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use perl5i::latest;

use Test::More;

    package My::Child;

    our @ISA = qw(My::Parent);

    sub child1 {}
    sub child2 {}
    sub parent1 {}  # don't count this twice

    package My::Parent;

    sub parent1 {}
    sub parent2 {}

note "methods of a class with no parent"; {
    my $class = "My::Parent";

    my $want = [qw(parent1 parent2)];

      scalar $class->mc->methods->sort,
      scalar $want->sort,
      "methods on a simple class";

    my $obj = bless {}, "My::Parent"; 

      scalar $obj->mo->methods->sort,
      scalar $want->sort,
      "methods on a simple object";

note "methods of a class on a child"; {
    my $class = "My::Child";

    my $want = [qw(child1 child2 parent1 parent2)];

      scalar $class->mc->methods->sort,
      scalar $want->sort,
      "inherited methods on a class";

    my $obj = bless {}, "My::Child";

      scalar $obj->mo->methods->sort,
      scalar $want->sort,
      "inherited method on a class";

note "just_mine => 1"; {
    my $child = bless {}, "My::Child";
    my $methods = $child->mo->methods({
        just_mine => 1

      scalar $methods->sort,
      [sort qw(child1 child2 parent1)],
      "just_mine does not show inherited methods";

note "with_UNIVERSAL => 1"; {
    my $child = bless {}, "My::Child";
    my %methods = $child->mo->methods({
        with_UNIVERSAL  => 1
    })->map(sub { $_ => 1 });

    my $want = [qw(child1 child2 parent1 isa can VERSION mc mo)];
    for my $method (@$want) {
        ok $methods{$method}, "My::Child->$method";

note "UNIVERSAL still works"; {
    # We're not sure what's going to be in UNIVERSAL
    # but we know what should be there at minimum

    my %methods = UNIVERSAL->mc->methods->map(sub { $_ => 1});

    my @min_want = qw(can isa VERSION mc mo);
    for my $method (@min_want) {
        ok $methods{$method}, "UNIVERSAL->$method";

# Fcntl has scalar refs in its symbol table probably due to some XS wackiness
    note "Weird things in the symbol table";
    skip "Need Fcntl", 1 unless eval { "Fcntl"->require };

    my @methods = Fcntl->mc->methods({ just_mine => 1 });
    can_ok "Fcntl", @methods;
