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# Author: Murat Uenalan (
# Copyright (c) 2001 Murat Uenalan. All rights reserved.
# Note: This program is free software; you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Class::Maker::Basic::Reflection;

require 5.005_62; use strict; use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(reflect classes) ] );

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw();

use IO::Extended ':all';

sub reflect
	my $class = shift;

		$class = ref( $class ) || $class;

		if( my $reflection = ${ Class::Maker::findclass( $class ) } )
			my $mlist = find_methods( $class );

			$reflection->{ methods } = $mlist if @{$mlist} > 0;

			my $part = shift;

			return $part ? $reflection->{$part} : $reflection;

return undef;

=head1 Function B<classes>

	classes( fakultativ $scalref_mainpackage, [ $package ], .. );

=head1 Purpose

	Traverses the symbol table and find "reflectable" classes.

	Returns a list of hash references containing:

		"package_identifier" => $HREF_CLASS_HASH

	Meaning it gets references to the reflection of the class.

	{ 'main::MyClass' => $href_myclass }, { 'main::YourClass' => $href_yclass }, ..


sub classes
	no strict 'refs';

	my @found;

	my $path = shift if @_ > 1;

	foreach my $pkg ( @_ )
		next unless $pkg =~ /::$/;

		$path .= $pkg;

		if( $path =~ /(.*)::$/ )
			my $clean_path = $1;

			if( $path ne 'main::' )
				if( my $href_cls = reflect( $clean_path ) )
					push @found, { $clean_path => $href_cls };

			foreach my $symbol ( sort keys %{$path} )
				if( $symbol =~ /::$/ && $symbol ne 'main::' )
					push @found,  classes( $path, $symbol );

return @found;

sub find_methods
	my $class = shift;

		my $methods = [];

		no strict 'refs';

		foreach my $pkg ( $class.'::' )
			foreach ( sort keys %{$pkg} )
				unless( /::$/ )
					if( defined *{ "$pkg$_" }{CODE} )
						if( my $type = attributes::get( \&{ "$pkg$_" } ) )
							push @$methods, "$_" if $type =~ /method/i;

return $methods;

