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-- The following ASN.1 specification defines the abstract 
-- syntax for the Rejects and Returns Returned Accounts Procedure.  
-- The specification is structured as follows:
--   (1) Structure of a RAP batch
--   (2) Structure of the individual RAP records 
--   (3) RAP data items and groups of data items


-- NOTE: As the RAP can be used to report rejections of any
--       valid TAP release this specification does not indicate
--       explicitly the TAP release to be included.
--       Please replace XX in ‘FROM TAP-03XX’ with the appropriate 
--       TAP release version: for example 02, 04, 10, 11, ...
--       making all TAP fields OPTIONAL
IMPORTS  AbsoluteAmount, AccountingInfo, AuditControlInfo,
         BatchControlInfo, CallEventDetail, DateTimeLong,
         FileSequenceNumber, FileTypeIndicator,
         MessageDescription, MessageDescriptionCode, NetworkInfo,
         Notification, NumberString, OperatorSpecInformation,
         PlmnId, RapFileSequenceNumber, Recipient, ReleaseVersionNumber,
         Sender, SpecificationVersionNumber,
         TapDecimalPlaces, TapCurrency
--       For TAP releases earlier than TAP3.11
--       uncomment the following line
--       ,VasCode, VasDescription, VasShortDescription

-- Structure of a RAP batch 

RapDataInterChange ::= CHOICE
   returnBatch     ReturnBatch,
   acknowledgement   Acknowledgement

ReturnBatch ::= [APPLICATION 534] SEQUENCE
   rapBatchControlInfoRap   RapBatchControlInfo,
   returnDetails            ReturnDetailList,
   rapAuditControlInfo      RapAuditControlInfo

Acknowledgement ::= [APPLICATION 535] SEQUENCE
   sender               Sender,
   recipient            Recipient,
   rapFileSequenceNumber    RapFileSequenceNumber,
   ackFileCreationTimeStamp AckFileCreationTimeStamp,
   ackFileAvailableTimeStamp    AckFileAvailableTimeStamp,
   fileTypeIndicator        FileTypeIndicator           OPTIONAL,
   operatorSpecList     OperatorSpecList            OPTIONAL

ReturnDetailList ::= [APPLICATION 536] SEQUENCE OF ReturnDetail

ReturnDetail ::= CHOICE
   missingReturn    MissingReturn,
   fatalReturn  FatalReturn,
   severeReturn SevereReturn
--  Structure of the individual RAP records

RapBatchControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 537] SEQUENCE
   sender                  Sender,
   recipient               Recipient,
   rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber,
   rapFileCreationTimeStamp    RapFileCreationTimeStamp,
   rapFileAvailableTimeStamp       RapFileAvailableTimeStamp,
   specificationVersionNumber      SpecificationVersionNumber       OPTIONAL,
   releaseVersionNumber        ReleaseVersionNumber         OPTIONAL,
   rapSpecificationVersionNumber RapSpecificationVersionNumber,
   rapReleaseVersionNumber     RapReleaseVersionNumber,
   fileTypeIndicator           FileTypeIndicator            OPTIONAL,
   roamingPartner              RoamingPartner               OPTIONAL,
   operatorSpecList        OperatorSpecList         OPTIONAL,
   tapDecimalPlaces        TapDecimalPlaces           OPTIONAL,
   tapCurrency             TapCurrency              OPTIONAL

MissingReturn ::= [APPLICATION 538] SEQUENCE
   startMissingSeqNumber    StartMissingSeqNumber,
   endMissingSeqNumber      EndMissingSeqNumber OPTIONAL,
   operatorSpecList     OperatorSpecList        OPTIONAL

FatalReturn ::= [APPLICATION 539] SEQUENCE
   fileSequenceNumber       FileSequenceNumber,
   transferBatchError       TransferBatchError  OPTIONAL,
   notificationError        NotificationError       OPTIONAL,
   batchControlError        BatchControlError       OPTIONAL,
   accountingInfoError      AccountingInfoError OPTIONAL,
   networkInfoError     NetworkInfoError        OPTIONAL,
--    For TAP releases earlier than TAP3.11
--    uncomment the following line
--    vASInformationError   VASInformationError OPTIONAL,
   messageDescriptionError  MessageDescriptionError OPTIONAL,
   auditControlInfoError    AuditControlInfoError   OPTIONAL,
   operatorSpecList     OperatorSpecList        OPTIONAL

SevereReturn ::= [APPLICATION 540] SEQUENCE
   fileSequenceNumber   FileSequenceNumber,
   callEventDetail  CallEventDetail,
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList,
   operatorSpecList OperatorSpecList    OPTIONAL

RapAuditControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 541] SEQUENCE
   totalSevereReturnValue   TotalSevereReturnValue,
   returnDetailsCount       ReturnDetailsCount,
   operatorSpecList     OperatorSpecList        OPTIONAL,
   totalSevereReturnTax     TotalSevereReturnTax    OPTIONAL

-- RAP data items and groups of data items

AccountingInfoError ::= [APPLICATION 512] SEQUENCE
   accountingInfo       AccountingInfo,
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList

AuditControlInfoError ::= [APPLICATION 513] SEQUENCE
   auditControlInfo AuditControlInfo,
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList

AckFileAvailableTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 515] DateTimeLong

AckFileCreationTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 516] DateTimeLong

BatchControlError ::= [APPLICATION 517] SEQUENCE
   batchControlInfo BatchControlInfo,
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList

EndMissingSeqNumber ::= [APPLICATION 518] FileSequenceNumber


ErrorContext ::= [APPLICATION 545] SEQUENCE
   pathItemId       PathItemId,
   itemOccurrence       ItemOccurrence  OPTIONAL,
   itemLevel        ItemLevel

ErrorContextList ::= [APPLICATION 549] SEQUENCE OF ErrorContext

ErrorDetail ::= [APPLICATION 521] SEQUENCE
   errorContext ErrorContextList    OPTIONAL, 
   itemOffset   ItemOffset      OPTIONAL,
   errorCode    ErrorCode

ErrorDetailList ::= [APPLICATION 520] SEQUENCE OF ErrorDetail


ItemOccurrence ::= [APPLICATION 547] INTEGER

ItemOffset ::= [APPLICATION 524] INTEGER

MessageDescriptionError ::= [APPLICATION 522] SEQUENCE
   messageDescriptionInfo   MessageDescriptionInfoList,
   errorDetail          ErrorDetailList

MessageDescriptionInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 8] SEQUENCE OF MessageDescriptionInformationDefinition

MessageDescriptionInformationDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 143] SEQUENCE
   messageDescriptionCode   MessageDescriptionCode  OPTIONAL,
   messageDescription       MessageDescription  OPTIONAL

NetworkInfoError ::= [APPLICATION 523] SEQUENCE
   networkInfo      NetworkInfo,
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList

NotificationError ::= [APPLICATION 552] SEQUENCE
   notification     Notification,
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList

OperatorSpecList ::= [APPLICATION 551] SEQUENCE OF OperatorSpecInformation


RapFileAvailableTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 525] DateTimeLong

RapFileCreationTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 526] DateTimeLong

RapReleaseVersionNumber ::= [APPLICATION 543] INTEGER

RapSpecificationVersionNumber ::= [APPLICATION 544] INTEGER

ReturnDetailsCount ::= [APPLICATION 528] INTEGER

RoamingPartner ::= [APPLICATION 550] PlmnId

StartMissingSeqNumber ::= [APPLICATION 532] FileSequenceNumber

TotalSevereReturnTax ::= [APPLICATION 553] AbsoluteAmount

TotalSevereReturnValue ::= [APPLICATION 533] AbsoluteAmount

TransferBatchError ::= [APPLICATION 542] SEQUENCE
   errorDetail      ErrorDetailList

--       For TAP releases earlier than TAP3.11
--       uncomment the following 12 lines

VasInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 7] SEQUENCE OF VasInformationDefinition

VasInformationDefinition ::= [APPLICATION 238] SEQUENCE
  vasCode     VasCode         OPTIONAL,
  vasShortDesc    VasShortDescription OPTIONAL,
  vasDesc     VasDescription      OPTIONAL

VASInformationError ::= [APPLICATION 527] SEQUENCE
  vasInfo     VasInfoList,
  errorDetail     ErrorDetailList