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package Provision::Unix::DNS::NicTool;
  $Provision::Unix::DNS::NicTool::VERSION = '1.07';
# ABSTRACT: Provision NicTool DNS entries

use strict;
use warnings;

use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use Params::Validate qw(:all);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;

    my %p = validate( @_, 
        {   'prov'  => { type => OBJECT }, 
            'debug' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, default => 1 },
            'fatal' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, default => 1 },

    my $self = { prov  => $p{prov} };
    bless( $self, $class );

    $self->set_debug( $p{debug} );
    $self->set_fatal( $p{fatal} );

    $self->{nt} = $self->connect();
    return $self;

sub connect {

    my $self = shift;
    my $prov = $self->{prov};

    eval { require NicTool; };

    if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
        return $prov->error( "Could not load Are the NicTool client libraries installed? They can be found in NicToolServer/sys/client in the NicToolServer distribution. See",
            fatal => $self->{fatal},
            debug => $self->{debug},

    my $host = $self->{prov}{config}{NicTool}{server_host};
    my $nt = NicTool->new(
        server_host => $host,
        server_port => $self->{prov}{config}{NicTool}{server_port},
        protocol    => $self->{prov}{config}{NicTool}{protocol},

    my $user = $self->{prov}{config}{NicTool}{username};
    my $pass = $self->{prov}{config}{NicTool}{password};

    $prov->audit("logging into nictool at $host with $user:$pass");

    my $r = $nt->login( username => $user, password => $pass );

    if ( $nt->is_error($r) ) {
        return $prov->error( "error logging in: $r->{store}{error_msg}", fatal => $self->{fatal}, debug => $self->{debug} );

    my $session = $nt->{nt_user_session};
    if ( ! $session ) {
        #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper( $nt ); # ->{user}{store} );
        return $prov->error( "unable to get session" );

    $prov->audit( "login successful (session $nt->{nt_user_session} )" );
    return $nt;

sub create_zone {
    my $self = shift;

    my %p = validate(
        {   'zone'        => { type => SCALAR },
            'contact'     => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'ttl'         => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'refresh'     => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'retry'       => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'expire'      => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'minimum'     => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'nameservers' => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1, },
            'serial'      => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1, },
            'template'    => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1, },
            'ip'          => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1, },
            'mailip'      => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1, },
            'fatal'       => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },
            'debug'       => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },

    my $debug = $self->set_debug( $p{debug} );
    my $fatal = $self->set_fatal( $p{fatal} );

    my $prov = $self->{prov};
    $prov->audit("creating zone $p{zone}");

    my $nt = $self->{nt};

# if nameservers are not set, or set to a special value, then select them from
# usable_nsN in the $nt->{user}{store} object

    my $r = $nt->new_zone(
        nt_zone_id  => undef,
        nt_group_id => $nt->{user}{store}{nt_group_id},
        zone        => $p{zone},
        ttl         => $p{ttl} || $prov->{config}{DNS}{zone_ttl},
        serial      => undef,
        nameservers => $p{nameservers}
            || $prov->{config}{NicTool}{nameservers}
            || '1,2',
        mailaddr => $p{contact} || 'hostmaster.' . $p{zone},
        refresh  => $p{refresh} || $prov->{config}{DNS}{zone_refresh},
        retry    => $p{retry}   || $prov->{config}{DNS}{zone_retry},
        expire   => $p{expire}  || $prov->{config}{DNS}{zone_expire},
        minimum  => $p{minimum} || $prov->{config}{DNS}{zone_minimum},

    if ( $r->{store}{error_code} != 200 ) {
        $prov->error( "$r->{store}{error_desc} ( $r->{store}{error_msg} )",
            fatal   => $fatal,
            debug   => $debug,

    my $zone_id = $r->{store}{nt_zone_id};
    return if ! $zone_id;
    $prov->audit("\tcreated ( $zone_id ) ");
    return $zone_id;

    # add zone records if $p{template}


sub create_zone_record {
    my $self = shift;

    my %p = validate(
        {   'zone'     => { type => SCALAR },
            'zone_id'  => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'type'     => { type => SCALAR },
            'name'     => { type => SCALAR },
            'address'  => { type => SCALAR },
            'weight'   => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'ttl'      => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'priority' => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'port'     => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'fatal'    => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, },
            'debug'    => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, },

    my $debug = $self->set_debug( $p{debug} );
    my $fatal = $self->set_fatal( $p{fatal} );

    my %valid_types;
    foreach ( qw/ A MX CNAME NS SRV TXT/ ) {
        $valid_types{$_} = 1;

    my $prov = $self->{prov};
    my $type = $p{type};

    if ( !$valid_types{$type} ) {
        $prov->error( 'invalid record type', fatal => $fatal );

    $prov->audit("creating $type record in $p{zone}");

    my $zone_id = $p{zone_id} || $self->get_zone( zone => $p{zone} );

    my %request = (
        nt_zone_record_id => undef,
        nt_zone_id        => $zone_id,
        type              => $type,
        name              => $p{name},
        address           => $p{address},
        ttl               => $p{ttl} || $prov->{config}{DNS}{ttl},

    if ( $type =~ /(mx|srv)/i ) {
        $request{weight} = $p{weight} || $prov->{config}{DNS}{weight};
    if ( lc($type) eq 'srv' ) {
        $request{priority} = $p{priority} || 5;
        $request{port} = $p{port}
            || $prov->error( 'SRV records require a port' );

    my $nt = $self->{nt};
    my $r  = $nt->new_zone_record(%request);

    if ( $r->{store}{error_code} != 200 ) {
            "$r->{store}{error_desc} ( $r->{store}{error_msg} )" );

    #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($r->{store});

    my $zone_rec_id = $r->{store}{nt_zone_record_id};
    $prov->audit("\tsuccess (record id: $zone_rec_id)");
    return $zone_rec_id;

sub get_zone {
    my $self = shift;

    my %p = validate(
        {   'zone'  => { type => SCALAR },
            'fatal' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },
            'debug' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },

    my $debug = $self->set_debug( $p{debug} );
    my $fatal = $self->set_fatal( $p{fatal} );

    my $prov = $self->{prov};
    $prov->audit("getting zone $p{zone}");

    my $nt = $self->{nt};

    my $r = $nt->get_group_zones(
        nt_group_id       => $nt->{user}{store}{nt_group_id},
        include_subgroups => 1,
        Search            => 1,
        '1_field'         => "zone",
        '1_option'        => "equals",
        '1_value'         => $p{zone},

    #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($r);

    if ( $r->{store}{error_code} != 200 ) {
        return $prov->error( "$r->{store}{error_desc} ( $r->{store}{error_msg} )",
            fatal   => $fatal,
            debug   => $debug,

    if ( !$r->{store}{zones}[0]{store}{nt_zone_id} ) {
        return $prov->error( "zone not found!",
            fatal   => $fatal,
            debug   => $debug,

    my $zone_id = $r->{store}{zones}[0]{store}{nt_zone_id};
    $prov->audit("\tfound zone (id: $zone_id)");
    return $zone_id;

sub delete_zone {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = validate(
        {   'id'   => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'zone' => { type => SCALAR },
            'fatal' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },
            'debug' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },

    my $debug = $self->set_debug( $p{debug} );
    my $fatal = $self->set_fatal( $p{fatal} );

    my $prov = $self->{prov};
    $prov->audit("getting zone $p{zone}");

    my $id = $p{id} || $self->get_zone( zone => $p{zone} );

    my $nt = $self->{nt};
    my $r = $nt->delete_zones( zone_list => [$id], );

    if ( $r->{store}{error_code} != 200 ) {
        return $prov->error( "$r->{store}{error_desc} ( $r->{store}{error_msg} )", 
            debug => $debug,
            fatal => $fatal,

    return $id;

sub delete_zone_record {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = validate(
        {   'id'     => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
            'zone'   => { type => SCALAR },
            'record' => { type => SCALAR },
            'fatal' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },
            'debug' => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1 },

    my $debug = $self->set_debug( $p{debug} );
    my $fatal = $self->set_fatal( $p{fatal} );


sub set_debug {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new_debug = shift;
    return $self->{debug} if ! defined $new_debug;
    $self->{debug} = $new_debug;
    return $new_debug;

sub set_fatal {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new_fatal = shift;
    return $self->{fatal} if ! defined $new_fatal;
    $self->{fatal} = $new_fatal;
    return $new_fatal;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Provision::Unix::DNS::NicTool - Provision NicTool DNS entries

=head1 VERSION

version 1.07


Provision DNS entries into a NicTool DNS management system using the NicTool native API.

    use Provision::Unix::DNS::NicTool;

    my $dns = Provision::Unix::DNS::NicTool->new();

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-unix-provision-dns at>, or through the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Provision::Unix::DNS::NicTool

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 AUTHOR

Matt Simerson <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by The Network People, Inc..

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
