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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lib 'lib';

use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
use Net::Google::Drive::Simple;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
use Pod::Usage;

getopts("hvn", \my %opts);
pod2usage() if $opts{h};

my( $local_dir, $gd_dir ) = @ARGV;

if( ! defined $gd_dir ) {
    pod2usage( "No Google Drive dir given" );

if( ! -d $local_dir ) {
    pod2usage( "$local_dir not a directory" );

my $log_level = $INFO;
$log_level = $DEBUG if $opts{ v };

Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { 
    level => $log_level, 
    layout => "%F{1}:%L> %m%n"
} );

my %files_local = ();

opendir DH, $local_dir;

for my $file ( readdir DH ) {

    my $path = "$local_dir/$file";

    if( ! -f $path) {

    $files_local{ $file } = -s $path;

closedir DH;

INFO "Found ", scalar keys %files_local, " local files";

my $gd = Net::Google::Drive::Simple->new();

INFO "Listing $gd_dir on Google Drive";

my( $entries_gd, $parent ) = $gd->children( $gd_dir );

if( !defined $entries_gd ) {
    pod2usage( "$gd_dir can't be listed - does it exist?" );

INFO "Found ", scalar @$entries_gd, " files on Google Drive";

my %needs_update = ();

for my $entry ( @$entries_gd ) {
    if( $entry->kind() ne 'drive#file' ) {
        DEBUG "Ignoring ", $entry->title();

    my $title = $entry->title();

    my $labels = $entry->labels();

    if( $labels->{ trashed } ) {
        INFO "Ignoring trashed file $title", 

    if( exists $files_local{ $title } ) {
        if( $entry->fileSize() == $files_local{ $title } ) {
            DEBUG "$title synched OK";
            delete $files_local{ $title };
        ERROR "$title: different file size (local:$files_local{ $title } ",
          "gdrive: ", $entry->fileSize();
        $needs_update{ $title } = $entry;
    } else {
        INFO "Remote only: $title";

for my $file ( sort keys %files_local ) {

   my $file_id;

   if( exists $needs_update{ $file } ) {
       INFO "Needs update: $file";
       $file_id = $needs_update{ $file }->id();
   } else {
       INFO "Local only: $file";

   next if $opts{ n };

   INFO "Uploading file $file";
   $gd->file_upload( "$local_dir/$file", $parent, $file_id );


=head1 NAME

    google-drive-upsync - Sync a local dir with a Google Drive dir


    google-drive-upsync local-dir /gdrive-dir

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-v>

Be verbose.

=item B<-n>

Dryrun, don't upload any files, just report what needs to be done.



C<google-drive-upsync> uploads the files in a local directory to a
directory on Google Drive. If a file on Google Drive already exists
with a different byte count, it will overwrite the remote file with
the local counterpart.

Files in the Google Drive dir that have no counterpart in the local dir
are left alone.


  $ google-drive-upsync ~/books /books


Copyright 2012 by Mike Schilli, all rights reserved.
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

2012, Mike Schilli <>