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# $Id$

package XML::Feed::Format::RSS;
use strict;

use base qw( XML::Feed );
use DateTime::Format::Mail;
use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF;
use XML::Atom::Util qw(iso2dt);


sub identify {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $xml     = shift;
    my $tag     = $class->_get_first_tag($xml);
    return ($tag eq 'rss' || $tag eq 'RDF');

sub init_empty {
    my ($feed, %args) = @_;
    $args{'version'} ||= '2.0';
    eval "use $PREFERRED_PARSER"; die $@ if $@;
    $feed->{rss} = $PREFERRED_PARSER->new(%args);
    $feed->{rss}->add_module(prefix => "content", uri => '');
    $feed->{rss}->add_module(prefix => "dcterms", uri => '');    
    $feed->{rss}->add_module(prefix => "atom", uri => '');
    $feed->{rss}->add_module(prefix => "geo", uri => '');

sub init_string {
    my $feed = shift;
    my($str) = @_;
    my $opts = {
         hashrefs_instead_of_strings => 1,
    $opts->{allow_multiple} = [ 'enclosure' ] if $XML::Feed::MULTIPLE_ENCLOSURES;
    if ($str) {
        $feed->{rss}->parse($$str, $opts );

sub format { 'RSS ' . $_[0]->{rss}->{'version'} }

## The following elements are the same in all versions of RSS.
sub title       { shift->{rss}->channel('title', @_) }
sub link        { shift->{rss}->channel('link', @_) }
sub description { shift->{rss}->channel('description', @_) }
sub updated     { shift->modified(@_) }

# This doesn't exist in RSS
sub id          { }

## This is RSS 2.0 only--what's the equivalent in RSS 1.0?
sub copyright   { shift->{rss}->channel('copyright', @_) }

sub base {
    my $feed = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $feed->{rss}->{'xml:base'} = $_[0];
    } else {

## The following all work transparently in any RSS version.
sub language {
    my $feed = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $feed->{rss}->channel('language', $_[0]);
        $feed->{rss}->channel->{dc}{language} = $_[0];
    } else {
        $feed->{rss}->channel('language') ||

sub self_link {
    my $feed = shift;

    if (@_) {
        my $uri = shift;

        $feed->{rss}->channel->{'atom'}{'link'} =
            rel => "self",
            href => $uri,
            type => "application/rss+xml",

    return $feed->{rss}->channel->{'atom'}{'link'};

sub generator {
    my $feed = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $feed->{rss}->channel('generator', $_[0]);
        $feed->{rss}->channel->{''}{generatorAgent} =
    } else {
        $feed->{rss}->channel('generator') ||

sub author {
    my $feed = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $feed->{rss}->channel('webMaster', $_[0]);
        $feed->{rss}->channel->{dc}{creator} = $_[0];
    } else {
        $feed->{rss}->channel('webMaster') ||

sub modified {
    my $rss = shift->{rss};
    if (@_) {
        ## XML::RSS is so weird... if I set this, it will try to use
        ## the value for the lastBuildDate, which I don't want--because
        ## this date is formatted for an RSS 1.0 feed. So it's commented out.
        #$rss->channel->{dc}{date} =
        #    DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->format_datetime($_[0]);
    } else {
        my $date;
        eval {
            if (my $ts = $rss->channel('pubDate')) {
                $date = DateTime::Format::Mail->parse_datetime($ts);
            } elsif ($ts = $rss->channel->{dc}{date}) {
                $date = DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->parse_datetime($ts);
        return $date;

sub entries {
    my $rss = $_[0]->{rss};
    my @entries;
    for my $item (@{ $rss->{items} }) {
        push @entries, XML::Feed::Entry::Format::RSS->wrap($item);
		$entries[-1]->{_version} = $rss->{'version'};		

sub add_entry {
    my $feed  = shift;
    my $entry = shift || return;
    $entry    = $feed->_convert_entry($entry);
    $feed->{rss}->add_item(%{ $entry->unwrap });

sub as_xml { $_[0]->{rss}->as_string }

package XML::Feed::Entry::Format::RSS;
use strict;

sub format { 'RSS ' . $_[0]->{'_version'} }

use XML::Feed::Content;

use base qw( XML::Feed::Entry );

sub init_empty { $_[0]->{entry} = { } }

sub base {
    my $entry = shift;
    @_ ? $entry->{entry}->{'xml:base'} = $_[0] : $entry->{entry}->{'xml:base'};

sub title {
    my $entry = shift;
    @_ ? $entry->{entry}{title} = $_[0] : $entry->{entry}{title};

sub link {
    my $entry = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $entry->{entry}{link} = $_[0];
        ## For RSS 2.0 output from XML::RSS. Sigh.
        $entry->{entry}{permaLink} = $_[0];
    } else {
        $entry->{entry}{link} || $entry->{entry}{guid};

sub summary {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{description} = ref($_[0]) eq 'XML::Feed::Content' ?
            $_[0]->body : $_[0];
        ## Because of the logic below, we need to add some dummy content,
        ## so that we'll properly recognize the description we enter as
        ## the summary.
        if (!$item->{content}{encoded} &&
            !$item->{''}{body}) {
            $item->{content}{encoded} = ' ';
    } else {
        ## Some RSS feeds use <description> for a summary, and some use it
        ## for the full content. Pretty gross. We don't want to return the
        ## full content if the caller expects a summary, so the heuristic is:
        ## if the <entry> contains both a <description> and one of the elements
        ## typically used for the full content, use <description> as summary.
        my $txt;
        if ($item->{description} &&
            ($item->{content}{encoded} ||
             $item->{''}{body})) {
            $txt = $item->{description};
        ## Blogspot's 'short' RSS feeds do this in the Atom namespace
        ## for no obviously good reason.
        } elsif ($item->{''}{summary}) {
            $txt = $item->{''}{summary};
        XML::Feed::Content->wrap({ type => 'text/plain', body => $txt });

sub content {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        my $c;
        if (ref($_[0]) eq 'XML::Feed::Content') {
            if (defined $_[0]->base) {
                $c = { 'content' => $_[0]->body, 'xml:base' => $_[0]->base };
            } else {
                $c = $_[0]->body;
        } else {
            $c = $_[0];
        $item->{content}{encoded} = $c;
    } else {
        my $base;
        my $body =
            $item->{content}{encoded} ||
            $item->{''}{body} ||
        if ('HASH' eq ref($body)) {
            $base = $body->{'xml:base'};
            $body = $body->{content};
        XML::Feed::Content->wrap({ type => 'text/html', body => $body, base => $base });

sub category {
    my $entry = shift;
    my $item  = $entry->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        my @tmp = ($entry->category, @_);
        $item->{category}    = [@tmp];
        $item->{dc}{subject} = [@tmp];
    } else {
        my $r = $item->{category} || $item->{dc}{subject};
        my @r = ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$r : defined $r? ($r) : ();
        return wantarray? @r : $r[0];

sub author {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{author} = $item->{dc}{creator} = $_[0];
    } else {
        $item->{author} || $item->{dc}{creator};

## XML::RSS doesn't give us access to the rdf:about for the <item>,
## so we have to fall back to the <link> element in RSS 1.0 feeds.
sub id {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{guid} = $_[0];
    } else {
        $item->{guid} || $item->{link};

sub issued {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{dc}{date} = DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->format_datetime($_[0]);
        $item->{pubDate} = DateTime::Format::Mail->format_datetime($_[0]);
    } else {
        ## Either of these could die if the format is invalid.
        my $date;
        eval {
            if (my $ts = $item->{pubDate}) {
                my $parser = DateTime::Format::Mail->new;
                $date = $parser->parse_datetime($ts);
            } elsif ($ts = $item->{dc}{date} or $ts = $item->{dcterms}{date}) {
               $date = DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->parse_datetime($ts);
        return $date;

sub modified {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{dcterms}{modified} =
    } else {
        if (my $ts = $item->{dcterms}{modified} || $item->{''}{updated}) {
            return eval { DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->parse_datetime($ts) } || eval { XML::Atom::Util::iso2dt($ts) };

sub lat {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{geo}{lat} = $_[0];
    } else {
        return $item->{geo}{lat};

sub long {
    my $item = shift->{entry};
    if (@_) {
        $item->{geo}{long} = $_[0];
    } else {
         return $item->{geo}{long};

sub enclosure {
    my $entry  = shift;

    if (@_) {
        my $enclosure = shift;
        my $val       =  {
                 url    => $enclosure->{url},
                 type   => $enclosure->{type},
                 length => $enclosure->{length}
        if ($XML::Feed::MULTIPLE_ENCLOSURES) {
            push @{$entry->{entry}->{enclosure}}, $val;
        } else {
            $entry->{entry}->{enclosure} =  $val;
    } else {
        my $tmp  = $entry->{entry}->{enclosure};
        my @encs = map { XML::Feed::Enclosure->new($_) } (ref $tmp eq 'ARRAY')? @$tmp : ($tmp);
        return ($XML::Feed::MULTIPLE_ENCLOSURES)? @encs : $encs[-1];
