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PGE::OPTable - PGE operator precedence table and parser

=head1 Methods

=over 4


.namespace [ 'PGE';'OPTable' ]

.const int PGE_OPTABLE_EXPECT_TERM   = 0x01
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_EXPECT_OPER   = 0x02
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_EXPECT_START  = 0x05

.const int PGE_OPTABLE_EMPTY         = 0x00
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_TERM          = 0x10
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_POSTFIX       = 0x20
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_CLOSE         = 0x30
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_PREFIX        = 0x40
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_PRELIST       = 0x50
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_INFIX         = 0x60
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_TERNARY       = 0x70
.const int PGE_OPTABLE_CIRCUMFIX     = 0x90

.const int PGE_OPTABLE_STOP_SUB      = -1

.include "cclass.pasm"

.sub '__onload' :load
    .local pmc p6meta
    p6meta = new 'P6metaclass'
    p6meta.'new_class'('PGE::OPTable', 'parent'=>'Hash', 'attr'=>'%!key %!klen &!ws')

    .local pmc sctable
    sctable = new 'Hash'
    set_global '%!sctable', sctable

    'sctable'('term:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_TERM, 'expect'=>0x0201)
    'sctable'('postfix:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_POSTFIX, 'expect'=>0x0202, 'arity'=>1)
    'sctable'('close:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_CLOSE, 'expect'=>0x0202)
    'sctable'('prefix:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_PREFIX, 'expect'=>0x0101, 'arity'=>1)
    'sctable'('infix:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_INFIX, 'expect'=>0x0102, 'arity'=>2)
    'sctable'('ternary:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_TERNARY, 'expect'=>0x0102, 'expectclose'=>0x0102, 'arity'=>3)
    'sctable'('postcircumfix:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_POSTCIRCUMFIX, 'expect'=>0x0102, 'arity'=>2)
    'sctable'('circumfix:', 'syncat'=>PGE_OPTABLE_CIRCUMFIX, 'expect'=>0x0101, 'arity'=>1)
    .return ()

=item C<sctable(string name, adverbs :slurpy :named)>

Adds (or replaces) a syntactic category's defaults.


.sub 'sctable'
    .param string name
    .param pmc adverbs         :slurpy :named
    .local pmc sctable
    sctable = get_global '%!sctable'
    unless null adverbs goto with_adverbs
    adverbs = new 'Hash'
    sctable[name] = adverbs
    .return (adverbs)

.sub "init" :vtable :method
    .local pmc tokentable, keytable, klentable
    tokentable = self
    keytable = new 'Hash'
    klentable = new 'Hash'
    setattribute self, '%!key', keytable
    setattribute self, '%!klen', klentable

.sub 'newtok' :method
    .param string name
    .param pmc args            :slurpy :named

    .local string syncat, key
    $I0 = index name, ':'
    inc $I0
    syncat = substr name, 0, $I0
    key = substr name, $I0

    .local pmc sctable, token
    sctable = get_hll_global ['PGE';'OPTable'], '%!sctable'
    $I0 = exists sctable[syncat]
    if $I0 == 0 goto token_hash
    token = sctable[syncat]
    token = clone token
    goto with_token
    token = new 'Hash'
    token['name'] = name

    # we don't replace existing tokens
    .local pmc tokentable
    tokentable = self
    $I0 = exists tokentable[name]
    if $I0 goto end
    tokentable[name] = token

    $P0 = iter args
    unless $P0 goto args_end
    $S1 = shift $P0
    $P2 = $P0[$S1]
    token[$S1] = $P2
    goto args_loop

    ##  handle token word boundaries
    unless key goto with_wb
    $I0 = exists token['wb']
    if $I0 goto with_wb
    $I0 = length key
    $I1 = find_not_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, key, 0, $I0
    if $I1 < $I0 goto with_wb
    token['wb'] = 1

    ##  handle key scanning
    unless key goto with_skipkey
    $I0 = exists token['skipkey']
    if $I0 goto with_skipkey
    $P0 = token['parsed']
    if null $P0 goto with_skipkey
    token['skipkey'] = 1

    $S0 = token['match']
    if $S0 > '' goto with_match
    token['match'] = 'PGE::Match'

    $S0 = token['equiv']
    unless $S0 goto with_equiv
    $S1 = tokentable[$S0;'precedence']
    token['precedence'] = $S1
    $S1 = tokentable[$S0;'assoc']
    token['assoc'] = $S1

    $S0 = token['looser']
    unless $S0 goto with_looser
    $S0 = tokentable[$S0;'precedence']
    $S0 = clone $S0
    $S0 = replace $S0, -1, 0, '<'
    token['precedence'] = $S0

    $S0 = token['tighter']
    unless $S0 goto with_tighter
    $S0 = tokentable[$S0;'precedence']
    $S0 = clone $S0
    $S0 = replace $S0, -1, 0, '>'
    token['precedence'] = $S0

    $I0 = exists token['precclose']
    if $I0 goto with_precclose
    $P0 = token['precedence']
    token['precclose'] = $P0

    .local string keyclose
    $I0 = index key, ' '
    if $I0 < 0 goto with_close
    $I1 = $I0 + 1
    keyclose = substr key, $I1
    key = substr key, 0, $I0
    token['keyclose'] = keyclose
    $S0 = concat 'close:', keyclose
    $I0 = token['expectclose']
    if $I0 goto with_expectclose
    $I0 = 0x0202
    $I1 = token['nows']
    self.'newtok'($S0, 'equiv' => name, 'expect'=>$I0, 'nows'=>$I1)

    .local pmc keytable, klentable
    keytable = getattribute self, '%!key'
    klentable = getattribute self, '%!klen'
    $I1 = length key
    $S0 = substr key, 0, 1
    $I0 = klentable[$S0]
    if $I0 >= $I1 goto add_key_1
    klentable[$S0] = $I1
    $I0 = exists keytable[key]
    if $I0 goto add_key_array
    keytable[key] = token
    goto add_key_end
    $P0 = keytable[key]
    $I0 = does $P0, 'array'
    if $I0 goto add_key_array_2
    $P1 = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    push $P1, $P0
    push $P1, token
    keytable[key] = $P1
    goto add_key_end
    push $P0, token

    .local string assoc
    assoc = token['assoc']
    if assoc > '' goto with_assoc
    token['assoc'] = 'left'

    .return (token)

.sub 'parse' :method
    .param pmc mob
    .param pmc adverbs         :slurpy :named
    .local pmc tokentable, keytable, klentable
    .local pmc tokenstack, operstack, termstack
    .local string target
    .local pmc mfrom, mpos
    .local int pos, lastpos, wspos
    .local int expect, nows
    .local pmc ws
    .local string key
    .local pmc token, top, oper
    .local pmc it
    .local int tokencat, topcat
    .local int circumnest
    .local pmc cstack
    cstack = new 'ResizableIntegerArray'

    tokentable = self
    keytable = getattribute self, '%!key'
    klentable = getattribute self, '%!klen'

    unless null adverbs goto with_adverbs
    adverbs = new 'Hash'

    .local pmc action
    .local string rulename
    action = adverbs['action']
    if null action goto no_rulename
    rulename = adverbs['rulename']
    unless rulename goto have_rulename
    $I0 = can action, rulename
    if $I0 goto have_rulename
    rulename = ''
    ##   see if we have a 'stop' adverb.  If so, then it is either
    ##   a string to be matched directly or a sub(rule) to be called
    ##   to check for a match.
    .local int has_stop, has_stop_nows
    .local string stop_str
    .local pmc stop
    has_stop = 0
    $I0 = exists adverbs['stop']
    if $I0 == 0 goto with_stop
    stop = adverbs['stop']
    has_stop = PGE_OPTABLE_STOP_SUB
    $I0 = isa stop, 'Sub'
    if $I0 goto with_stop
    stop_str = stop
    $S0 = substr stop_str, 0, 1
    if $S0 != ' ' goto stop_str_nows
    stop_str = substr stop_str, 1
    has_stop = length stop_str
    has_stop_nows = 0
    goto with_stop
    has_stop = length stop_str
    has_stop_nows = 1

    ## if we have a 'tighter' adverb, set
    ## tighter to the precedence of the op specified
    .local string tighter
    tighter = adverbs['tighter']
    $I0 = exists tokentable[tighter]
    if $I0 == 0 goto with_tighter
    token = tokentable[tighter]
    tighter = token['precedence']

    ws = getattribute self, '&!ws'
    unless null ws goto have_ws
    $I0 = can mob, 'ws'
    unless $I0 goto have_ws
    ws = find_method mob, 'ws'

    tokenstack = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    operstack = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    termstack = new 'ResizablePMCArray'

    $P0 = get_hll_global ['PGE'], 'Match'
    (mob, pos, target, mfrom, mpos) = $P0.'new'(mob, adverbs :flat :named)
    lastpos = length target
    circumnest = 0

    ##   figure out what we're looking for
    ##   if we're at the end of the string, end match
    wspos = pos
    if pos >= lastpos goto oper_not_found
    ##   check for leading whitespace -- it may limit token candidates
    if null ws goto token_next_ws
    mpos = pos
    $P0 = ws(mob)
    unless $P0 goto token_next_1
    pos = $P0.'to'()
    goto token_next_1
    pos = find_not_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, target, pos, lastpos
    ##   "nows" tokens are eligible if we don't have leading ws
    nows = isne pos, wspos

    ##  Check for a stop pattern or string.  But don't check
    ##  if we're in a circumfix.
    if circumnest > 0 goto key_search
    if has_stop == 0 goto key_search
    if has_stop == PGE_OPTABLE_STOP_SUB goto check_stop_sub
    $I0 = has_stop_nows & nows
    if $I0 goto key_search
    $S0 = substr target, pos, has_stop
    if $S0 == stop_str goto oper_not_found
    goto key_search
    mpos = wspos
    $P0 = stop(mob)
    if $P0 goto oper_not_found

  ## look through eligible tokens to find longest match
    ##   use the next character of input stream to limit search
    key = substr target, pos, 1
    $I0 = klentable[key]
    key = substr target, pos, $I0
    $I0 = exists keytable[key]
    if $I0 == 0 goto key_next
    token = keytable[key]
    $I0 = does token, "array"
    if $I0 goto key_array
    local_branch cstack, token_match
    if_null oper, key_next
    if oper goto oper_found
    goto key_next
    it = iter token
    unless it goto key_next
    token = shift it
    local_branch cstack, token_match
    if_null oper, key_array_1
    if oper goto oper_found
    goto key_array_1
    if key == '' goto token_nows
    key = chopn key, 1
    goto key_loop
    if pos == wspos goto oper_not_found
    ##   try again, with the whitespace operators this time
    pos = wspos
    nows = 0
    goto check_stop

    ##   we were unable to find a valid token for the current expect state
    ##   if we're not expecting a term, then end the match here
    $I0 = expect & PGE_OPTABLE_EXPECT_TERM
    if $I0 == 0 goto end
    ##   otherwise, let's add a "dummy" term to the stack for reduction
    oper = mob.'new'(mob)
    push termstack, oper
    ##   if the current operator doesn't allow nullterm, end match
    unless tokenstack goto end
    top = tokenstack[-1]
    $I0 = top['nullterm']
    if $I0 == 0 goto end
    ##   it's a nullterm operator, so we can continue parsing
    goto token_next

    ##   tighter: if we have an insufficiently tight token,
    ##   treat it as not found.
    if circumnest > 0 goto oper_found_1
    $S0 = token['precedence']
    if $S0 <= tighter goto oper_not_found
    tokencat = token['syncat']
    ##   this section processes according to the
    ##   table at the end of this function
    if tokencat == PGE_OPTABLE_TERM goto term_shift
    if tokencat == PGE_OPTABLE_PREFIX goto oper_shift          # (S1)
    if tokencat == PGE_OPTABLE_CIRCUMFIX goto oper_shift       # (S2)

    $I0 = elements termstack
    if $I0 > 0 goto shift_reduce
    if tokencat != PGE_OPTABLE_PRELIST goto end

  ## The shift/reduce loop
    $I0 = elements tokenstack
    if $I0 > 0 goto shift_reduce_1
    if tokencat == PGE_OPTABLE_CLOSE goto end                  # (E3)
    topcat = PGE_OPTABLE_EMPTY
    goto oper_shift                                            # (S3)
    top = tokenstack[-1]
    topcat = top['syncat']
    if topcat == PGE_OPTABLE_POSTFIX goto oper_reduce          # (R4)
    if tokencat == PGE_OPTABLE_CLOSE goto oper_close           # (R5, C5)
    if topcat >= PGE_OPTABLE_POSTCIRCUMFIX goto oper_shift     # (S6)
    $P0 = token['precedence']
    $P1 = top['precclose']
    if $P0 > $P1 goto oper_shift                               # (P)
    if topcat != PGE_OPTABLE_TERNARY goto shift_reduce_2
    if tokencat != PGE_OPTABLE_TERNARY goto err_ternary        # (P/E)
    goto oper_shift
    if $P0 < $P1 goto oper_reduce
    $P2 = top['assoc']
    if $P2 == 'right' goto oper_shift                          # (P/A)

    local_branch cstack, reduce
    goto shift_reduce

    ##   if the top operator isn't a circumfix, reduce it
    ##   if the close token doesn't match circumfix close, end here
    ##   else shift (fall-through)
    if topcat < PGE_OPTABLE_TERNARY goto oper_reduce           # (R5)
    $S0 = top['keyclose']
    if key != $S0 goto end
    dec circumnest

    ##   shift operator onto the operator stack
    push tokenstack, token
    push operstack, oper
    pos = oper.'to'()
    ##   for circumfix ops, increase the circumfix nesting level
    $I0 = isgt tokencat, PGE_OPTABLE_POSTCIRCUMFIX
    circumnest += $I0
    expect = token['expect']
    expect = shr expect, 8
    goto token_next

    push termstack, oper
    pos = oper.'to'()
    expect = token['expect']
    expect = shr expect, 8
    goto token_next

  ## reduce top operation on stack
    top = pop tokenstack
    $P1 = pop operstack
    topcat = top['syncat']
    if topcat == PGE_OPTABLE_CLOSE goto reduce_close
    if topcat < PGE_OPTABLE_POSTCIRCUMFIX goto reduce_normal
    ##   we have an unbalanced open, so error.  remove the
    ##   incomplete circumfixed term, and for circumfix: opers
    ##   put a failed nullterm onto the termstack
    wspos = -1
    $P0 = pop termstack
    if topcat != PGE_OPTABLE_CIRCUMFIX goto reduce_end
    oper = mob.'new'(mob)
    push termstack, oper
    goto reduce_end
    top = pop tokenstack
    $P1 = pop operstack
    .local int arity
    arity = top['arity']
    if arity < 1 goto reduce_list
    $P2 = pop termstack
    dec arity
    unless $P2 goto reduce_backtrack
    $P1[arity] = $P2
    goto reduce_args
    wspos = -1
    if arity > 0 goto end
    push termstack, $P2
    goto reduce_end
    ##   combine matching list associative operations
    $S0 = top['assoc']
    if $S0 != 'list' goto reduce_saveterm
    $S1 = $P1['type']
    $S2 = $P2['type']
    if $S1 != $S2 goto reduce_saveterm
    $P0 = $P2.'list'()
    $P1 = $P1[1]
    push $P0, $P1
    $P1 = $P2
    unless rulename goto reduce_saveterm_1
    ($P0 :optional, $I0 :opt_flag) = action.rulename($P1, 'reduce')
    unless $I0 goto reduce_saveterm_1
    push termstack, $P1
    local_return cstack

    mpos = pos
    null oper
    $I0 = token['expect']
    $I0 = $I0 & expect
    if $I0 == 0 goto token_match_end
    $I0 = token['nows']
    $I0 = $I0 & nows
    if $I0 goto token_match_end
    $I0 = exists token['parsed']
    if $I0 goto token_match_sub
    $I0 = length key
    $I0 += pos
    $I1 = token['wb']
    unless $I1 goto token_match_key
    $I1 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WORD, target, $I0
    if $I1 goto token_match_end
    $S0 = token['match']
    oper = mob.'new'(mob, 'grammar'=>$S0)
    goto token_match_success
    $P0 = token['parsed']
    mob['KEY'] = key
    mpos = pos
    $I0 = token['skipkey']
    unless $I0 goto token_match_sub_1
    $I0 = length key
    mpos += $I0
    oper = $P0(mob, 'action'=>action)
    delete mob['KEY']
    $P0 = oper.'from'()
    $P0 = pos
    $P0 = token["name"]
    $P0 = clone $P0
    oper['type'] = $P0
    oper['top'] = token
    local_return cstack

  ## At end, reduce any remaining tokens and return result term
    $I0 = elements tokenstack
    if $I0 < 1 goto end_1
    local_branch cstack, reduce
    goto end
    mpos = -1
    ##   if the termstack is empty, fail the match
    ##   if the term is an invalid term, fail the match
    $I0 = elements termstack
    if $I0 < 1 goto end_all
    $P0 = pop termstack
    unless $P0 goto end_all
    mob["expr"] = $P0
    mpos = wspos
    if wspos > 0 goto end_2
    ##   somewhere we encountered an error that caused us to backtrack
    ##   find the "real" ending position here
    $I0 = $P0.'to'()
    if $I0 <= wspos goto end_1b
    wspos = $I0
    mpos = $I0
    $P0 = $P0[-1]
    if null $P0 goto end_2
    $I0 = isa $P0, ['PGE';'Match']
    if $I0 goto end_1a
    unless rulename goto end_all
    ($P0 :optional, $I0 :opt_flag) = action.rulename(mob, 'end')
    unless $I0 goto end_all
    .return (mob)

    $S1 = pos
    $S0 = concat 'Ternary error at offset ', $S1
    $S0 .= ", found '"
    $S1 = substr target, pos, 1
    $S0 .= $S1
    $S0 .= "'"
    die $S0

### Miscellaneous Notes
# Here's the shift-reduce table used by the C<parse> method.
# The digits in the table map each state to the corresponding
# statement in the C<parse> method above.
#  stack                               Current token
#  -------    -----------------------------------------------------------------
#             postfix  close  prefix  prelist  infix  ternary  postcir  circfix
#  empty        S3      E3      S1      S3      S3      S3       S3       S2
#  postfix      R4      R4      X       R4      R4      R4       R4       X
#  close        P       R5      S1      P       P       P        P        P2
#  prefix       P       R5      S1      P       P       P        P        S2
#  prelist              R5      S1                                        S2
#  infix        P       R5      S1      P       P/A     P        P        S2
#  ternary      P/E     C5      S1      P/E     P/E     P/A      P/E      S2
#  postcir      S6      C5      S1      S6      S6      S6       S6       S2
#  circfix      S6      C5      S1      S6      S6      S6       S6       S2
#    Legend:
#       S# = shift  -- push operator onto token stack
#       R# = reduce -- pop operator from token stack, and fill it with
#           the appropriate number of arguments (arity) from the term stack.
#           Then put the operator token onto the term stack.  Reducing a
#           close token requires popping two operators from the token
#           stack.  Reducing a lone ternary operator is a parse error
#           (its close token must be present).
#       P = precedence -- compare the relative precedence of the top
#           token in the token stack with the current token.
#           If current is tighter than top, shift.
#           If current is looser than top, reduce.
#       P/A = precedence with associativity -- for tokens with equal
#           precedence, use the associativity of the top token in the
#           token stack, shift if it's right associative, reduce otherwise.
#       P/E = higher precedence only -- shift if the current token has
#           higher precedence than the top token on the stack, otherwise
#           it's a parse error.
#       C = close -- If the current token is an appropriate closing
#           token for the top operator on the token stack, then shift.
#           Otherwise, it's an unbalanced closing token.
#       X = unreachable combination
#       E = either the end of the parse, or a parse error (probably
#           to be determined by the caller)



# Local Variables:
#   mode: pir
#   fill-column: 100
# End:
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