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-- Copyright (c) 2000 GSM MoU Association. Restricted ¿ Con­
-- fidential Information.  Access to and distribution of this
-- document is restricted to the persons listed under the
-- heading Security Classification Category*. This document
-- is confidential to the Association and is subject to copy­
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-- hereby disclaims liability for the accuracy or complete­
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-- document. The information contained in this document may
-- be subject to change without prior notice.
-- The following ASN.1 specification defines the abstract syntax for 
--        Data Record Format Version 03 
--                           Release 11
-- The specification is structured as follows:
--   (1) structure of the Tap batch
--   (2) definition of the individual Tap ‘records’ 
--   (3) Tap data items and groups of data items used within (2)
--   (4) Common, non-Tap data types
--   (5) Tap data items for content charging
-- It is mainly a translation from the logical structure
-- diagrams. Where appropriate, names used within the 
-- logical structure diagrams have been shortened.
-- For repeating data items the name as used within the logical
-- structure have been extended by adding ‘list’ or ‘table’
-- (in some instances).



-- Structure of a Tap batch 

DataInterChange ::= CHOICE 
    transferBatch TransferBatch, 
    notification  Notification

-- Batch Control Information must always, both logically and physically,
-- be the first group/item within Transfer Batch – this ensures that the
-- TAP release version can be readily identified.  Any new groups/items
-- required may be inserted at any point after Batch Control Information

TransferBatch ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE
    batchControlInfo       BatchControlInfo            OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    accountingInfo         AccountingInfo              OPTIONAL,
    networkInfo            NetworkInfo                 OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    messageDescriptionInfo MessageDescriptionInfoList  OPTIONAL,
    callEventDetails       CallEventDetailList         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    auditControlInfo       AuditControlInfo            OPTIONAL

Notification ::= [APPLICATION 2] SEQUENCE
    sender                  Sender                     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    recipient               Recipient                  OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    fileSequenceNumber      FileSequenceNumber         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    rapFileSequenceNumber   RapFileSequenceNumber      OPTIONAL,
    fileCreationTimeStamp   FileCreationTimeStamp      OPTIONAL,
    fileAvailableTimeStamp  FileAvailableTimeStamp     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    transferCutOffTimeStamp TransferCutOffTimeStamp    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
  specificationVersionNumber SpecificationVersionNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    releaseVersionNumber    ReleaseVersionNumber       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    fileTypeIndicator       FileTypeIndicator          OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList       OPTIONAL

CallEventDetailList ::=  [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE OF CallEventDetail

CallEventDetail ::= CHOICE
    mobileOriginatedCall   MobileOriginatedCall,
    mobileTerminatedCall   MobileTerminatedCall,
    supplServiceEvent      SupplServiceEvent,
    serviceCentreUsage     ServiceCentreUsage,
    gprsCall               GprsCall,
    contentTransaction     ContentTransaction,
    locationService        LocationService

-- Structure of the individual Tap records

BatchControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 4] SEQUENCE
    sender                 Sender                      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    recipient              Recipient                   OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    fileSequenceNumber     FileSequenceNumber          OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    fileCreationTimeStamp  FileCreationTimeStamp       OPTIONAL,
    transferCutOffTimeStamp TransferCutOffTimeStamp     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    fileAvailableTimeStamp  FileAvailableTimeStamp      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
  specificationVersionNumber SpecificationVersionNumber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    releaseVersionNumber    ReleaseVersionNumber        OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    fileTypeIndicator       FileTypeIndicator           OPTIONAL,
    rapFileSequenceNumber   RapFileSequenceNumber       OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

AccountingInfo ::= [APPLICATION 5] SEQUENCE
    taxation                  TaxationList           OPTIONAL,
    discounting               DiscountingList        OPTIONAL,
    localCurrency             LocalCurrency          OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    tapCurrency               TapCurrency            OPTIONAL,
    currencyConversionInfo    CurrencyConversionList OPTIONAL,
    tapDecimalPlaces          TapDecimalPlaces       OPTIONAL

    utcTimeOffsetInfo         UtcTimeOffsetInfoList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    recEntityInfo             RecEntityInfoList     OPTIONAL

MessageDescriptionInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 8] SEQUENCE OF MessageDescriptionInformation

MobileOriginatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 9] SEQUENCE
    basicCallInformation    MoBasicCallInformation    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    locationInformation     LocationInformation       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentIdentifier     ImeiOrEsn                 OPTIONAL,
    basicServiceUsedList    BasicServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    supplServiceCode        SupplServiceCode          OPTIONAL,
    thirdPartyInformation   ThirdPartyInformation     OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceUsed        CamelServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList      OPTIONAL

MobileTerminatedCall ::= [APPLICATION 10] SEQUENCE
    basicCallInformation    MtBasicCallInformation    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    locationInformation     LocationInformation       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentIdentifier     ImeiOrEsn                 OPTIONAL,
    basicServiceUsedList    BasicServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    camelServiceUsed        CamelServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation OperatorSpecInfoList      OPTIONAL

SupplServiceEvent ::= [APPLICATION 11] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber      ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    rapFileSequenceNumber     RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    locationInformation       LocationInformation     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentIdentifier       ImeiOrEsn               OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    supplServiceUsed          SupplServiceUsed        OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    operatorSpecInformation   OperatorSpecInfoList    OPTIONAL

ServiceCentreUsage ::= [APPLICATION 12] SEQUENCE
    basicInformation          ScuBasicInformation     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    rapFileSequenceNumber     RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    servingNetwork            ServingNetwork          OPTIONAL,
    recEntityCode             RecEntityCode           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargeInformation         ChargeInformation       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    scuChargeType             ScuChargeType           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    scuTimeStamps             ScuTimeStamps           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    operatorSpecInformation   OperatorSpecInfoList    OPTIONAL

    gprsBasicCallInformation  GprsBasicCallInformation  OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    gprsLocationInformation   GprsLocationInformation   OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentIdentifier       ImeiOrEsn                 OPTIONAL,
    gprsServiceUsed           GprsServiceUsed           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    camelServiceUsed          CamelServiceUsed          OPTIONAL,
    operatorSpecInformation   OperatorSpecInfoList      OPTIONAL

ContentTransaction ::= [APPLICATION 17] SEQUENCE
 contentTransactionBasicInfo ContentTransactionBasicInfo OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
 chargedPartyInformation     ChargedPartyInformation     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
 servingPartiesInformation   ServingPartiesInformation   OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
 contentServiceUsed          ContentServiceUsedList      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
 operatorSpecInformation     OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

LocationService ::= [APPLICATION 297] SEQUENCE
    rapFileSequenceNumber    RapFileSequenceNumber       OPTIONAL,
    recEntityCode            RecEntityCode               OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    callReference            CallReference               OPTIONAL,
    trackingCustomerInformation TrackingCustomerInformation OPTIONAL,
    lCSSPInformation         LCSSPInformation            OPTIONAL,
    trackedCustomerInformation TrackedCustomerInformation  OPTIONAL,
    locationServiceUsage     LocationServiceUsage        OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    operatorSpecInformation  OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

AuditControlInfo ::= [APPLICATION 15] SEQUENCE
    earliestCallTimeStamp    EarliestCallTimeStamp       OPTIONAL,
    latestCallTimeStamp      LatestCallTimeStamp         OPTIONAL,
    totalCharge              TotalCharge                 OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalChargeRefund        TotalChargeRefund           OPTIONAL,
    totalTaxRefund           TotalTaxRefund              OPTIONAL,
    totalTaxValue            TotalTaxValue               OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalDiscountValue       TotalDiscountValue          OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalDiscountRefund      TotalDiscountRefund         OPTIONAL,
    totalAdvisedChargeValueList TotalAdvisedChargeValueList OPTIONAL,
    callEventDetailsCount    CallEventDetailsCount       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    operatorSpecInformation  OperatorSpecInfoList        OPTIONAL

-- Tap data items and groups of data items

AccessPointNameNI ::= [APPLICATION 261] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..63))

AccessPointNameOI ::= [APPLICATION 262] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..37))

ActualDeliveryTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 302] DateTime

AddressStringDigits ::= BCDString

AdvisedCharge ::= [APPLICATION 349] Charge
AdvisedChargeCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 348] Currency
AdvisedChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 351] SEQUENCE
    paidIndicator         PaidIndicator         OPTIONAL,
    paymentMethod         PaymentMethod         OPTIONAL,
    advisedChargeCurrency AdvisedChargeCurrency OPTIONAL,
    advisedCharge         AdvisedCharge         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    commission            Commission            OPTIONAL
AgeOfLocation ::= [APPLICATION 396] INTEGER

BasicService ::= [APPLICATION 36] SEQUENCE
    serviceCode                 BasicServiceCode       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    transparencyIndicator       TransparencyIndicator  OPTIONAL,
    fnur                        Fnur                   OPTIONAL,
    userProtocolIndicator       UserProtocolIndicator  OPTIONAL,
    guaranteedBitRate           GuaranteedBitRate      OPTIONAL,
    maximumBitRate              MaximumBitRate         OPTIONAL

BasicServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 426] CHOICE 
    teleServiceCode      TeleServiceCode,
    bearerServiceCode    BearerServiceCode

BasicServiceCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 37] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceCode

BasicServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 39] SEQUENCE
    basicService                BasicService          OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargingTimeStamp           ChargingTimeStamp     OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformationList       ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    hSCSDIndicator              HSCSDIndicator        OPTIONAL

BasicServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 38] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceUsed

BearerServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 40] HexString --(SIZE(2))

CalledNumber ::= [APPLICATION 407] AddressStringDigits

CalledPlace ::= [APPLICATION 42] AsciiString

CalledRegion ::= [APPLICATION 46] AsciiString

CallEventDetailsCount ::= [APPLICATION 43] INTEGER 

CallEventStartTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 44] DateTime

CallingNumber ::= [APPLICATION 405] AddressStringDigits

CallOriginator ::= [APPLICATION 41]  SEQUENCE
    callingNumber               CallingNumber  OPTIONAL,
    clirIndicator               ClirIndicator         OPTIONAL,
    sMSOriginator               SMSOriginator         OPTIONAL

CallReference ::= [APPLICATION 45] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1..8))

CallTypeGroup ::= [APPLICATION 258] SEQUENCE
    callTypeLevel1      CallTypeLevel1           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    callTypeLevel2      CallTypeLevel2           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    callTypeLevel3      CallTypeLevel3           OPTIONAL

CallTypeLevel1 ::= [APPLICATION 259] INTEGER

CallTypeLevel2 ::= [APPLICATION 255] INTEGER

CallTypeLevel3 ::= [APPLICATION 256] INTEGER

CamelDestinationNumber ::= [APPLICATION 404] AddressStringDigits

CamelInvocationFee ::= [APPLICATION 422] AbsoluteAmount

CamelServiceKey ::= [APPLICATION 55] INTEGER

CamelServiceLevel ::= [APPLICATION 56] INTEGER

CamelServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 57] SEQUENCE
    camelServiceLevel         CamelServiceLevel          OPTIONAL,
    camelServiceKey           CamelServiceKey            OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    defaultCallHandling       DefaultCallHandlingIndicator OPTIONAL,
    exchangeRateCode          ExchangeRateCode             OPTIONAL,
    taxInformation            TaxInformationList           OPTIONAL,
    discountInformation       DiscountInformation          OPTIONAL,
    camelInvocationFee        CamelInvocationFee           OPTIONAL,
    threeGcamelDestination    ThreeGcamelDestination       OPTIONAL,
    cseInformation            CseInformation               OPTIONAL



Charge ::= [APPLICATION 62] AbsoluteAmount

ChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 427] CHOICE 
    simChargeableSubscriber SimChargeableSubscriber,
    minChargeableSubscriber MinChargeableSubscriber

ChargeableUnits ::= [APPLICATION 65]  INTEGER

ChargeDetail ::= [APPLICATION 63] SEQUENCE
    chargeType              ChargeType         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    charge                  Charge             OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargeableUnits         ChargeableUnits    OPTIONAL,
    chargedUnits            ChargedUnits       OPTIONAL,
    chargeDetailTimeStamp   ChargeDetailTimeStamp  OPTIONAL

ChargeDetailList ::= [APPLICATION 64] SEQUENCE OF ChargeDetail

ChargeDetailTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 410] ChargingTimeStamp

ChargedItem ::= [APPLICATION 66]  AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

ChargedPartyEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 323] SEQUENCE
    equipmentIdType EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentId     EquipmentId     OPTIONAL
ChargedPartyHomeIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 313] SEQUENCE
    homeIdType     HomeIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    homeIdentifier HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL

ChargedPartyHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 314] SEQUENCE OF

ChargedPartyIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 309] SEQUENCE
    chargedPartyIdType         ChargedPartyIdType         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargedPartyIdentifier     ChargedPartyIdentifier     OPTIONAL

ChargedPartyIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 287] AsciiString

ChargedPartyIdList ::= [APPLICATION 310] SEQUENCE OF 

ChargedPartyIdType ::= [APPLICATION 305] INTEGER

ChargedPartyInformation ::= [APPLICATION 324] SEQUENCE
    chargedPartyIdList       ChargedPartyIdList        OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargedPartyHomeIdList   ChargedPartyHomeIdList    OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyLocationList ChargedPartyLocationList  OPTIONAL,
    chargedPartyEquipment    ChargedPartyEquipment     OPTIONAL
ChargedPartyLocation ::= [APPLICATION 320] SEQUENCE
    locationIdType     LocationIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    locationIdentifier LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL
ChargedPartyLocationList ::= [APPLICATION 321] SEQUENCE OF ChargedPartyLocation
ChargedPartyStatus ::= [APPLICATION 67] INTEGER 

ChargedUnits ::= [APPLICATION 68]  INTEGER 

ChargeInformation ::= [APPLICATION 69] SEQUENCE
    chargedItem         ChargedItem         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    exchangeRateCode    ExchangeRateCode    OPTIONAL,
    callTypeGroup       CallTypeGroup       OPTIONAL,
    chargeDetailList    ChargeDetailList    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    taxInformation      TaxInformationList  OPTIONAL,
    discountInformation DiscountInformation OPTIONAL

ChargeInformationList ::= [APPLICATION 70] SEQUENCE OF ChargeInformation

ChargeRefundIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 344] INTEGER
ChargeType ::= [APPLICATION 71] NumberString --(SIZE(2..3))


ChargingPoint ::= [APPLICATION 73]  AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

ChargingTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 74]  DateTime

ClirIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 75] INTEGER

Commission ::= [APPLICATION 350] Charge
CompletionTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 76] DateTime

ContentChargingPoint ::= [APPLICATION 345] INTEGER
ContentProvider ::= [APPLICATION 327] SEQUENCE
    contentProviderIdType     ContentProviderIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    contentProviderIdentifier ContentProviderIdentifier OPTIONAL
ContentProviderIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 292] AsciiString

ContentProviderIdList ::= [APPLICATION 328] SEQUENCE OF ContentProvider

ContentProviderIdType ::= [APPLICATION 291] INTEGER

ContentProviderName ::= [APPLICATION 334] AsciiString
ContentServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 352] SEQUENCE
  contentTransactionCode    ContentTransactionCode       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
  contentTransactionType    ContentTransactionType       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
  objectType                  ObjectType                   OPTIONAL,
  transactionDescriptionSupp  TransactionDescriptionSupp  OPTIONAL,
  transactionShortDescription TransactionShortDescription OPTIONAL, -- *m.m. 
    transactionDetailDescription TransactionDetailDescription OPTIONAL,
    transactionIdentifier   TransactionIdentifier        OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    transactionAuthCode          TransactionAuthCode          OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeIncoming           DataVolumeIncoming           OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeOutgoing           DataVolumeOutgoing           OPTIONAL,
    totalDataVolume              TotalDataVolume              OPTIONAL,
    chargeRefundIndicator        ChargeRefundIndicator        OPTIONAL,
    contentChargingPoint         ContentChargingPoint         OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformationList        ChargeInformationList        OPTIONAL,
    advisedChargeInformation     AdvisedChargeInformation     OPTIONAL

ContentServiceUsedList ::= [APPLICATION 285] SEQUENCE OF ContentServiceUsed
ContentTransactionBasicInfo ::= [APPLICATION 304] SEQUENCE
    rapFileSequenceNumber      RapFileSequenceNumber      OPTIONAL,
    orderPlacedTimeStamp       OrderPlacedTimeStamp       OPTIONAL,
    requestedDeliveryTimeStamp RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp OPTIONAL,
    actualDeliveryTimeStamp    ActualDeliveryTimeStamp    OPTIONAL,
    totalTransactionDuration   TotalTransactionDuration     OPTIONAL,
    transactionStatus          TransactionStatus          OPTIONAL

ContentTransactionCode ::= [APPLICATION 336] INTEGER
ContentTransactionType ::= [APPLICATION 337] INTEGER
CseInformation ::= [APPLICATION 79] OCTET STRING --(SIZE(1..40))

CurrencyConversion ::= [APPLICATION 106] SEQUENCE
    exchangeRateCode      ExchangeRateCode      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    numberOfDecimalPlaces NumberOfDecimalPlaces OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    exchangeRate          ExchangeRate          OPTIONAL

CurrencyConversionList ::= [APPLICATION 80] SEQUENCE OF CurrencyConversion

CustomerIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 364] AsciiString

CustomerIdType ::= [APPLICATION 363] INTEGER

DataVolume ::= INTEGER 

DataVolumeIncoming ::= [APPLICATION 250] DataVolume

DataVolumeOutgoing ::= [APPLICATION 251] DataVolume

--  The following datatypes are used to denote timestamps.
--  Each timestamp consists of a local timestamp and a
--  corresponding UTC time offset. 
--  Except for the timestamps used within the Batch Control 
--  Information and the Audit Control Information 
--  the UTC time offset is identified by a code referencing
--  the UtcTimeOffsetInfo.
-- We start with the “short” datatype referencing the 
-- UtcTimeOffsetInfo.

DateTime ::= SEQUENCE 
     -- Local timestamps are noted in the format
     --     CCYYMMDDhhmmss
     -- where CC  =  century  (‘19’, ‘20’,...)
     --       YY  =  year     (‘00’ – ‘99’)
     --       MM  =  month    (‘01’, ‘02’, ... , ‘12’)
     --       DD  =  day      (‘01’, ‘02’, ... , ‘31’)
     --       hh  =  hour     (‘00’, ‘01’, ... , ‘23’)
     --       mm  =  minutes  (‘00’, ‘01’, ... , ‘59’)
     --       ss  =  seconds  (‘00’, ‘01’, ... , ‘59’)
    localTimeStamp     LocalTimeStamp    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    utcTimeOffsetCode  UtcTimeOffsetCode OPTIONAL

-- The following version is the “long” datatype
-- containing the UTC time offset directly. 

DateTimeLong ::= SEQUENCE 
    localTimeStamp     LocalTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    utcTimeOffset      UtcTimeOffset  OPTIONAL

DefaultCallHandlingIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 87] INTEGER

DepositTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 88] DateTime

Destination ::= [APPLICATION 89] SEQUENCE
    calledNumber                CalledNumber  OPTIONAL,
    dialledDigits               DialledDigits         OPTIONAL,
    calledPlace                 CalledPlace           OPTIONAL,
    calledRegion                CalledRegion          OPTIONAL,
    sMSDestinationNumber        SMSDestinationNumber  OPTIONAL

DestinationNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 90] NetworkId 

DialledDigits ::= [APPLICATION 279] AsciiString

Discount ::= [APPLICATION 412] DiscountValue

DiscountableAmount ::= [APPLICATION 423] AbsoluteAmount

DiscountApplied ::= [APPLICATION 428] CHOICE 
    fixedDiscountValue    FixedDiscountValue, 
    discountRate          DiscountRate

DiscountCode ::= [APPLICATION 91] INTEGER

DiscountInformation ::= [APPLICATION 96] SEQUENCE
    discountCode        DiscountCode  OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    discount            Discount      OPTIONAL,
    discountableAmount  DiscountableAmount  OPTIONAL

Discounting ::= [APPLICATION 94] SEQUENCE
    discountCode    DiscountCode    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    discountApplied DiscountApplied OPTIONAL

DiscountingList ::= [APPLICATION 95]  SEQUENCE OF Discounting

DiscountRate ::= [APPLICATION 92] PercentageRate

DiscountValue ::= AbsoluteAmount

DistanceChargeBandCode ::= [APPLICATION 98] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

EarliestCallTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 101] DateTimeLong

EquipmentId ::= [APPLICATION 290] AsciiString

EquipmentIdType ::= [APPLICATION 322] INTEGER

Esn ::= [APPLICATION 103] NumberString

ExchangeRate ::= [APPLICATION 104] INTEGER

ExchangeRateCode ::= [APPLICATION 105] Code

FileAvailableTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 107] DateTimeLong

FileCreationTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 108] DateTimeLong

FileSequenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 109] NumberString --(SIZE(5))

FileTypeIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 110] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

FixedDiscountValue ::= [APPLICATION 411] DiscountValue


GeographicalLocation ::= [APPLICATION 113]  SEQUENCE
    servingNetwork              ServingNetwork       OPTIONAL,
    servingBid                  ServingBid           OPTIONAL,
    servingLocationDescription  ServingLocationDescription  OPTIONAL

GprsBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 114] SEQUENCE
    gprsChargeableSubscriber    GprsChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber    OPTIONAL,
    gprsDestination             GprsDestination          OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    callEventStartTimeStamp     CallEventStartTimeStamp  OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalCallEventDuration      TotalCallEventDuration   OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    causeForTerm                CauseForTerm             OPTIONAL,
    partialTypeIndicator        PartialTypeIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    pDPContextStartTimestamp    PDPContextStartTimestamp OPTIONAL,
    networkInitPDPContext       NetworkInitPDPContext    OPTIONAL,
    chargingId                  ChargingId               OPTIONAL

GprsChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 115] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL,
    pdpAddress                  PdpAddress              OPTIONAL,
    networkAccessIdentifier     NetworkAccessIdentifier OPTIONAL

GprsDestination ::= [APPLICATION 116] SEQUENCE
    accessPointNameNI           AccessPointNameNI      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    accessPointNameOI           AccessPointNameOI      OPTIONAL

GprsLocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 117] SEQUENCE
    gprsNetworkLocation         GprsNetworkLocation     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    homeLocationInformation     HomeLocationInformation OPTIONAL,
    geographicalLocation        GeographicalLocation    OPTIONAL

GprsNetworkLocation ::= [APPLICATION 118] SEQUENCE
    recEntity                   RecEntityCodeList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    locationArea                LocationArea      OPTIONAL,
    cellId                      CellId            OPTIONAL

GprsServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 121]  SEQUENCE
    iMSSignallingContext        IMSSignallingContext  OPTIONAL,
    dataVolumeIncoming          DataVolumeIncoming    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    dataVolumeOutgoing          DataVolumeOutgoing    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargeInformationList       ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL

GsmChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 286] SEQUENCE
    imsi     Imsi   OPTIONAL,
    msisdn   Msisdn OPTIONAL

GuaranteedBitRate ::= [APPLICATION 420] OCTET STRING --(SIZE (1))

HomeBid ::= [APPLICATION 122]  Bid

HomeIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 288] AsciiString


HomeLocationDescription ::= [APPLICATION 413] LocationDescription

HomeLocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 123] SEQUENCE
    homeBid                     HomeBid             OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    homeLocationDescription     HomeLocationDescription OPTIONAL

HorizontalAccuracyDelivered ::= [APPLICATION 392] INTEGER

HorizontalAccuracyRequested ::= [APPLICATION 385] INTEGER

HSCSDIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 424] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

Imei ::= [APPLICATION 128] BCDString --(SIZE(7..8))

    imei  Imei,
    esn   Esn

Imsi ::= [APPLICATION 129] BCDString --(SIZE(3..8))

IMSSignallingContext ::= [APPLICATION 418] INTEGER

InternetServiceProvider ::= [APPLICATION 329] SEQUENCE
    ispIdType        IspIdType        OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    ispIdentifier    IspIdentifier    OPTIONAL
InternetServiceProviderIdList ::= [APPLICATION 330] SEQUENCE OF InternetServiceProvider

IspIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 294] AsciiString

ISPList ::= [APPLICATION 378] SEQUENCE OF InternetServiceProvider

NetworkIdType ::= [APPLICATION 331] INTEGER

NetworkIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 295] AsciiString

    networkIdType     NetworkIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    networkIdentifier NetworkIdentifier OPTIONAL
NetworkList ::= [APPLICATION 333] SEQUENCE OF Network
LatestCallTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 133] DateTimeLong

    lCSTransactionStatus          LCSTransactionStatus        OPTIONAL,
    horizontalAccuracyDelivered   HorizontalAccuracyDelivered OPTIONAL,
    verticalAccuracyDelivered     VerticalAccuracyDelivered   OPTIONAL,
    responseTime                  ResponseTime                OPTIONAL,
    positioningMethod             PositioningMethod           OPTIONAL,
    trackingPeriod                TrackingPeriod              OPTIONAL,
    trackingFrequency             TrackingFrequency           OPTIONAL,
    ageOfLocation                 AgeOfLocation               OPTIONAL

    lCSRequestTimestamp           LCSRequestTimestamp         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    horizontalAccuracyRequested   HorizontalAccuracyRequested OPTIONAL,
    verticalAccuracyRequested     VerticalAccuracyRequested   OPTIONAL,
    responseTimeCategory          ResponseTimeCategory        OPTIONAL,
    trackingPeriod                TrackingPeriod              OPTIONAL,
    trackingFrequency             TrackingFrequency           OPTIONAL

LCSRequestTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 384] DateTime

LCSSPIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 375] SEQUENCE
 contentProviderIdType         ContentProviderIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
 contentProviderIdentifier     ContentProviderIdentifier OPTIONAL

LCSSPIdentificationList ::= [APPLICATION 374] SEQUENCE OF LCSSPIdentification

    lCSSPIdentificationList       LCSSPIdentificationList OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    iSPList                       ISPList                 OPTIONAL,
    networkList                   NetworkList             OPTIONAL

LCSTransactionStatus ::= [APPLICATION 391] INTEGER

LocalCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 135] Currency

LocalTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 16] NumberString --(SIZE(14))

LocationArea ::= [APPLICATION 136] INTEGER 

LocationDescription ::= AsciiString

LocationIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 289] AsciiString

LocationIdType ::= [APPLICATION 315] INTEGER

LocationInformation ::= [APPLICATION 138]  SEQUENCE
    networkLocation             NetworkLocation         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    homeLocationInformation     HomeLocationInformation OPTIONAL,
    geographicalLocation        GeographicalLocation    OPTIONAL

LocationServiceUsage ::= [APPLICATION 382] SEQUENCE
    lCSQosRequested               LCSQosRequested       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    lCSQosDelivered               LCSQosDelivered       OPTIONAL,
    chargingTimeStamp             ChargingTimeStamp     OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformationList         ChargeInformationList OPTIONAL

MaximumBitRate ::= [APPLICATION 421] OCTET STRING --(SIZE (1))

Mdn ::= [APPLICATION 253] NumberString

MessageDescription ::= [APPLICATION 142] AsciiString

MessageDescriptionCode ::= [APPLICATION 141] Code

MessageDescriptionInformation ::= [APPLICATION 143] SEQUENCE
    messageDescriptionCode MessageDescriptionCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    messageDescription     MessageDescription     OPTIONAL

MessageStatus ::= [APPLICATION 144] INTEGER

MessageType ::= [APPLICATION 145] INTEGER

Min ::= [APPLICATION 146] NumberString --(SIZE(2..15)) 

MinChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 254] SEQUENCE
    min     Min    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    mdn     Mdn    OPTIONAL

MoBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 147] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    destination                 Destination             OPTIONAL,
    destinationNetwork          DestinationNetwork      OPTIONAL,
    callEventStartTimeStamp     CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalCallEventDuration      TotalCallEventDuration  OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    simToolkitIndicator         SimToolkitIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    causeForTerm                CauseForTerm            OPTIONAL

Msisdn ::= [APPLICATION 152] BCDString --(SIZE(1..8))

MtBasicCallInformation ::= [APPLICATION 153] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber        ChargeableSubscriber    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    rapFileSequenceNumber       RapFileSequenceNumber   OPTIONAL,
    callOriginator              CallOriginator          OPTIONAL,
    originatingNetwork          OriginatingNetwork      OPTIONAL,
    callEventStartTimeStamp     CallEventStartTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalCallEventDuration      TotalCallEventDuration  OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    simToolkitIndicator         SimToolkitIndicator     OPTIONAL,
    causeForTerm                CauseForTerm            OPTIONAL

NetworkAccessIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 417] AsciiString

NetworkId ::= AsciiString --(SIZE(1..6))

NetworkInitPDPContext ::= [APPLICATION 245] INTEGER

NetworkLocation ::= [APPLICATION 156]  SEQUENCE
    recEntityCode               RecEntityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    callReference               CallReference OPTIONAL,
    locationArea                LocationArea  OPTIONAL,
    cellId                      CellId        OPTIONAL

NonChargedNumber ::= [APPLICATION 402] AsciiString

NumberOfDecimalPlaces ::= [APPLICATION 159] INTEGER

ObjectType ::= [APPLICATION 281] INTEGER

OperatorSpecInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 162] SEQUENCE OF OperatorSpecInformation

OperatorSpecInformation ::= [APPLICATION 163] AsciiString

OrderPlacedTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 300] DateTime

OriginatingNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 164] NetworkId 

PacketDataProtocolAddress ::= [APPLICATION 165] AsciiString 

PaidIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 346] INTEGER
PartialTypeIndicator ::=  [APPLICATION 166] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

PaymentMethod ::= [APPLICATION 347] INTEGER
PdpAddress ::= [APPLICATION 167] PacketDataProtocolAddress

PDPContextStartTimestamp ::= [APPLICATION 260] DateTime

PlmnId ::= [APPLICATION 169] AsciiString --(SIZE(5))

PositioningMethod ::= [APPLICATION 395] INTEGER

PriorityCode ::= [APPLICATION 170] INTEGER

RapFileSequenceNumber ::= [APPLICATION 181]  FileSequenceNumber

RecEntityCode ::= [APPLICATION 184] Code

RecEntityCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 185] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityCode

RecEntityId ::= [APPLICATION 400] AsciiString

RecEntityInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 188] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityInformation

RecEntityInformation ::= [APPLICATION 183] SEQUENCE
    recEntityCode  RecEntityCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    recEntityType  RecEntityType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    recEntityId    RecEntityId   OPTIONAL
RecEntityType ::= [APPLICATION 186] INTEGER

Recipient ::= [APPLICATION 182]  PlmnId

ReleaseVersionNumber ::= [APPLICATION 189] INTEGER

RequestedDeliveryTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 301] DateTime

ResponseTime ::= [APPLICATION 394] INTEGER

ResponseTimeCategory ::= [APPLICATION 387] INTEGER

ScuBasicInformation ::= [APPLICATION 191] SEQUENCE
    chargeableSubscriber      ScuChargeableSubscriber OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargedPartyStatus        ChargedPartyStatus         OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    nonChargedNumber          NonChargedNumber           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    clirIndicator             ClirIndicator              OPTIONAL,
    originatingNetwork        OriginatingNetwork         OPTIONAL,
    destinationNetwork        DestinationNetwork         OPTIONAL

ScuChargeType ::= [APPLICATION 192]  SEQUENCE
    messageStatus               MessageStatus          OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    priorityCode                PriorityCode           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    distanceChargeBandCode      DistanceChargeBandCode OPTIONAL,
    messageType                 MessageType            OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    messageDescriptionCode      MessageDescriptionCode OPTIONAL

ScuTimeStamps ::= [APPLICATION 193]  SEQUENCE
    depositTimeStamp            DepositTimeStamp    OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    completionTimeStamp         CompletionTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    chargingPoint               ChargingPoint       OPTIONAL

ScuChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 430] CHOICE 
    gsmChargeableSubscriber    GsmChargeableSubscriber,
    minChargeableSubscriber    MinChargeableSubscriber

Sender ::= [APPLICATION 196]  PlmnId

ServingBid ::= [APPLICATION 198]  Bid

ServingLocationDescription ::= [APPLICATION 414] LocationDescription

ServingNetwork ::= [APPLICATION 195]  AsciiString

ServingPartiesInformation ::= [APPLICATION 335] SEQUENCE
    contentProviderName           ContentProviderName           OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    contentProviderIdList         ContentProviderIdList         OPTIONAL,
    internetServiceProviderIdList InternetServiceProviderIdList OPTIONAL,
    networkList                   NetworkList                   OPTIONAL
SimChargeableSubscriber ::= [APPLICATION 199] SEQUENCE
    imsi     Imsi   OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    msisdn   Msisdn OPTIONAL

SimToolkitIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 200] AsciiString --(SIZE(1)) 

SMSDestinationNumber ::= [APPLICATION 419] AsciiString

SMSOriginator ::= [APPLICATION 425] AsciiString

SpecificationVersionNumber  ::= [APPLICATION 201] INTEGER

SsParameters ::= [APPLICATION 204] AsciiString --(SIZE(1..40))

SupplServiceActionCode ::= [APPLICATION 208] INTEGER

SupplServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 209] HexString --(SIZE(2))

SupplServiceUsed ::= [APPLICATION 206] SEQUENCE
    supplServiceCode       SupplServiceCode       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    supplServiceActionCode SupplServiceActionCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    ssParameters           SsParameters           OPTIONAL,
    chargingTimeStamp      ChargingTimeStamp      OPTIONAL,
    chargeInformation      ChargeInformation      OPTIONAL,
    basicServiceCodeList   BasicServiceCodeList   OPTIONAL

TapCurrency ::= [APPLICATION 210] Currency

TapDecimalPlaces ::= [APPLICATION 244] INTEGER

TaxableAmount ::= [APPLICATION 398] AbsoluteAmount

    taxCode      TaxCode      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    taxType      TaxType      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    taxRate      TaxRate      OPTIONAL,
    chargeType   ChargeType   OPTIONAL,
    taxIndicator TaxIndicator OPTIONAL

TaxationList ::= [APPLICATION 211]  SEQUENCE OF Taxation


TaxIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 432] AsciiString --(SIZE(1))

TaxInformation ::= [APPLICATION 213] SEQUENCE
    taxCode          TaxCode       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    taxValue         TaxValue      OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    taxableAmount    TaxableAmount OPTIONAL

TaxInformationList ::= [APPLICATION 214]  SEQUENCE OF TaxInformation

-- The TaxRate item is of a fixed length to ensure that the full 5 
-- decimal places is provided.

TaxRate ::= [APPLICATION 215] NumberString --(SIZE(7))

TaxType ::= [APPLICATION 217] AsciiString --(SIZE(2))

TaxValue ::= [APPLICATION 397] AbsoluteAmount

TeleServiceCode ::= [APPLICATION 218] HexString --(SIZE(2))

ThirdPartyInformation ::= [APPLICATION 219]  SEQUENCE
    thirdPartyNumber            ThirdPartyNumber OPTIONAL,
    clirIndicator               ClirIndicator         OPTIONAL

ThirdPartyNumber ::= [APPLICATION 403] AddressStringDigits

ThreeGcamelDestination ::= [APPLICATION 431] CHOICE
    camelDestinationNumber    CamelDestinationNumber,
    gprsDestination           GprsDestination

TotalAdvisedCharge ::= [APPLICATION 356] AbsoluteAmount
TotalAdvisedChargeRefund ::= [APPLICATION 357] AbsoluteAmount
TotalAdvisedChargeValue ::= [APPLICATION 360] SEQUENCE
    advisedChargeCurrency    AdvisedChargeCurrency    OPTIONAL,
    totalAdvisedCharge       TotalAdvisedCharge       OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    totalAdvisedChargeRefund TotalAdvisedChargeRefund OPTIONAL,
    totalCommission          TotalCommission          OPTIONAL,
    totalCommissionRefund    TotalCommissionRefund    OPTIONAL
TotalAdvisedChargeValueList ::= [APPLICATION 361] SEQUENCE OF TotalAdvisedChargeValue

TotalCallEventDuration ::= [APPLICATION 223] INTEGER 

TotalCharge ::= [APPLICATION 415] AbsoluteAmount

TotalChargeRefund ::= [APPLICATION 355] AbsoluteAmount
TotalCommission ::= [APPLICATION 358] AbsoluteAmount
TotalCommissionRefund ::= [APPLICATION 359] AbsoluteAmount
TotalDataVolume ::= [APPLICATION 343] DataVolume
TotalDiscountRefund ::= [APPLICATION 354] AbsoluteAmount
TotalDiscountValue ::= [APPLICATION 225] AbsoluteAmount

TotalTaxRefund ::= [APPLICATION 353] AbsoluteAmount
TotalTaxValue ::= [APPLICATION 226] AbsoluteAmount

TotalTransactionDuration ::= [APPLICATION 416] TotalCallEventDuration

TrackedCustomerEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 381] SEQUENCE
    equipmentIdType               EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentId                   EquipmentId     OPTIONAL

TrackedCustomerHomeId ::= [APPLICATION 377] SEQUENCE
    homeIdType                    HomeIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    homeIdentifier                HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL

TrackedCustomerHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 376] SEQUENCE OF TrackedCustomerHomeId

TrackedCustomerIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 372] SEQUENCE
    customerIdType                CustomerIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    customerIdentifier            CustomerIdentifier OPTIONAL

TrackedCustomerIdList ::= [APPLICATION 370] SEQUENCE OF TrackedCustomerIdentification

TrackedCustomerInformation ::= [APPLICATION 367] SEQUENCE
    trackedCustomerIdList         TrackedCustomerIdList     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    trackedCustomerHomeIdList     TrackedCustomerHomeIdList OPTIONAL,
    trackedCustomerLocList        TrackedCustomerLocList    OPTIONAL,
    trackedCustomerEquipment      TrackedCustomerEquipment  OPTIONAL

TrackedCustomerLocation ::= [APPLICATION 380] SEQUENCE
    locationIdType                LocationIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    locationIdentifier            LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL

TrackedCustomerLocList ::= [APPLICATION 379] SEQUENCE OF

TrackingCustomerEquipment ::= [APPLICATION 371] SEQUENCE
    equipmentIdType               EquipmentIdType OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    equipmentId                   EquipmentId     OPTIONAL

TrackingCustomerHomeId ::= [APPLICATION 366] SEQUENCE
    homeIdType                    HomeIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    homeIdentifier                HomeIdentifier OPTIONAL

TrackingCustomerHomeIdList ::= [APPLICATION 365] SEQUENCE OF TrackingCustomerHomeId

TrackingCustomerIdentification ::= [APPLICATION 362] SEQUENCE
    customerIdType                CustomerIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    customerIdentifier            CustomerIdentifier OPTIONAL

TrackingCustomerIdList ::= [APPLICATION 299] SEQUENCE OF TrackingCustomerIdentification

TrackingCustomerInformation ::= [APPLICATION 298] SEQUENCE
    trackingCustomerIdList        TrackingCustomerIdList     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    trackingCustomerHomeIdList    TrackingCustomerHomeIdList OPTIONAL,
    trackingCustomerLocList       TrackingCustomerLocList    OPTIONAL,
    trackingCustomerEquipment     TrackingCustomerEquipment  OPTIONAL

TrackingCustomerLocation ::= [APPLICATION 369] SEQUENCE
    locationIdType                LocationIdType     OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    locationIdentifier            LocationIdentifier OPTIONAL

TrackingCustomerLocList ::= [APPLICATION 368] SEQUENCE OF TrackingCustomerLocation

TrackingFrequency ::= [APPLICATION 389] INTEGER

TrackingPeriod ::= [APPLICATION 388] INTEGER

TransactionAuthCode ::= [APPLICATION 342] AsciiString
TransactionDescriptionSupp ::= [APPLICATION 338] INTEGER
TransactionDetailDescription ::= [APPLICATION 339] AsciiString

TransactionIdentifier ::= [APPLICATION 341] AsciiString
TransactionShortDescription ::= [APPLICATION 340] AsciiString
TransactionStatus ::= [APPLICATION 303] INTEGER

TransferCutOffTimeStamp ::= [APPLICATION 227] DateTimeLong

TransparencyIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 228] INTEGER

UserProtocolIndicator ::= [APPLICATION 280] INTEGER

UtcTimeOffset ::= [APPLICATION 231] AsciiString --(SIZE(5))

UtcTimeOffsetCode ::= [APPLICATION 232] Code

UtcTimeOffsetInfo ::= [APPLICATION 233] SEQUENCE
    utcTimeOffsetCode   UtcTimeOffsetCode OPTIONAL, -- *m.m.
    utcTimeOffset       UtcTimeOffset     OPTIONAL

UtcTimeOffsetInfoList ::= [APPLICATION 234]  SEQUENCE OF UtcTimeOffsetInfo

VerticalAccuracyDelivered ::= [APPLICATION 393] INTEGER

VerticalAccuracyRequested ::= [APPLICATION 386] INTEGER

-- Tagged common data types

-- The AbsoluteAmount data type is used to 
-- encode absolute revenue amounts.
-- The accuracy of all absolute amount values is defined
-- by the value of TapDecimalPlaces within the group
-- AccountingInfo for the entire TAP batch.
-- Note, that only amounts greater than or equal to zero are allowed.
-- The decimal number representing the amount is 
-- derived from the encoded integer 
-- value by division by 10^TapDecimalPlaces.
-- for example for TapDecimalPlaces = 3 the following values
-- will be derived:
--       0   represents    0.000
--      12   represents    0.012
--    1234   represents    1.234
-- for TapDecimalPlaces = 5 the following values will be
-- derived:
--       0   represents    0.00000
--    1234   represents    0.01234
--  123456   represents    1.23456
-- This data type is used to encode (total) 
-- charges, (total) discount values and 
-- (total) tax values. 
AbsoluteAmount ::= INTEGER 

Bid ::=  AsciiString --(SIZE(5))

Code ::= INTEGER

-- Non-tagged common data types
-- Recommended common data types to be used for file encoding:
-- The following definitions should be used for TAP file creation instead of
-- the default specifications (OCTET STRING)
--    AsciiString ::= VisibleString
--    Currency ::= VisibleString
--    HexString ::= VisibleString
--    NumberString ::= NumericString
--    AsciiString contains visible ISO 646 characters.
--    Leading and trailing spaces must be discarded during processing.
--    An AsciiString cannot contain only spaces.

AsciiString ::= OCTET STRING

-- The BCDString data type (Binary Coded Decimal String) is used to represent
-- several digits from 0 through 9, a, b, c, d, e.
-- Two digits are encoded per octet.  The four leftmost bits of the octet represent
-- the first digit while the four remaining bits represent the following digit.  
-- A single f must be used as a filler when the total number of digits to be 
-- encoded is odd.
-- No other filler is allowed.


-- The currency codes from ISO 4217
-- are used to identify a currency 
Currency ::= OCTET STRING

-- HexString contains ISO 646 characters from 0 through 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.

HexString ::= OCTET STRING

-- NumberString contains ISO 646 characters from 0 through 9.

NumberString ::= OCTET STRING

-- The PercentageRate data type is used to
-- encode percentage rates with an accuracy of 2 decimal places. 
-- This data type is used to encode discount rates.
-- The decimal number representing the percentage
-- rate is obtained by dividing the integer value by 100
-- Examples:
--     1500  represents  15.00 percent
--     1     represents   0.01 percent
PercentageRate ::= INTEGER 

-- END