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#$Id: lhalw,v 1.6 1998/04/28 01:13:55 schwartz Exp $
# lhalw, Have A Look at Word 6+ Files
# This program saves the text part of a Word 6/7 style or the first text
# chunk of a word 8 file. The result for Word 8 files saved with "fastsave" 
# will *not* always be the real contents of the document.
# -  The purpose of lhalw is mainly to demonstrate OLE::Storage, not so
#    much to convert a word file. Anyway at least it handles the text portions
#    of Word 6 / 7 files quite correctly. If you need a real convertress, 
#    you will have to wait... I'm working on it, but it lasts longer than
#    I excpected. 
# -  lhalw informs you a little bit about the trouble while converting.
# See also usage() of this file. General information at:
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Martin Schwartz 
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, you should find it at:
# You can contact me via

my ($Doc, $Msg, $Startup, $Text, $Unicode, $Var);
my ($stat_fast, $stat_crypted, $stat_unicode, $stat_verok);

my $PROGNAME = "lhalw";
my $VERSION=do{my@R=('$Revision: 1.6 $'=~/\d+/g);sprintf"%d."."%d"x$#R,@R};
my $DATE = ('$Date: 1998/04/28 01:13:55 $' =~ / ([^ ]*) /) && $1;

use Getopt::Long;
use OLE::Storage::Std;

my ($Doc, $Startup, $Var, $text);
my %opt = (
   "dirmode"   => "0700",
   "filemode"  => "0600",
   "suffix"    => ".txt",
   "warnlevel" => "1",

   GetOptions (\%opt,
      "no_warn", 	# old and no longer supported
   usage() if $opt{"help"} || (!@ARGV && !$opt{"from_stdin"});

   require OLE::Storage;
   require OLE::Storage::Textutil;
   require Unicode::Map;
   require Startup;
   fail(1) unless $Startup = new Startup;

   $Startup -> init ({
      SUB_FILES  => \&handle_files,
      SUB_STREAM => \&handle_stream,
      PROG_DATE  => $DATE,
      PROG_VER   => $VERSION,
      FROM_STDIN => $opt{"from_stdin"},
      SRCPATH    => $opt{"src_base"},
      DESTPATH   => $opt{"dest_base"},
      RECURSE    => $opt{"recurse"},
      RELATIVE   => $opt{"relative"},
      FILEMODE   => $opt{"filemode"},
      DIRMODE    => $opt{"dirmode"},

   fail(2) unless $Map  = new Unicode::Map({"STARTUP"=>$Startup});
   fail(3) unless $Text = new OLE::Storage::Textutil({"STARTUP"=>$Startup});
   fail(4) unless $Var  = OLE::Storage->NewVar();

   $Doc     = undef;

   $Startup->allow_logging if $opt{"log"};

   if (!($Var = OLE::Storage->NewVar())) {
      error("No Var handle!"); exit 1;
   $Doc = undef;

   $Startup->msg_silent(1) if $opt{"to_stdout"};


   exit 1;

sub handle_stream {
   my ($dp) = @_;
   $Startup->log('processing <STDIN>');
   $Startup->msg('processing <STDIN>');
      return _error("Nothing to do!") if -t STDIN;
      undef $/;
      return 0 if !($Doc = 
         OLE::Storage->open($Startup, $Var, "<stdin>", 2**4, \<>)
   return 0 if !main_work(0, 0, "$dp/stdin");

sub handle_files {
   my ($sp, $sf, $dp, $status) = @_;

   $Startup->log("processing " . ($sp ne "." ? "$sp/":"") . $sf);
   $Startup->msg("Processing \"$sf\"");

   return _error ("File \"$sf\" doesn't exist!") if !$status;
   return 1 if $status < 0;
      return 0 if !($Doc = OLE::Storage->open($Startup, $Var, "$sp/$sf"));
      $status = main_work($sp, $sf, $dp);

   return 0 if !$status;

sub _error { $Startup -> error (@_) if $Startup; }

sub error { my ($msg) = @_; $Startup -> msg_error($msg) if $Startup; 0}

sub fail {
   my ($num) = @_;
   print "Strange error #$num! Exiting!\n"; exit 0;

sub basename {
# $basename = basename($filepath)
   (substr($_[0], rindex($_[0],'/')+1) =~ /(^[^.]*)/) && $1;

sub usage {
   _print_usage (
      "$PROGNAME V$VERSION ($DATE) - Convert a Word 6+ doc to text.\n"
      ."usage: $PROGNAME {-option [arg]} file(s)",
        "log           write a logfile",
        "src_base   s  Regard this as start directory in relative mode",
        "dest_base  s  Store output files based at this directory ('".
        "from_stdin    Take input from stdin",
        "to_stdout     Write output to stdout",
        "filemode   s  New files get access mode s (".$opt{"filemode"}.")",
        "dirmode    s  New directories get access mode s (".$opt{"dirmode"}.")",
        "recurse       Operate recursively on directories",
        "relative      Store files relatively to destdir when in recurse mode",

        "column     s  Output will have a width of maximal n characters.",
        "control       Keep Word's control characters.",
        "warnlevel  i  0=no | 1=standard | 2=paranoid warnings (default 1)",
        "stupid        Do not evaluate fastsave information.",
        "override      Overwrite existing files.",
        "suffix     s  Output files shall get suffix 's' (default: '".
        #"recode     s  (Recode text to character set s (in development))",
   exit 0;

sub _print_usage {
   my ($header, $bodylistR, $footer) = @_;
   print "$header\n" if $header;
   print map "   --$_\n", sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @$bodylistR;
   print "$footer\n" if $footer;

sub main_work {
   my ($sp, $sf, $dp) = @_;
   $text_warn=undef; $warn=0;
   $text_body=undef; $text_foot=undef; 
   $word_textl=0; $word_footl=0; $word_destl=0;

   my $wpps;

   is_opened: {
      last if !get_worddocument_pps(\$wpps);
      last if !$Doc->read($wpps, \$header, 0, 0x300);
      last if !get_status();
      last if !get_document_text($wpps);

      if (!$stat_unicode) {
         last if !convert_text();
      } else {
         last if !map_unicode();
      last if !save_document($sp, $sf, $dp);
      return $Doc->close();


sub get_status {
   # Document status
   my $status1 = get_byte(\$header, 0x05);
   my $status2 = get_word(\$header, 0x0a);

   $stat_verok   = 1 if ($status1==0xc0) || ($status1==0xe0);
   $stat_fast    = $status2 & 2**2;
   $stat_crypted = $status2 & 2**8;
   $stat_unicode = $status2 & 2**9;

   return _error("Document is password protected!") if $stat_crypted;

sub get_worddocument_pps {
# Assume Word Document, if there is a stream "WordDocument".
   my $ppsR = shift;
   my %dir = ();
   $Doc->directory(0, \%dir, "string");
   $$ppsR = $dir{"WordDocument"};
   return _error ("Not a Word document!") if !$$ppsR;

sub get_document_text {
# Read text section out of $inbuf and store this in global $text_body
   my $pps = shift;

   if ($stat_verok ) {
      ($word_textl, $word_footl, $word_destl) = get_nlong(3, \$header, 0x34);
      $word_textl *= 2 if $stat_unicode;
      $word_footl *= 2 if $stat_unicode;
      $word_destl *= 2 if $stat_unicode;
      if ($stat_fast && !$opt{"stupid"}) {
         return 0 if !get_fastsaved_text($pps, \$text_body);
      } else {
         return 0 if !get_text($pps, \$text_body);
   } else {
      $word_textl = get_long(\$header, 0x4c); 
      $word_textl *= 2 if $stat_unicode;
      return 0 if !get_text($pps, \$text_body);

   # Give a little warning, even if it's not very sensible.
   my ($l, $lstr, $qstr);
   $l = $word_textl+$word_footl+$word_destl-length($text_body);
   if ($word_textl+$word_footl < length($text_body)) {
      substr($text_body, $word_textl+$word_footl)="";
   if ($l) {
      if (($l<0) && ($l>-4)) {
         $warn = 1;
      } else {
         $warn = 2;
   if ($warn) {
      $lstr = abs($l)." byte" . (abs($l)>1 && "s" || "");
      $qstr = ($l>0) ? "missing" : "to much";
      $pri = " ";
      if ($warn > 1) {
         $pri = "!";
         if ($opt{"warnlevel"}>1) {
            $text_warn = "!! Attention: $lstr of text $qstr !!\n";
            $Startup->msg_warn("$lstr $qstr");
      $Startup -> log ("$lstr of text $qstr", $pri);

sub get_text {
   my ($pps, $bufR) = @_;
   my ($begin, $end) = get_nlong(2, \$header, 0x18);
   $Doc->read($pps, $bufR, $begin, $end-$begin);

sub get_fastsaved_text {
# This code handles as little as possible Word's fastsave format. 
   my ($pps, $bufR) = @_;

   my ($buf, $tmp, $status);
   my @fchar_to = ();
   my @fchar_o = ();
   my ($t, $o, $l, $max);

   return 0 if !$Doc->read($pps, \$tmp);
   $buf=substr($tmp, get_nlong(2, \$header, 0x160));

   while ($o<=length($buf)) {
      $t=get_byte(\$buf, \$o);
      $l=get_word(\$buf, \$o); next if !$l;
      if (!$t) {
         $o++; next;
      } elsif ($t==1) {
      } elsif ($t==2) {
         $max = ($l-4)/12+1; $o+=2;
         @fchar_to = get_nlong($max, \$buf, $o);
         @fchar_o  = map (get_long(\$buf, $o+$max*4 +$_*8 +2), (0..$max-1));
      } else {
         return _error ("I don't understand this fastsave format!");
   for (0..$#fchar_o) {
      $$bufR .= substr($tmp, $fchar_o[$_], $fchar_to[$_+1]-$fchar_to[$_]);

## --- Unicode ------------------------------------------------------------

sub map_unicode {
   return 1 if !$opt{"recode"};
   return 0 if !$Map->from_unicode( $opt{"recode"}, \$text_body, \$tmp );

sub convert_text {
   $text_foot = substr($text_body, $word_textl, $word_footl);
   if ($word_textl < length($text_body)) {
      substr($text_body, $word_textl)="";

   if (!$opt{"control"}) {

   if ($opt{"column"}) {
      $Text->pardel($opt{"control"}? "\x0d" : "\n");

      # Line breaking
      return 0 if ! (
         && $Text->wrap(\$text_foot)

sub silly_convert {
   # footnotes
   $num=1; while ($text_body =~ s/\x02/[$num]/) { $num++ }
   $num=1; while ($text_foot =~ s/\x02/[$num]/) { $num++ }
   # fields
   $text_body =~ s/\x13[^\x14]*\x14([^\x15]*)\x15/$1/g;
   $text_body =~ s/\x13[^\x15]*\x15//g;
   $text_foot =~ s/\x13[^\x14]*\x14([^\x15]*)\x15/$1/g;
   $text_foot =~ s/\x13[^\x15]*\x15//g;

sub strip_control {
   # Here some characters could be converted like:
   my $bufR = shift;
   $$bufR =~ s/[\x08\x09]/\t/g;		
   $$bufR =~ s/(\x07\x07)/$1\x0d/g;		
   $$bufR =~ s/\x07/ /g;
   $$bufR =~ s/[\xa0]/ /g;		
   $$bufR =~ s/[\x0b\x0c\x0e]/\x0d/g;		
   $$bufR =~ tr/\x1e\x84\x91\x92\x93\x94/-"`'""/;

   # Away with Words control characters 
   $$bufR =~ s/[\x00-\x06\x0f-\x1f\x80-\x9f]//g;

   $$bufR =~ s/\x0d/\n/g;

sub save_document {
   my ($sp, $sf, $dp) = @_;
   if ($opt{"from_stdin"} || $opt{"to_stdout"}) {
      print $text_warn if $text_warn && ($warn > $opt{"warnlevel"});
      print $text_body.$text_foot;
   } else {
      my $outname = basename($sf) . $opt{"suffix"};
      if (!$opt{"override"}) {
         return _error("File already exists! Try --override.") 
            if -e "$dp/$outname"
      return _error("Cannot open $outname!") if !(
         open(OUT, ">$dp/$outname") && binmode(OUT)
      print OUT $text_warn if $text_warn && ($warn > $opt{"warnlevel"});
      print OUT $text_body.$text_foot;
      close OUT;


=head1 NAME

lhalw - Have A Look at Word 6+ Files


lhalw V0.3817 (1998/02/12) - Convert a Word 6+ doc to text.
usage: lhalw {-option [arg]} file(s)
   --column     s  Output will have a width of maximal n characters.
   --control       Keep Word's control characters.
   --dest_base  s  Store output files based at this directory ('')
   --dirmode    s  New directories get access mode s (0700)
   --filemode   s  New files get access mode s (0600)
   --from_stdin    Take input from stdin
   --log           write a logfile
   --no_warn       No warnings.
   --override      Overwrite existing files.
   --recurse       Operate recursively on directories
   --relative      Store files relatively to destdir when in recurse mode
   --src_base   s  Regard this as start directory in relative mode
   --stupid        Do not evaluate fastsave information.
   --suffix     s  Output files shall get suffix 's' (default: '.txt')
   --to_stdout     Write output to stdout


Converts a Word 6+ Document simply to text. 

Understands and converts Word 6 and Word 7, gets some text out of Word 8 
documents. By some purpose lhalw often sends warn messages ("... bytes too
much"). You can switch them off with option "--warnlevel=0".

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Schwartz E<lt>F<>E<gt>. 
