ) {
            $reasontext = join("\n",@{$self->{"Header"}->{"ReasonText"}});
        } elsif ( exists $self->{"Header"}->{"Reason"} ) {
            $reasontext = MQReasonToText($self->{"Header"}->{"Reason"});

    return $reasontext;


sub MQEncodeMQSC {
    my ($self, $command, $parameters) = @_;
    my @buffer = ();
    my @parameters = ();
    my %skipparam = ();

    unless ( exists $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::Requests{$command} ) {
        $self->{Carp}->("No such MQSC command '$command'\n");

    unless ( ref $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::Requests{$command} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $self->{Carp}->("PCF command '$command' not supported via MQSC\n");

    my ($requestname, $requestparameters, $requestargs) =


    my $foundattribute = 0;

    if ( $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::RequestParameterPrimary{$command} ) {
        @parameters = (
                            $_ ne $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::RequestParameterPrimary{$command},
                            keys %$parameters
    } else {
        @parameters = keys %$parameters;
    foreach my $parameter ( @parameters ) {
        next if $skipparam{$parameter};

        unless (defined $requestparameters->{$parameter} ) {
            $self->{Carp}->("No such request parameter '$parameter' for command '$command'\n");

        if ( ref $requestargs && not $requestargs->{$parameter} ) {
            $foundattribute = 1;

        my ($key,$type) = @{$requestparameters->{$parameter}};

        my $value = $parameters->{$parameter};

#     print STDERR "$parameter: Key:$key: Type:$type: Value: $value\n";

        if ( $key ) {

            if ( ref $key eq 'HASH' ) {

                my ($subkey,$subvalues) = ($key->{Key},$key->{Values});

                unless ( $parameters->{$subkey} ) {
                    $self->{Carp}->("Required parameter '$subkey' for command '$command' missing\n");

                unless (defined $subvalues->{$parameters->{$subkey}} ) {
                    $self->{Carp}->("Unknown value '$parameters->{$subkey}' for parameter '$subkey'\n");

                $key = $subvalues->{$parameters->{$subkey}};



            $type = '' unless (defined $type); # -w cleanness
            if ( $type eq 'integer' ) {
            } elsif ( $type eq 'string' ) {
                #print STDERR "Command [$command], parameter [$parameter]\n";
                # Trust IBM to get this wrong... "Display Thread" is
                # the only MQSC command where, if you ask for a
                # specific thread name, it has to be quoted, but to
                # ask for all threads, the asterisk may not be quoted.
                # The same goes for 'CommandScope'...
                if ($command eq 'InquireThread' &&
                    $parameter eq 'ThreadName' &&
                    $value eq '*') {
                    push @buffer, "$key($value)";
                } elsif ($parameter eq 'CommandScope' && $value eq '*') {
                    push @buffer, "$key($value)";
                } else {
                    push @buffer,"$key('$value')";
            }elsif ( ref $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                if ( $value ) {
                } else {
            } elsif ( ref $type eq 'HASH' ) {
                # Fix for Header Compression and Message Compression introduced in V6
                if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' &&
                    exists $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::SpecialParameters{$parameter} )  {
                    if ( scalar(@$value) ) {
                        my $completestring;
                        foreach my $string ( @$value ) {
                            unless (defined $type->{$string} ) {
                                $self->{Carp}->("Unknown value '$string' for parameter '$parameter'\n");
                            $completestring .= "$type->{$string}" . ',';
                        $completestring =~ s/,$//;
                } else {

            } else {
        } else {
            # Perform the specified key/value mapping of the data
            if ( ref $type eq 'HASH' ) {
                if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                    if ( scalar(@$value) ) {
                        foreach my $string ( @$value ) {
                            unless (defined $type->{$string} ) {
                                $self->{Carp}->("Unknown value '$string' for parameter '$parameter'\n");
                    else {
                        # If the array is empty, we have to ignore this attribute
                        $foundattribute = 0;
                else {
                    unless ( $type->{$value} ) {
                        $self->{Carp}->("Unknown value '$value' for parameter '$parameter'\n");
            # Perform a boolean lookup of the value to map it to
            # things like "NOREPLACE" or "REPLACE".
            elsif ( ref $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                if ( $value ) {
                else {
            # The data is either passed through as-is, or if an ARRAY
            # is given, then the 'type' is the character to join the
            # data with.
            else {
                if ( ref $value eq "ARRAY" ) {
                else {


    if ( ref $requestargs && $foundattribute == 0 ) {

    #print STDERR "MQEncodeMQSC: Returning command [@buffer]\n";
    return "@buffer";

sub MQDecodeMQSC {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($oldheader,$buffer) = @_;
    #print STDERR "DecodeMQSC: Have buffer [$buffer]\n";

    my $command = $oldheader->{"Command"};
    # XXX - I think we should be initializing this to the oldheader
    my $newheader = $oldheader;
    my $parameters = {};

    # OK, this is nothing short of obscene....
    # If we have already seen ReasonText for this sequence of
    # messages, then we are just taking everything else and returning
    # it as reasontext.  This is because of the way MVS wraps the last
    # message into multiple lines, and then sends each line as a
    # seperate message.
    if ( $oldheader->{"ReasonText"} ) {
        $newheader = { "ReasonText" => $buffer };
        return $newheader;

    # The easy part...
    # The header is in a seperate message, so if we see one, we're
    # done.  There are no parameters, so just return the header.
    if ( $buffer =~ m{
                      ^CSQN\S+\s+               # Message ID
                      COUNT=\s+(\d+),\s*        # LastMsgSeqNumber
                      RETURN=(\w+),\s*          # CompCode
                      REASON=(\w+)              # Reason
                     }x ) {
        $newheader =
           "LastMsgSeqNumber"   => $1,
           "CompCode"           => eval "0x$2",
           "Reason"             => eval "0x$3",
        return $newheader;

    # Look for the error feedback...
    # We recognize this because:
    # - The message looks like CSQxxxxx *XYZZY or CSQxxxx /XYZZY
    # - The message code is not CSQM4xxI, which is the normal message
    #   return
    # - The message code is documented to be followed bya csect name
    #   (CSQ9018E, CSQ9022I, CSQ9023E, CSQ9029E)
    # NOTE: In MQ 5.2 for OS/390, the *XYZZY occurs in CSQM409I, but this
    #       did not occur in previous version.  Hence, we have to take
    #       care not to assume any *XYZZY or /XYYZY is an error.
    if ( $buffer =~ m{
                      ^(?!CSQM4\d\dI)\S+\s+     # Message ID
                      [\*/]\w+\s*               # The leading * or / is the key
                     }x ) {
        $newheader =
           "ReasonText"         => $1,
        return $newheader;
    } elsif ( $buffer =~ m{
                           ^(?:CSQ9018E|CSQ9022I|CSQ9023E|CSQ9029E) \s+
                           \S+ \s+ \S+ \s+
                          }x ) {
        $newheader =
           "ReasonText"         => $1,
        return $newheader;

    # Now things get hard...
    unless ( $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::Responses{$command} ) {
        $self->{Carp}->("Unknown MQSC command '$command'\n");

    my $responseparameters = $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::Responses{$command};

    # Strip off the first message ID, label, whatever that is...
    $buffer =~ s/^\S+\s+//;

    # Strip off any trailing white noise, er, space
    $buffer =~ s/\s+$//;

    # In MQ 5.2 for OS/390, there is also a leading *<QMgrName> or
    # +<QMgrName> at the start of the buffer, so we strip that off
    # here.
    $buffer =~ s!^[\*\+]\S+\s+!!;

    # This is used solely for debugging, since we strip $buffer to
    # nothing while parsing it.
    my $origbuffer = $buffer;

    while ( $buffer ) {
        my ($key,$value,$realkey,$realvalue);
        my ($requestvalues);
        my $valuetype;

        # XXX -- MQSeries V2.2 on OS/390 changes the text returned by
        # the command server.  In 2.1 and earlier, the messages look
        # like:
        #   CSQM409I   QMNAME(CSQ1 .....
        # but now there is an extra field:
        #   CSQM409I ]QMH1 QMNAME(QMH1
        # So, as of 1.12, we'll accept bare keywords that are any
        # non-whitespace, and then just let the bogus tag be ignored.
        # Did I mention I hate this code yet? -- wpm, 8/18/2000
        if ( $buffer =~ s{
                          ^([\w\]]+)            # keyword
                          \b(?!\()              # with NO following paren
                          \s*                   # trailing whitespace
                         }{}x ) {
            $key = $1;
            $value = 1;
            $valuetype = 'implicit';
        # ARGHH!!!  I hate this code.  Seriously....
        # Special case for parsing "CONNAME(hostname(port))", which
        # has embedded parens in the TCP case.  This code gets more
        # vile, sick and obscene every time I touch it.  PCF is so
        # damn easy....
        elsif ( $buffer =~ s{
                             ^(CONNAME|LOCLADDR)\( # Evil keyword with embedded parens
                             (                  # the usual hostname(port) syntax
                              [^\(\)]+          #           hostname
                              \(                #                   (
                              [^\(\)]+          #                    port
                              \)                #                        )
                              [^\)]+            # everything that is not a closing paren
                             \)\s*              # close paren, and some whitespace
                            }{}x ) {

            ($key,$value) = ($1,$2);

            # Extra whitespace is evil (well, at least really ugly)
            $value =~ s/^\s+//;
            $value =~ s/\s+$//;
            $valuetype = 'explicit';

        } elsif ( $buffer =~ s{
                               ^(\w+)\(         # keyword with open paren
                               ([^\)]*)         # everything that is not a closing paren
                               \)\s*            # close paren, and some whitespace
                              }{}x ) {

            ($key,$value) = ($1,$2);

            # Extra whitespace is evil (well, at least really ugly)
            $value =~ s/^\s+//;
            $value =~ s/\s+$//;
            $valuetype = 'explicit';

        } else {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unrecognized MQSC buffer: $buffer\n");

        unless ( $responseparameters->{$key} ) {
            $self->{Carp}->("Unrecognized response parameter '$key' (with value '$value') for command '$command'\n");

        ($realkey,$requestvalues) = @{$responseparameters->{$key}};
        $realvalue = $value;

        # A null realkey means this is to be ignored
        next unless $realkey;

        if ( $valuetype eq 'explicit' ) {
            if ( ref $requestvalues eq 'HASH' ) {
                # Add a check for parameters of Array Type
                # New in WMQ 6
                if ( exists $MQSeries::Command::MQSC::SpecialParameters{$realkey} ) {
                    my @split_values = split(',',$value);
                    foreach my $eachvalue (@split_values) {
                        $eachvalue =~ s/^\s+//;
                        $eachvalue =~ s/\s+$//;
                        unless ( exists $requestvalues->{$eachvalue} ) {
                           $self->{Carp}->("Unrecognized value '$eachvalue' for parameter '$realkey' for command '$command'\n");
                        } else {
                           $realvalue =~ s/$eachvalue/$requestvalues->{$eachvalue}/;
                } else {
                    unless ( exists $requestvalues->{$value} ) {
                        $self->{Carp}->("Unrecognized value '$value' for parameter '$realkey' for command '$command'\n");
                    } else {
                        $realvalue = $requestvalues->{$value};
        } else {
            if (defined $requestvalues and not ref $requestvalues) {
                $realvalue = $requestvalues;

        $parameters->{$realkey} = $realvalue;

    return ($newheader,$parameters);
