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-- Copyright (c) 2000 GSM MoU Association. Restricted − Con­
-- fidential Information.  Access to and distribution of this
-- document is restricted to the persons listed under the
-- heading Security Classification Category*. This document
-- is confidential to the Association and is subject to copy­
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-- document. The information contained in this document may
-- be subject to change without prior notice.
-- The following ASN.1 specification defines the abstract syntax for 
--        Data Record Format Version 03 
--                           Release 09
-- The specification is structured as follows:
--   (1) structure of the Tap batch
--   (2) defintition of the individual Tap 'records' 
--   (3) Tap data items and groups of data items used within (2)
--   (4) Common, non-Tap data types
--   (5) Tap data items for content charging
-- It is mainly a translation from the logical structure
-- diagrams. Where appropriate, names used within the 
-- logical structure diagrams have been shortened.
-- For repeating data items the name as used within the logical
-- structure have been extended by adding 'list' or 'table'
-- (in some instances).



-- Structure of a Tap batch 

DataInterChange ::= CHOICE 
    transferBatch TransferBatch, 
    notification  Notification

-- Batch Control Information must always, both logically and physically, be the
-- first group/item within Transfer Batch - this ensures that the TAP release 
-- version can be readily identified.  Any new groups/items required may be 
-- inserted at any point after Batch Control Information

TransferBatch ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE
    batchControlInfo       BatchControlInfo            OPTIONAL,
    accountingInfo         AccountingInfo              OPTIONAL,
    networkInfo            NetworkInfo                 OPTIONAL,
    vasInfo                VasInfo                     OPTIONAL,
    messageDescriptionInfo MessageDescriptionInfo      OPTIONAL,
    callEventDetails       CallEventDetailList         OPTIONAL,
    auditControlInfo       AuditControlInfo            OPTIONAL

-- The logical and physical structures must not be changed up to and including the 
-- Release Version Number - this ensures that the TAP release version can be readily 
-- identified.  Any new groups/items required may be inserted at any point after 
-- Release Version Number

Notification ::= [APPLICATION 2] SEQUENCE
    sender                      Sender                     OPTIONAL,
    recipient                   Recipient                  OPTIONAL,
    fileSequenceNumber          FileSequenceNumber         OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber      OPTIONAL,
    fileCreationTimeStamp       FileCreationTimeStamp      OPTIONAL,
    fileAvailableTimeStamp      FileAvailableTimeStamp     OPTIONAL,
    transferCutOffTimeStamp     TransferCutOffTimeStamp    OPTIONAL,
    specificationVersionNumber  SpecificationVersionNumber OPTIONAL,
    releaseVersionNumber        ReleaseVersionNumber       OPTIONAL,
    fileTypeIndicator           FileTypeIndicator          OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList       OPTIONAL

CallEventDetailList ::=  [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE OF CallEventDetail

CallEventDetail ::= CHOICE
    mobileOriginatedCall   MobileOriginatedCall,
    mobileTerminatedCall   MobileTerminatedCall,
    supplServiceEvent      SupplServiceEvent,
    serviceCentreUsage     ServiceCentreUsage,
    valueAddedService      ValueAddedService,
    gprsCall               GprsCall,
    contentTransaction     ContentTransaction

-- Structure of the individual Tap records

-- The logical and physical structures must not be changed up to and including the 
-- Release Version Number - this ensures that the TAP release version can be readily 
-- identified.  Any new groups/items required may be inserted at any point after 
-- Release Version Number.
-- Please note that this implies also that the 'SEQUENCE OF' construct in the ASN.1 
-- specification cannot be replaced by 'SET OF' within the Transfer Batch, 
-- Notification and Batch Control Information.

BatchControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 4] SEQUENCE
    sender                      Sender                      OPTIONAL,
    recipient                   Recipient                   OPTIONAL,
    fileSequenceNumber          FileSequenceNumber          OPTIONAL,
    fileCreationTimeStamp       FileCreationTimeStamp       OPTIONAL,
    transferCutOffTimeStamp     TransferCutOffTimeStamp     OPTIONAL,
    fileAvailableTimeStamp      FileAvailableTimeStamp      OPTIONAL,
    specificationVersionNumber  SpecificationVersionNumber  OPTIONAL,
    releaseVersionNumber        ReleaseVersionNumber        OPTIONAL,
    fileTypeIndicator           FileTypeIndicator           OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber       OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

AccountingInfo ::= [APPLICATION 5] SEQUENCE
    taxation                    Taxation           OPTIONAL,
    discounting                 Discounting        OPTIONAL,
    localCurrency               LocalCurrency      OPTIONAL,
    tapCurrency                 TapCurrency        OPTIONAL,
    currencyConversion          CurrencyConversion OPTIONAL,
    tapDecimalPlaces            TapDecimalPlaces   OPTIONAL

    utcTimeOffsetInfo           UtcTimeOffsetInfo     OPTIONAL,
    recEntityInfo               RecEntityTable        OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType           OPTIONAL,
    calledNumAnalysis           CalledNumAnalysisList OPTIONAL

VasInfo ::= [APPLICATION 7]  SEQUENCE OF VasDefinition

MessageDescriptionInfo ::= [APPLICATION 8] 
                           SEQUENCE OF MessageDescriptionDefinition

MobileOriginatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 9] SEQUENCE
    basicCallInformation        MoBasicCallInformation    OPTIONAL,
    locationInformation         LocationInformation       OPTIONAL,
    equipmentInformation        EquipmentInformation      OPTIONAL,
    basicServiceUsedList        BasicServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL,
    supplServiceUsedList        SupplServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceUsed            CamelServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    valueAddedServiceUsedList   ValueAddedServiceUsedList OPTIONAL,
    dualServiceRequested        DualServiceCode           OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList      OPTIONAL

MobileTerminatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 10] SEQUENCE
    basicCallInformation        MtBasicCallInformation    OPTIONAL,
    locationInformation         LocationInformation       OPTIONAL,
    equipmentInformation        EquipmentInformation      OPTIONAL,
    basicServiceUsedList        BasicServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL,
    supplServiceUsedList        SupplServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceUsed            CamelServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    valueAddedServiceUsedList   ValueAddedServiceUsedList OPTIONAL,
    dualServiceRequested        DualServiceCode           OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList      OPTIONAL

SupplServiceEvent ::= [APPLICATION 11] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator       FraudMonitorIndicator   OPTIONAL,
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType             OPTIONAL,
    locationInformation         LocationInformation     OPTIONAL,
    equipmentInformation        EquipmentInformation    OPTIONAL,
    supplServiceUsed            SupplServiceUsed        OPTIONAL,
    simToolkitIndicator         SimToolkitIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList    OPTIONAL

ServiceCentreUsage ::= [APPLICATION 12] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator       FraudMonitorIndicator   OPTIONAL,
    basicInformation            ScuBasicInformation     OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType             OPTIONAL,
    servingNetwork              ServingNetwork          OPTIONAL,
    recEntityCode               RecEntityCode           OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformation           ChargeInformation       OPTIONAL,
    scuChargeType               ScuChargeType           OPTIONAL,
    scuTimeStamps               ScuTimeStamps           OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList    OPTIONAL

ValueAddedService ::= [APPLICATION 13] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator       FraudMonitorIndicator      OPTIONAL,
    chargeableSubscriber        ScuVasChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber      OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType                OPTIONAL,
    servingNetwork              ServingNetwork             OPTIONAL,
    valueAddedServiceUsed       ValueAddedServiceUsed      OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList       OPTIONAL

    typeOfControllingNode       TypeOfControllingNode     OPTIONAL,
    gprsBasicCallInformation    GprsBasicCallInformation  OPTIONAL,
    gprsLocationInformation     GprsLocationInformation   OPTIONAL,
    equipmentInformation        EquipmentInformation      OPTIONAL,
    gprsServiceUsed             GprsServiceUsed           OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceUsed            CamelServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    valueAddedServiceUsedList   ValueAddedServiceUsedList OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList      OPTIONAL

ContentTransaction ::= [APPLICATION 17] SEQUENCE
    contentTransactionBasicInfo ContentTransactionBasicInfo OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyInformation     ChargedPartyInformation     OPTIONAL,
    servingPartiesInformation   ServingPartiesInformation   OPTIONAL,
    contentServiceUsed          ContentServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

AuditControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 15] SEQUENCE
    earliestCallTimeStamp       EarliestCallTimeStamp       OPTIONAL,
    latestCallTimeStamp         LatestCallTimeStamp         OPTIONAL,
    totalChargeValueList        TotalChargeValueList        OPTIONAL,
    totalTaxRefund              TotalTaxRefund              OPTIONAL,
    totalTaxValue               TotalTaxValue               OPTIONAL,
    totalDiscountValue          TotalDiscountValue          OPTIONAL,
    totalDiscountRefund         TotalDiscountRefund         OPTIONAL,
    totalAdvisedChargeValueList TotalAdvisedChargeValueList OPTIONAL,
    callEventDetailsCount       CallEventDetailsCount       OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

-- Tap data items and groups of data items

ThreeGcamelDestination ::= CHOICE
    camelDestination     CamelDestination,
    gprsDestination      GprsDestination

 AccessPointNameNI ::= [APPLICATION 261] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..63))

AccessPointNameOI ::= [APPLICATION 262] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..37))

AddressStringDigits ::= [APPLICATION 33] BCDString

AiurRequested ::= [APPLICATION 34] INTEGER

    fnur                        Fnur                     OPTIONAL,
    aiur                        AiurRequested            OPTIONAL,
    maxNumberOfChannels         NumberOfChannels         OPTIONAL,
    channelCodingsAcceptable    ChannelCodingsAcceptable OPTIONAL,
    channelCodingUsed           ChannelCoding            OPTIONAL,
    numberOfChannelsUsed        NumberOfChannelsUsed     OPTIONAL

BasicService ::= [APPLICATION 36] SEQUENCE
    serviceCode                 BasicServiceCode       OPTIONAL,
    radioChannelRequested       RadioChannelRequested  OPTIONAL,
    radioChannelUsed            RadioChannelUsed       OPTIONAL,
    speechVersionRequested      SpeechVersionRequested OPTIONAL,
    speechVersionUsed           SpeechVersionUsed      OPTIONAL,
    transparencyIndicator       TransparencyIndicator  OPTIONAL

BasicServiceCode ::= CHOICE 
    teleServiceCode      TeleServiceCode,
    bearerServiceCode    BearerServiceCode

BasicServiceCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 37] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceCode

BasicServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 38] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceUsed

BasicServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 39] SEQUENCE
    basicService                BasicService          OPTIONAL,
    chargingTimeStamp           ChargingTimeStamp     OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformationList       ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeReference         DataVolumeReference   OPTIONAL,
    hSCSDInformation             HSCSDInformation     OPTIONAL

BearerServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 40] HexString --(SIZE(2))

CalledNumAnalysis ::= [APPLICATION 246] SEQUENCE
    calledNumAnalysisCode       CalledNumAnalysisCode OPTIONAL,
    countryCodeTable            CountryCodeTable      OPTIONAL,
    iacTable                    IacTable              OPTIONAL

CalledNumAnalysisCode ::= [APPLICATION 247] Code

CalledNumAnalysisList ::= [APPLICATION 249] SEQUENCE OF

CalledPlace ::= [APPLICATION 42] AsciiString

CallOriginator ::= [APPLICATION 41]  SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber                TypeOfNumber          OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan               NumberingPlan         OPTIONAL,
    callingNumber               AddressStringDigits   OPTIONAL,
    modificationIndicator       ModificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
    clirIndicator               ClirIndicator         OPTIONAL

CallEventDetailsCount ::= [APPLICATION 43] INTEGER 

CallEventStartTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 44] DateTime

CallReference ::= [APPLICATION 45] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1..8))

CalledRegion ::= [APPLICATION 46] AsciiString

CallTypeGroup ::= [APPLICATION 258] SEQUENCE
    callTypeLevel1      CallTypeLevel1           OPTIONAL,
    callTypeLevel2      CallTypeLevel2           OPTIONAL,
    callTypeLevel3      CallTypeLevel3           OPTIONAL,
    calledCountryCode   CalledCountryCode        OPTIONAL

CallTypeLevel1 ::= [APPLICATION 259] INTEGER

CallTypeLevel2 ::= [APPLICATION 255] INTEGER

CallTypeLevel3 ::= [APPLICATION 256] INTEGER

CalledCountryCode ::= [APPLICATION 257] NumberString

CamelCallReference ::= [APPLICATION 49] SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber        TypeOfNumber             OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan       NumberingPlan            OPTIONAL,
    mscAddress          AddressStringDigits      OPTIONAL,
    callReferenceNumber CamelCallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL

CamelCallReferenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 50] HexString --(SIZE(2..16))

CamelDestination ::= [APPLICATION 51] SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber                TypeOfNumber        OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan               NumberingPlan       OPTIONAL,
    camelDestinationNumber      AddressStringDigits OPTIONAL

CamelInitiatedCFIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 52]  INTEGER

CamelModification ::= [APPLICATION 53] INTEGER

CamelModificationList ::= [APPLICATION 54] SEQUENCE OF CamelModification

CamelServiceKey ::= [APPLICATION 55] INTEGER

CamelServiceLevel ::= [APPLICATION 56] INTEGER

CamelServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 57] SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber                TypeOfNumber                 OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan               NumberingPlan                OPTIONAL,
    camelServerAddress          AddressStringDigits          OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceLevel           CamelServiceLevel            OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceKey             CamelServiceKey              OPTIONAL,
    defaultCallHandling         DefaultCallHandlingIndicator OPTIONAL,
    camelCallReference          CamelCallReference           OPTIONAL,
    camelChargeInformation      ChargeInformation            OPTIONAL,
    camelInitiatedCFIndicator   CamelInitiatedCFIndicator    OPTIONAL,
    camelModificationList       CamelModificationList        OPTIONAL,
    threeGcamelDestination      ThreeGcamelDestination       OPTIONAL,
    cseInformation              CseInformation               OPTIONAL



ChannelCoding ::= [APPLICATION 60] INTEGER

ChannelCodingsAcceptable ::= [APPLICATION 61]  SEQUENCE OF ChannelCoding

Charge ::= [APPLICATION 62] AbsoluteAmount

ChargeDetail ::= [APPLICATION 63] SEQUENCE

    chargeType              ChargeType         OPTIONAL,
    charge                  Charge             OPTIONAL,
    chargeableUnits         ChargeableUnits    OPTIONAL,
    chargedUnits            ChargedUnits       OPTIONAL,
    chargeDetailTimeStamp   ChargingTimeStamp  OPTIONAL,
    dayCategory             DayCategory        OPTIONAL,
    dayCategorySubtype      DayCategorySubtype OPTIONAL,
    timeBand                TimeBand           OPTIONAL,
    timeBandSubtype         TimeBandSubtype    OPTIONAL,
    multiRateIndicator      MultiRateIndicator OPTIONAL

ChargeDetailList ::= [APPLICATION 64] SEQUENCE OF ChargeDetail

ChargeableSubscriber ::= CHOICE 
    simChargeableSubscriber SimChargeableSubscriber,
    minChargeableSubscriber MinChargeableSubscriber

ChargeableUnits ::= [APPLICATION 65]  INTEGER

ChargedItem ::= [APPLICATION 66]  AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

ChargedPartyStatus ::= [APPLICATION 67] INTEGER 

ChargedUnits ::= [APPLICATION 68]  INTEGER 

ChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 69] SEQUENCE
    chargedItem         ChargedItem         OPTIONAL,
    exchangeRateCode    ExchangeRateCode    OPTIONAL,
    callTypeGroup       CallTypeGroup       OPTIONAL,
     chargeDetailList    ChargeDetailList    OPTIONAL,
    taxInformation      TaxInformationList  OPTIONAL,
    discountInformation DiscountInformation OPTIONAL

ChargeInformationList ::= [APPLICATION 70] SEQUENCE OF ChargeInformation

ChargeType ::= [APPLICATION 71] NumberString --(SIZE(2..3))

ChargingCharacteristics ::= [APPLICATION 263] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1))


ChargingPoint ::= [APPLICATION 73]  AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

ChargingTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 74]  DateTime

ClirIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 75] INTEGER

CompletionTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 76] DateTime

CountryCode ::= [APPLICATION 77] NumberString

CountryCodeTable ::= [APPLICATION 78] SEQUENCE OF CountryCode

CseInformation ::= [APPLICATION 79] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1..40))

CurrencyConversion ::= [APPLICATION 80] SEQUENCE OF ExchangeRateDefinition

DataVolume ::= [APPLICATION 81] INTEGER 

DataVolumeIncoming ::= [APPLICATION 250] DataVolume

DataVolumeOutgoing ::= [APPLICATION 251] DataVolume

DataVolumeReference ::= [APPLICATION 82] INTEGER 

--  The following datatypes are used to denote timestamps.
--  Each timestamp consists of a local timestamp and a
--  corresponding UTC time offset. 
--  Except for the timestamps used within the Batch Control 
--  Information and the Audit Control Information 
--  the UTC time offset is identified by a code referencing
--  the UtcTimeOffsetInfo.
-- We start with the "short" datatype referencing the 
-- UtcTimeOffsetInfo.

     -- Local timestamps are noted in the format
     --     CCYYMMDDhhmmss
     -- where CC  =  century  ('19', '20',...)
     --       YY  =  year     ('00' - '99')
     --       MM  =  month    ('01', '02', ... , '12')
     --       DD  =  day      ('01', '02', ... , '31')
     --       hh  =  hour     ('00', '01', ... , '24')
     --       mm  =  minutes  ('00', '01', ... , '59')
     --       ss  =  seconds  ('00', '01', ... , '59')
    localTimeStamp     LocalTimeStamp    OPTIONAL ,
    utcTimeOffsetCode  UtcTimeOffsetCode OPTIONAL

-- The following version is the "long" datatype
-- containing the UTC time offset directly. 

    localTimeStamp     LocalTimeStamp OPTIONAL ,
    utcTimeOffset      UtcTimeOffset  OPTIONAL

DayCategory ::= [APPLICATION 85] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

DayCategorySubtype ::= [APPLICATION 86] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

DefaultCallHandlingIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 87] INTEGER

DepositTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 88] DateTime

Destination ::= [APPLICATION 89] SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber                TypeOfNumber          OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan               NumberingPlan         OPTIONAL,
    calledNumber                AddressStringDigits   OPTIONAL,
    modificationIndicator       ModificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
    calledPlace                 CalledPlace           OPTIONAL,
    calledRegion                CalledRegion          OPTIONAL,
    calledNumAnalysisCode       CalledNumAnalysisCode OPTIONAL

DestinationNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 90] NetworkId 

DiscountApplied ::= CHOICE 
    fixedDiscountValue    DiscountValue, 
    discountRate          DiscountRate

DiscountCode ::= [APPLICATION 91] INTEGER 

DiscountDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 94] SEQUENCE
    discountCode    DiscountCode    OPTIONAL,
    discountApplied DiscountApplied OPTIONAL

DiscountInformation ::= [APPLICATION 96] SEQUENCE
    discountCode DiscountCode  OPTIONAL,
    discount     DiscountValue OPTIONAL

Discounting ::= [APPLICATION 95]  SEQUENCE OF DiscountDefinition

DiscountRate ::= [APPLICATION 92] PercentageRate

DiscountValue ::= [APPLICATION 93] AbsoluteAmount

DistanceChargeBandCode ::= [APPLICATION 98] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

DualServiceCode ::= CHOICE
    dualTeleServiceCode     DualTeleServiceCode,
    dualBearerServiceCode   DualBearerServiceCode

DualBearerServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 99] HexString --(SIZE(2))

DualTeleServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 100] HexString --(SIZE(2))

EarliestCallTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 101] DateTimeLong

EquipmentInformation ::= [APPLICATION 102]  SEQUENCE
    mobileStationClassMark    MobileStationClassMark OPTIONAL,
    imeiOrEsn                 ImeiOrEsn              OPTIONAL

Esn ::= [APPLICATION 103] NumberString

ExchangeRate ::= [APPLICATION 104] INTEGER

ExchangeRateCode ::= [APPLICATION 105] Code

ExchangeRateDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 106] SEQUENCE
    exchangeRateCode      ExchangeRateCode      OPTIONAL,
    numberOfDecimalPlaces NumberOfDecimalPlaces OPTIONAL,
    exchangeRate          ExchangeRate          OPTIONAL

FileAvailableTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 107] DateTimeLong

FileCreationTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 108] DateTimeLong

FileSequenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 109] NumberString --(SIZE(5))

FileTypeIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 110] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))


FraudMonitorIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 112] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

GeographicalLocation ::= [APPLICATION 113]  SEQUENCE
    servingNetwork              ServingNetwork       OPTIONAL,
    servingBid                  ServingBid           OPTIONAL,
    servingLocationDescription  LocationDescription  OPTIONAL,
    longitude                   Longitude            OPTIONAL,
    latitude                    Latitude             OPTIONAL

GprsBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 114] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator       FraudMonitorIndicator    OPTIONAL,
    chargeableSubscriber        GprsChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber    OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType              OPTIONAL,
    gprsDestination             GprsDestination          OPTIONAL,
    callEventStartTimeStamp     CallEventStartTimeStamp  OPTIONAL,
    totalCallEventDuration      TotalCallEventDuration   OPTIONAL,
    causeForTerm                CauseForTerm             OPTIONAL,
    partialTypeIndicator        PartialTypeIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    pDPContextStartTimestamp    PDPContextStartTimestamp OPTIONAL,
    networkInitPDPContext       NetworkInitPDPContext    OPTIONAL,
    chargingId                  ChargingId               OPTIONAL

GprsChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 115] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL,
    pdpType                     PdpType                 OPTIONAL,
    pdpAddress                  PdpAddress              OPTIONAL,
    chargingCharacteristics     ChargingCharacteristics OPTIONAL

GprsDestination ::= [APPLICATION 116] SEQUENCE
    accessPointNameNI           AccessPointNameNI      OPTIONAL,
    accessPointNameOI           AccessPointNameOI      OPTIONAL,
    remotePdpAddressList        RemotePdpAddressList OPTIONAL

GprsLocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 117] SEQUENCE
    gprsNetworkLocation         GprsNetworkLocation     OPTIONAL,
    homeLocationInformation     HomeLocationInformation OPTIONAL,
    geographicalLocation        GeographicalLocation    OPTIONAL 

GprsNetworkLocation ::= [APPLICATION 118] SEQUENCE
    recEntity                   RecEntityCodeList OPTIONAL,
    locationArea                LocationArea      OPTIONAL,
    cellId                      CellId            OPTIONAL

GprsServiceUsage ::= [APPLICATION 119]  SEQUENCE
    gprsUsageTimeStamp          ChargingTimeStamp  OPTIONAL,
    qosRequested                QoSRequested       OPTIONAL,
    qosUsed                     QoSUsed            OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeIncoming          DataVolumeIncoming OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeOutgoing          DataVolumeOutgoing OPTIONAL

GprsServiceUsageList ::= [APPLICATION 120]  SEQUENCE OF GprsServiceUsage

GprsServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 121]  SEQUENCE
    gprsServiceUsageList        GprsServiceUsageList  OPTIONAL,
    chargingTimeStamp           ChargingTimeStamp     OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformationList       ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL

GSMQoSInformation ::= SEQUENCE
    delay          QoSDelay          OPTIONAL,
    meanThroughput QoSMeanThroughput OPTIONAL,
    peakThroughput QoSPeakThroughput OPTIONAL,
    precedence     QoSPrecedence     OPTIONAL,
    reliability    QoSReliability    OPTIONAL

GSMQoSRequested ::= [APPLICATION 272]  GSMQoSInformation

GSMQoSUsed ::= [APPLICATION 273] GSMQoSInformation

GsnAddress ::= IpAddress

HomeBid ::= [APPLICATION 122]  Bid

HomeLocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 123] SEQUENCE
    homeBid                     HomeBid             OPTIONAL,
    homeLocationDescription     LocationDescription OPTIONAL

    basicHSCSDParameters            BasicHSCSDParameters           OPTIONAL,
    hSCSDParameterModificationList  HSCSDParameterModificationList OPTIONAL

HSCSDParameterModification ::= [APPLICATION 125] SEQUENCE
    aiur                        AiurRequested         OPTIONAL,
    maxNumberOfChannels         NumberOfChannels      OPTIONAL,
    channelCodingUsed           ChannelCoding         OPTIONAL,
    numberOfChannelsUsed        NumberOfChannelsUsed  OPTIONAL,
    initiatingParty             InitiatingParty       OPTIONAL,
    modificationTimestamp       ModificationTimestamp OPTIONAL

HSCSDParameterModificationList ::= [APPLICATION 140] 
                               SEQUENCE OF HSCSDParameterModification

Iac ::= [APPLICATION 126] NumberString


Imei ::= [APPLICATION 128] BCDString --(SIZE(7..8))

ImeiOrEsn ::= CHOICE 
    imei  Imei,
    esn   Esn

Imsi ::= [APPLICATION 129] BCDString --(SIZE(3..8))

InitiatingParty ::= [APPLICATION 130] INTEGER

IpAddress ::= CHOICE
    -- IP4 address as x.x.x.x, where 'x's represent the decimal values
    -- of the four 8-bit segment
    -- IP6 address as x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where 'x's represent the
    -- hexadecimal values of the eight 16-bit segments
    iPTextV4Address	IPTextV4Address,
    iPTextV6Address	IPTextV6Address

IPTextV4Address	::= [APPLICATION 131] AsciiString --(SIZE(7..15))

IPTextV6Address	::= [APPLICATION 132] AsciiString --(SIZE(15..39))

LatestCallTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 133] DateTimeLong

Latitude ::= [APPLICATION 134] INTEGER 

LocalCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 135] Currency

LocalTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 16] NumberString --(SIZE(14))

LocationArea ::= [APPLICATION 136] INTEGER 

LocationDescription ::= [APPLICATION 137] AsciiString

LocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 138]  SEQUENCE
    networkLocation             NetworkLocation         OPTIONAL,
    homeLocationInformation     HomeLocationInformation OPTIONAL,
    geographicalLocation        GeographicalLocation    OPTIONAL

Longitude ::= [APPLICATION 139] INTEGER 

Mdn ::= [APPLICATION 253] NumberString

MessageDescriptionCode ::= [APPLICATION 141] Code

MessageDescription ::= [APPLICATION 142] AsciiString

MessageDescriptionDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 143] SEQUENCE
    messageDescriptionCode MessageDescriptionCode OPTIONAL,
    messageDescription     MessageDescription     OPTIONAL

MessageStatus ::= [APPLICATION 144] INTEGER

MessageType ::= [APPLICATION 145] INTEGER

Min ::= [APPLICATION 146] NumberString --(SIZE(2..15)) 

MinChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 254] SEQUENCE
    min     Min    OPTIONAL,
    mdn     Mdn    OPTIONAL

MoBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 147] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator       FraudMonitorIndicator   OPTIONAL,
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType             OPTIONAL,
    destination                 Destination             OPTIONAL,
    destinationNetwork          DestinationNetwork      OPTIONAL,
    callEventStartTimeStamp     CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL,
    totalCallEventDuration      TotalCallEventDuration  OPTIONAL,
    simToolkitIndicator         SimToolkitIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    causeForTerm                CauseForTerm            OPTIONAL

MobileStationClassMark ::= [APPLICATION 148] INTEGER

ModificationIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 149] INTEGER

ModificationTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 150] DateTime

MscId ::= [APPLICATION 151] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..15))

Msisdn ::= [APPLICATION 152] BCDString --(SIZE(1..8))

MtBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 153] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator       FraudMonitorIndicator   OPTIONAL,
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    networkType                 NetworkType             OPTIONAL,
    callOriginator              CallOriginator          OPTIONAL,
    originatingNetwork          OriginatingNetwork      OPTIONAL,
    callEventStartTimeStamp     CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL,
    totalCallEventDuration      TotalCallEventDuration  OPTIONAL,
    simToolkitIndicator         SimToolkitIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    causeForTerm                CauseForTerm            OPTIONAL

MultiRateIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 154] INTEGER
NetworkId ::= [APPLICATION 155] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..6))

NetworkInitPDPContext ::= [APPLICATION 245] INTEGER

NetworkLocation ::= [APPLICATION 156]  SEQUENCE
    recEntityCode               RecEntityCode OPTIONAL,
    callReference               CallReference OPTIONAL,
    locationArea                LocationArea  OPTIONAL,
    cellId                      CellId        OPTIONAL

NetworkType ::= [APPLICATION 157] INTEGER 

NonChargedParty ::= [APPLICATION 158]  SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber                TypeOfNumber          OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan               NumberingPlan         OPTIONAL,
    nonChargedNumber            AddressStringDigits   OPTIONAL,
    calledNumAnalysisCode       CalledNumAnalysisCode OPTIONAL,
    modificationIndicator       ModificationIndicator OPTIONAL

NumberOfDecimalPlaces ::= [APPLICATION 159] INTEGER

NumberingPlan ::= [APPLICATION 160] INTEGER

NumberOfChannels ::= [APPLICATION 161] INTEGER

NumberOfChannelsUsed ::= [APPLICATION 252] INTEGER

OperatorSpecInformation ::= [APPLICATION 163] AsciiString

OperatorSpecInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 162] SEQUENCE OF OperatorSpecInformation

OriginatingNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 164] NetworkId 

PacketDataProtocolAddress ::= [APPLICATION 165] AsciiString 

PartialTypeIndicator ::=  [APPLICATION 166] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

PdpAddress ::= [APPLICATION 167] PacketDataProtocolAddress

PDPContextStartTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 260] DateTime


PlmnId ::= [APPLICATION 169] AsciiString --(SIZE(5))

PriorityCode ::= [APPLICATION 170] INTEGER

QoSAllocRetenPriority  ::= [APPLICATION 275] INTEGER

QoSDeliveryOrder  ::= [APPLICATION 278] INTEGER


QoSHandlingpriority  ::= [APPLICATION 276] INTEGER


QoSMaxBitRateUplink ::= [APPLICATION 264] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1))

QoSMaxBitRateDownlink ::= [APPLICATION 274] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1))


QoSMeanThroughput   ::= [APPLICATION 173] INTEGER

QoSPeakThroughput ::= [APPLICATION 174] INTEGER

QoSPrecedence   ::= [APPLICATION 175] INTEGER

QoSReliability  ::= [APPLICATION 176] INTEGER

QoSRequested ::= CHOICE
    gsmQoSRequested     GSMQoSRequested,
    umtsQoSRequested    UMTSQoSRequested



QoSTrafficClass		::= [APPLICATION 268] INTEGER

QoSTransferDelay::= [APPLICATION 269] OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1))

QoSUsed ::= CHOICE
    gsmQoSUsed     GSMQoSUsed,
    umtsQoSUsed    UMTSQoSUsed

RadioChannelRequested ::= [APPLICATION 179] INTEGER

RadioChannelUsed ::= [APPLICATION 180] INTEGER

RapFileSequenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 181]  FileSequenceNumber

Recipient ::= [APPLICATION 182]  PlmnId

RecEntityDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 183] SEQUENCE
    recEntityCode  RecEntityCode OPTIONAL,
    recEntityType  RecEntityType OPTIONAL,
    recEntityId    RecEntityId   OPTIONAL
RecEntityCode ::= [APPLICATION 184] Code

RecEntityCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 185] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityCode

RecEntityType ::= [APPLICATION 186] INTEGER

RecEntityId ::= CHOICE 
    mscId        MscId,
    msisdn       Msisdn,
    gsnaddress   GsnAddress

RecEntityTable ::= [APPLICATION 188] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityDefinition

ReleaseVersionNumber ::= [APPLICATION 189] INTEGER

RemotePdpAddressList ::= [APPLICATION 190] SEQUENCE OF PacketDataProtocolAddress

ScuBasicInformation ::= [APPLICATION 191] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber        ScuVasChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyStatus          ChargedPartyStatus         OPTIONAL,
    nonChargedParty             NonChargedParty            OPTIONAL,
    clirIndicator               ClirIndicator              OPTIONAL,
    originatingNetwork          OriginatingNetwork         OPTIONAL,
    destinationNetwork          DestinationNetwork         OPTIONAL

ScuChargeType ::= [APPLICATION 192]  SEQUENCE
    messageStatus               MessageStatus          OPTIONAL,
    priorityCode                PriorityCode           OPTIONAL,
    distanceChargeBandCode      DistanceChargeBandCode OPTIONAL,
    messageType                 MessageType            OPTIONAL,
    messageDescriptionCode      MessageDescriptionCode OPTIONAL

ScuTimeStamps ::= [APPLICATION 193]  SEQUENCE
    depositTimeStamp            DepositTimeStamp    OPTIONAL,
    completionTimeStamp         CompletionTimeStamp OPTIONAL,
    chargingPoint               ChargingPoint       OPTIONAL

ScuVasChargeableSubscriber ::= CHOICE 
    simChargeableSubscriber SimChargeableSubscriber,
    msisdn                  Msisdn,
    min                     Min

Sender ::= [APPLICATION 196]  PlmnId

ServingBid ::= [APPLICATION 198]  Bid

ServingNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 195]  AsciiString

SimChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 199] SEQUENCE
    imsi     Imsi   OPTIONAL,
    msisdn   Msisdn OPTIONAL

SimToolkitIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 200] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) 

SpecificationVersionNumber  ::= [APPLICATION 201] INTEGER

SpeechVersionRequested ::= [APPLICATION 202] SpeechVersion

SpeechVersionUsed ::= [APPLICATION 203] SpeechVersion

SpeechVersion ::= INTEGER

SsParameters ::= [APPLICATION 204] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..40))

SupplServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 206] SEQUENCE
    supplServiceCode       SupplServiceCode       OPTIONAL,
    supplServiceActionCode SupplServiceActionCode OPTIONAL,
    ssParameters           SsParameters           OPTIONAL,
    thirdPartyInformation  ThirdPartyInformation  OPTIONAL,
    chargingTimeStamp      ChargingTimeStamp      OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformation      ChargeInformation      OPTIONAL,
    basicServiceCodeList   BasicServiceCodeList   OPTIONAL

SupplServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 207] SEQUENCE OF SupplServiceUsed

SupplServiceActionCode ::= [APPLICATION 208] INTEGER

SupplServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 209] HexString --(SIZE(2))

TapCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 210] Currency

Taxation ::= [APPLICATION 211]  SEQUENCE OF TaxRateDefinition


TapDecimalPlaces ::= [APPLICATION 244] INTEGER

TaxInformation ::= [APPLICATION 213] SEQUENCE
    taxCode  TaxCode OPTIONAL,
    taxValue Charge  OPTIONAL

TaxInformationList ::= [APPLICATION 214]  SEQUENCE OF TaxInformation

TaxRate ::= [APPLICATION 215] NumberString --(SIZE(7))

TaxRateDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 216] SEQUENCE
    taxCode TaxCode OPTIONAL,
    taxType TaxType OPTIONAL,
    taxRate TaxRate OPTIONAL

TaxType ::= [APPLICATION 217] AsciiString --(SIZE(2))

TeleServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 218] HexString --(SIZE(2))

ThirdPartyInformation ::= [APPLICATION 219]  SEQUENCE
    typeOfNumber                TypeOfNumber          OPTIONAL,
    numberingPlan               NumberingPlan         OPTIONAL,
    thirdPartyNumber            AddressStringDigits   OPTIONAL,
    modificationIndicator       ModificationIndicator OPTIONAL,
    clirIndicator               ClirIndicator         OPTIONAL

TimeBand ::= [APPLICATION 220] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

TimeBandSubtype ::= [APPLICATION 221] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

TotalChargeValue ::= [APPLICATION 222] SEQUENCE
    chargeType         ChargeType        OPTIONAL,
    totalCharge        AbsoluteAmount    OPTIONAL,
    totalChargeRefund  TotalChargeRefund OPTIONAL

TotalCallEventDuration ::= [APPLICATION 223] INTEGER 

TotalChargeValueList ::= [APPLICATION 224] SEQUENCE OF TotalChargeValue

TotalDiscountValue ::= [APPLICATION 225] AbsoluteAmount

TotalTaxValue ::= [APPLICATION 226] AbsoluteAmount

TransferCutOffTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 227] DateTimeLong

TransparencyIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 228] INTEGER

TypeOfControllingNode ::= [APPLICATION 229] INTEGER

TypeOfNumber ::= [APPLICATION 230] INTEGER

UMTSQoSInformation	::= SEQUENCE
	trafficClass 		QoSTrafficClass       OPTIONAL,
	maxBitRateUplink 	QoSMaxBitRateUplink   OPTIONAL,
	maxBitRateDownlink	QoSMaxBitRateDownlink OPTIONAL,
	deliveryOrder 		QoSDeliveryOrder      OPTIONAL,
	maxSDUsize 			QoSMaxSDUsize         OPTIONAL,
	sduErrorRatio 		QoSSDUErrorRatio      OPTIONAL,
	residualBER 			QoSResidualBER        OPTIONAL,
	erroneousSDUs 		QoSErroneousSDUs      OPTIONAL,
	transferDelay 		QoSTransferDelay      OPTIONAL,
	handlingPriority 	QoSHandlingpriority   OPTIONAL,
	allocRetenPriority 	QoSAllocRetenPriority OPTIONAL

UMTSQoSRequested	::= [APPLICATION 270] UMTSQoSInformation

UMTSQoSUsed	::= [APPLICATION 271] UMTSQoSInformation

UtcTimeOffset ::= [APPLICATION 231] AsciiString --(SIZE(5))

UtcTimeOffsetCode ::= [APPLICATION 232] Code

UtcTimeOffsetDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 233] SEQUENCE
    utcTimeOffsetCode   UtcTimeOffsetCode OPTIONAL,
    utcTimeOffset       UtcTimeOffset     OPTIONAL

UtcTimeOffsetInfo ::= [APPLICATION 234]  SEQUENCE OF UtcTimeOffsetDefinition

ValueAddedServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 235] SEQUENCE OF ValueAddedServiceUsed 

ValueAddedServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 236] SEQUENCE
    vasCode                     VasCode           OPTIONAL,
    chargingTimeStamp           ChargingTimeStamp OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformation           ChargeInformation OPTIONAL

VasCode ::= [APPLICATION 237] Code

VasDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 238] SEQUENCE
    vasCode      VasCode             OPTIONAL,
    vasShortDesc VasShortDescription OPTIONAL,
    vasDesc      VasDescription      OPTIONAL

VasDescription ::= [APPLICATION 239] Description

VasShortDescription ::= [APPLICATION 240] Description

-- Tagged common data types

-- The AbsoluteAmount data type is used to 
-- encode absolute revenue amounts.
-- The accuracy of all absolute amount values is defined
-- by the value of TapDecimalPlaces within the group
-- AccountingInfo for the entire TAP batch.
-- Note, that only amounts greater than or equal to zero are allowed.
-- The decimal number representing the amount is 
-- derived from the encoded integer 
-- value by division by 10^TapDecimalPlaces.
-- e.g. for TapDecimalPlaces = 3 the following values
-- will be derived:
--       0   represents    0.000
--      12   represents    0.012
--    1234   represents    1.234
-- for TapDecimalPlaces = 5 the following values will be
-- derived:
--       0   represents    0.00000
--    1234   represents    0.01234
--  123456   represents    1.23456
-- This data type is used to encode (total) 
-- charges, (total) discount values and 
-- (total) tax values. 
AbsoluteAmount ::= [APPLICATION 241] INTEGER 

Bid ::= [APPLICATION 242] AsciiString --(SIZE(5))


-- Non-tagged common data types
-- Recommended common data types to be used for file encoding:
-- The following definitions should be used for TAP file creation instead of
-- the default specifications (OCTET STRING)
--    AsciiString ::= VisibleString
--    Currency ::= VisibleString
--    HexString ::= VisibleString
--    NumberString ::= NumericString

AsciiString ::= OCTET STRING

-- The currency codes from ISO 4217
-- are used to identify a currency 
Currency ::= OCTET STRING

Description ::= OCTET STRING

HexString ::= OCTET STRING

NumberString ::= OCTET STRING

-- The PercentageRate data type is used to
-- encode percentage rates with an accuracy of 2 decimal places. 
-- This data type is used to encode discount rates.
-- The decimal number representing the percentage
-- rate is obtained by dividing the integer value by 100
-- Examples:
--     1500  represents  15.00 percent
--     1     represents   0.01 percent
PercentageRate ::= INTEGER 

-- The BCDString data type (Binary Coded Decimal String) is used to
-- represent several digits from 0 through 9, a, b, c, d, e
-- two digits per octet, f as filler when there is an odd number 
-- of digits.

-- TAP data elements necessary for Content Transaction

OrderPlacementTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 300] DateTime

RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 301] DateTime

ActualDeliveryTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 302] DateTime

TransactionStatus ::= [APPLICATION 303] INTEGER

ContentTransactionBasicInfo ::= [APPLICATION 304] SEQUENCE
    fraudMonitorIndicator      FraudMonitorIndicator      OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber      RapFileSequenceNumber      OPTIONAL,
    orderPlacementTimeStamp    OrderPlacementTimeStamp    OPTIONAL,
    requestedDeliveryTimeStamp RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp OPTIONAL,
    actualDeliveryTimeStamp    ActualDeliveryTimeStamp    OPTIONAL,
    totalTransactionDuration   TotalCallEventDuration     OPTIONAL,
    transactionStatus          TransactionStatus          OPTIONAL

ChargedPartyIdType ::= [APPLICATION 305] INTEGER

LoginName ::= [APPLICATION 306] AsciiString

AccountNumber ::= [APPLICATION 307] AsciiString

EmailAddress ::= [APPLICATION 308] AsciiString

ChargedPartyIdentification ::= CHOICE
    msisdn        Msisdn,
    imsi          Imsi,
    min           Min,
    ipAddress     IpAddress,
    loginName     LoginName,
    accountNumber AccountNumber,
    emailAddress  EmailAddress

ChargedPartyId ::= [APPLICATION 309] SEQUENCE
    chargedPartyIdType         ChargedPartyIdType         OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyIdentification ChargedPartyIdentification OPTIONAL

ChargedPartyIdList ::= [APPLICATION 310] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyId


Name ::= [APPLICATION 312] AsciiString

HomeIdentifier ::= CHOICE
    name                    Name,
    tadigCode               PlmnId,
    homeBid                 HomeBid,
    homeLocationDescription LocationDescription

ChargedPartyHomeId ::= [APPLICATION 313] SEQUENCE
    homeIdType     HomeIdType     OPTIONAL,
    homeIdentifier HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL

ChargedPartyHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 314] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyHomeId

LocationIdType ::= [APPLICATION 315] INTEGER

CountryName ::= [APPLICATION 316] AsciiString

CountryAsciCode ::= [APPLICATION 317] AsciiString

Region ::= [APPLICATION 318] AsciiString
Place ::= [APPLICATION 319] AsciiString
LocationIdentifier ::= CHOICE
    countryName   CountryName,
    countryE164Id CountryCode,
    countryCode   CountryAsciCode,
    region        Region,
    place         Place,
    ipLocation    IpAddress
ChargedPartyLocation ::= [APPLICATION 320] SEQUENCE
    locationIdType     LocationIdType     OPTIONAL,
    locationIdentifier LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL
ChargedPartyLocationList ::= [APPLICATION 321] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyLocation
EquipmentIdType ::= [APPLICATION 322] INTEGER
EquipmentId ::= CHOICE
    imei  Imei,
    esn   Esn
ChargedPartyEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 323] SEQUENCE
    equipmentIdType EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL,
    equipmentId     EquipmentId     OPTIONAL
ChargedPartyInformation ::= [APPLICATION 324] SEQUENCE
    chargedPartyIdList       ChargedPartyIdList        OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyHomeIdList   ChargedPartyHomeIdList    OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyLocationList ChargedPartyLocationList  OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyEquipment    ChargedPartyEquipment     OPTIONAL
ProviderIdType ::= [APPLICATION 325] INTEGER
Url ::= [APPLICATION 326] AsciiString
ProviderId ::= CHOICE
    name      Name,
    tadigCode PlmnId,
    url       Url,
    ipAddress IpAddress
ContentProviderId ::= [APPLICATION 327] SEQUENCE
    contentProviderIdType ProviderIdType OPTIONAL,
    contentProviderId     ProviderId     OPTIONAL
ContentProviderIdList ::= [APPLICATION 328] SEQUENCE OF ContentProviderId
InternetServiceProviderId ::= [APPLICATION 329] SEQUENCE
    internetServiceProviderIdType ProviderIdType OPTIONAL,
    internetServiceProviderId     ProviderId     OPTIONAL
InternetServiceProviderIdList ::= [APPLICATION 330] SEQUENCE OF InternetServiceProviderId
NetworkIdType ::= [APPLICATION 331] INTEGER

AccessPointName   ::= [APPLICATION 32] AsciiString
NetworkDesc ::= CHOICE
    name                    Name,
    tadigCode               PlmnId,
    homeBid                 HomeBid,
    homeLocationDescription LocationDescription,
    apn                     AccessPointName
NetworkIdGroup ::= [APPLICATION 332] SEQUENCE
    networkIdType NetworkIdType OPTIONAL,
    networkId     NetworkDesc   OPTIONAL
NetworkIdList ::= [APPLICATION 333] SEQUENCE OF NetworkIdGroup
ContentProviderName ::= [APPLICATION 334] AsciiString
ServingPartiesInformation ::= [APPLICATION 335] SEQUENCE
    contentProviderName           ContentProviderName           OPTIONAL,
    contentProviderIdList         ContentProviderIdList         OPTIONAL,
    internetServiceProviderIdList InternetServiceProviderIdList OPTIONAL,
    networkIdList                 NetworkIdList                 OPTIONAL
ContentTransactionCode ::= [APPLICATION 336] INTEGER
ContentTransactionType ::= [APPLICATION 337] INTEGER
TransactionDescriptionSupp ::= [APPLICATION 338] INTEGER
TransactionDetailDescription ::= [APPLICATION 339] AsciiString

TransactionShortDescription ::= [APPLICATION 340] AsciiString
TransactionIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 341] AsciiString
TransactionAuthCode ::= [APPLICATION 342] AsciiString
TotalDataVolume ::= [APPLICATION 343] DataVolume
ChargeRefundIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 344] INTEGER
ContentChargingPoint ::= [APPLICATION 345] INTEGER
PaidIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 346] INTEGER
PaymentMethod ::= [APPLICATION 347] INTEGER
AdvisedChargeCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 348] Currency
AdvisedCharge ::= [APPLICATION 349] Charge
Commission ::= [APPLICATION 350] Charge
AdvisedChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 351] SEQUENCE
    paidIndicator         PaidIndicator         OPTIONAL,
    paymentMethod         PaymentMethod         OPTIONAL,
    advisedChargeCurrency AdvisedChargeCurrency OPTIONAL,
    advisedCharge         AdvisedCharge         OPTIONAL,
    commission            Commission            OPTIONAL
ContentServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 352] SEQUENCE
    contentTransactionCode       ContentTransactionCode       OPTIONAL,
    contentTransactionType       ContentTransactionType       OPTIONAL,
    transactionDescriptionSupp   TransactionDescriptionSupp   OPTIONAL,
    transactionShortDescription  TransactionShortDescription  OPTIONAL, 
    transactionDetailDescription TransactionDetailDescription OPTIONAL,
    transactionIdentifier        TransactionIdentifier        OPTIONAL,
    transactionAuthCode          TransactionAuthCode          OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeIncoming           DataVolumeIncoming           OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeOutgoing           DataVolumeOutgoing           OPTIONAL,
    totalDataVolume              TotalDataVolume              OPTIONAL,
    chargeRefundIndicator        ChargeRefundIndicator        OPTIONAL,
    contentChargingPoint         ContentChargingPoint         OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformationList        ChargeInformationList        OPTIONAL,
    advisedChargeInformation     AdvisedChargeInformation     OPTIONAL
TotalTaxRefund ::= [APPLICATION 353] AbsoluteAmount
TotalDiscountRefund ::= [APPLICATION 354] AbsoluteAmount
TotalChargeRefund ::= [APPLICATION 355] AbsoluteAmount
TotalAdvisedCharge ::= [APPLICATION 356] AbsoluteAmount
TotalAdvisedChargeRefund ::= [APPLICATION 357] AbsoluteAmount
TotalCommission ::= [APPLICATION 358] AbsoluteAmount
TotalCommissionRefund ::= [APPLICATION 359] AbsoluteAmount
TotalAdvisedChargeValue ::= [APPLICATION 360] SEQUENCE
    advisedChargeCurrency    AdvisedChargeCurrency    OPTIONAL,
    totalAdvisedCharge       TotalAdvisedCharge       OPTIONAL,
    totalAdvisedChargeRefund TotalAdvisedChargeRefund OPTIONAL,
    totalCommission          TotalCommission          OPTIONAL,
    totalCommissionRefund    TotalCommissionRefund    OPTIONAL
TotalAdvisedChargeValueList ::= [APPLICATION 361] SEQUENCE OF TotalAdvisedChargeValue

-- END