use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";

use Test::More;


my $base = '';

my $request = Catalyst::Request->new({
    _log => Catalyst::Log->new,
    base => URI->new($base),
    uri  => URI->new("$base/"),

my $context = TestApp->new({
    request => $request,

my $uri_with_multibyte = URI->new($base);
    name => '村瀬大輔',

# multibyte with utf8 bytes
is($context->uri_for('/', { name => '村瀬大輔' }), $uri_with_multibyte, 'uri_for with utf8 bytes query');
is($context->req->uri_with({ name => '村瀬大輔' }), $uri_with_multibyte, 'uri_with with utf8 bytes query');

# multibyte with utf8 string
is($context->uri_for('/', { name => "\x{6751}\x{702c}\x{5927}\x{8f14}" }), $uri_with_multibyte, 'uri_for with utf8 string query');
is($context->req->uri_with({ name => "\x{6751}\x{702c}\x{5927}\x{8f14}" }), $uri_with_multibyte, 'uri_with with utf8 string query');

# multibyte captures and args
my $action = $context->controller('Action::Chained')

is($context->uri_for($action, ['hütte'], 'hütte', {
    test => 'hütte'
'uri_for with utf8 captures and args');

  $context->uri_for($action, ['♥'], '♥', { '♥' => '♥'}),
  '' . '%E2%99%A5' . '/' . '%E2%99%A5' . '?' . '%E2%99%A5' . '=' . '%E2%99%A5',
    'uri_for with utf8 captures and args');

# ^ the match string is purposefully broken up to aid viewing, please to 'fix' it.
