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package TestApp::Controller::Action::Chained;

use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::Entities;

use base qw/Catalyst::Controller/;

sub begin :Private { }

#   TODO
#   :Chained('') means what?

#   Simple parent/child action test
sub foo  :PathPart('chained/foo')  :CaptureArgs(1) :Chained('/') {
    my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
    die "missing argument" unless @args;
    die "more than 1 argument" if @args > 1;
sub endpoint  :PathPart('end')  :Chained('/action/chained/foo')  :Args(1) { }

#   Parent/child test with two args each
sub foo2 :PathPart('chained/foo2') :CaptureArgs(2) :Chained('/') { }
sub endpoint2 :PathPart('end2') :Chained('/action/chained/foo2') :Args(2) { }

#   Relative specification of parent action
sub bar :PathPart('chained/bar') :Chained('/') :CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub finale :PathPart('') :Chained('bar') :Args { }

#   three chain with concurrent endpoints
sub one   :PathPart('chained/one') :Chained('/')                   :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub two   :PathPart('two')         :Chained('/action/chained/one') :CaptureArgs(2) { }
sub three_end :PathPart('three')       :Chained('two') :Args(3) { }
sub one_end   :PathPart('chained/one') :Chained('/')   :Args(1) { }
sub two_end   :PathPart('two')         :Chained('one') :Args(2) { }

#   Dispatch on number of arguments
sub multi1 :PathPart('chained/multi') :Chained('/') :Args(1) { }
sub multi2 :PathPart('chained/multi') :Chained('/') :Args(2) { }

#   Roots in an action defined in a higher controller
sub higher_root :PathPart('bar') :Chained('/action/chained/foo/higher_root') :Args(1) { }

#   Controller -> subcontroller -> controller
sub pcp1 :PathPart('chained/pcp1')  :Chained('/')                        :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub pcp3 :Chained('/action/chained/foo/pcp2') :Args(1)     { }

#   Dispatch on capture number
sub multi_cap1 :PathPart('chained/multi_cap') :Chained('/') :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub multi_cap2 :PathPart('chained/multi_cap') :Chained('/') :CaptureArgs(2) { }
sub multi_cap_end1 :PathPart('baz') :Chained('multi_cap1') :Args(0) { }
sub multi_cap_end2 :PathPart('baz') :Chained('multi_cap2') :Args(0) { }

#   Priority: Slurpy args vs. chained actions
sub priority_a1 :PathPart('chained/priority_a') :Chained('/') :Args { }
sub priority_a2 :PathPart('chained/priority_a') :Chained('/') :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub priority_a2_end :PathPart('end') :Chained('priority_a2') :Args(1) { }

#   Priority: Fixed args vs. chained actions
sub priority_b1 :PathPart('chained/priority_b') :Chained('/') :Args(3) { }
sub priority_b2 :PathPart('chained/priority_b') :Chained('/') :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub priority_b2_end :PathPart('end') :Chained('priority_b2') :Args(1) { }

#   Priority: With no Args()
sub priority_c1 :PathPart('chained/priority_c') :Chained('/') :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub priority_c2 :PathPart('') :Chained('priority_c1') { }
sub priority_c2_xyz :PathPart('xyz') :Chained('priority_c1')  { }

#   Optional specification of :Args in endpoint
sub opt_args :PathPart('chained/opt_args') :Chained('/') { }

#   Optional PathPart test -> /chained/optpp/*/opt_pathpart/*
sub opt_pp_start :Chained('/') :PathPart('chained/optpp') :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub opt_pathpart :Chained('opt_pp_start') :Args(1) { }

#   Optional Args *and* PathPart -> /chained/optall/*/oa/...
sub opt_all_start :Chained('/') :PathPart('chained/optall') :CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub oa :Chained('opt_all_start') { }

#   :Chained is the same as :Chained('/')
sub rootdef :Chained :PathPart('chained/rootdef') :Args(1) { }

#   the ParentChain controller chains to this action by
#   specifying :Chained('.')
sub parentchain :Chained('/') :PathPart('chained/parentchain') :CaptureArgs(1) { }

#   This is just for a test that a loose end is not callable
sub loose :Chained :PathPart('chained/loose') CaptureArgs(1) { }

#   Forwarding out of the middle of a chain.
sub chain_fw_a :Chained :PathPart('chained/chain_fw') :CaptureArgs(1) {
    $_[1]->forward( '/action/chained/fw_dt_target' );
sub chain_fw_b :Chained('chain_fw_a') :PathPart('end') :Args(1) { }

#   Detaching out of the middle of a chain.
sub chain_dt_a :Chained :PathPart('chained/chain_dt') :CaptureArgs(1) {
    $_[1]->detach( '/action/chained/fw_dt_target' );
sub chain_dt_b :Chained('chain_dt_a') :PathPart('end') :Args(1) { }

#   Target for former forward and chain tests.
sub fw_dt_target :Private { }

#   Test multiple chained actions with no captures
sub empty_chain_a : Chained('/')             PathPart('chained/empty') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub empty_chain_b : Chained('empty_chain_a') PathPart('')              CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub empty_chain_c : Chained('empty_chain_b') PathPart('')              CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub empty_chain_d : Chained('empty_chain_c') PathPart('')              CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub empty_chain_e : Chained('empty_chain_d') PathPart('')              CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub empty_chain_f : Chained('empty_chain_e') PathPart('')              Args(1)        { }

sub mult_nopp_base  : Chained('/') PathPart('chained/mult_nopp') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub mult_nopp_all   : Chained('mult_nopp_base') PathPart('') Args(0) { }
sub mult_nopp_new   : Chained('mult_nopp_base') PathPart('new') Args(0) { }
sub mult_nopp_id    : Chained('mult_nopp_base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub mult_nopp_idall : Chained('mult_nopp_id') PathPart('') Args(0) { }
sub mult_nopp_idnew : Chained('mult_nopp_id') PathPart('new') Args(0) { }

sub mult_nopp2_base            : Chained('/') PathPart('chained/mult_nopp2') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub mult_nopp2_nocap           : Chained('mult_nopp2_base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub mult_nopp2_action          : Chained('mult_nopp2_nocap') PathPart('action') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub mult_nopp2_action_default  : Chained('mult_nopp2_action') PathPart('') Args(0) { }
sub mult_nopp2_action_with_arg : Chained('mult_nopp2_action') PathPart('') Args(1) { }
sub mult_nopp2_load            : Chained('mult_nopp2_base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub mult_nopp2_view            : Chained('mult_nopp2_load') PathPart('') Args(0) { }

#	Test Choice between branches and early return logic
#   Declaration order is important for $children->{$*}, since this is first match best.
sub cc_base 	: Chained('/') 		 PathPart('chained/choose_capture') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub cc_link  	: Chained('cc_base') PathPart('') 						CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub cc_anchor 	: Chained('cc_link') PathPart('anchor.html') 			Args(0) 	   { }
sub cc_all     	: Chained('cc_base') PathPart('') 						Args() 		   { }

sub cc_a		: Chained('cc_base') 	PathPart('') 	CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub cc_a_link	: Chained('cc_a') 	 	PathPart('a') 	CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub cc_a_anchor	: Chained('cc_a_link')  PathPart('') 	Args() 		   { }

sub cc_b		: Chained('cc_base') 	PathPart('b') 				CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub cc_b_link	: Chained('cc_b') 	 	PathPart('') 				CaptureArgs(1) { }
sub cc_b_anchor	: Chained('cc_b_link')  PathPart('anchor.html') 	Args() 		   { }

#   Test static paths vs. captures

sub apan        : Chained('/')     CaptureArgs(0) PathPrefix   { }
sub korv        : Chained('apan')  CaptureArgs(0) PathPart('') { }
sub wurst       : Chained('apan')  CaptureArgs(1) PathPart('') { }
sub static_end  : Chained('korv')  Args(0)                     { }
sub capture_end : Chained('wurst') Args(0)        PathPart('') { }

# */search vs doc/*
sub view : Chained('/') PathPart('chained') CaptureArgs(1) {}
sub star_search : Chained('view') PathPart('search') Args(0) { }
sub doc_star : Chained('/') PathPart('chained/doc') Args(1) {}

sub return_arg : Chained('view') PathPart('return_arg') Args(1) {}

sub return_arg_decoded : Chained('/') PathPart('chained/return_arg_decoded') Args(1) {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
    $c->req->args([ map { decode_entities($_) } @{ $c->req->args }]);

sub roundtrip_urifor : Chained('/') PathPart('chained/roundtrip_urifor') CaptureArgs(1) {}
sub roundtrip_urifor_end : Chained('roundtrip_urifor') PathPart('') Args(1) {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
    # This should round-trip, always - i.e. the uri you put in should come back out.
    $c->res->body($c->uri_for($c->action, $c->req->captures, @{$c->req->args}, $c->req->parameters));
    $c->stash->{no_end} = 1;

sub match_captures : Chained('/') PathPart('chained/match_captures') CaptureArgs(1) ActionClass('+TestApp::Action::TestMatchCaptures') {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
    $c->res->header( 'X-TestAppActionTestMatchCapturesHasRan', 'yes');

sub match_captures_end : Chained('match_captures') PathPart('bar') Args(0) { }

sub end :Private {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;
  return if $c->stash->{no_end};
  my $out = join('; ', map { join(', ', @$_) }
                         ($c->req->captures, $c->req->args));
