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# $Id: parse_headers,v 33.3 2009/07/30 12:18:48 biersma Exp $
# (c) 1999-2009 Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
# See ..../src/LICENSE for terms of distribution.
# This code pulls in all of the #define definitions, and creates
# arrays for each type of constant.  This will be used in
# constants.c.PL to autogenerate the functions which expand the
# macros.

use English;
use Config;

opendir(INCLUDE,$include) ||
  die "Unable to opendir $include: $ERRNO\n";

foreach my $dirent ( readdir(INCLUDE) ) {
  next unless $dirent =~ /^cm.*\.h$/;
  next unless -f "$include/$dirent"; # Skip dangling symlinks


# Add in the cmqcfce.h only if we haven't found it already.
my %headers = map { $_ => 1 } @headers;
unless ( $headers{"$include/cmqcfce.h"} ) {
    my $found = 0;
    foreach my $incdir ( qw(./include ../include ../../include ../../../include) ) {
        next unless -f "$incdir/cmqcfce.h";
        $found = 1;
    die "Unable to locate cmqcfce.h\n" unless $found;

# Handle 64-bit support.  If your platform is 64 bit but doesn't set
# "use64bitall", please get us the details.
my $use_64_bit = 0;
if( $Config{use64bitall} ) {
    $use_64_bit = 1;

foreach my $header ( @headers ) {

    #print "Searching $header\n";

    open(HEADER, '<', $header) or die "Unable to open $header: $ERRNO\n";

    # To support the 64-bit macros, we support very simple conditionals,
    # nested one deep.
    my $conditional;            # Name (undef if not in confitional)
    my $cond_else;              # 0: if #if, 1: in #else

    # Constants defined in terms of other constants are handled at the
    # end of the file, as they frequently contain forward definitions.
    my %postponed;

    while ( <HEADER> ) {


        if (m@^#if !defined.*\s+/\*\s+File not yet included\?\s+\*/@ ||
            m@^#endif\s+/\* End of header file \*/@
           ) {
            #print "Skip include guard: $_\n";

        # Entering a conditional?
        if (/^#if !?defined\((.*?)\)/) {
            if (defined $conditional) {
                die "Cannot handle nested conditional in [$header]: while in [$conditional], found [$1]";
            $conditional = $1;
            $cond_else = 0;
            #print "Entering [$conditional]\n";
        } elsif (/^#else/) {
            unless (defined $conditional) {
                die "Have #else without conditional in [$header]";
            #print "Entering #else $conditional\n";
            $cond_else = 1;
        } elsif (/^#endif/) {
            unless (defined $conditional) {
                die "Have #endif without conditional in [$header]";
            #print "Leaving [$conditional]\n";
            $conditional = undef;

        # Handle line continuation
        while ( m:\\$: ) {
            my $cont = <HEADER>;
            $cont =~ s/^\s*//;
            $_ .= $cont;

        next unless /\#define/;

        # Strip trailing C comments (there are a few in the V2 header
        # files), and trailing white space.

        my ($key,$value) = (split(/\s+/,$_,3))[1,2];
        #print STDERR "Have key [$key] value [$value]\n";

        # Skip the MQ_64_BIT constant (which has no value)
        next if ($key eq 'MQ_64_BIT');

        #unless (defined $value) {
        #    print STDERR "XX: key [$key] leads to undefined value\n";

        # If we're in a conditionial 64-bit block, we may have to
        # skip a macro.
        if (defined $conditional && $conditional eq 'MQ_64_BIT') {
            if ($cond_else == 0 && $use_64_bit == 0) {
                #print "Skip 64-bit macro value [$key] [$value]\n";
            } elsif ($cond_else && $use_64_bit) {
                #print "Skip 32-bit macro value [$key] [$value]\n";

        next if $key eq "MQENTRY";
        next if $key eq "MQPOINTER";

        # Skip a bunch of stuff needed only by handicapped C
        # programmers (we, OTOH, have perl ;-)
        next if $key =~ /_ARRAY$/;
        next if $key =~ /_INCLUDED$/;
        next if $key =~ /_A$/;

        # Skip some bogus macros added to 5.1 that we ain't gonna add
        # the already overly bloated MQSeries namespace.
        next if $key eq 'MQCHANNELEXIT';
        next if $key eq 'MQCHANNELAUTODEFEXIT';
        next if $key eq 'MQDATACONVEXIT';
        next if $key eq 'MQTRANSPORTEXIT';

        # We have to be careful only to skip the definitions which are
        # for default structures.
        next if ( $key =~ /_DEFAULT$/ && $value =~ /,/ );

        # MQ V7 adds some defintions to data structures that we don't
        # want to parse as constants.
        next if ($key =~ /^MQPROP_INQUIRE_ALL/);  # ..ALL, ..ALL_USR

        $value =~ s/^\(//;
        $value =~ s/\)$//;

        # Hex
        if ( $value =~ /^0x/ ) {
            $value =~ s/L$//;
            $constant_hex{$key} = eval($value);

        # Numeric constants
        # NOTE: Special case to handle the MQ_64_BIT conditionals.
        # This works because the ONLY parameters that are
        # affected by these conditionals are the _LENGTH parameters
        # for some of the structures.
        # At this time, we assume you are not using the 64-bit client
        # on Solaris.  Patches to support this (preferably with
        # auto-detection in the Makefile) are welcome.
        elsif ( $value =~ /L$/ || $value =~ /^-?\d+$/) {

            $value =~ s/L$//;

            if (not exists $constant_numeric{$key} || # First time
                (not defined $value && not defined $constant_numeric{$key}) &&
                (defined $value && defined $constant_numeric{$key} && $constant_numeric{$key} eq $value) # No change
               ) {
                $constant_numeric{$key} = $value;
            } else {
                print STDERR "WARNING: Have two conflicting constant values for [$key], using first [$constant_numeric{$key}] not second [$value]\n";

        # Null strings -- very special
        elsif ( $value =~ /^\"\\0/ ) {
            # Strip all of the double quotes, and give us just the \0's
            $value =~ s/\"//g;
            # Count the null characters (i.e. count everything, and
            # divide by 2, 'cause this is a string like "\0\0\0\0")
            $constant_null{$key} = length($value)/2;
        # Non-null strings
        elsif ( $value =~ /^\"/ ) {
            # Strip all of the double quotes, and give us just the contents
            # NOTE: This will handle line wrapped stuff (embedded "")
            $value =~ s/\"//g;
            # 5.1 encodes a bunch of characters in hex for some wierd reason...
            $value =~ s/\\x(\w{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
            $constant_string{$key} = $value;
        # Character arrays - we can parse these, but they're not
        # consumable by the C pre-processor without a structure assignment, so
        # we skip them.
        # Example: MQPSC_COMMAND_A                'C','o','m','m','a','n','d'
        elsif ($key =~ /^MQ\w+_[A-Z]?A$/ &&
               $value =~ /^('[^']',)+'[^']'$/) {
            #print STDERR "XXX: Skipping character array '$key' -> $value\n";
        # Single character string
        elsif ( $value =~ /\'/ ) {
            $value =~ s/\'//g;
            $value =~ s/\\x(\w{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
            $constant_char{$key} = $value;
        # Some #defines are expressed in terms of others (binary OR).
        # Postpone them and handle them at the end of the file
        elsif ($value =~ /^\s* (MQ\w+ \s* \| \s*)+ MQ\w+ \s*$/x) {
            $value =~ s/^\s+//;
            $postponed{$key} = $value;
        # Ignore the function macros in cmqbc.h
        elsif ( $value =~ /^mq[A-Z]/ ) {
        # Don't know how to parse....
        else {
            warn "Unrecognized value: '$key' => '$value'\n";

        # Debugging....
        # s/\s*/\t/;
        # print "$_\n";


    # Handle the postponed entries
    while (my ($key, $value) = each %postponed) {
        #print STDERR "XXX: key '$key' is composed of other constant: '$value'\n";
        my $result = 0;
        foreach my $constant (split /\s* \| \s*/, $value) {
            my $num = $constant_numeric{$constant} ||
            if (defined $num) {
                #print STDERR "XXX2: OR constant $constant -> $num\n";
                $result |= $num;
            } else {
                warn "Cannot add determine value for '$key', unknown constant '$constant'\n"; # not numeric/hex
                next POSTPONED;
        #print STDERR "XXX4: result is $key => $result\n";
        $constant_numeric{$key} = $result;
}                               #  End foreach: header file

# There's a bunch of MQ v6 and v7 constants used in the perl source
# code that will cause breakage when compiling against MQ v5 or MQ v6
# - unless we define them here. See also MQClient/constants.c.PL,
# where we use these constants to add a bunch of #define entries.
our %extra_hex = (
                  MQIMPO_CONVERT_TYPE          => 0x0002,
                  MQIMPO_INQ_FIRST             => 0x0000,
                  MQIMPO_INQ_NEXT              => 0x0008,
                  MQIMPO_INQ_PROP_UNDER_CURSOR => 0x0010,
                  MQPMO_ASYNC_RESPONSE         => 0x010000,
                  MQSTAT_TYPE_ASYNC_ERROR      => 0x0000,
                  MQTYPE_AS_SET                => 0x0000,
                  MQTYPE_BOOLEAN               => 0x0004,
                  MQTYPE_BYTE_STRING           => 0x0008,
                  MQTYPE_FLOAT32               => 0x0100,
                  MQTYPE_FLOAT64               => 0x0200,
                  MQTYPE_INT8                  => 0x0010,
                  MQTYPE_INT16                 => 0x0020,
                  MQTYPE_INT32                 => 0x0040,
                  MQTYPE_NULL                  => 0x0002,
                  MQTYPE_STRING                => 0x0400,
our %extra_num = (
                  MQCFH_VERSION_3             => 3,
                  MQCFOP_CONTAINS             => 10,
                  MQCFOP_CONTAINS_GEN         => 26,
                  MQCFOP_EQUAL                => 2,
                  MQCFOP_EXCLUDES             => 13,
                  MQCFOP_EXCLUDES_GEN         => 29,
                  MQCFOP_GREATER              => 4,
                  MQCFOP_LESS                 => 1,
                  MQCFOP_LIKE                 => 18,
                  MQCFOP_NOT_EQUAL            => 5,
                  MQCFOP_NOT_GREATER          => 3,
                  MQCFOP_NOT_LESS             => 6,
                  MQCFOP_NOT_LIKE             => 21,
                  MQCFT_BYTE_STRING_FILTER    => 15,
                  MQCFT_COMMAND_XR            => 16,
                  MQCFT_INTEGER_FILTER        => 13,
                  MQCFT_STRING_FILTER         => 14,
                  MQGMO_VERSION_4             => 4,
                  MQOD_VERSION_4              => 4,
                  MQPMO_VERSION_3             => 3,
                  MQRC_NO_SUBSCRIPTION        => 2428,
                  MQRC_PROPERTY_NOT_AVAILABLE => 2471,
                  MQRC_PROPERTY_VALUE_TOO_BIG => 2469,
foreach my $name (sort keys %extra_hex) {
    my $value = $extra_hex{$name};
    if (defined $constant_hex{$name}) {
        if ($constant_hex{$name} != $value) {
            die "Conflict for value '$name': header file '$constant_hex{$name}', hardcoded fallback '$value'";
        delete $extra_hex{$name};
    } else {
        #print "Add hex constant '$name'\n";
        $constant_hex{$name} = $value;
foreach my $name (sort keys %extra_num) {
    my $value = $extra_num{$name};
    if (defined $constant_numeric{$name}) {
        if ($constant_numeric{$name} != $value) {
            die "Conflict for value '$name': header file '$constant_numeric{$name}', hardcoded fallback '$value'";
        delete $extra_num{$name};
    } else {
        $constant_numeric{$name} = $value;
