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package Net::GPSD3;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw{Net::GPSD3::Base};
use JSON::XS qw{};
use IO::Socket::INET6 qw{};
use Net::GPSD3::Return::Unknown;
use Net::GPSD3::Cache;
use DateTime;

our $VERSION='0.19';

=head1 NAME

Net::GPSD3 - Interface to the gpsd server daemon protocol versions 3 (JSON).


=head2 Watch Interface

  use Net::GPSD3;
  my $gpsd=Net::GPSD3->new;

One Liner

  perl -MNet::GPSD3 -e 'Net::GPSD3->new->watch'

=head2 Poll Interface

  use Net::GPSD3;
  use Data::Dumper qw{Dumper};
  my $gpsd=Net::GPSD3->new;
  my $poll=$gpsd->poll;
  print Dumper($poll);

One Liner

  perl -MNet::GPSD3 -e 'printf "Protocol: %s\n", Net::GPSD3->new->poll->parent->cache->VERSION->protocol;'

  Protocol: 3.4

=head2 POE Interface

See L<Net::GPSD3::POE>


Net::GPSD3 provides an object client interface to the gpsd server daemon utilizing the version 3 protocol. gpsd is an open source GPS daemon from  Support for Version 3 of the protocol (JSON) was added to the daemon in version 2.90.  If your daemon is before 2.90 (protocol 2.X), please use the L<Net::GPSD> package.


=head2 new

Returns a new Net::GPSD3 object.

  my $gpsd=Net::GPSD3->new;
  my $gpsd=Net::GPSD3->new(host=>"", port=>2947); #defaults

=head1 METHODS

=head2 host

Sets or returns the current gpsd host.

 my $host=$obj->host;


sub host {
  my $self=shift;
  if (@_) {
  $self->{'host'}="" unless defined $self->{'host'};
  return $self->{'host'};

=head2 port

Sets or returns the current gpsd TCP port.

 my $port=$obj->port;


sub port {
  my $self=shift;
  if (@_) {
  $self->{'port'}='2947' unless defined $self->{'port'};
  return $self->{'port'};

=head2 poll

Sends a Poll request to the gpsd server and returns a L<Net::GPSD3::Return::POLL> object. The method also populates the cache object with the L<Net::GPSD3::Return::VERISON> and L<Net::GPSD3::Return::DEVICES> objects.

  my $poll=$gpsd->poll; #isa Net::GPSD3::Return::POLL object

Note: In order to use the poll method consistently you should run the GPSD daemon as a service.  You may also need to run the daemon with the "-n" option.


sub poll {
  my $self=shift;
  $self->socket->send(qq(?DEVICES;\n)) unless $self->cache->DEVICES;
  my $object;
  do { #Reads and caches VERSION and DEVICES
    local $/="\r\n";
    my $line=$self->socket->getline;
    chomp $line;
    $object=$self->constructor($self->decode($line), string=>$line);
    $self->cache->add($object) unless $object->class eq "POLL";
  } until $object->class eq "POLL"; #this needs more logic
  return $object;

=head2 watch

Calls all handlers that are registered in the handler method.

  $gpsd->watch;  #will not return unless something goes wrong.


sub watch {
  my $self=shift;
  my @handler=$self->handlers;
  push @handler, \&default_handler unless scalar(@handler);
  #$self->socket->send(qq(?DEVICES;\n)); #appears this is now done in the daemon
  $self->socket->send($self->_watch_string_on. "\n");
  my $object;
  #man 8 gpsd - Each request returns a line of response text ended by a CR/LF.
  local $/="\r\n";
  my $line;
  while (defined($line=$self->socket->getline)) { #Reads VERSION and DEVICES object too.
    #print "$line\n";
    chomp $line;
    my $object=$self->constructor($self->decode($line), string=>$line);
    $_->($object) foreach @handler;
    $self->cache($object); #cache after handler so that the last point is available to the handler.
  return $self;

sub _watch_string_on {
  return q(?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true};);

sub _watch_string_off {
  return q(?WATCH={"enable":false,"json":true};);

=head2 addHandler

Adds handlers to the handler list.

  $gpsd->addHandler(\&myHandler1, \&myHandler2);

A handler is a sub reference where the first argument is a Net::GPSD3::Return::* object.


sub addHandler {
  my $self=shift;
  my $array=$self->handlers;
  push @$array, @_ if @_;
  return $self;

=head2 handlers

List of handlers that are called in order to process objects from the gpsd wathcer stream.  

  my @handler=$gpsd->handlers; #()
  my $handler=$gpsd->handlers; #[]


sub handlers {
  my $self=shift;
  $self->{'handler'}=[] unless ref($self->{'handler'});
  return wantarray ? @{$self->{'handler'}} : $self->{'handler'};

=head2 cache

Returns the L<Net::GPSD3::Cache> caching object.


sub cache {
  my $self=shift;
    unless defined $self->{"cache"};
  return $self->{"cache"};

=head1 METHODS Internal

=head2 default_handler


sub default_handler {
  my $object=shift;
  #use Data::Dumper qw{Dumper};
  #print Dumper($object);
  if ($object->class eq "TPV") {
    printf "%s: %s, Time: %s, Lat: %s, Lon: %s, Speed: %s, Heading: %s\n",
  } elsif ($object->class eq "SKY") {
    printf "%s: %s, Satellites: %s, Used: %s, PRNs: %s\n",
             join(",", map {$_->prn} grep {$_->used} $object->Satellites),
  } elsif ($object->class eq "SUBFRAME") {
    printf qq{%s: %s, Device: %s\n},
  } elsif ($object->class eq "VERSION") {
    printf "%s: %s, GPSD: %s (%s), %s: %s\n",
  } elsif ($object->class eq "WATCH") {
    printf "%s: %s, Enabled: %s\n",
  } elsif ($object->class eq "DEVICES") {
    my @device=$object->Devices;
    foreach my $device (@device) {
      if ($device->activated) {
        $device=sprintf("%s (%s bps %s-%s)", $device->path, $device->bps, $device->driver, $device->subtype);
      } else {
    printf "%s: %s, Devices: %s\n",
             join(", ", @device);
  } elsif ($object->class eq "DEVICE") {
    printf qq{%s: %s, Device: %s (%s bps %s-%s)\n},
  } elsif ($object->class eq "ERROR") {
    printf qq{%s: %s, Message: "%s"\n},
  } else {
    warn(sprintf(qq{Warning: Unknown class "%s" for object "%s".}, $object->class, ref($object)));
    #print Dumper($object);
  #print Dumper($object);

=head2 socket

Returns the cached L<IO::Socket::INET6> object

  my $socket=$gpsd->socket;  #try to reconnect on failure


sub socket {
  my $self=shift;
  unless (defined($self->{'socket'}) and
            defined($self->{'socket'}->connected)) { 
                        PeerAddr => $self->host,
                        PeerPort => $self->port,
    die(sprintf("Error: Cannot connect to gpsd://%s:%s/.\n",
      $self->host, $self->port)) unless defined($self->{"socket"});
  return $self->{'socket'};

=head2 json

Returns the cached L<JSON::XS> object


sub json {
  my $self=shift;
  #Do I need to support JSON::PP?
  $self->{"json"}=JSON::XS->new unless ref($self->{"json"}) eq "JSON::XS";
  return $self->{"json"};

=head2 decode

Returns a perl data structure given a JSON formated string.

  my %data=$gpsd->decode($string); #()
  my $data=$gpsd->decode($string); #{}


sub decode {
  my $self=shift;
  my $string=shift;
  my $data=eval {$self->json->decode($string)};
  if ($@) {
    $data={class=>"ERROR", message=>"Invalid JSON"};
  return wantarray ? %$data : $data;

=head2 encode

Returns a JSON string from a perl data structure


sub encode {
  my $self=shift;
  my $data=shift;
  my $string=$self->json->encode($data);
  return $string;

=head2 constructor

Constructs a class object by lazy loading the classes.

  my $obj=$gpsd->constructor(%$data);
  my $obj=$gpsd->constructor(class=>"DEVICE",

Returns and object in the Net::GPSD3::Return::* namespace.


sub constructor {
  my $self=shift;
  my %data=@_;
  my $class=join("::", $PACKAGE, "Return", $data{"class"});
  my $object;
  eval("use $class");
  if ($@) { #Failed to load class
    $object=Net::GPSD3::Return::Unknown->new(parent=>$self, %data);
  } else {
    $object=$class->new(parent=>$self, %data);
  return $object;

=head1 BUGS

Log on RT and Send to gpsd-dev email list

There are no two GPS devices that are alike.  Each GPS device has a different GPSD signature as well. If your GPS device does not work out of the box with this package, please send me a log of your devices JSON sentences.

  echo '?POLL;' | nc 2947

  echo '?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true};' | socat -t10 stdin stdout | nc 2947

=head1 SUPPORT supports all Perl applications including this package.

Try gpsd-dev email list

=head1 AUTHOR

  Michael R. Davis


This program is free software licensed under the...

  The BSD License

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Net::GPSD>, L<Net::GPSD3::POE>, L<GPS::Point>, L<JSON::XS>, L<IO::Socket::INET6>, L<DateTime>

