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# $Id:,v 1.122 2013/06/19 22:15:26 martin Exp $

=head1 NAME

Net::Address::Ethernet - find hardware ethernet address


  use Net::Address::Ethernet qw( get_address );
  my $sAddress = get_address;


The following functions will be exported to your namespace if you request :all like so:

  use Net::Address::Ethernet qw( :all );



package Net::Address::Ethernet;

use Carp;
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging only
use Exporter;
use Net::Domain;
use Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper qw( Ifconfig );
use Regexp::Common;
use Sys::Hostname;

use strict;
use warnings;

use constant DEBUG_MATCH => 0;

use base 'Exporter';
$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.122 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r };

$DEBUG = 0 || $ENV{N_A_E_DEBUG};

%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( get_address get_addresses canonical is_address ), ], );
@EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

my @ahInfo;

=item get_address

Returns the 6-byte ethernet address in canonical form.
For example, '1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F'.

When called in array context, returns a 6-element list representing
the 6 bytes of the address in decimal.  For example,

If any non-zero argument is given,
debugging information will be printed to STDERR.


sub get_address
  my @a = get_addresses(@_);
  _debug(" DDD in get_address, a is ", Dumper(\@a));
  # Even if none are active, we'll return the first one:
  my $sAddr = $a[0]->{sEthernet};
  # Look through the list, returning the first active one that has a
  # non-loopback IP address assigned to it:
  foreach my $rh (@a)
    my $sName = $rh->{sAdapter};
    _debug(" DDD inspecting interface $sName...\n");
    if (! $rh->{iActive})
      _debug(" DDD   but it is not active.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    _debug(" DDD   it is active...\n");
    if (! exists $rh->{sIP})
      _debug(" DDD   but it has no IP address.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    if (! defined $rh->{sIP})
      _debug(" DDD   but its IP address is undefined.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    if ($rh->{sIP} eq '')
      _debug(" DDD   but its IP address is empty.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    if ($rh->{sIP} eq '')
      _debug(" DDD   but it's the loopback.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    if (! exists $rh->{sEthernet})
      _debug(" DDD   but it has no ethernet address.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    if (! defined $rh->{sEthernet})
      _debug(" DDD   but its ethernet address is undefined.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    if ($rh->{sEthernet} eq q{})
      _debug(" DDD   but its ethernet address is empty.\n");
      next TRY_ADDR;
      } # if
    $sAddr = $rh->{sEthernet};
    _debug(" DDD   and its ethernet address is $sAddr.\n");
    last TRY_ADDR;
    } # foreach TRY_ADDR
  return wantarray ? map { hex } split(/[-:]/, $sAddr) : $sAddr;
  } # get_address

=item get_addresses

Returns an array of hashrefs.
Each hashref describes one Ethernet adapter found in the current hardware configuration,
with the following entries filled in to the best of our ability to determine:


=item sEthernet -- The MAC address in canonical form.

=item rasIP -- A reference to an array of all the IP addresses on this adapter.

=item sIP -- The "first" IP address on this adapter.

=item sAdapter -- The name of this adapter.

=item iActive -- Whether this adapter is active.


For example:

   'sAdapter' => 'Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection',
   'sEthernet' => '12:34:56:78:9A:BC',
   'rasIP' => ['',],
   'sIP' => '',
   'iActive' => 1,

If any non-zero argument is given,
debugging information will be printed to STDERR.


sub get_addresses
  $DEBUG ||= shift;
  # Short-circuit if this function has already been called:
  if (! $DEBUG && @ahInfo)
    goto ALL_DONE;
    } # if
  my $sAddr = undef;
  my $rh = Ifconfig('list', '', '', '');
  if (! defined $rh || (! scalar keys %$rh))
    warn " EEE Ifconfig failed: $@";
    } # if
  _debug(" DDD raw output from Ifconfig is ", Dumper($rh));
  # Convert their hashref to our array format:
  foreach my $key (keys %$rh)
    my %hash;
    _debug(" DDD working on key $key...\n");
    my $sAdapter = $key;
    if ($key =~ m!\A{.+}\z!)
      $sAdapter = $rh->{$key}->{descr};
      } # if
    $hash{sAdapter} = $sAdapter;
    my @asIP = keys %{$rh->{$key}->{inet}};
    # Thanks to Sergey Kotenko for the array idea:
    $hash{rasIP} = \@asIP;
    $hash{sIP} = $asIP[0];
    my $sEther = $rh->{$key}->{ether} || '';
    if ($sEther eq '')
      $sEther = _find_mac($sAdapter, $hash{sIP});
      } # if
    $hash{sEthernet} = canonical($sEther);
    $hash{iActive} = 0;
    if (defined $rh->{$key}->{status} && ($rh->{$key}->{status} =~ m!\A(1|UP)\z!i))
      $hash{iActive} = 1;
      } # if
    push @ahInfo, \%hash;
    } # foreach
  return @ahInfo;
  } # get_addresses

# Attempt other ways of finding the MAC Address:
sub _find_mac
  my $sAdapter = shift || return;
  my $sIP = shift || '';
  # No hope on some OSes:
  return if ($^O eq 'MSWIn32');
  my @asARP = qw( /usr/sbin/arp /sbin/arp /bin/arp /usr/bin/arp );
  my $sHostname = hostname || Net::Domain::hostname || '';
  my $sHostfqdn = Net::Domain::hostfqdn || '';
  my @asHost = ($sHostname, $sHostfqdn, '');
  foreach my $sARP (@asARP)
    next ARP if ! -x $sARP;
    foreach my $sHost (@asHost)
      $sHost ||= q{};
      next HOSTNAME if ($sHost eq q{});
      my $sCmd = qq{$sARP $sHost};
      # print STDERR " DDD trying ==$sCmd==\n";
      my @as = qx{$sCmd};
      while (@as)
        my $sLine = shift @as;
        DEBUG_MATCH && print STDERR " DDD output line of cmd ==$sLine==\n";
        if ($sLine =~ m!\(($RE{net}{IPv4})\)\s+AT\s+($RE{net}{MAC})\b!i)
          # Looks like arp on Solaris.
          my ($sIPFound, $sEtherFound) = ($1, $2);
          # print STDERR " DDD     found IP =$sIPFound=, found ether =$sEtherFound=\n";
          return $sEtherFound if ($sIPFound eq $sIP);
          # print STDERR " DDD     does NOT match the one I wanted =$sIP=\n";
          } # if
        if ($sLine =~ m!($RE{net}{IPv4})\s+ETHER\s+($RE{net}{MAC})\b!i)
          # Looks like arp on Solaris.
          return $2 if ($1 eq $sIP);
          } # if
        } # while LINE_OF_CMD
      } # foreach HOSTNAME
    } # foreach ARP
  } # _find_mac

=item is_address

Returns a true value if its argument looks like an ethernet address.


sub is_address
  my $s = uc(shift || '');
  # Convert all non-hex digits to colon:
  $s =~ s![^0-9A-F]+!:!g;
  return ($s =~ m!\A$RE{net}{MAC}\Z!i);
  } # is_address

=item canonical

Given a 6-byte ethernet address, converts it to canonical form.
Canonical form is 2-digit uppercase hexadecimal numbers with colon
between the bytes.  The address to be converted can have any kind of
punctuation between the bytes, the bytes can be 1-digit, and the bytes
can be lowercase; but the bytes must already be hex.


sub canonical
  my $s = shift;
  return '' if ! is_address($s);
  # Convert all non-hex digits to colon:
  $s =~ s![^0-9a-fA-F]+!:!g;
  my @as = split(':', $s);
  # Cobble together 2-digit hex bytes:
  $s = '';
  map { $s .= length() < 2 ? "0$_" : $_; $s .= ':' } @as;
  chop $s;
  return uc $s;
  } # canonical

sub _debug
  return if ! $DEBUG;
  print STDERR @_;
  } # _debug


=head1 NOTES

=head1 SEE ALSO

arp, ifconfig, ipconfig

=head1 BUGS

Please tell the author if you find any!  And please show me the output
of `arp <hostname>`
or `ifconfig`
or `ifconfig -a`
from your system.

=head1 AUTHOR

Martin 'Kingpin' Thurn, C<mthurn at>, L<>.

=head1 LICENSE

This software is released under the same license as Perl itself.





#### This is an example of @ahInfo on MSWin32:
    'sAdapter' => 'Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection',
    'sEthernet' => '00-0C-F1-EE-F0-39',
    'sIP' => '',
    'iActive' => 1,
    'sAdapter' => 'Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection',
    'sEthernet' => '00-33-BD-F3-33-E3',
    'sIP' => '',
    'iActive' => 1,
    'sAdapter' => '{gobbledy-gook}',
    'sDesc' => 'PPP adapter Verizon Online',
    'sEthernet' => '00-53-45-00-00-00',
    'sIP' => '',
    'iActive' => 1,

#### This is Solaris 8:

> /usr/sbin/arp myhost
myhost ( at 03:33:ba:46:f2:ef permanent published

#### This is Solaris 8:

> /usr/sbin/ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
        inet netmask ff000000
bge0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

#### This is Fedora Core 6:

$ /sbin/arp
Address         HWtype  HWaddress           Flags  Mask     Iface     ether   03:53:53:e3:43:93   C               eth0

#### This is amd64-freebsd:

$ ifconfig
        ether 02:31:38:31:35:35
        ch 1 dma -1
        inet6 fe8d::2500:bafd:fecd:cdcd%vr0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        ether 00:53:b3:c3:3d:39
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
        inet6 fe8e::21e:31ef:fee1:26eb%nfe0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3 
        ether 00:13:33:53:23:13
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5 
        inet netmask 0xff000000 
        inet netmask 0xffffffff 
        inet netmask 0xffffffff 
tun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1492
        inet --> netmask 0xffffffff 
        Opened by PID 268