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 * @copyright
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 *    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 *    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 *    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * @endcopyright
 * @file JNIUtil.h
 * @brief Interface of the class JNIUtil

#ifndef JNIUTIL_H
#define JNIUTIL_H

#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "Pool.h"
struct apr_pool_t;
class JNIMutex;
class SVNBase;
#include <jni.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <apr_time.h>
#include <string>
struct svn_error_t;

#define JAVA_PACKAGE "org/apache/subversion/javahl"

 * Class to hold a number of JNI related utility methods.  No Objects
 * of this class are ever created.
class JNIUtil
  static svn_error_t *preprocessPath(const char *&path, apr_pool_t *pool);

   * Throw the Java NativeException instance named by
   * exceptionClassName.  A NativeException sub-class must supply a
   * 3-arg constructor identical to that of NativeException.  @a
   * source is any file name and line number information.
  static void throwNativeException(const char *exceptionClassName,
                                   const char *msg,
                                   const char *source = NULL,
                                   int aprErr = -1);

  static void throwNullPointerException(const char *message);
  static jbyteArray makeJByteArray(const signed char *data, int length);
  static jobject createDate(apr_time_t time);
  static void logMessage(const char *message);
  static int getLogLevel();
  static char *getFormatBuffer();
  static void initLogFile(int level, jstring path);
  static jstring makeJString(const char *txt);
  static bool isJavaExceptionThrown();
  static JNIEnv *getEnv();
  static void setEnv(JNIEnv *);

   * @return Whether any Throwable has been raised.
  static bool isExceptionThrown();

  static void handleAPRError(int error, const char *op);

   * Put @a object in the list of finalized objects queued up to be
   * deleted (by another thread) during the next operation.
   * @param object The C++ peer of the finalized (Java) object.
   * @since 1.4.0
  static void enqueueForDeletion(SVNBase *object);

   * @deprecated Use the more appropriately named
   * enqueueForDeletion() instead.
  static void putFinalizedClient(SVNBase *cl);

   * Convert any exception that may have been thrown into a textual
   * representation.  Return @c NULL if no exception has
   * occurred. Useful for converting Java @c Exceptions into @c
   * svn_error_t's.
  static const char *thrownExceptionToCString(SVN::Pool &in_pool);

   * Throw a Java exception corresponding to err, and run
   * svn_error_clear() on err.
  static void handleSVNError(svn_error_t *err);

  static jstring makeSVNErrorMessage(svn_error_t *err);

   * Create and throw a java.lang.Throwable instance.
   * @param name The class name (in path form, with slashes in lieu
   * of dots) of the Throwable to create and raise.
   * @param message The message text of the Throwable.
  static void raiseThrowable(const char *name, const char *message);

   * Creates and throws a JNIError.
   * @param message The message text of the JNIError.
  static void throwError(const char *message)
      raiseThrowable(JAVA_PACKAGE"/JNIError", message);

  static apr_pool_t *getPool();
  static bool JNIGlobalInit(JNIEnv *env);
  static bool JNIInit(JNIEnv *env);
  static bool initializeJNIRuntime();
  enum { formatBufferSize = 2048 };
  enum { noLog, errorLog, exceptionLog, entryLog } LogLevel;

  static void assembleErrorMessage(svn_error_t *err, int depth,
                                   apr_status_t parent_apr_err,
                                   std::string &buffer);
  static void putErrorsInTrace(svn_error_t *err,
                               std::vector<jobject> &stackTrace);
   * Set the appropriate global or thread-local flag that an exception
   * has been thrown to @a flag.
  static void setExceptionThrown(bool flag = true);

   * The log level of this module.
  static int g_logLevel;

   * Global master pool.  All other pool are subpools of this pool.
  static apr_pool_t *g_pool;

   * List of objects finalized, where the C++ peer has not yet be
   * deleted.
  static std::list<SVNBase*> g_finalizedObjects;

   * Mutex to secure the g_finalizedObjects list.
  static JNIMutex *g_finalizedObjectsMutex;

   * Mutex to secure the access to the log file.
  static JNIMutex *g_logMutex;

   * Flag, that an exception occurred during our initialization.
  static bool g_initException;

   * Flag, that one thread is in the init code.  Cannot use mutex
   * here since apr is not initialized yet.
  static bool g_inInit;

   * The JNI environment used during initialization.
  static JNIEnv *g_initEnv;

   * Fuffer the format error messages during initialization.
  static char g_initFormatBuffer[formatBufferSize];

   * The stream to write log messages to.
  static std::ofstream g_logStream;

 * A statement macro used for checking NULL pointers, in the style of
 * SVN_ERR().
 * Evaluate @a expr.  If it equals NULL, throw an NullPointerException with
 * the value @a str, and return the @a ret_val.  Otherwise, continue.
 * Note that if the enclosing function returns <tt>void</tt>, @a ret_val may
 * be blank.

#define SVN_JNI_NULL_PTR_EX(expr, str, ret_val) \
  if (expr == NULL) {                           \
    JNIUtil::throwNullPointerException(str);    \
    return ret_val ;                            \

 * A statement macro used for checking for errors, in the style of
 * SVN_ERR().
 * Evalute @a expr.  If it yields an error, handle the JNI error, and
 * return @a ret_val.  Otherwise, continue.
 * Note that if the enclosing function returns <tt>void</tt>, @a ret_val may
 * be blank.

#define SVN_JNI_ERR(expr, ret_val)                      \
  do {                                                  \
    svn_error_t *svn_jni_err__temp = (expr);            \
    if (svn_jni_err__temp != SVN_NO_ERROR) {            \
      JNIUtil::handleSVNError(svn_jni_err__temp);       \
      return ret_val ;                                  \
    }                                                   \
  } while (0)

 * The initial capacity of a create local reference frame.
#define LOCAL_FRAME_SIZE            16

 * A statement macro use to pop the reference frame and return NULL
#define POP_AND_RETURN(ret_val)         \
  do                                    \
    {                                   \
      env->PopLocalFrame(NULL);         \
      return ret_val ;                  \
    }                                   \
  while (0)

 * A statement macro use to pop the reference frame and return
#define POP_AND_RETURN_NOTHING()        \
  do                                    \
    {                                   \
      env->PopLocalFrame(NULL);         \
      return;                           \
    }                                   \
  while (0)

 * A useful macro.

#endif  // JNIUTIL_H