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use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
use URI;

use Test::File::ShareDir
  -share => { -dist => { 'Mail-DMARC' => 'share' } };

use lib 'lib';

my @test_policy = (
    'v', 'DMARC1',    # Section 6.2, Formal Definition
    'p', 'reject',    # the v(ersion) and request(p) are ordered
    'rua', '',
    'ruf', '',
    'pct', 90,
my %test_policy = @test_policy;

my $n;
my $test_rec = join( '; ',
    map  { $_ . '=' . $test_policy{$_} }
    grep { !( $n++ % 2 ) } @test_policy );  # extract keys

my $dmarc = Mail::DMARC::PurePerl->new;

isa_ok( $dmarc, 'Mail::DMARC::PurePerl' );

test_verify_external_reporting( '',            '', 1 );
test_verify_external_reporting( '',        '', 1 );
test_verify_external_reporting( '', '', 1 );


sub _test_reason {
            domain      => '',
            selector    => 'jan2015',
            result      => 'fail',
            human_result=> 'fail (body has been altered)',
            {   domain => '',
                scope  => 'mfrom',
                result => 'pass',
                scope  => 'helo',
                domain => '',
                result => 'fail',

    my $policy = $dmarc->discover_policy;
    ok( $policy, "discover_policy" );
    my $result = $dmarc->validate($policy);
    ok( ref $result, "result is a ref");
    ok( $result->{result} eq 'pass', "result=pass");
    ok( $result->{spf} eq 'pass', "spf=pass");
    ok( $result->{disposition} eq 'none', "disposition=none");

    ok( $result->{disposition} eq 'reject', "disposition changed to reject");

    ok( $result->reason( type => 'local_policy' ), "added reason" );
    ok( $result->reason( type => 'local_policy', comment => 'testing' ), "added reason 2" );
    #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($result->reason);

    ok( $dmarc->save_aggregate(), "save aggregate");

    #delete $dmarc->{public_suffixes};
    #delete $dmarc->{resolver};
    #delete $dmarc->{config};
    #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($dmarc);

sub test_verify_external_reporting {
    my ( $dmarc_dom, $dest_dom, $outcome ) = @_;
    my $ver = 'verify_external_reporting';

    my $policy;
    eval {
        $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse(
            "v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc-feedback\@$dest_dom");
    $policy->{domain} = $dmarc_dom;
    ok( $policy, "new policy" );

    my $uri = URI->new("mailto:test\@$dest_dom");
    cmp_ok( $outcome, 'eq', $dmarc->$ver( { uri => $uri } ), "$ver, $dmarc_dom, $dest_dom" );

    # a DMARC record with a RUA override
    return if $dmarc_dom ne '';
    my $uri_should_be = $dmarc->report->uri->parse(
        URI->new("mailto:invalid-test\") );
    my $uri_via_net
        = $dmarc->report->uri->parse( $dmarc->result->published->rua );
    is_deeply( $uri_via_net->[0], $uri_should_be->[0], "$ver, override rua" );

sub test_external_report {

    my @test_doms = qw/ /;
    foreach my $dom (@test_doms) {

        my $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse('v=DMARC1; p=none');
        $policy->{domain} = $dom;
        ok( $policy, "new policy" );

        my $uri = URI->new("mailto:test\@$dom");

        #       warn "path: " . $uri->path;
        ok( $uri, "new URI" );
        ok( !$dmarc->external_report($uri),
            "external_report, $uri for $dom" );

    foreach my $dom (@test_doms) {
        my $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse('v=DMARC1; p=none');
        $policy->{domain} = "$";
        ok( $policy, "new policy" );

        my $uri = URI->new("mailto:test\@$dom");

        #       warn "path: " . $uri->path;
        ok( $uri, "new URI" );
        ok( $dmarc->external_report($uri),
            "external_report, $uri for $"

sub test_has_valid_reporting_uri {
    my @valid = (
        '',    # canonical example
        ',',    # two matches
        ',',     # http only

    $dmarc->result->published->{domain} = '';
    foreach my $v (@valid) {
        my $r_ref = $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri($v);
        ok( $r_ref, "has_valid_reporting_uri, $v" );

    $dmarc->result->published->{domain} = '';
    my $uris = $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri(
        ',' );
    ok( 2 == $uris, "has_valid_reporting_uri, 1.5.1 multiple");
#print Dumper(\@uris);

    $uris = $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri(
        ',,' );
    ok( 2 == $uris, "has_valid_reporting_uri, multiple filtered");

    $uris = $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri(
        '' );
    ok( 0 == $uris, "has_valid_reporting_uri, single filtered");

    # invalid tests
    my @invalid = (
        '',          # invalid schemes
        '',   # host doesn't match
        '',                 # 1.4.6 missing scheme
    $dmarc->result->published->{domain} = '';
    foreach my $v (@invalid) {
        my $r = $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri($v);
        ok( !$r, "has_valid_reporting_uri, neg, $v" )
            or diag Dumper($r);

# real life tests
    my %real = (
#           '' => ''

    foreach my $dom ( keys %real ) {
        $dmarc->result->published->{domain} = $dom;
        my $r_ref = $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri($real{$dom});
        ok( $r_ref, "has_valid_reporting_uri, $dom" );

sub test_discover_policy {
    my $policy = $dmarc->discover_policy;
    ok( $policy, "discover_policy" )
        or return diag Data::Dumper::Dumper($dmarc);
    my $expected = {   %test_policy,
        aspf  => 'r',      # $pol->new adds the defaults that are
        adkim => 'r',      #  implied in all DMARC records
        ri    => 86400,
        rf    => 'afrf',
        fo    => 0,
        domain => '',
    is_deeply( $policy, $expected, 'discover_policy, deeply' );

    $policy = $dmarc->discover_policy('');
#   warn Dumper($policy);
    ok( ! $policy, 'discover_policy, 1.3.3 multiple DMARC records not allowed' );

sub get_test_headers {
    return (
        'From: Sample User <>'          => '',
        'From: Sample Middle User <>'   => '',
        'From: "Sample User" <>'        => '',
        'From: "Sample Middle User" <>' => '',
        'Sample User <>'                => '',
        ''                              => '',
        '<>'                            => '',
        ' < > '                         => '',
        'Sample User <>,Sample2<>' =>
        'From:'                       => '',
        'From: <>'                     => '',
        'From: "Test 1.1.3" <>'        => '',
        'From: Test 1.1.4" <>'         => '',
        'From: "" <>'=>'',
        ''                                              => '',
        'From: "Test 1.1.11" <>, "Test 1.1.11" <>'                                                 => '',
        'From: "Test 1.1.8"
            <>'                        => '',
        'From: "Test 1.1.7" <>'   => '',
        'From: Test 1.1.6 <>'          => '',
        'From: "Test 1.1.5"'                            => '',

sub test_is_spf_aligned {

    ok( $dmarc->header_from(''), "spf, set header_from" );
    ok( $dmarc->spf(
            domain => '',
            scope  => 'mfrom',
            result => 'pass'
        'spf, set spf'
    ok( $dmarc->is_spf_aligned(),              "is_spf_aligned" );
    ok( 'strict' eq $dmarc->result->spf_align, "is_spf_aligned, strict" )
        or diag Dumper( $dmarc->result );

    ok( $dmarc->spf(
            domain => '',
            scope  => 'mfrom',
            result => 'pass'
        'spf, set spf'
    ok( $dmarc->policy->aspf('r'),              "spf alignment->r" );
    ok( $dmarc->is_spf_aligned(),               "is_spf_aligned, relaxed" );
    ok( 'relaxed' eq $dmarc->result->spf_align, "is_spf_aligned, relaxed" );

    ok( $dmarc->spf(
            domain => '',
            scope  => 'mfrom',
            result => 'pass'
        'spf, set spf'
    ok( !$dmarc->is_spf_aligned(), "is_spf_aligned, neg" );

sub test_is_dkim_aligned {

    ok( $dmarc->header_from(''), "dkim, set header_from" );
    ok( $dmarc->dkim(
            [   {   domain       => '',
                    selector     => 'apr2013',
                    result       => 'fail',
                    human_result => 'fail (body has been altered)',
                {   domain       => '',
                    selector     => 'apr2013',
                    result       => 'pass',
                    human_result => 'pass',
        "dkim, setup"

    ok( $dmarc->is_dkim_aligned(), "is_dkim_aligned, strict" );

    ok( $dmarc->header_from(''), "dkim, set header_from" );
    ok( $dmarc->is_dkim_aligned(),               "is_dkim_aligned, relaxed" );

    # negative test
    ok( $dmarc->header_from(''), "dkim, set header_from" );
    ok( !$dmarc->is_dkim_aligned(),              "is_dkim_aligned, miss" );

    # no DKIM signatures
    ok( $dmarc->dkim( [] ), "dkim, no signatures" );
    ok( !$dmarc->is_dkim_aligned(), "is_dkim_aligned, empty" );

sub test_is_aligned {
    ok( $dmarc->is_aligned(), "is_aligned, both" );

    ok( $dmarc->is_aligned(), "is_aligned, spf" );

    ok( $dmarc->is_aligned(), "is_aligned, dkim" );

    ok( !$dmarc->is_aligned(), "is_aligned, none" )
        or diag Data::Dumper::Dumper( $dmarc->is_aligned() );

sub test_is_whitelisted {
    my %good = (
            '' => 'local_policy',
            '' => 'trusted_forwarder',
    foreach ( keys %good ) {
        cmp_ok( $dmarc->is_whitelisted($_), 'eq', $good{$_}, "is_whitelisted, $_, $good{$_}");

    my @bad = qw/ /;
    foreach ( @bad ) {
        ok( ! $dmarc->is_whitelisted($_), "is_whitelisted, neg, $_");

sub test_validate {

    my %sample_dmarc = (
        config_file   => 'mail-dmarc.ini',
        source_ip     => '',
        envelope_to   => '',
        envelope_from => '',
        header_from   => '',
        dkim          => [
            {   domain       => '',
                selector     => 'apr2013',
                result       => 'fail',
                human_result => 'fail (body has been altered)',
        spf => [
            {   domain => '',
                scope  => 'mfrom',
                result => 'pass',

    $dmarc = Mail::DMARC::PurePerl->new(%sample_dmarc);
    eval { $dmarc->validate(); };
    #print Dumper($dmarc->result);
    ok($dmarc->is_spf_aligned(), "validate, one-shot, is_spf_aligned, yes" );
    ok(!$dmarc->is_dkim_aligned(), "validate, one-shot, is_dkim_aligned, no" );

    # TODO: mock up a Mail::DKIM::Verifier and replace $sample_dmarc{dkim}
    #$dmarc = Mail::DMARC::PurePerl->new(%sample_dmarc);
    #eval { $dmarc->validate(); };
    #print Dumper($dmarc->result);
    #ok($dmarc->is_spf_aligned(), "validate, one-shot, is_spf_aligned, yes" );
    #ok(!$dmarc->is_dkim_aligned(), "validate, one-shot, is_dkim_aligned, Mail-DKIM, yes" );

    # TODO: mock up a Mail::SPF::Result. Replace $sample_dmarc{spf}. Test again.

sub test_exists_in_dns {
    my %tests = (
        ''                 => 1,
        '' => 1,    # organizational name exists
        '' => 0,

    foreach my $dom ( keys %tests ) {
        my $r = $dmarc->exists_in_dns($dom);
        ok( $r >= $tests{$dom}, "exists_in_dns, $dom, $r" );

sub test_get_organizational_domain {
    my %domains = (
        ''        => '',
        ''    => '',
        '' => '',
        ''       => '',
        ''   => '',

    foreach ( keys %domains ) {
            $domains{$_}, 'eq',
            "get_organizational_domain, $_"

sub test_fetch_dmarc_record {
    my ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    is_deeply( $matches, [], 'fetch_dmarc_record, non-exist' );

    #warn Dumper($matches);

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    is_deeply( $matches, [$test_rec], 'fetch_dmarc_record' );

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    my $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse( $matches->[0] );
    cmp_ok( $policy->p, 'eq', 'reject', "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.2.1" );

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    cmp_ok( 0, '==', scalar @$matches, "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.2.2 DNS error");

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse( $matches->[0] );
    cmp_ok( $policy->p, 'eq', 'none', "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.2.3 DNS error subdomain");

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    eval { $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse( $matches->[0] ) } if scalar @$matches;
    cmp_ok( $policy->p, 'eq', 'none', "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.2.3 DNS srvfail");

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('com');
    is_deeply( $matches, [], 'fetch_dmarc_record, 1.2.4 TLD lookup not allowed' );

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    eval { $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse( $matches->[0] ) } if scalar @$matches;
    cmp_ok( $policy->p, 'eq', 'reject', "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.2.5 CNAME results in Org match");

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    eval { $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse( $matches->[0] ) } if scalar @$matches;
    cmp_ok( $policy->p, 'eq', 'reject', "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.3.1 unrelated TXT");

    ($matches) = $dmarc->fetch_dmarc_record('');
    eval { $policy = $dmarc->policy->parse( $matches->[0] ) } if scalar @$matches;
    cmp_ok( $policy->p, 'eq', 'none', "fetch_dmarc_record, 1.3.1 mixed TXT");

    #warn Dumper($matches);

sub test_get_from_dom {

    my %froms = get_test_headers();
    foreach my $h ( keys %froms ) {
        my $s;
        eval { $s = $dmarc->get_from_dom() };
        if ( $froms{$h} ) {
            ok( $s eq $froms{$h}, "get_from_dom, $s eq $froms{$h}" );
        else {
            chomp $@;
            ok( 1, "get_from_dom, $h, $@" );