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# Copyright (C) 2004-2011, Parrot Foundation.

eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if $running_under_some_shell;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Config;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;

my $VERSION = "1.0";

my $parrotdir = File::Spec->curdir();
my ( %opts, %parrot, %report );
my ( $editor, $user, $domain, $msgid, $tmpfile );
my ( $is_linux, $is_macos, $is_mswin32, $is_os2, $is_vms );
my @categories = qw[ core docs install library utilities languages ];
my @severities = qw[ critical high medium low wishlist none ];

#                       Main program.                        #

help()    if $opts{help};
version() if $opts{version};
explain_parrotbug() unless $opts{quiet};
unlink $tmpfile;

# Explain what C<parrotbug> is.
sub explain_parrotbug {
    print <<EOT;

This program provides an easy way to create a message reporting a bug
in parrot, and e-mail it to the parrot developers.

It is *NOT* intended for:
  - sending test messages,
  - or reporting bugs in languages targeting parrot,
  - or reporting bugs in some library bindings for parrot,
  - or simply verifying that parrot works.

It is *ONLY* a mean of reporting verifiable problems with the core
parrot distribution, and any solutions to such problems, to parrot

If you're just looking for help with parrot, subscribe to the parrot
mailing list, parrot-dev<at>


#                        Utils subs.                         #

# Generate random filename to edit report.
sub generate_filename {
    my $dir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
    my $filename = "bugrep0$$";
    $filename++ while -e File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename);
    $filename = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $filename);
    return $filename;

# Check whether a summary is trivial. A summary is not considered trivial
# if it's an ok or a nok report.
# Return 1 if trivial, 0 otherwise (summary acceptable).
sub trivial_summary {
    my $summary = shift;

    return 0 if $opts{ok} || $opts{nok};
    if ( $summary =~
         /^(y(es)?|no?|help|parrot( (bug|problem))?|bug|problem)$/i ||
         length($summary) < 4 ||
         $summary !~ /\s/ ) {
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

#                         Init subs.                         #

# Initialize the program. 
# Get parrot information, process the options, create the message
# information (summary, to, body, etc.) depending on the type of report
# (ok, nok or bug report).
sub init {
    $is_linux   = lc($^O) eq 'linux';
    $is_mswin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
    $is_os2     = $^O eq 'os2';
    $is_vms     = $^O eq 'VMS';

    ## Fetch Parrot information.

    # Get parrot version.
    # There will always be an up-to-date $parrot/VERSION
    my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($parrotdir, "VERSION");
    open my $VERSION, '<', $filename or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
    $parrot{version} = <$VERSION>;
    chomp $parrot{version};
    close $VERSION or die "Cannot close '$filename': $!";

    # Get parrot configuration, stored in $parrot/myconfig
    $filename = File::Spec->catfile($parrotdir, "myconfig");
    open my $MYCONFIG, '<', $filename or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
        local $/;
        $parrot{myconfig} = <$MYCONFIG>;
    close $MYCONFIG or die "Cannot close '$filename': $!";

    ## Process options.
    Getopt::Long::Configure("no_bundling", "no_ignore_case", "auto_abbrev");
    help() unless GetOptions
      ( \%opts,
        "help|h", "version|V",
        "dump", "save",
        "from|f=s", "to|test|t=s", "editor|e=s",
        "summary|s=s", "category|C=s", "severity|S=s",
        "input|input-file|i=s", "output|output-file|o=s",
        "ok", "nok", "ack!", "quiet|q!" );

    ## Report to be sent.
  sw: {
      ok_report: {
            last ok_report unless defined $opts{ok};

            # This is an ok report, woohoo!
            $report{summary} = "OK: parrot $parrot{version} "
              . "on $Config{archname} $Config{osvers}";
            $report{body} = "Parrot reported to build OK on this system.\n";
            $report{category} = "install";
            $report{severity} = "none";
            $report{body} = "";
            last sw;

        # Ok reports do not need body, but nok and bug reports do need
        # a body.
        if ( $opts{input} ) {
            # Report was pre-written, slurp it.
            open my $BODY, '<', $opts{input} or die "Can't open '$opts{input}': $!";
            local $/;
            $report{body} = <$BODY>;
            close $BODY or  die "Can't close '$opts{input}': $!";
        else {
            # No file provided...
            $report{body} = "";

      nok_report: {
            last nok_report unless defined $opts{nok};

            # This a nok report, how sad... :-(
            $report{summary} = "Not OK: parrot $parrot{version} "
              . "on $Config{archname} $Config{osvers}";
            $report{category} = "install";
            $report{severity} = "none";
            last sw;

        # Neither an ok nor a nok.
        $report{summary}  = $opts{summary}  || "";
        $report{category} = $opts{category} || "";
        $report{severity} = $opts{severity} || "";

    # Test message, shortcutting recipient.
    $report{to} = $opts{to} if $opts{to};

    ## User information.

    # Username.
    $user = $is_mswin32 ? $ENV{USERNAME}
	    : $is_os2   ? $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME}
	    : $is_macos ? $ENV{USER}
	    : eval { getpwuid($<) };	# May be missing

    # User address, used in message
    $report{from} = $opts{from} || "";

   # Editor
    $editor = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{EDIT}
      || ( $is_vms && "edit/tpu" )
      || ( $is_mswin32 && "notepad" )
      || ( $is_macos && "" )
      || "vi";


#                       Querying subs.                       #

# Query missing information in order to have a complete report.
sub query_missing_info {
    $report{summary} = "" if trivial_summary( $report{summary} );
    $report{summary}  = ask_for_summary()     unless $report{summary};
    $report{category} = ask_for_alternative( "category", \@categories)
      unless $report{category};
    $report{severity} = ask_for_alternative( "severity", \@severities)
      unless $report{severity};
    $report{from} = ask_for_return_address()  unless $report{from};
    $report{body} = ask_for_body()            unless $report{body};

# Prompt for alternatives from a set of choices.
# The arguments are: the name of alternative, the choices (as an array
# ref), and the default answer. (first element if undef)
# Return the lowercased alternative chosen.
# Die if more than 5 wrong answers.
sub ask_for_alternative {
    my ( $what, $choices, $default ) = @_;

    print <<EOT unless $opts{quiet};
Please pick a $what from the following:


    $default ||= $choices->[0];
    my $alt;
    my $err = 0;
    do {
        die "Invalid $alt: aborting.\n" if $err++ > 5;
        print "Please enter a $what [$default]: ";
        $alt = <STDIN>;
        chomp $alt;
        $alt = $default if $alt =~ /^\s*$/;
    } until ( ($alt) = grep /^$alt/i, @$choices );

    print "\n\n\n";
    return lc $alt;

# Prompt for a body, through an external editor.
sub ask_for_body {
    unless ( $opts{quiet} ) {
        print <<EOT;
Now you need to supply the bug report. Try to make the report concise
but descriptive. Include any relevant detail. If you are reporting
something that does not work as you think it should, please try to
include example of both the actual result, and what you expected.

Some information about your local parrot configuration will
automatically be included at the end of the report. If you are using
any unusual version of parrot, please try and confirm exactly which
versions are relevant.


        print "Press 'Enter' to continue...\n";
        scalar <STDIN>;

    # Prompt for editor to use if none supplied.
    if ( $opts{editor} ) {
        $editor = $opts{editor};

    else {
        ask_for_editor($opts{quiet} ? "" : <<EOT);
You will probably want to use an editor to enter the report. If the
default editor proposed below is the editor you want to use, then just
press the 'Enter' key, otherwise type in the name of the editor you
would like to use.

    # Launch editor.
    $tmpfile = generate_filename();
    my $body = "";
    my $err = 0;
    do {
        edit_bug_report( $tmpfile );
        # Slurp bug report.
        open BODY, "<$tmpfile" or die "Can't open '$tmpfile': $!";
            local $/;
            $body = <BODY>;
        close BODY or die "Can't close '$tmpfile': $!";
        unless ( $body ) {
            print "\nYou provided an empty bug report!\n";
            print "Press 'Enter' to continue...\n";
            scalar <STDIN>;
        die "Aborting.\n" if $err++ == 5;
    } until ( $body );

    return $body;

# Prompt for editor to use.
sub ask_for_editor {
    print shift() . "Editor [$editor]: ";
    my $entry = <STDIN>;
    chomp $entry;
    $editor = $entry if $entry ne "";
    $opts{editor} = $editor;

# Prompt for return address, return it.
sub ask_for_return_address {
    print <<EOT unless $opts{quiet};
Your e-mail address will be useful if you need to be contacted. If the
default shown below is not your full internet e-mail address, please
correct it.
    # Try and guess return address
    my ($from, $guess);
    $guess = $ENV{'REPLY-TO'} || $ENV{REPLYTO} || "";

    if ( ! $guess ) {
        # Use $domain if we can.
        if ( $domain ) {
            $guess = $is_vms && !$Config{d_socket} ?
              "$domain\:\:$user" : "$user\@$domain";

    # Verify our guess.
    print "Your address [$guess]: ";
    $from = <STDIN>;
    chomp $from;
    $from = $guess if $from eq "";
    print "\n\n\n";
    return $from;

# Prompt for summary of message.
# Return the summary chosen.
# Die if more than 5 wrong summaries.
sub ask_for_summary {
    print <<EOT unless $opts{quiet};
First of all, please provide a summary for the message. It should be a
concise description of the bug or problem. "parrot bug" or "parrot
problem" is not a concise description.


    my $summary;
    my $err = 0;
    do {
        $err and print "\nThat doesn't look like a good summary. "
          . "Please be more verbose.\n";
        print "Summary: ";
        $summary = <STDIN>;
        $summary = q{} unless defined $summary;
        chomp $summary;
        die "Aborting.\n" if $err++ == 5;
    } while ( trivial_summary($summary) );
    print "\n\n\n";
    return $summary;

# Launch an editor in which to edit the bug report.
sub edit_bug_report {
    my $filename = shift;

    # Launch editor.
    my $retval;
    $retval = system($editor, $filename);

    # Check whether editor run was successful.
    die <<EOT if $retval;
The editor you chose ('$editor') could apparently not be run! Did you
mistype the name of your editor?



#                        Action subs.                        #

# Display everything collected.
sub dump_report { 
    print "==> Dumping message...\n";
    my $report = format_message();

    if ( defined($ENV{PAGER}) ) {
        open(my $ofh, '|-', $ENV{PAGER});
        print {$ofh} $report;
        close $ofh;
    else {
        print $report;


# Last chance to edit report.
sub edit_report {
    # Prompt for editor to use if none supplied.
    unless ( $opts{editor} ) {
You will probably want to use an editor to modify the report. If the
default editor proposed below is the editor you want to use, then just
press the 'Enter' key, otherwise type in the name of the editor you
would like to use.

    $tmpfile ||= $opts{input};
    my $err = 0;
    my $body;
    do {
        edit_bug_report( $tmpfile );
        # Slurp bug report.
        open my $BODY, '<', $tmpfile or die "Can't open '$tmpfile': $!";
            local $/;
            $body = <$BODY>;
        close $BODY or die "Can't close '$tmpfile': $!";
        unless ( $body ) {
            print "\nYou provided an empty bug report!\n";
            print "Press 'Enter' to continue...\n";
            scalar <STDIN>;
        die "Aborting.\n" if $err++ == 5;
    } until ( $body );

    $report{body} = $body;

# Format the message with everything collected and return it.
sub format_message {
    my $report = "";

    # ... summary ...
    $report .= "Summary: $report{summary}\n";

    # ... sender ...
    $report .= "Reported by: $report{from}\n";

    # ... bug report ...
    $report .= "---\n$report{body}\n";

    # OS, arch, compiler...
    $report .= <<EOT;

osname= $Config{osname}
osvers= $Config{osvers}
arch=   $Config{archname}

    my $cc = $Config{cc};
    #$report .= "cc=     $cc $Config{${cc}.'version'}\n";
    $report .= "cc=     $cc\n";

    # ... flags...
    $report .= <<EOT;
    $report .= "    ack=no\n" if ! $opts{ack};

    # ... myconfig ...
    $report .= "---\n$parrot{myconfig}\n---\n";

    # ... and environment.
    $report .= "Environment:\n";
    push @env, $Config{ldlibpthname} if $Config{ldlibpthname} ne '';
    push @env, grep /^(?:PERL|LC_|LANG|CYGWIN)/, keys %ENV;
    my %env; 
    @env{@env} = @env;
    for my $env (sort keys %env) {
        my $env_value = exists $ENV{$env} ? "=$ENV{$env}\n" : " (unset)\n";
	$report .= "    $env $env_value";

    return $report;

# Print synopsis + help message and exit.
sub help {
    print <<EOT;

A program to help generate bug reports about parrot, and mail them.
It is designed to be used interactively. Normally no arguments will
be needed.

Simplest usage:  run '$0', and follow the prompts.
Usage:           $0 [OPTIONS] [ACTIONS]

  --ok                   Report successful build on this system to parrot
                         developers. Only use --ok if *everything* was ok:
                         if there were *any* problems at all, use --nok.
  --nok                  Report unsuccessful build on this system.
  --summary <summary>    Summary to include with the message.
  --category <category>  Category of the bug report.
  --severity <severity>  Severity of the bug report.
  --from <address>       Your email address.
  --editor <editor>      Editor to use for editing the bug report.
  --ack, --noack         Don't send a bug received acknowledgement.
  --input-file           File containing the body of the report. Use this
                         to quickly send a prepared message.
  --output-file          File where parrotbug will save its bug report.

  Note: you will be prompted if the program miss some information.

  --dump           Dump message.
  --save           Save message.
  --help           Print this help message and exit.
  --version        Print version information and exit.


# Save message to file.
sub save_report {
    print "\n==> Saving message to file...\n";
    if ( ! $opts{output} ) {
        print "Enter filename to save bug report: ";
        chomp($opts{output} = <STDIN>);

    open my $OUTPUT, ">", $opts{output}
        or die "Cannot open '$opts{output}': $!";
    print $OUTPUT format_message();
    close $OUTPUT or die "Cannot close '$opts{output}': $!";

    print <<TRAC;
Message saved. Please go to
  and paste content of saved file into 'Description'

# Print version information (of the parrotbug program) and exit.
sub version {
    print <<"EOT";

This is $0, version $VERSION.


# Check whether actions have been provided on comand-line, otherwise
# prompt for what to do with bug report.
sub what_next {
    dump_report() if $opts{dump};
    save_report() if $opts{save};
    return if $opts{dump} || $opts{save};

    # No actions provided on command-line, prompt for action.
    print describe_actions();

    my $action;
    do {
        print "Action (display,edit,save,quit): ";
        $action = <STDIN>;
       sw: for ($action) {
             dump_report(), last sw if /^d/i;
             edit_report(), last sw if /^e/i;
             save_report(), last sw if /^sa/i;
             print "Uh?\n" unless /^q/i;
    } until ( $action =~ /^q/i );

sub describe_actions {
    my $str = <<ACTION;

Please choose among the following Actions:

  Displays on STDOUT your bug report summary, bug description, 
  operating system information, bug report flags, summary of 
  your Parrot configuration and environment.  Returns you to 
  a new Action prompt.

  Opens your editor and permits you to edit the bug description.
  Returns you to a new Action prompt.

  Prompts you to enter a filename to save the bug report.  Once
  the file has been saved, displays filing instructions, then
  returns you to a new Action prompt.

  Quits; returns you to your terminal's command prompt.

    return $str;

=head1 NAME

Parrot Bug Reporter


    % ./parrotbug [options] [actions]


A program to help generate bug reports about parrot, and mail them.
It is designed to be used interactively. Normally no arguments will
be needed.


=head2 Options

Note: you will be prompted if the program miss some information.

=over 4

=item B<--nok>

Report unsuccessful build on this system to parrot developers.

=item B<--ok>

Report successful build on this system to parrot developers Only use
C<--ok> if B<everything> was ok; if there were B<any> problems at all,
use C<--nok>.

=item B<--summary>

Summary of the report. You will be prompted if you don't supply one on
the command-line.

=item B<--category>

Category of the bug report. You will be prompted if you don't supply
one on the command-line.

=item B<--severity>

Severity of the bug report. You will be prompted if you don't supply
one on the command-line.

=item B<--address>

Your email address. The program will try to guess one if you don't
provide one, but you'll still need to validate it.

=item B<--editor>

Editor to use for editing the bug report.

=item B<--output-file>

File where parrotbug will save its bug report, if you ask it to do so.


=head2 Actions

You can provide more than one action on the command-line. If none is
supplied, then you will be prompted for what to do.

=over 4

=item B<--dump>

Dump formatted report on standard output.

=item B<--save>

Save message to a file, in order for you to send it later from your
own. See C<--output> flag.

=item B<--help>

Print a short synopsis and exit.

=item B<--version>

Print version information and exit.


=head1 SEE ALSO

perlbug(1), parrot(1), diff(1), patch(1)


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