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package OOPS::OOPS1003;

our $VERSION = 0.1003;
our $SCHEMA_VERSION = 1003;
our $SCHEMA_WAS_OKAY = 1001;
our $SCHEMA_WILL_BE_OKAY = 1009;

require 5.008002;
require Exporter;
@EXPORT = qw(transaction getref);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(transaction $transaction_maxtries $transfailrx dbiconnect workaround27555);

use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
use Carp qw(confess longmess verbose croak);
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr reftype blessed weaken);
use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys);
use B qw(svref_2object);
use UNIVERSAL qw(can);

# This is a self source filter.
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::SelfFilter;
	sub filter
		my $more = filter_read();
		$_ = "#\n" if /debug/ || (/assertions/ && /oops/);
		return $more;
	use Filter::Util::Call ;
	filter_add(bless [], __PACKAGE__)
		unless $OOPS::OOPS1003::SelfFilter::defeat;

our $bigcutoff = 255;
our $cksumlength = 28;
our $demandthreshold = 500;
our $oopses = 0;
my $nopkey = 'nopkey';
our $warnings = 1;
our $transaction_maxtries = 15;
our $transfailrx = qr/Deadlock found when trying to get lock|Duplicate entry|ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint|ERROR:  could not serialize access due to concurrent update/;
our $id_alloc_size = 10;

my %typesymbol = (
	HASH	=> '%',
	ARRAY	=> '@',
	SCALAR	=> '$',
	REF	=> '$',
	GLOB	=> '*',
	CODE	=> '&',
	H	=> '%',
	A	=> '@',
	S	=> '$',

my %perltype2otype = (
	HASH => 'H',
	ARRAY => 'A',
	SCALAR => 'S',
	REF => 'S',

our $debug_free_tied		= 0;
our $debug_tiedvars		= 0;		# produces no output -- just verification
our $debug_oops_instances	= 0;		# track allocation / destructions of OOPS::OOPS1003 objects
our $debug_load_object		= 0;		# basic loading of objects
our $debug_load_values		= 0;		# loading of all keys & values
our $debug_load_context		= 0;		# stack trace for each load
our $debug_load_group		= 0;		# touches: load groups
our $debug_arraylen		= 0;		# touches: arraylen hash
our $debug_untie		= 0;
our $debug_writes		= 0;		
our $debug_write_object		= 0;		# write to the object table
our $debug_blessing		= 0;		# bless operations
our $debug_memory		= 0;		# touches: memory
our $debug_memory2		= 0;		# the memory set/clear routines
our $debug_cache		= 0;		# touches: cache
our $debug_oldobject		= 0;		# touches: oldobject
our $debug_refcount		= 0;		# touches: refchange or refcount
our $debug_touched		= 0;		# touches: touched
our $debug_commit		= 0;		# save objects
our $debug_demand_iterator	= 0;
our $debug_forcesave		= 0;
our $debug_isvirtual		= 0;
our $debug_27555		= 0;		# touches: 27555 fixup code
our $debug_save_attributes	= 0;		# near: queries to save pval
our $debug_save_attr_arraylen	= 0;		# arraylen for attribute save
our $debug_save_attr_context	= 0;		# stack trace for each attribute save
our $debug_refarray		= 0;		# array elements as references
our $debug_refalias		= 0;		# references to other values inside objects
our $debug_refobject		= 0;		# references to other objects
our $debug_reftarget		= 0;		# regarding reference target tracking
our $debug_write_ref		= 0;
our $debug_write_array		= 0;		# has ARRAY changed?
our $debug_normalarray		= 0;		# tied callbacks: non-virtual hash
our $debug_normalhash		= 0;
our $debug_write_hash		= 0;
our $debug_virtual_delete	= 0;
our $debug_virtual_save		= 0;
our $debug_virtual_hash		= 0;		# tied callbacks: virtual hash
our $debug_virtual_ovals	= 0;		# original values of virtual has
our $debug_hashscalar		= 0;		# scalar(%tied_hash)
our $debug_object_id		= 0;		# details of id allocation
our $debug_getobid_context	= 0;		# stack trace for new objects
our $debug_dbidelay		= 0;		# add small delay before chaning transaction mode
our $debug_tdelay		= 150000;	# loop size for busy wait
our $debug_dbi			= 0;		# DBI debug level: 0 or 1 or 2

# debug set for ref.t
$debug_27555 = $debug_write_ref = $debug_load_object = $debug_load_values = $debug_memory = $debug_commit = $debug_refalias = $debug_write_ref = 1 if 0;

my $global_destruction = 0;

our %tiedvars;

tie my %qtype, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { return reftype($_[0]) };
tie my %qref, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { return ref($_[0]) };
tie my %qaddr, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { return refaddr($_[0]) };
tie my %qnone, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { $_[0] };
tie my %qmakeref, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { \$_[0] };
tie my %qval, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { return defined $_[0] ? (ref($_[0]) ? "$_[0] \@ $qaddr{$_[0]}" : "'$_[0]'") : 'undef' };
tie my %qplusminus, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { $_[0] >= 0 ? "+$_[0]" : $_[0] };
tie my %caller, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { my $lvls = $_[0]+1; my ($p,$f,$l) = caller($lvls); my $s = (caller($lvls+1))[3]; $s =~ s/OOPS::OOPS1003:://; $l = $f eq __FILE__ ? $l : "$f:$l";  return "$s/$l" };
tie my %qmemval, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { my $v = shift; return "*$v" unless ref $v; return "*$v->[0]/$qval{$v->[1]}" };
tie my %qsym, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::debug', sub { return $typesymbol{reftype(shift)} };

sub OOPS::OOPS1003::debug::TIEHASH { my $p = shift; return bless shift, $p } 
sub OOPS::OOPS1003::debug::FETCH { my $f = shift; return &$f(shift) } 

sub new
	my ($pkg, %args) = @_;

	my $oops = {
		otype		=> {},	# object id -> H(ash)/A(rray)/S(scalar or ref)
		loadgroup	=> {},	# object id -> object loadgroup #
		loadgrouplock	=> {},	# object id -> object id
		groupset	=> {},	# group id -> object id -> 1
		cache		=> {},	# object id -> actual object
		memory		=> {},	# ref memory location -> object id
		memory2key 	=> {},	# ref mem location -> [ object id, object key ]
		new_memory	=> {},	# ref memory location -> object id
		new_memory2key 	=> {},	# ref mem location -> [ object id, object key ]
		memrefs		=> {},	# ref mem location -> ref
		memcount	=> {},	# ref mem location -> count of active references
		deleted		=> {},	# object id -> has been deleted
		unwatched	=> {},	# object id -> must check at save
		virtual		=> {},	# object id -> is it virtual? yes=V, no=' '
		arraylen	=> {},	# object id -> integer; array length
		reftarg		=> {},	# object id -> boolean: '0' || 'T';
		aliasdest	=> {},	# object id -> hash of objectids that reference id
		oldvalue	=> {},	# object id & pkey -> original pval
		oldobject	=> {},  # object id & pkey -> original object id reference
		oldbig		=> {},	# object id & pkey -> checksum
		objtouched	=> {},	# objedt id -> bit - object may need saving
		demandwritten	=> {},	# object id -> tie control object
		demandwrite	=> {},	# object id -> write this one via tied.
		refcount	=> {},	# object id -> reference count
		refchange	=> {},	# object id -> change in reference count (during commit())
		forcesave	=> {},	# object id -> bit - for object row to be re-written  XXX redesign
		do_forcesave	=> 0,	# always update object row when attributes change
		savedone	=> {},	# during commit() - object written?
		refstowrite	=> [],	# during commit() - list of reference objects to save
		loaded		=> 0,   # number of objects "in memory"
		tountie		=> {},	# scalars wishing to be untied
		class		=> {},  # my original class/blessing
		queries		=> {},	# text of queries - original text
		binary_q_list	=> {},	# list of binary parametes to queries - DBD::Pg only
		commitdone	=> 0,	# have we already done a commit()?
		refcopy		=> {},	# object id & pkey -> ref to orig pval
		aliascount	=> {},	# object id & pkey -> count of \aliases
		oldalias	=> {},	# object id -> [ object id, pkey ]
		disassociated	=> {},  # object id & pkey && refs => other disconnected ref
		args		=> \%args,  # creation arguments

	print "# CREATE $$'s OOPS::OOPS1003 $oops\n" if $debug_oops_instances;

	my ($dbh, $dbms, $prefix) = OOPS::OOPS1003->dbiconnect(%args);

	require "OOPS/OOPS1003/$";

	$oops->{dbh} 		= $dbh;
	$oops->{table_prefix}	= $prefix; 
	$oops->{dbms}		= $dbms;
	bless $oops, $pkg."::$dbms";
	print "BLESSED $oops at ".__LINE__."\n" if $debug_blessing;

	# object.otype:
	# object.virtual:
	#	0	default
	#	V	load virtual
	# attribute.ptype:
	#	0	normal
	#	R	reference to an OBJECT
	#	B	Big scalar

	# must end in Q to match regex below
	my $Q = $oops->initial_query_set . <<END;
		saveobject: 3
			INSERT INTO TP_object (id, loadgroup, class, otype, virtual, reftarg, rfe, alen, refs, counter)
			VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '0', ?, ?, 1)
			SELECT g.* FROM TP_object AS g, TP_object AS og
			WHERE = ? AND og.loadgroup = g.loadgroup
			SELECT o.* FROM TP_attribute AS o, TP_object AS g
			WHERE g.loadgroup = ? AND =
			SELECT pkey, pval, ptype FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ?
			SELECT pval FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ? AND ptype = 'R'
			SELECT loadgroup,class,otype,virtual,reftarg,alen,refs,counter FROM TP_object
			WHERE id = ?
		reftargobject: 1
			SELECT FROM TP_object, TP_attribute
			WHERE TP_attribute.pkey = ?
			AND = 
			AND TP_object.otype = 'S'
		reftargkey: 1 2
			SELECT FROM TP_object, TP_attribute
			WHERE TP_attribute.pkey = ? 
			AND TP_attribute.pval = ?
			AND = 
			AND TP_object.otype = 'S'
		saveattribute: 2 3
			INSERT INTO TP_attribute 
			VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute WHERE id = ?;
			DELETE FROM TP_big WHERE id = ?;
			DELETE FROM TP_object WHERE id = ?;
		loadpkey: 2
			SELECT pval, ptype FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?
		deleteattribute: 2
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?
		savepkey: 2 4 6 7
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?;
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?;
			INSERT INTO TP_attribute
			VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);
		updateattribute: 1 4
			UPDATE TP_attribute
			SET pval = ?, ptype = ?
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?
		updateobject: 2
			UPDATE TP_object
			SET loadgroup = ?, class = ?, otype = ?, virtual = ?, reftarg = ?, alen = ?, refs = ?, counter = (counter + 1) % 65536
			WHERE id = ?
		deletebig: 2
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey = ?
			DELETE FROM TP_big WHERE id = ?
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute WHERE id = ? AND ptype != 'R'
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ?;
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute WHERE id = ?
			DELETE FROM TP_object WHERE id = ?
		deleterange: 2
			DELETE FROM TP_attribute
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey >= ?
		deleteoverrange: 2
			WHERE id = ? AND pkey >= ?
	while ($Q =~ /\G\t\t([a-z]\w*):((?:\s+\d+)*)\s*\n/gc) {
		my ($qn, $binary_list) = ($1, $2);
		while ($Q =~ /\G\t\t\t(.*)\n/gc) {
			$oops->{queries}{$qn} .= $1."\n";
		$oops->{binary_q_list}{$qn} = $binary_list;

	my $x = int(rand($debug_tdelay)); if ($debug_tdelay && $debug_dbidelay) { for (my $i = 0; $i < $x; $i++) {} }

	eval { $oops->{named_objects} = $oops->load_virtual_object(1) };
	if ($@) {
		my $e = $@;
		require OOPS::OOPS1003::Setup;
		my $err = $oops->load_failure($e);
		die $err if $err;

	if ($oops->{arraylen}{1} != $SCHEMA_VERSION) {
		my $schema_version = $oops->{arraylen}{1};
		if ($oops->{args}{auto_upgrade} || $ENV{OOPS_UPGRADE}) {
			require "OOPS/Upgrade/To$";
			no strict qw(refs);
			&{"OOPS::Upgrade::To${SCHEMA_VERSION}::upgrade"}($oops, $schema_version);
		} else {
			delete $oops->{dbh};
			require "OOPS$"
				|| die "could not find historical version $schema_version: $@";
			no strict qw(refs);
			return &{"OOPS${schema_version}::new"}("OOPS::OOPS1003::OOPS::OOPS1003$schema_version", %{$oops->{args}});

	print "CREATE OOPS::OOPS1003 $oops [$oopses]\n" if $debug_free_tied;
	$tiedvars{$oops} = longmess if $debug_tiedvars;

	return $oops if $args{no_front_end};
	return OOPS::OOPS1003::FrontEnd->new($oops);

sub dbiconnect
	my ($pkg, %a) = @_;
	my $args = \%a;
	if (ref($pkg) && ! %a) {
		$args = $pkg->{args};
	my $database = $args->{dbi_dsn} || $args->{DBI_DSN};
	my $user = $args->{user} || $args->{USER};
	my $password = $args->{password} || $args->{PASSWORD};
	my $prefix = $args->{table_prefix} || $args->{TABLE_PREFIX} || $ENV{OOPS_PREFIX} || '';
	if (! defined($database)) {
		if (defined($ENV{OOPS_DSN})) {
			$database = $ENV{OOPS_DSN};
		} elsif (defined($ENV{DBI_DSN})) {
			$database = $ENV{DBI_DSN} 
		} elsif (defined($ENV{OOPS_DRIVER})) {
			$database = "dbi::$ENV{OOPS_DRIVER}";
		} elsif (defined($ENV{DBI_DRIVER})) {
			$database = "dbi::$ENV{DBI_DRIVER}";
		} else {
			die "no database specified";
	die "no database specified" unless $database;
	die "only mysql, PostgreSQL & SQLite supported" unless $database =~ /^dbi:(mysql|pg|sqlite)\b/i;
	my $dbms = "\L$1";
	$user = $user || $ENV{OOPS_USER} || $ENV{DBI_USER};
	$password = $password || $ENV{OOPS_PASS} || $ENV{DBI_PASS};
	my $dbh = DBI->connect($database, $user, $password, {
		Taint => 0,
		PrintError => 0,
		RaiseError => 0,
		AutoCommit => 0,
		}) or confess "connect to database: $DBI::errstr";
	$dbh->trace($debug_dbi) if $debug_dbi;
	return ($dbh, $dbms, $prefix) if wantarray;
	return $dbh;

sub initial_setup
	require OOPS::OOPS1003::Setup;
	goto &initial_setup_real;

sub load_object
	my ($oops, $objectid) = @_;
	confess unless $oops->isa('OOPS::OOPS1003');  # XX why?
	$objectid = $oops->{named_objects}->{$objectid}
		if $objectid == 0;
	confess unless $objectid;
	confess if ref $objectid;

	print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: load_object($objectid) called") if $debug_load_context;

	if (exists $oops->{cache}{$objectid}) {
		print "*$objectid load_object is cached: $qval{$oops->{cache}{$objectid}}\n" if $debug_load_object || $debug_cache;
		return $oops->{cache}{$objectid};

	print "load_object($objectid) from $caller{0}\n" if $debug_load_object && ! $debug_load_context;

	my $objectsetQ = $oops->query('objectset', execute => $objectid);

	my $atloadgroup;

	my $cache = $oops->{cache};
	my $type = $oops->{otype};

	my $refcount = $oops->{refcount};
	my $oloadgroup = $oops->{loadgroup};
	my $oclass = $oops->{class};
	my $refcopy = $oops->{refcopy};
	my $memory = $oops->{memory};
	my $memory2key = $oops->{memory2key};

#print "load_object $objectid.  Already cached: ".join(' ',keys %$cache).".\n";

	# We may bail out of this early if it's a virtual object so we can't
	# add anything to $oops->{cache} yet.
	my %newptype;
	my %new;
	my ($object, $loadgroup, $class, $otype, $virtual, $reftarg, $arraylen, $references, $ocounter);
	while (($object, $loadgroup, $class, $otype, $virtual, $reftarg, undef, $arraylen, $references, $ocounter) = $objectsetQ->fetchrow_array()) {
		if (exists $cache->{$object}) {
			print "skipping $otype $object $loadgroup $class -- already cached\n" if $debug_load_values || $debug_cache;
		if ($virtual eq 'V') {
			if ($object == $objectid) {
				die "internal error: virtual objects should not share load groups" if $atloadgroup;
				return $oops->load_virtual_object($objectid);
			} else {
				die "internal error: virtual objects should not be object loadgroup members";
		die unless $loadgroup;
		$atloadgroup = $loadgroup;
		$oops->{groupset}{$atloadgroup}{$object} = 1;
		$refcount->{$object} = $references;
		print "load *$object loadgroup:$loadgroup class:$class otype:$otype refcount:$references virtual:$virtual reftarg:$reftarg arraylen:$arraylen\n" if $debug_load_values || $debug_arraylen || $debug_refcount;
		if ($otype eq 'H') {
			$new{$object} = {};
			$cache->{$object} = {};
			print "*$object load_object cache := fresh empty hash: $qval{$cache->{$object}}\n" if $debug_cache;
		} elsif ($otype eq 'A') {
			$new{$object} = $cache->{$object} = [];
			$#{$cache->{$object}} = $arraylen-1;
			$oops->{objtouched}{$object} = 'always';
			print "*$object load_object cache := fresh array: $qval{$cache->{$object}}\n" if $debug_cache;
			print "in load_object, *$object is always touched 'cause it's an array\n" if $debug_touched;
		} elsif ($otype eq 'S') {
			my $x;
			$cache->{$object} = \$x;
			print "*$object load_object cache := fresh scalar: $qval{$cache->{$object}}\n" if $debug_cache;
		} else {
		$oops->{arraylen}{$object} = $arraylen;
		$oops->{reftarg}{$object} = $reftarg;
		$oops->{virtual}{$object} = $virtual;
		$type->{$object} = $otype;
		$newptype{$object} = {};
		$oloadgroup->{$object} = $loadgroup;
		print "in load_object, *$object loadgroup = $loadgroup\n" if $debug_load_group;
		$oclass->{$object} = $class;

	confess "object *$objectid not found in database" unless $cache->{$objectid};

	my @references;
	my ($id, $pkey, $pval, $ptype);
	if ($atloadgroup) {
		# we are loading the attributes for a whole loadgroup of objects
		print "load loadgroup: $atloadgroup\n" if $debug_load_values;
		my $objectgrouploadQ = $oops->query('objectgroupload', execute => $atloadgroup);
		for (;;) {
			while(($id, $pkey, $pval, $ptype) = $objectgrouploadQ->fetchrow_array) {
				next unless exists $newptype{$id};  # need something that is set on new objects only
				# $t is the type of object we're loading
				# $ptype is the type of attribute we're loading
				my $t = $type->{$id};  
				print "$typesymbol{$t}$id/$pkey = '$pval' (ptype $ptype)\n" if $debug_load_values && defined $pval;
				print "$typesymbol{$t}$id/$pkey = undef (ptype $ptype)\n" if $debug_load_values && ! defined $pval;
				my $ref;
				if ($t eq 'H') {
					$new{$id}{$pkey} = $pval;
				} elsif ($t eq 'A') {
					if ($ptype eq '0') {
						$cache->{$id}[$pkey] = $pval;
						$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $pval;
					} elsif ($ptype eq 'R') {
						# Even if this object is already in memory, tie it so that we
						# can track if the linkage is used.
						$cache->{$id}[$pkey] = undef;
						tie $cache->{$id}[$pkey], 'OOPS::OOPS1003::ObjectInArray', $id, $pkey, $pval, $oops;
						$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $pval;
						print "OLDOBJECT loadobject *$id/$pkey = *$pval (in array)\n" if $debug_oldobject
					} elsif ($ptype eq 'B') {
						$cache->{$id}[$pkey] = $pval;
						tie $cache->{$id}[$pkey], 'OOPS::OOPS1003::BigInArray', $id, $pkey, $pval, $oops;
						$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $pval;
					} else {
						confess "ptype = $ptype";
					$ref = \$cache->{$id}[$pkey];
				} elsif ($t eq 'S') {
					next if $pkey eq $id; # see write_ref()
					if ($pkey eq $nopkey) {
						my $x;
						$cache->{$id} = \$x;
						print "*$object load_object cache := new fresh scalar: $qval{$cache->{$object}}\n" if $debug_cache;
						if ($ptype eq 'R') {
							print "\$*$id = *$pval -- RefObject\n" if $debug_refalias && defined($pval);
							tie ${$cache->{$id}}, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::RefObject', $oops, $id, $pval;
						} elsif ($ptype eq 'B') {
							print "\$*$id = '$pval...' -- RefBig\n" if $debug_refalias && defined($pval);
							tie ${$cache->{$id}}, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::RefBig', $oops, $id, $pval;
						} elsif ($ptype eq '0') {
							$oops->{objtouched}{$id} = 'always';
							$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$nopkey} = $pval;
							$x = $pval;
							print "\$*$id = '$pval' -- no tie at all\n" if $debug_refalias && defined($pval);
							print "\$*$id = undef -- no tie at all\n" if $debug_refalias && ! defined($pval);
						} else {
					} elsif (0 && exists $cache->{$pkey} # XXXXX REMOVE
						&& ! exists $new{$pkey} 
						&& defined $pval 
						&& reftype($cache->{$pkey}) eq 'HASH'
						&& (my $tied = tied(%{$cache->{$pkey}})))
						# A reference to a tied has that's already loaded.  
						# we need to fast-path this because we might be being called
						# during a hash's SAVE_SELF() and the hash key may already
						# be deleted.
						$cache->{$id} = $tied->GETREFORIG($pval);
						$oops->{oldalias}{$id} = [ $pkey, $pval ];
						$oops->{aliasdest}{$pkey}{$id} = $pval;
						$oops->{unwatched}{$id} = 1;
						print "\$*$id load_object cache = untied reference to *$pkey/'$pval' ($qval{$cache->{$id}})\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_cache;
					} else {
						print "\$*$id = '$pval' -- RefAlias to $pkey/'$pval'\n" if $debug_refalias && defined($pval);
						tie $cache->{$id}, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::RefAlias', $oops, $id, $pkey, $pval;
						$oops->{aliasdest}{$pkey}{$id} = $pval;
				} else {
				$newptype{$id}{$pkey} = $ptype
					if $ptype;
				if ($ref) {
					$refcopy->{$id}{$pkey} = $ref;
					my $m = refaddr($ref);
					print "MEMORY2KEY $m := *$id/'$pkey' in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
					$oops->memory2key($ref, $id, $pkey);
			if ($objectgrouploadQ->err) {
				if ($objectgrouploadQ->errstr() =~ /fetch\(\) without execute\(\)/) {
					warn "working around DBI bug";
					$objectgrouploadQ->execute($atloadgroup) || confess $objectgrouploadQ->errstr;
				} else {
					confess "fetch_array error ".$objectgrouploadQ->errstr;
		# $objectgrouploadQ->finish();
	} else {
		confess "no loadgroup!";

	my @cblist;
	for my $id (keys %newptype) {
		unless ($typesymbol{$oclass->{$id}}) {
			bless $cache->{$id}, $oclass->{$id};
			print "*$id load_object BLESSED $qval{$cache->{$id}} at ".__LINE__."\n"  if $debug_blessing || $debug_cache;
		print "$typesymbol{$type->{$id}}$id is $oclass->{$id}\n" if $debug_load_values;
confess if $oclass->{$id} eq 'OOPS::OOPS1003';
		if ($type->{$id} eq 'H') {
			print "\%$id loaded - $qval{$cache->{$id}}\n" if $debug_load_object;
			# tied hashes cannot access the underlying variable during callbacks
			my $tied = tie %{$cache->{$id}}, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::NormalHash', $new{$id}, $newptype{$id}, $oops, $id;
			$oops->memory($tied, $id);
			print "MEMORY(TIED) ".refaddr($tied)." := *$id' - tied hash, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
			$oops->memory($cache->{$id}, $id);
			print "MEMORY $qaddr{$cache->{$id}} := *$id - hash, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
		} elsif ($type->{$id} eq 'A') {
			print "\@$id loaded - $qval{$cache->{$id}}\n" if $debug_load_object;
			# tied arrays are buggy so we're not using them.
			$oops->memory($cache->{$id}, $id);
			print "MEMORY $qval{$cache->{$id}} := *$id - array, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
		} elsif ($type->{$id} eq 'S') {
			my $a = refaddr($cache->{$id});
			if (exists $memory->{$a}) {
				if ($memory->{$a} > $id) {
					$oops->memory2key($cache->{$id}, $id, $nopkey);
					$oops->memory($cache->{$id}, $id);
					print "MEMORY $a := *$id - NEW LEAD REF, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
					print "MEMORY2KEY $a := *$id - joining refs, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
				} elsif (defined $memory2key->{$a}) {
					print "MEMORY2KEY $a already exists... *$memory2key->{$a}\n" if $debug_memory;
				} else {
					$oops->memory2key($cache->{$id}, $memory->{$a}, $nopkey);
					print "MEMORY2KEY $a := *$id - REFS NOW JOINED, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
			} else {
				$oops->memory($cache->{$id}, $id);
				print "MEMORY $qval{$cache->{$id}} := *$id - ref, in load_object\n" if $debug_memory;
			# $memory->{refaddr(\$cache->{$a})} = $id;
			# print "MEMORY $qval{\$cache->{$a}} := *$id REF to CACHE\n" if $debug_memory;
		} else {
		print "in load_object, $typesymbol{$type->{$id}} *$id loaded, refcount (=$refcount->{$id})\n" if $debug_refcount;
		push(@cblist, $id) 
			if ! $typesymbol{$oclass->{$id}}
				&& $cache->{$id}->can('postload');
	while (@cblist) {
		my $id = shift @cblist;
		my $obj = $cache->{$id};
	print "*$objectid load_object finished: $qval{$cache->{$objectid}}\n" if $debug_load_values;
	return $cache->{$objectid};

sub load_virtual_object
	my ($oops, $objectid) = @_;

	$objectid = $oops->{named_objects}{$objectid}
		if $objectid == 0;
	confess unless $objectid;

	my $objectinfoQ = $oops->query('objectinfo', execute => $objectid);
	return $objectinfoQ unless ref $objectinfoQ;
	my ($loadgroup, $class, $otype, $virtual, $reftarg, $arraylen, $refs) = $objectinfoQ->fetchrow_array();
	die "no object $objectid: ".$objectinfoQ->errstr unless $otype;

	my %underlying;
	my $obj = \%underlying;
	bless $obj, $class unless $typesymbol{$class};
	print "*$objectid BLESSED $obj at ".__LINE__."\n" if $debug_blessing;
	my $tied = tie %$obj, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::DemandHash', $oops, $objectid;
	$oops->{virtual}{$objectid} = 'V';
	$oops->{arraylen}{$objectid} = $arraylen;
	$oops->{reftarg}{$objectid} = $reftarg;
	print "new object *$objectid, arraylen = 0\n" if $debug_arraylen;
	$oops->{otype}{$objectid} = 'H';
	$oops->{class}{$objectid} = $class;
	$oops->{loadgroup}{$objectid} = $objectid;
	$oops->{cache}{$objectid} = $obj;
	$oops->{refcount}{$objectid} = $refs;
	$oops->memory($obj, $objectid);
	$oops->memory($tied, $objectid);
	print "MEMORY $qval{$obj} := *$objectid' - in load_virtual_object\n" if $debug_memory;
	print "MEMORY(TIED) $qval{$tied} := *$objectid' - in load_virtual_object\n" if $debug_memory;
	$oops->{groupset}{$objectid}{$objectid} = 1;
	print "in load_virtual_object, V% *$objectid loaded, refcount=$refs\n" if $debug_refcount || $debug_load_object;
	return $obj;

sub virtual_object
	my ($oops, $obj, $newval) = @_;
	my $id = ref($obj) 
		? $oops->get_object_id($obj) 
		: $obj;
	my $old = $oops->{virtual}{$id} eq 'V';
	print "*$id - virtual_object($newval)\n" if $debug_load_group;
	if (@_ > 2) {
		if ($newval) {
			unless ($oops->{virtual}{$id} eq 'V') {
				$oops->{virtual}{$id} = 'V';

				# break apart old load group
				my $olg = $oops->{loadgroup}{$id};
				print "in virtual_object($id), must break apart '$olg'\n" if $debug_load_group;
				for my $o (keys %{$oops->{groupset}{$olg}}) {
					print "in virtual_object($id) setting new group for *$o\n" if $debug_load_group;
					print "in virtual_object, *$id forcesave\n" if $debug_forcesave;
					$oops->{loadgroup}{$o} = $o;
					$oops->{forcesave}{$o} = 1;
		} else {
			$oops->{virtual}{$id} = '0';
		$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1;
		print "in virtual_object, forcesave *$id virtual=$newval\n" if $debug_forcesave;
		print "%$id - virtual: $newval.\n" if $debug_isvirtual;
	return $old;

# This function has portions copyright(C) Internet Journals Inc that
# were released as open source
sub transaction
	shift if ref $_[0] ne 'CODE';
	my ($funcref, @args) = @_;
	my $wantarray = wantarray();
	my $r;
	my @r;
	my $tries = 0;
	my $auto_die = 0;
	my $err;
	for (;;) {
		croak "next inside eval" if $auto_die; # protect aginst 'next' et all inside eval
		$auto_die = 1; 
		if ($wantarray) {
			eval { @r = &$funcref(@args); }
		} else {
			eval { $r = &$funcref(@args); }
		last unless $@;
		if ($@ =~ /$transfailrx/) {
			print STDERR "Restarting transaction\n" if $warnings;
			if ($tries++ > $transaction_maxtries) {
				$err = "aborting transaction -- persistent deadlock";
			$auto_die = 0;
		croak $@;
	return @r if $wantarray;
	return $r;

# make a reference to a tied hash key
sub getref(\%$)
	my $hash = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $tied = tied %$hash;
	confess unless reftype($hash) eq 'HASH';
	return \$hash->{$key} unless $tied && $tied->can('GETREF');
	print "getref getting references for '$key'\n" if $debug_27555;
	return $tied->GETREF($key);

sub rollback
	my $oops = shift;
	confess unless $oops->{dbh};

sub commit
	my $oops = shift;
	my $x = int(rand($debug_tdelay)); if ($debug_tdelay && $debug_dbidelay) { for (my $i = 0; $i < $x; $i++) {} }
	$oops->{dbh}->commit || die $oops->{dbh}->errstr;
	print "COMMIT $oops done\n" if $debug_commit;

sub save
	my ($oops) = @_;

	confess "only one commit() allowed" if $oops->{commitdone}++;

	print "COMMIT start \@ $caller{1}\n" if $debug_commit;

	confess unless $oops->isa('OOPS::OOPS1003');
	my $savedone = $oops->{savedone} = {};
	my $forcesave = $oops->{forcesave} = {};

	my $cache = $oops->{cache};
	my $refcount = $oops->{refcount};
	my $oloadgroup = $oops->{loadgroup};
	my $type = $oops->{otype};
	my $oclass = $oops->{class};
	my $refchange = $oops->{refchange};
	my $refstowrite = $oops->{refstowrite};
	my $loadgrouplock = $oops->{loadgrouplock};
	my $virtual = $oops->{virtual};
	my $arraylen = $oops->{arraylen};
	my $reftarg = $oops->{reftarg};
	my @tied;

	# ARRAYs are always considered 'touched' and thus
	# must be rechecked.
	# HASHes that have been DESTROYed are considered 'touched'
	for my $id (keys %{$oops->{objtouched}}) {
		print "*$id->write_object (touched)\n" if $debug_commit;

	# tied HASHes (both sorts) that have been modified insert
	# themselves into the demandwrite set.
	# As a side-effect of saving tied hashes, there may be additional
	# unwatched objects to save.
	for my $id (keys %{$oops->{demandwrite}}) {
		print "*$id->write_object (demandwrite)\n" if $debug_commit;
		my $tied;
		my $t = $type->{$id};
		if ($t eq 'H') {
			$tied = tied %{$cache->{$id}};
		} elsif ($t eq 'A') {
			$tied = tied @{$cache->{$id}};
		} elsif ($t eq 'S') {
			$tied = tied ${$cache->{$id}};
		} else {
			confess "type = $t.";
		push(@tied, $tied);

	# Some objects are not tied in any way and we just have to
	# check them to make sure they haven't changed.
	for my $id (keys %{$oops->{unwatched}}) {
		print "*$id->write_object (unwatched)\n" if $debug_commit;

	my %classdone;
	my $firstid;
	my $updateobjectQ = $oops->query('updateobject');
	my $objectinfoQ = $oops->query('objectinfo');
	my %done;
	my $pass;

	for(;;) {
		# more refstowrite may be added while looking at refchange
		while (@$refstowrite) {
			$oops->write_ref(shift @$refstowrite);
		last unless %{$oops->{refchange}};

		$refchange = $oops->{refchange};
		$oops->{refchange} = {};
		my (@todo) = keys %$refchange;
		print "commit, pass $pass\n" if $debug_commit && $pass++;
		for my $id (@todo) {
			while (@$refstowrite) {
				$oops->write_ref(shift @$refstowrite);
			if ($refchange->{$id}) {
				if (exists $refcount->{$id}) {
					printf "in commit, *%d refs: old %d + change %s (=%d)\n", $id, $refcount->{$id}, $qplusminus{$refchange->{$id}}, $refcount->{$id}+ $refchange->{$id} if $debug_refcount;
					my $newobject = ($refcount->{$id} == -1);
					$refcount->{$id} += $refchange->{$id};
					if ($refcount->{$id} > 0) {
						my $otype = $type->{$id} || confess;
						my $loadgroup;
						if (exists $loadgrouplock->{$id}) {
							my $locked_to = $loadgrouplock->{$id};
							if (exists $refchange->{$locked_to}) {
								# they'll be saved together
								$firstid ||= $id;
								$loadgroup ||= $firstid;
							} else {
								$loadgroup = $oloadgroup->{$locked_to};
						} elsif ($virtual->{$id} eq 'V') {
							$loadgroup = $id;
						} else {
							$firstid ||= $id;
							$loadgroup ||= $firstid;
						$oloadgroup->{$id} = $loadgroup;
						print "*$id updated1. loadgroup=$loadgroup, class=$qref{$cache->{$id}} otype=$otype, virtual=$virtual->{$id} reftarg=$reftarg->{$id} refcount=$refcount->{$id} arraylen=$arraylen->{$id}\n" if $debug_load_group || $debug_isvirtual || $debug_write_object || $debug_arraylen || $debug_refcount;
						$updateobjectQ->execute($loadgroup, ref($cache->{$id}), $otype, $virtual->{$id} || '0', $reftarg->{$id}, $arraylen->{$id}, $refcount->{$id}, $id)
							|| confess $updateobjectQ->errstr;
#print "updated $id $refcount->{$id}\n";
						$oclass->{$id} = ref($cache->{$id});
						$classdone{$id} = __LINE__;
					} elsif ($refcount->{$id} == 0) {
						print "*$id - no refereces, deleting\n" if $debug_write_object || $debug_refcount;
#print "refcount *$id = 0, deleting\n";
					} else {
						confess "refcount: $refcount->{$id}";
				} else {
					$objectinfoQ->execute($id) || confess;
					my ($loadgroup, $class, $otype, $ovirtual, $oreftarg, $oarraylen, $refs) = $objectinfoQ->fetchrow_array;
					confess unless $class;
					printf "in commit, uncached *%d refs: old %d +change %d = (=%d)\n", $id, $refs, $refchange->{$id}, $refs+ $refchange->{$id} if $debug_refcount || $debug_write_object;
					$refcount->{$id} = $refs + $refchange->{$id};
					confess if exists $cache->{$id};
					if ($refcount->{$id} > 0) {
						$updateobjectQ->execute($loadgroup, $class, $otype, $ovirtual || '0', $oreftarg, $oarraylen, $refcount->{$id}, $id);
						print "*$id updated2. loadgroup=$loadgroup, type=$class, otype=$otype, refcount=$refcount->{$id} virtual=$ovirtual reftarg=$oreftarg arraylen=$oarraylen\n" if $debug_load_group || $debug_write_object || $debug_arraylen || $debug_refcount;
					} elsif ($refcount->{$id} == 0) {
					} else {
			} else {
				if ($refcount->{$id} > 0) {
					printf "*$id no change in refcount, marking for forced saving\n" if $debug_refcount || $debug_write_object;
					$forcesave->{$id} = 2
						if $forcesave->{$id};
				} elsif ($refcount->{$id} == 0) {
					printf "in commit, deleting unchanged unreferenced $oops->{otype}{$id}*$id (=0)\n" if $debug_refcount || $debug_write_object;
				} else {
					confess "negative refcount: *$id: $refcount->{$id}";

	# We have to manually scan for objects that have 
	# re-blessed themselves as there is no way to watch
	# for that.
	for my $id (keys %$cache) {
		next unless defined $cache->{$id};
		next if exists($oclass->{$id}) && ref($cache->{$id}) eq $oclass->{$id};
		next if $classdone{$id};
		printf "classchange %d: %s -> %s.\n", $id, $oclass->{$id}, ref($cache->{$id}) if $debug_commit;
		$oclass->{$id} = ref($cache->{$id});
		$forcesave->{$id} = 2
			unless $forcesave->{$id};

	# For database servers that use deadlock detection (rather
	# than opportunistic locking) we could force the object rows to
	# get updated whenever an attribute is added or deleted.  This
	# allows a less strict tranaction locking default.
	my $die;
	for my $id (keys %$forcesave) {
		next if $done{$id} && $forcesave->{$id} == 1;
		my $type = $type->{$id} || confess;
		my $loadgroup = $oloadgroup->{$id} || $id;
		print "*$id updated3. loadgroup=$loadgroup, type=".ref($cache->{$id})." otype=$type, refcount=$refcount->{$id} virtual=$virtual->{$id} reftarg=$reftarg arraylen=$arraylen->{$id}\n" if $debug_load_group || $debug_write_object || $debug_arraylen || $debug_refcount;
		$updateobjectQ->execute($loadgroup, ref($cache->{$id}), $type, $virtual->{$id}, $reftarg->{$id}, $arraylen->{$id}, $refcount->{$id}, $id)
			|| confess $updateobjectQ->errstr; 
		$oclass->{$id} = ref($cache->{$id});

	for my $tied (@tied) {

sub write_object
	my ($oops, $id) = @_;
	$id = $oops->get_object_id($id) 
		if ref $id; 

	return if $oops->{savedone}{$id}++; 

	my $obj = $oops->{cache}{$id};
	my $type = $perltype2otype{reftype($obj)} || confess;

	my $sym = $typesymbol{$type} || '???' if $debug_write_object;
	print "$sym*$id write_object $qval{$obj}\n" if $debug_write_object;

	my $memory = $oops->{memory};

# would this help?
#	if ($oops->{class}{$id} ne ref $obj) {
#		$oops->{refcount}{$id} += 0;   # touchit
#	}

	if ($type eq 'H') {
		my $tied = tied(%$obj);
		if ($tied && $tied =~ /^OOPS::OOPS1003/) {
			print "%*$id write_object - using SAVE_SELF $qval{$tied}\n" if $debug_write_hash;
		} else {
			$oops->write_hash($obj, $id);
	} elsif ($type eq 'A') {
	} elsif ($type eq 'S') {
		my $tied = tied($$obj);
		if ($tied && $tied =~ /^OOPS::OOPS1003/) {
			print "\$*$id using SAVE_SELF $tied\n" if $debug_write_ref;
			$tied->SAVE_SELF() && push(@{$oops->{refstowrite}}, $id);
		} else {
			print "\$*$id will use write_ref later\n" if $debug_write_ref;
			if (ref $$obj) {
				my $m;
				if ($m = $memory->{refaddr($$obj)}) {
					print "lookup MEMORY($qval{$$obj}) = $m in write_object - ref\n" if $debug_memory;
					print "\$*$id is an existing object *$m\n" if $debug_write_ref;
				} else {
					print "lookup MEMORY($qval{$$obj}) = ? in write_object - ref\n" if $debug_memory;
					$m = $oops->get_object_id($$obj);
					print "\$*$id is a new object *$m: $qval{$$obj}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
			} else {
				print "\$*$id is a ref to a scalar $qval{$$obj}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
			push(@{$oops->{refstowrite}}, $id);
	} else {
	print "$sym*$id done with write_object\n" if $debug_write_object;

sub write_hash
	my ($oops, $obj, $id, $ptypes, $added) = @_;

	print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: write_hash(@_) called") if 0; # debug

	my $oldvalue = $oops->{oldvalue};
	my $oldobject = $oops->{oldobject};
	my $oldbig = $oops->{oldbig};
	my $memory = $oops->{memory};
	my $memory2key = $oops->{memory2key};
	my $new_memory = $oops->{new_memory};
	my $new_memory2key = $oops->{new_memory2key};
	my $tied = tied %{$oops->{cache}{$id}};

	confess unless ref $obj;

	my (@k) = keys %$obj;

# auto-virtualize.  Good idea?
#	if (@k > $demandthreshold && ! exists($oops->{loadvirtual}{$id})) {
#		$oops->virtual_object($id, 1)
#	} elsif (@k < $demandthreshold && exists($oops->{loadvirtual}{$id})) {
#		$oops->virtual_object($id, 0)
#	}

	for my $pkey (@k) {
		print "\%$id/$qval{$pkey} pondering... ($qval{$obj->{$pkey}})\n" if $debug_write_hash;
		print "ref to \%$id/$qval{$pkey} is $qval{\$obj->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_write_hash && $debug_refalias;
		if ($ptypes && exists $ptypes->{$pkey}) {
			print "\%$id/$pkey ...still not loaded ($ptypes->{$pkey})\n" if $debug_write_hash;
		} elsif (exists $oldvalue->{$id} && exists $oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey}) {
			no warnings;
			if ($oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey} eq $obj->{$pkey} 
				&& defined($oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey}) == defined($obj->{$pkey})
				&& ref($oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey}) eq ref($obj->{$pkey})) 
				use warnings;
				print "\%$id/$pkey ...unchanged\n" if $debug_write_hash;
				print "lookup MEMORY($qval{$obj->{$pkey}}) in write_hash\n" if $debug_memory;
					if ref $obj->{$pkey};
			} else {
				use warnings;
				print "\%$id/$pkey ...changed.  old value was $oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey}\n" if $debug_write_hash;
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $pkey, $obj->{$pkey}, undef, $oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey});
		} elsif (exists $oldbig->{$id} && exists $oldbig->{$id}{$pkey}) {
			my $ock = ref($obj->{$pkey}) ? '' : bigcksum($obj->{$pkey});
			if ($oldbig->{$id}{$pkey} eq $ock) {
				print "\%$id/$pkey ...unchanged (big)\n" if $debug_write_hash;
				# this attribute is unchanged
			} else {
				print "\%$id/$pkey ...changed.  old big\n" if $debug_write_hash;
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $pkey, $obj->{$pkey}, $ock);
		} elsif (exists $oldobject->{$id} && exists $oldobject->{$id}{$pkey}) {
			# this used to be an object
			print "\%$id/$pkey this used to be an object...\n" if $debug_write_hash;
			if (ref $obj->{$pkey} && $oldobject->{$id}{$pkey} == $oops->get_object_id($obj->{$pkey})) {
				# no change
				print "\%$id/$pkey same one\n" if $debug_write_hash;
			} else {
				print "\%$id/$pkey changed to $qval{$obj->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_write_hash;
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $pkey, $obj->{$pkey});
		} elsif ($added) { 
			if (exists $added->{$pkey}) {
				# this is a new value
				print "\%$id/$pkey ...added: $qval{$obj->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_write_hash;
				$oops->insert_attribute($id, $pkey, $obj->{$pkey});
			} else {
				print "\%$id/$pkey ...still original value: $qval{$obj->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_write_hash;
		} else {
			# this is a new value
			print "\%$id/$pkey value\n" if $debug_write_hash;
			$oops->insert_attribute($id, $pkey, $obj->{$pkey});
		unless ($tied) {
			my $m = refaddr(\$obj->{$pkey});
			$oops->new_memory2key(\$obj->{$pkey}, $id, $pkey);
			print "NEWMEMORY2KEY ".$m." := \%*$id/'$pkey' - in write_hash\n" if $debug_memory;
	if (exists $oldvalue->{$id}) {
		print "\%$id checking old values\n" if $debug_write_hash;
		for my $pkey (keys %{$oldvalue->{$id}}) {
			next if exists $obj->{$pkey};
			# this pkey has gone away
			print "\%$id/$pkey delete extra old value \%$id/$pkey ($oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_write_hash;
			$oops->delete_attribute($id, $pkey, $oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey});
	if (exists $oldobject->{$id}) {
		print "\%$id checking old objects\n" if $debug_write_hash;
		for my $pkey (keys %{$oldobject->{$id}}) {
			next if exists $obj->{$pkey};
			next if exists $oldvalue->{$id} && exists $oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey};
			# this pkey has gone away
			print "\%$id/$pkey delete extra old object \%$id/$pkey ($oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_write_hash;
			$oops->delete_attribute($id, $pkey);
	if (exists $oldbig->{$id}) {
		for my $pkey (keys %{$oldbig->{$id}}) {
			next if exists $obj->{$pkey};
			next if exists $oldvalue->{$id} && exists $oldvalue->{$id}{$pkey};
			print "\%$id/$pkey delete extra old big \%$id/$pkey\n" if $debug_write_hash;
			$oops->delete_attribute($id, $pkey);

sub write_array
	my ($oops, $id) = @_;

	my $obj = $oops->{cache}{$id};

	my $sym = '@' if $debug_write_object || $debug_write_array;
	print "$sym$id write_object $obj\n" if $debug_write_object;

	my $oldvalue = $oops->{oldvalue};
	my $oldobject = $oops->{oldobject};
	my $oldbig = $oops->{oldbig};
	my $memory = $oops->{memory};
	my $new_memory = $oops->{new_memory};
	my $new_memory2key = $oops->{new_memory2key};

	my $tied;
	my $isnew = $oops->{refcount}{$id} == -1;

	#print "WRITE ARRAY ".__LINE__." with $#$obj\n";
	#print join('',(map { exists $obj->[$_] ? '1' : '0' } 0..$#$obj),"\n");

	# There is a nasty problem: splice, shift, pop, unshift, and push can
	# move around array elements without causing big elements to be 
	# loaded.  When it comes time to save these moved elements, we have to
	# still have access to the old values.  Doing the save in exactly the
	# right order could allow the values to be shifted in the database rather
	# than read and re-written.  
	# With refcopy we should be able to handle this now!
	for (my $index = 0; $index <= $#$obj; $index++) {
		my $tied;
		next unless exists $obj->[$index];
		next unless ($tied = tied $obj->[$index]) && $tied->isa('OOPS::OOPS1003::BigInArray');
		undef $tied; # keeping copies of tied objects prevents untieing.
		my $x = defined($obj->[$index]);   # force loading (which will untie)

	my $end = $#$obj;
	$end = $oops->{arraylen}{$id} -1
		if defined($oops->{arraylen}{$id}) && $oops->{arraylen}{$id} > $end;
	print "$sym$id checking 0..$end ($#$obj/$oops->{arraylen}{$id}) \n" if $debug_write_array;

	for (my $index = 0; $index <= $end; $index++) {
		if (! exists $obj->[$index]) {
			if (exists $oldvalue->{$id} && exists $oldvalue->{$id}{$index}) {
				print "$sym$id/$index ...deleting extra old value ($oldvalue->{$id}{$index})\n" if $debug_write_array;
				$oops->delete_attribute($id, $index, $oldvalue->{$id}{$index});
			} elsif (exists $oldobject->{$id} && exists $oldobject->{$id}{$index}) {
				print "$sym$id/$index ...deleting extra old object ($oldobject->{$id}{$index})\n" if $debug_write_array;
				$oops->delete_attribute($id, $index);
			} elsif (exists $oldbig->{$id} && exists $oldbig->{$id}{$index}) {
				print "$sym$id/$index ...deleting extra old big ($oldbig->{$id}{$index})\n" if $debug_write_array;
				$oops->delete_attribute($id, $index);
			} else {
				print "$sym$id/$index no value now, now value before\n" if $debug_write_array;
		print "$sym$id/$index pondering... ($obj->[$index])\n" if $debug_write_array;
		my $tied;
		if (($tied = tied $obj->[$index]) && $tied =~ /^OOPS::OOPS1003::Demand/ && ! $tied->changed($index)) {
			print "\@$id/$index tied and unchanged\n" if $debug_write_array;
		} elsif (exists $oldvalue->{$id} && exists $oldvalue->{$id}{$index}) {
			no warnings;
			if ($oldvalue->{$id}{$index} eq $obj->[$index] 
				&& defined($oldvalue->{$id}{$index}) == defined($obj->[$index])
				&& ref($oldvalue->{$id}{$index}) eq ref($obj->[$index]))
				use warnings;
				print "$sym$id/$index ...reference - no change\n" if $debug_write_array;
				print "lookup MEMORY($qval{$obj->[$index]}) in write_object - array\n" if $debug_memory && ref($obj->[$index]);
					if ref $obj->[$index];
			} else {
				use warnings;
				# this attribute's value has changed
				print "$sym$id/$index ...changed from '$oldvalue->{$id}{$index}'\n" if $debug_write_array;
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $index, $obj->[$index], undef, $oldvalue->{$id}{$index});
		} elsif (exists($oldobject->{$id}) && exists($oldobject->{$id}{$index})) {
			print "\@$id/$index this used to be an object: *$oldobject->{$id}{$index}\n" if $debug_write_array;
			if (ref $obj->[$index] && $oldobject->{$id}{$index} == $oops->get_object_id($obj->[$index])) {
				print "\@$id/$index same one - no change\n" if $debug_write_array;
			} else {
				print "\@$id/$index changed\n" if $debug_write_array;
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $index, $obj->[$index]);
		} elsif ($bigcutoff && exists($oldbig->{$id}) && exists($oldbig->{$id}{$index})) {
			my $ock = (!ref($obj->[$index]) && defined($obj->[$index]) && length($obj->[$index]) > $bigcutoff)
				? bigcksum($obj->[$index])
				: undef;
			if ($ock && $oldbig->{$id}{$index} eq $ock) {
				print "$sym$id/$index ...big - no change\n" if $debug_write_array;
			} else {
				print "$sym$id/$index ...big changed\n" if $debug_write_array;
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $index, $obj->[$index], $ock);
		} else {
			# this is a new value
			print "$sym$id/$index value\n" if $debug_write_array;
			$oops->insert_attribute($id, $index, $obj->[$index]);
		my $m = refaddr(\$obj->[$index]);
		$oops->new_memory2key(\$obj->[$index], $id, $index);
		print "NEWMEMORY2KEY ".$m." := \@*$id/$index - in write_object - array\n" if $debug_memory;
	if (! defined($oops->{arraylen}{$id}) || $oops->{arraylen}{$id} != @$obj) {
		$oops->{arraylen}{$id} = @$obj;
		$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1;
		print "in write_array, arraylen(\@*$id) = $oops->{arraylen}{$id}, forcesave\n" if $debug_arraylen || $debug_forcesave;
	} else {
		print "in write_array, leaving arraylen for \@*$id at $oops->{arraylen}{$id}\n" if $debug_arraylen;

# References are always indirect through another
# object.  If the reference isn't indirect, then
# we pretend it is.
# 	id		pkey		pvalue		ptype
#			targetid	targetkey
#	383		400		swarmy		0
#	384		384		'nopkey'	0
#	384		'nokey'		a-value		0
#	385		384		'nopkey'	0
# Reference 383 is indirect though object 400: \%400{swarmy}
# Reference 384 is a ref to scalar.  It uses two rows.
# Reference 385	is a ref to scalar that is shared with another
# reference.
# The purpose of this schema is to allow queries against references
# without needing to know if the reference is to another object
# or not.
# Unlike other variable types, write_ref might be called multiple 
# times for the same scalar during a commit() because that scalar
# might have become disconnected.

sub write_ref
	my ($oops, $id) = @_;

	print "*$id WRITE_REF - already deleted - ignoring\n" if $debug_write_ref;
	return if $oops->{deleted}{$id};

	my $obj = $oops->{cache}{$id};

	my $oldvalue = $oops->{oldvalue};
	my $oldobject = $oops->{oldobject};
	my $oldbig = $oops->{oldbig};
	my $memory = $oops->{memory};
	my $memory2key = $oops->{memory2key};
	my $new_memory = $oops->{new_memory};
	my $new_memory2key = $oops->{new_memory2key};
	my $oldalias = $oops->{oldalias};

	my $addr = refaddr($obj);
	my $sym;
	$sym = '$' if $debug_write_ref;

	my $targetid;
	my $targetkey;
	my $targettiedmem;

	if (exists $new_memory2key->{$addr} && $new_memory2key->{$addr}[0] != $id) {
		($targetid, $targetkey) = @{$new_memory2key->{$addr}};
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF new_memory2key($qval{$obj}) says: *$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} \n" if $debug_write_ref || $debug_memory;
	} elsif (exists $memory2key->{$addr} && $memory2key->{$addr}[0] != $id) {
		($targetid, $targetkey) = @{$memory2key->{$addr}};
		no warnings;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF memory2key($qval{$obj}) says: *$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} \n" if $debug_write_ref || $debug_memory;
	} elsif (exists $new_memory->{$addr} && $memory->{$addr} != $id) {
		$targetid = $nopkey;
		$targetkey = $$obj;
		no warnings;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF new_memory($qval{$obj}) says: *$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} \n" if $debug_write_ref || $debug_memory;
	} elsif (exists $memory->{$addr} && $memory->{$addr} != $id) {
		$targetid = $nopkey;
		$targetkey = $$obj;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF memory($qval{$obj}) says: *$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} \n" if $debug_write_ref || $debug_memory;
	} elsif (($targettiedmem, $targetkey) = tied_hash_reference($obj)) {
		$targetid = $memory->{$targettiedmem} || $new_memory->{$targettiedmem};
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF tied hash reference: $targetid/$qval{$targetkey}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
		no warnings;
		if (! $targetid) {
			use warnings;
			print "\$*$id WRITE_REF was disassociated, now *$nopkey/$qval{$$obj}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
			$targetkey = $$obj;
			$targetid = $nopkey;
			$oops->new_memory2key($obj, $id, $nopkey);
			print "NEWMEMORY2KEY ".$addr." = \%*$id/$nopkey - in write_ref\n" if $debug_memory;
		} elsif ($$obj ne $oops->{cache}{$targetid}{$targetkey}) {
			# Must have been delete'd in the meantime and become
			# disassoicated from the cache.  Unfortunantly the refaddr()
			# for such references is unique so we must guess if they
			# should be rejoined.
			# Ugh!
			use warnings;
			if ($targetid && exists $oops->{disassociated}{$targetid}{$targetkey}{$$obj}) {
				print "\$*$id WRITE_REF was disassociated, joining to *$oops->{disassociated}{$targetid}{$targetkey}{$$obj}/$qval{$nopkey}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
				$targetid = $oops->{disassociated}{$targetid}{$targetkey}{$$obj};
				$targetkey = $nopkey;
			} else {
				$oops->{disassociated}{$targetid}{$targetkey}{$$obj} = $id;
				print "\$*$id WRITE_REF was disassociated, now *$nopkey/$qval{$$obj}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
				$targetkey = $$obj;
				$targetid = $nopkey;
				$oops->new_memory2key($obj, $id, $nopkey);
				print "NEWMEMORY2KEY ".$addr." = \%*$id/$nopkey - in write_ref\n" if $debug_memory;
	} else {
		# must be a reference to an independent scalar or object
		$targetid = $nopkey;
		$targetkey = $$obj;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF independent, now *$targetid/$qval{$targetkey}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
		$oops->new_memory2key($obj, $id, $nopkey);
		print "NEWMEMORY2KEY ".$addr." = \%*$id/$nopkey - in write_ref\n" if $debug_memory;

	if (exists $oops->{deleted}{$targetid}) {
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF now independent, now *$nopkey/$qval{$$obj} had been ref to $targetid/$qval{$targetkey} but *$targetid was deleted\n" if $debug_write_ref;
		$targetid = $nopkey;
		$targetkey = $$obj;
		$oops->new_memory2key($obj, $id, $nopkey);
		print "NEWMEMORY2KEY ".$addr." = \%*$id/$nopkey - in write_ref\n" if $debug_memory;

	my ($oldid, $oldpkey, $oldval);
	my $ock;

	if (exists $oldalias->{$id}) {
		($oldid, $oldpkey) = @{$oldalias->{$id}};
		$oldval = $oldpkey;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF oldalias: *$oldid/$qval{$oldpkey} = $qval{$oldval}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
	} elsif (exists $oldvalue->{$id} && exists $oldvalue->{$id}{$nopkey}) {
		$oldid = $nopkey;
		$oldpkey = $oldvalue->{$id}{$nopkey};
		$oldval = $oldpkey;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF oldvalue: *$oldid/$qval{$oldpkey} = $qval{$oldval}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
	} elsif (exists $oldbig->{$id} && exists $oldbig->{$id}{$nopkey}) {
		$oldid = $nopkey;
		$oldpkey = $oldbig->{$id}{$nopkey};
		$ock = (!ref($$obj) && defined($$obj) && length($$obj) > $bigcutoff)
			? bigcksum($$obj)
			: undef;
		$targetkey = $ock if $ock && $oldbig->{$id}{$nopkey} eq $ock;
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF oldbig: *$oldid/$qval{$oldpkey} = $qval{$oldval}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
	} elsif (exists $oldobject->{$id} && exists $oldobject->{$id}{$nopkey}) {
		$oldid = $nopkey;
		$oldpkey = $oldobject->{$id}{$nopkey};
		$oldval = $oops->{cache}{$oldpkey};
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF oldobject: *$oldid/$qval{$oldpkey} = $qval{$oldval}\n" if $debug_write_ref;
	} else {
		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF no old value\n" if $debug_write_ref;
		$oldid = undef;

	# confess if $targetid == $id && $targetkey ne $nopkey;  XXXX turn this on -- it's off for debugging

	confess unless defined $targetid;
	print "\$*$id WRITE_REF target:$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} old:$oldid/$qval{$oldpkey}\n" if $debug_write_ref && defined $oldid;
	print "\$*$id WRITE_REF target:$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} no old\n" if $debug_write_ref && ! defined $oldid;

	if ($targetid ne $nopkey && ! $oops->{reftarg}{$targetid}) {
		# this is presently irreversable 
		$oops->{reftarg}{$targetid} = 'T';
		$oops->{forcesave}{$targetid} = 1;
		print "force save of *$targetid as its referended by *$id\n" if $debug_forcesave;
		print "*$targetid is now reference target (from $id)\n" if $debug_reftarget;

	if (defined($oldid) && $targetid eq $oldid) {
		if (defined($targetkey) ? (defined($oldpkey) ? $targetkey eq $oldpkey : 0) : ! defined($oldpkey)) {
			# unchanged
			print "\$*$id WRITE_REF no change\n" if $debug_write_ref;
		} else {
			print "\$*$id WRITE_REF CHANGE to *$targetid/$qval{$targetkey} (oldval = $qval{$oldval})\n" if $debug_write_ref;
			if (ref($oldval)) {
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $targetid, $targetkey, $ock);
			} else {
				$oops->update_attribute($id, $targetid, $targetkey, $ock, $oldval);
			delete $oops->{oldalias}{$id};
			if ($targetid ne $nopkey) {
				$oops->{oldalias}{$id} = [ $targetid, $targetkey ];
				$oops->{aliasdest}{$targetid}{$id} = $targetkey;

	} else {
		# Normal references to other objects are:
		#	id=id key=other_obj_id value=other_obj_key
		# References to unconnected scalars are:
		#	id=id key=nopkey value=the_scalar_value
		# For references to unconnect scalars, we need an extra tuple
		# so that translated sql queries work right:
		# 	id=id key=id value=nopkey 

		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF DELETE $qval{$oldid}\n" if $debug_write_ref && defined $oldid;

		$oops->delete_attribute($id, $oldid)
			if defined $oldid;

		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF DELETE $qval{$id}\n" if $debug_write_ref && defined($oldid) && $oldid eq $id;

		$oops->delete_attribute($id, $id)
			if defined($oldid) && $oldid eq $nopkey;

		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF INSERT $qval{$targetid}/$qval{$targetkey}\n" if $debug_write_ref;

		$oops->insert_attribute($id, $targetid, $targetkey);

		print "\$*$id WRITE_REF INSERT $qval{$id}/$qval{$nopkey}\n" if $debug_write_ref && $targetid eq $nopkey;

		$oops->insert_attribute($id, $id, $nopkey)
			if $targetid eq $nopkey;

		delete $oops->{oldalias}{$id};
		if ($targetid ne $nopkey) {
			$oops->{oldalias}{$id} = [ $targetid, $targetkey ];
			$oops->{aliasdest}{$targetid}{$id} = $targetkey;

	# With references to an ARRAY element, we must ensure that the reference is in
	# the same loadgroup as the ARRAY because the element may move within the ARRAY
	# and that requires re-saving the reference which will only happen if the reference
	# happens to be in memory.
	# With references to a common scalar, we must do the same.
	if ($targetid ne $nopkey && reftype($oops->{cache}{$targetid}) ne 'HASH') {
		if ($oops->{loadgroup}{$targetid} eq $oops->{loadgroup}{$id} && ! exists $oops->{refchange}{$targetid}) {
			# great
		} else {
			$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1;
			$oops->{loadgrouplock}{$id} = $targetid;
			print "force \$*$id group to be loged to *$targetid\n" if $debug_load_group || $debug_forcesave;

# $oops->update_attribute($id, $pkey, $new_value, [ $new_checksum_value ], [ $old_value ])
sub update_attribute
	print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: update_attribute(@_) called") if 0; # debug
	my $oops = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	my $pkey = shift;
	my $oldover = exists $oops->{oldbig}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey};
	my $oldobject = exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
	my $atval;
	my $newover;
	my $ptype = '0';
	my $overcksum = $_[1];
	my $oldvalue = $_[2];
	my %change_refs;
	#my $newptype = $_[3];
	if (defined($_[0]) && length($_[0]) > $bigcutoff) {
		$atval = $overcksum || bigcksum($_[0]);
		$newover = 1;
		$ptype = 'B';
	} elsif (ref($_[0])) {
		$atval = $oops->get_object_id($_[0]);
		$change_refs{$atval} += 1;
		print "*$id/$pkey update_attribute1, add CURRENT ref to *$atval (+1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
		$ptype = 'R';
	} else {
		$atval = $_[0];
	if (ref($_[2])) {
		# old value was a reference
		my $oldid = $oops->get_object_id($_[2]);
		$change_refs{$oldid} -= 1;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey update_attribute2, oldobject = undef (was $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		delete $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
		print "*$id/$pkey update_attribute2, removed OLD ref to *$oldid (-1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
	} elsif ($oldobject) {
		my $oldid = $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
		$change_refs{$oldid} -= 1;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey update_attribute3, oldobject = undef (was $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		delete $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
		print "*$id/$pkey update_attribute3, removed OLD ref to *$oldid (-1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
	if (ref($_[0])) {
		$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey update_attribute4 = *$atval\n" if $debug_oldobject;

	print "*$id/$pkey - now: $qval{$atval} ($ptype)\n" if $debug_save_attributes;

	my $sym;
	$sym = $typesymbol{reftype($oops->{cache}{$id})} if $debug_writes;
	print "$sym$id/$pkey update_attribute $qval{$atval} (ptype $ptype)\n" if $debug_writes;

	$atval = '0' if defined($atval) && $atval eq '0';  # make sure it's a string

	my $updateattributeQ = $oops->query('updateattribute', execute => [ $atval, $ptype, $id, $pkey ]);
	if ($oldover && $newover) {
		$oops->update_big($id, $pkey, $_[0]);
		$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
		delete $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}
			if exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey};
	} elsif ($oldover) {
		my $deletebigQ = $oops->query('deletebig', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
		$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
	} elsif ($newover) {
		$oops->save_big($id, $pkey, $_[0]);
		$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
		delete $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}
			if exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey};
	} else {
		$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
	$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1
		if $oops->{do_forcesave};
	for my $i (keys %change_refs) {
		print "*$id/$pkey update_attribute refchange summary for *$i: $qplusminus{$change_refs{$i}}\n" if $debug_refcount;
		next unless $change_refs{$i};
		$oops->{refchange}{$i} += $change_refs{$i}

sub prepare_insert_attribute
	my $oops = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	my $pkey = shift;
	my $atval;
	my $ptype = '0';
	if (defined($_[0]) && length($_[0]) > $bigcutoff) {
		$atval = $_[1] || bigcksum($_[0]);
		$ptype = 'B';
		$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
		print "*$id/$pkey is an big value\n" if $debug_save_attr_arraylen;
		$oops->save_big($id, $pkey, $_[0]);
	} elsif (ref($_[0])) {
		$atval = $oops->get_object_id($_[0]);
		print "*$id/$pkey is a reference to *$atval\n" if $debug_save_attr_arraylen;
		$ptype = 'R';
		$oops->{refchange}{$atval} += 1;
		$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey prepare_insert_attribute = *$atval\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		print "in prepare_insert_attribute, ref to *$atval from *$id/$pkey is new (+1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
	} else {
		$atval = $_[0];
		$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $atval;
		print "*$id/$pkey is a normal value $qval{$atval}\n" if $debug_save_attr_arraylen;
	$atval = '0' if defined($atval) && $atval eq '0';  # make sure it's a string
	print "*$id/$pkey - new: $qval{$atval}\n" if $debug_save_attributes;
	return ($atval, $ptype);

# We don't copy all of @_ because it may have BLOBs...
sub insert_attribute
	my ($oops, $id, $pkey) = @_;
	print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: insert_attribute(@_) called") if $debug_save_attr_context;
	my ($atval, $ptype) = $oops->prepare_insert_attribute($id, $pkey, $_[3], $_[4]);
	$atval = undef unless defined $atval;
	my $sym = $typesymbol{reftype($oops->{cache}{$id})} if $debug_writes;
	print "$sym$id/$pkey insert_attribute $qval{$atval} (ptype $ptype)\n" if $debug_writes;
	$atval = '' if defined($atval) && $atval eq '';   # why does this line help?!?
	my $saveattributeQ = $oops->query('saveattribute', execute => [ $id, $pkey, $atval, $ptype ]);
	$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1
		if $oops->{do_forcesave};
	no warnings;
	print "*$id/$qval{$pkey} - '$atval'/$ptype inserted\n" if $debug_save_attributes;

sub delete_attribute
	my $oops = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	my $pkey = shift;
	my $sym;
	$sym = $typesymbol{reftype($oops->{cache}{$id})} if $debug_writes;
	print "$sym$id/$pkey delete_attribute\n" if $debug_writes;
	my $oldvalue = shift;
	my $oldover = exists $oops->{oldbig}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey};
	$pkey = '0' if $pkey eq '0';  # make sure it's a string
	my $deleteattributeQ = $oops->query('deleteattribute', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
	if (ref($oldvalue)) {
		my $oldid = $oops->get_object_id($oldvalue);
		$oops->{refchange}{$oldid} -= 1;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey delete_attribute, = undef (was $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		delete $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
		print "in delete_attribute, ref to *$oldid from *$id/$pkey is invalid (-1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
	} elsif (exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey}) {
		$oops->{refchange}{$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey}} -= 1;
		print "in delete_attribute, ref to *$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} from *$id/$pkey is dropped (-1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey delete_attribute2, = undef (was $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		delete $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
	if ($oldover) {
		my $deletebigQ = $oops->query('deletebig', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
		delete $oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey};
	print "*$id/$pkey - delete'\n" if $debug_save_attributes;
	delete $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}
		if exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey};
	print "*$id/$pkey delete_attribute3, oldobject *$id/$pkey = undef (was $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_oldobject && exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
	delete $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey}
		if exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id} && exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey};
	$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1
		if $oops->{do_forcesave};

sub get_object_id
	my ($oops, $obj) = @_;
	confess unless ref $oops;
	confess unless blessed $oops;
	confess unless $oops->isa('OOPS::OOPS1003');
	my $bt = reftype($obj);
	my $mem = refaddr($obj);
	my $found = $oops->{memory}{$mem};
	print "lookup MEMORY($qval{$obj}) = $mem, memory{$mem} = $qval{$found}\n" if $debug_memory;
	return $found if $found;
	print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: get_object_id($obj) called ") if $debug_getobid_context;

	my $id = $oops->allocate_id();

	# XXX this ends up needing a double-save.  If we guess correctly
	# then we could save the extra save much of the time
	my $saveobjectQ = $oops->query('saveobject');
	$saveobjectQ->execute($id, $id, "will be".ref($obj), '?', '?', '?', 0, -9999) || confess $saveobjectQ->errstr;

	$id = $oops->post_new_object($id);

	# $mem = refaddr(\$obj) if $bt eq 'SCALAR';
	$oops->memory($obj, $id);
	print "MEMORY $mem := $id in get_object_id\n" if $debug_memory;
	$oops->{cache}{$id} = $obj;
	print "*$id get_object_id cache := $qval{$obj}\n" if $debug_cache;
	$oops->{class}{$id} = ref $obj;
	$oops->{refchange}{$id} = 1;
	$oops->{refcount}{$id} = -1;
	$oops->{virtual}{$id} = '0';
	$oops->{arraylen}{$id} = 0;
	$oops->{reftarg}{$id} = '0';
	$oops->{loadgroup}{$id} = $id;
	$oops->{groupset}{$id}{$id} = 1;
	print "in get_object_id, *$id is new: count=-1, change=+1 (=0)\n" if $debug_refcount;
	print "$typesymbol{$bt}$id created as new object: $obj\n" if $debug_writes;
	$oops->{otype}{$id} = $perltype2otype{$bt} || confess "bt='$bt',obj=$obj";
	my $x = $obj->isa('OOPS::OOPS1003::Aware')
		unless $typesymbol{ref($obj)};
		if $x;
#print "get_ob_id -> write $id\n";
	return $id;

sub delete_object
	my ($oops, $id) = @_;
	print "*$id begin delete\n" if $debug_cache;
	$oops->query('postdelete1', execute => $id);
	$oops->query('postdelete2', execute => $id);
	$oops->{deleted}{$id} = 1;
	print "*$id has been deleted\n" if $debug_cache;

sub predelete_object
	my ($oops, $id) = @_;
	print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: predelete_object(@_) called") if 0; # debug
	unless (defined $oops->{reftarg}{$id}) {
		my $objectinfoQ = $oops->query('objectinfo', execute => $id);
		my ($loadgroup, $class, $otype, $virtual, $reftarg, $arraylen, $refs) = $objectinfoQ->fetchrow_array();
		confess unless $otype;
		if ($oops->{reftarg}{$id} = $reftarg) {
	if ($oops->{reftarg}{$id}) {
		# This can cause calls to write_ref later in the commit
		# process than normal -- during the reference counting stage
		if ($oops->{otype}{$id} eq 'H') {
			%{$oops->{cache}{$id}} = ();
		} elsif ($oops->{otype}{$id} eq 'A') {
			@{$oops->{cache}{$id}} = ();
		} elsif ($oops->{otype}{$id} eq 'S') {
			# nada
		} else {
		print "*$id searching for references to self\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_reftarget;
		my $reftargobjectQ = $oops->query('reftargobject', execute => $id);
		my $refid;
		my %done;
		while (($refid) = $reftargobjectQ->fetchrow_array()) {
			print "\%$id loading reference *$refid\n" if ($debug_refalias || $debug_reftarget) && ! exists $oops->{cache}{$refid};
			unless (exists $oops->{cache}{$refid}) {
				my $x = $oops->{cache}{$refid}; # force it to untie
			print "*$id writing *$refid again\n" if $debug_reftarget || $debug_refalias;
			push(@{$oops->{refstowrite}}, $refid);
			$done{$refid} = 1;
		if ($oops->{aliasdest}{$id}) {
			for $refid (keys %{$oops->{aliasdest}{$id}}) {
				push(@{$oops->{refstowrite}}, $refid)
					unless $done{$refid};
	$oops->query('predelete1', execute => $id);
	$oops->query('predelete2', execute => $id);
	my $objectreflistQ = $oops->query('objectreflist', execute => $id);
	my $objid;
	while (($objid) = $objectreflistQ->fetchrow_array) {
		$oops->{refchange}{$objid} -= 1;
		print "in predelete_object, $oops->{otype}{$id}*$id being deleted, no longer references $oops->{otype}{$objid}*$objid (-1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
	$oops->{forcesave}{$id} = 1
		if $oops->{do_forcesave};

sub load_big
	my ($oops, $id, $pkey) = @_;
	my $bigloadQ = $oops->query('bigload', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
	my ($val) = $bigloadQ->fetchrow_array();
	confess "null big *$id/'$pkey'" if ! defined($val) || $val eq '';
	return $val;

sub save_big
	my $oops = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	my $pkey = shift;
	my $savebigQ = $oops->query('savebig');
	$savebigQ->execute($id, $pkey, $_[0]) || confess;

sub update_big
	my $oops = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	my $pkey = shift;
	my $updatebigQ = $oops->query('updatebig');
	$updatebigQ->execute($_[0], $id, $pkey) || confess $updatebigQ->errstr;

sub query
	my ($oops, $q, %args) = @_;

	my $query;
	confess unless $query = $oops->{queries}{$q};
	$query =~ s/TP_/$oops->{table_prefix}/g;
	my $dbh = $args{dbh} || $oops->{dbh};
	my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query, undef, 3) || confess "prepare $query: ".$dbh->errstr;

	if (exists $args{execute}) {
		my @a = defined($args{execute})
			? (ref($args{execute})
				? @{$args{execute}}
				: $args{execute})
			: ();
		$sth->execute(@a) || confess("could not execute '$query' with '@a':".$sth->errstr);
	return $sth;

sub workaround27555
	my $oops = shift;
	my ($tiedaddr, $key) = tied_hash_reference($_[0]);
	print "workaround27555($qaddr{\$_[0]}) no tied addr\n" if $debug_27555 && ! $tiedaddr;
	return $_[0] unless $tiedaddr;
	my $id = $oops->{memory}{$tiedaddr} || $oops->{new_memory}{$tiedaddr};
	print "workaround27555($qaddr{\$_[0]}) addr $tiedaddr does not translate to id (key=$key)\n" if $debug_27555 && ! $id;
	return $_[0] unless $id;
	my $tied = tied %{$oops->{cache}{$id}};
	confess unless $tied;
	$_[0] = $tied->GETREF($key);
	print "workaround27555($qaddr{\$_[0]}) references %*$id/'$key - replaced with GETREF\n" if $debug_27555;
	return $_[0];

# The point of this is simply to prevent the reuse of refaddr()s.
# This has a bad side effect: if nothing else already prevented it,
# this will prevent DESTROY from being called.
sub setmem
	my $oops = shift;
	my $mem = shift;
	my $a = refaddr($_[0]);
	if ($_[1]) {
		print "set \U$mem\E $qval{$_[0]} := $qmemval{$_[1]} at $caller{2}\n" if $debug_memory2;
			unless exists $oops->{$mem}{$a};
		$oops->{$mem}{$a} = $_[1];
		$oops->{memrefs}{$a} = \$_[0]
			unless $_[1] == 1 || $a == refaddr($oops);
	} else {
		print "set \U$mem\E $qval{$_[0]} := undef at $caller{2}\n" if $debug_memory2;
			if exists $oops->{$mem}{$a};
		delete $oops->{$mem}{$a};
		unless ($oops->{memcount}{$a}) {
			delete $oops->{memrefs}{$a};

sub memory
	my $oops = shift;
	$oops->setmem('memory', @_);
sub new_memory
	my $oops = shift;
	$oops->setmem('new_memory', @_);
#my ($oops, $ref, $id, $pkey) = @_;
sub memory2key
	my $oops = shift;
	if ($_[1]) {
		$oops->setmem('memory2key', $_[0], [ $_[1], $_[2] ]);
	} else {
		$oops->setmem('memory2key', $_[0]);
sub new_memory2key
	my $oops = shift;
	if ($_[1]) {
		$oops->setmem('new_memory2key', $_[0], [ $_[1], $_[2] ]);
	} else {
		$oops->setmem('new_memory2key', $_[0]);

sub END
	$global_destruction = 1;

	local($main::SIG{'__DIE__'}) = \&die_from_destroy;
	print "OOPS::OOPS1003::DESTROY called\n" if $debug_free_tied;
	my $oops = shift;
	print "# DESTROY $$'s OOPS::OOPS1003 $oops\n" if $debug_oops_instances && $oops->{dbh};
#print STDERR "self = $oops\n";
	my $cache = $oops->{cache} || {};
	for my $id (keys %$cache) {
		my $tied;
		next unless defined $cache->{$id};
		next unless ref $cache->{$id};
		my $t = reftype($cache->{$id});
		if ($t eq 'HASH') {
			$tied = tied %{$cache->{$id}};
		} elsif ($t eq 'ARRAY') {
			$tied = tied @{$cache->{$id}};
		} elsif ($t eq 'SCALAR' || $t eq 'REF') {
			$tied = tied($cache->{$id}) || ref($cache->{$id}) ? tied ${$cache->{$id}} : undef;
		} else {
			confess "type($id) = '$t'";
#print "istied($id) = $tied\n";
		next unless $tied;
		next unless $tied =~ /^OOPS::OOPS1003/;
		print "Calling *$id->destroy $qval{$tied}\n" if $debug_free_tied;
	$oops->{dbh}->disconnect() if $oops->{dbh};
	%$oops = ();
	print "DESTROY OOPS::OOPS1003 $oops [$oopses]\n" if $debug_free_tied;
	delete $tiedvars{$oops} if $debug_tiedvars;

sub assertions
	my $oops = shift;
	if (0) {
		if (exists($oops->{cache}) && defined($oops->{cache})) {
			for my $id (keys %{$oops->{cache}}) {
				confess "no otype for *$id" unless exists($oops->{otype}{$id}) && defined($oops->{otype}{$id});
	# print "okay at ".(caller(0))[2]."\n";

# functions

# withing DESTROY methods, die doesn't do anything
sub die_from_destroy
	print Carp::cluck;
	kill -9, $$;

sub bigcksum
	use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
	confess if ref $_[0];
	confess unless defined $_[0];
	my $cksum = substr($_[0], 0, $bigcutoff-$cksumlength);
	$cksum .= "(MD5:";
	$cksum .= md5_base64($_[0]);
	$cksum .= ")";
	return $cksum;

# for references to tied hash keys, this will return
# the refaddr of the tie object and the hash key
sub tied_hash_reference
	my ($ref) = @_;
	local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
	return eval {
		my $magic = svref_2object($ref)->MAGIC;
		$magic = $magic->MOREMAGIC
			while lc($magic->TYPE) ne 'p';
		return (${$magic->OBJ->RV}, $magic->PTR->as_string);

#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 

	# These can only untie themselves if they can find themselves in 
	# the array!  We won't search 'cause that would probably waste a 
	# lot of time.

	package OOPS::OOPS1003::InArray;

	#sub UNTIE
	#	my $self = shift;
	#	print "\@$self->{id}"."->$self->{pkey} UNTIED\n" if $debug_untie;

	sub SAVE_SELF {}
	sub POST_SAVE {}
	sub destroy
		my $self = shift;
		%$self = ();

		my $self = shift;
		print "DESTROY ".ref($self)." \%*$self->{id} $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refarray;
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;

	sub STORE
		my ($self, $pval) = @_;
		print "\@$self->{id}"."->$self->{pkey} STORE '$pval'\n" if $debug_normalarray || $debug_refarray;
		$self->{changed} = 1;
		$self->{pval} = $pval;
		no warnings;
		my $a = $self->{oops}{cache}{$self->{id}};
		if ($#$a >= $self->{pkey} && tied($a->[$self->{pkey}]) eq $self) {
			untie $a->[$self->{pkey}];
		return $pval;

	sub changed
		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		print "\@$self->{id}"."->$pkey was at $self->{pkey} and changed=$self->{changed}\n" if $debug_write_array;
		return 1 unless $pkey eq $self->{pkey};  # there's room to make this go faster
		return $self->{changed};
#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::ObjectInArray;

	use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
	use Carp qw(longmess);
	our (@ISA) = ('OOPS::OOPS1003::InArray');

		my $pkg = shift;
		my ($id, $pkey, $objectid, $oops) = @_;
		my $self = {
			id		=> $id,
			pkey		=> $pkey,
			objectid	=> $objectid,
			oops		=> $oops
		weaken $self->{oops};
		bless $self, $pkg;
		print "BLESSED $self at ".__LINE__."\n" if $debug_blessing;
		print "CREATE ObjectflowInArray \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refarray;
		$tiedvars{$self} = "%$id ".longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return $self;

	sub FETCH
		my ($self) = shift;
		return $self->{pval} 
			if exists $self->{pval};
		print "\@$self->{id}"."->$self->{pkey} FETCH *$self->{objectid}\n" if $debug_normalarray || $debug_refarray;
		my $oops = $self->{oops};
		$self->{pval} = $oops->load_object($self->{objectid});
		no warnings;
		my $a = $self->{oops}{cache}{$self->{id}};
		if ($#$a >= $self->{pkey} && tied($a->[$self->{pkey}]) eq $self) {
			untie $a->[$self->{pkey}];
		return $self->{pval};
#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::BigInArray;

	use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
	use Carp qw(longmess);
	our (@ISA) = ('OOPS::OOPS1003::InArray');

		my $pkg = shift;
		my ($id, $pkey, $cksum, $oops) = @_;
		my $self = {
			id		=> $id,
			pkey		=> $pkey,
			cksum		=> $cksum,
			oops		=> $oops
		weaken $self->{oops};
		print "CREATE BigInArray \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refarray;
		$tiedvars{$self} = "%$id ".longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return bless $self, $pkg;

	sub FETCH
		my ($self) = shift;

		return $self->{pval} 
			if exists $self->{pval};

		$self->{pval} = $self->{oops}->load_big($self->{id}, $self->{pkey});
		print "\@$self->{id}"."->$self->{pkey} FETCH '$self->{pval}'\n" if $debug_normalarray || $debug_refarray;
		no warnings;
		my $a = $self->{oops}{cache}{$self->{id}};
		if ($#$a >= $self->{pkey} && tied($a->[$self->{pkey}]) eq $self) {
			untie $a->[$self->{pkey}];
		return $self->{pval};
#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::RefAlias;

	use Scalar::Util qw(weaken refaddr reftype);
	use Carp qw(confess longmess);

	# If we point into an array then there is some chance that
	# our situation has changed.  We must untie ourself and return 1
	# so that the normal reference writing code can handle it.

		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $objid, $objkey) = @$self;
		return if $oops->{savedone}{$id}++; 
		return unless exists $oops->{cache}{$objid};
		return unless reftype($oops->{cache}{$objid}) eq 'ARRAY';
		print "SAVE_SELF RefAlias \%*$id $self\n" if $debug_refalias;

	sub POST_SAVE {}

		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $objid, $objkey) = @$self;
		print "DESTROY RefAlias \%*$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refarray;
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;

		my $pkg = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $refobid, $refobkey) = @_;
		my $self = bless [ $oops, $id, $refobid, $refobkey ], $pkg;
		weaken $self->[0];
		print "CREATE RefAlias \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refarray;
		$tiedvars{$self} = "%$id ".longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return $self;

	sub FETCH 
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $objid, $objkey) = @$self;
		print "\$*$id raFETCH *$objid/'$objkey'\n" if $debug_refalias;
		my $tied;
		my $cache = $oops->{cache};
		my $ref;
		my $wa;
		if (! exists $cache->{$objid}) {
			print "\$*$id raFETCH loading object\n" if $debug_refalias;
			$oops->load_object($objid) || confess;
		my $type = reftype($oops->{cache}{$objid});
		if ($type eq 'HASH') {
			if ($tied = tied %{$cache->{$objid}}) {
				$ref = $tied->GETREFORIG($objkey);
				print "\$*$id raFETCH tied, using *$objid->GETREFORIG($qval{$objkey}): $qval{$ref}\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} else {
				confess "this won't happen";
				# $ref = \$oops->{cache}{$objid}{$objkey};
		} elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
			if ($tied = tied @{$cache->{$objid}}) {
				confess "this won't happen";
			} else {
				$ref = $oops->{refcopy}{$objid}{$objkey} || confess;
				print "\$*$id raFETCH from array, using refcopy: $qval{$ref}\n" if $debug_refalias;
		} elsif ($type eq 'SCALAR' || $type eq 'REF') {
			# XXX What about if it's a refalias itself?  Shouldn't we be checking
			# tied($cache->{$objid})?
			confess "this code doesn't look right, is it used?";
			if ($tied = tied ${$cache->{$objid}}) {
				print "\$*$id raFETCH tied, using GETREF\n" if $debug_refalias;
				$ref = $tied->GETREF($objkey);
			} else {
				$ref = $cache->{$objid};
				print "\$*$id raFETCH from scalar, using cached *$objid: $qval{$ref}\n" if $debug_refalias;
		} else {
		untie $cache->{$id};
		$oops->{unwatched}{$id} = 1;
		$oops->{oldalias}{$id} = [ $objid, $objkey ];
		$cache->{$id} = $ref; 
		print "*$id raFETCH cache := $qval{$ref}\n" if $debug_cache;
		$oops->memory($ref, $id);
		print "MEMORY $qval{$ref} = $id in raFETCH\n" if $debug_memory;
		confess unless $ref;
		return $ref;

		confess 'why use this?';
		#no warnings;
		#*GETREF = \&FETCH;   # easy for a reference to a reference!

	sub STORE
		confess "why could this happen?";
		my $self = shift;
		my $val = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $objid, $objkey) = @$self;
		print "\$*$id raSTORE cache := $qval{$val} (was *$objid/$objkey)\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_cache;

		my $cache = $oops->{cache};
		untie $cache->{$id};
		$cache->{$id} = $val;

		# XXX why not unwatched or oldalias?

		#my $r = $self->FETCH();
		#$oops->{unwatched}{$id} = 1;
		#$oops->{oldalias}{$id} = [ $objid, $objkey ];
		#my $cache = $oops->{cache};
		#untie ${$cache->{$id}};
		#${$cache->{$id}} = $val;

#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::Ref;

	use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
	use Carp qw(longmess confess);

		# nada -- we're still unused

	sub POST_SAVE {}

		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		print "DESTROY Ref \%*$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refalias;
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;

	sub destroy {}

	sub UNTIE
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		print "*$id UNTIED\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_refobject;
		$oops->{unwatched}{$id} = 1;

		my $pkg = shift;
		my $oops = shift;
		my $self = bless [ $oops, @_ ], $pkg;
		print "CREATE $pkg *$_[0]/'$_[1]\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_refalias;
		$tiedvars{$self} = "*$_[0] ".longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		weaken $self->[0];
		confess unless defined $oops;
		return $self;

		confess "why use this?";
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		my $ref = \$oops->{cache}{$id};
		print "refGETREF ref-to-cache: *$id ($qval{$oops->{cache}{$id}}): $qval{$ref}\n" if $debug_cache;
		return $ref;
#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::RefObject;

	our (@ISA) = qw(OOPS::OOPS1003::Ref);

	sub FETCH
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		untie ${$oops->{cache}{$id}};
		$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$nopkey} = $val;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$nopkey refobject = *$val\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		print "\$*$id FETCH will return *$val\n" if $debug_refobject;
		$oops->{unwatched}{$id} = 1;
		return $oops->load_object($val);

	sub STORE
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		untie ${$oops->{cache}{$id}};
		print "\$*$id STORE '$_[0]' (replacing *$val)\n" if $debug_refobject;
		print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$nopkey refobject = *$val\n" if $debug_oldobject;
		$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$nopkey} = $val;
		$oops->{unwatched}{$id} = 1;
		${$oops->{cache}{$id}} = shift;
		return $val;
#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::RefBig;

	our (@ISA) = qw(OOPS::OOPS1003::Ref);

	sub FETCH
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		untie ${$oops->{cache}{$id}};
		$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$nopkey} = $val;
		return $oops->load_big($id, $nopkey);

	sub STORE
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $val) = @$self;
		untie ${$oops->{cache}{$id}};
		$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$nopkey} = $val;
		${$oops->{cache}{$id}} = shift;
		return $val;
#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::NormalHash;

	use Scalar::Util qw(weaken reftype refaddr);
	use Carp qw(confess longmess);

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		print "\%$id hSAVE_SELF\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		$self->LOAD_SELF_REF() if $oops->{reftarg}{$id};
		$oops->write_hash($values, $id, $ptypes, $added);
		delete $oops->{demandwrite}{$id};

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		delete $vars->{during_save};

	sub destroy
		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		print "destroy NormalHash \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_normalhash;
		%$ptypes = ();
		%$added = ();
		%$vars = ();
		$oops->assertions if defined $oops;

	# could this be an UNTIE sub intead?  If so, would it get
	# called too soon?
		local($main::SIG{'__DIE__'}) = \&OOPS::OOPS1003::die_from_destroy;
		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;
		return unless defined $oops; # it's a weak reference
		return unless defined $oops->{cache}; # during destruction...
		confess if %$ptypes;
		$oops->{oldvalue}{$id} = {}
			unless exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id};
		my $ov = $oops->{oldvalue}{$id};
		my $oo = $oops->{oldobject}{$id};
		my $of = $oops->{oldbig}{$id};
		for my $pkey (keys %$values) {
			no warnings qw(uninitialized);
			next if exists $added->{$pkey};
			next if exists $ov->{$pkey};
			next if $oo && exists $oo->{$pkey};
			next if $of && exists $of->{$pkey};
			$ov->{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
		confess if tied %{$oops->{cache}{$id}};
		untie(%{$oops->{cache}{$id}});   # Yes, this is required.  
		%{$oops->{cache}{$id}} = %$values;
		$oops->{objtouched}{$id} = 1;
		delete $oops->{demandwrite}{$id};
		print "in NormalHash::DESTROY, *$id is touched -- \$oops is still valid\n" if $debug_touched;
		print "DESTROY NormalHash \%*$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_normalhash;
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;
	#	print "\%$id keys = ".join(' ',keys %{$oops->{cache}{$id}})."\n";
	#	print "\%$id oldvalues = ".join(' ',keys %{$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}})."\n";
	#	print "\%$id oldobject = ".join(' ',keys %{$oops->{oldobject}{$id}})."\n";

	#	tie %{$cache->{$id}}, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::NormalHash', $new{$id}, $newptype{$id}, $oops, $id;

		my $pkg = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $oops, $id) = @_;
		my $self = bless [ $values, $ptypes, {}, $oops, $id, {} ], $pkg;
		weaken $self->[3];
		print "CREATE NormalHash \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied || $debug_normalhash;
		$tiedvars{$self} = "%$id ".longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return $self;

	sub FETCH
		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		return undef unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		my $pkey = shift;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		print "\%$id/$pkey begin hFETCH\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		if (exists $ptypes->{$pkey}) {
			my $ot = $ptypes->{$pkey};
			if ($ot eq 'R') {
				print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey hFETCH = *$values->{$pkey}\n" if $debug_oldobject;
				$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
				$values->{$pkey} = $oops->load_object($values->{$pkey});
			} elsif ($ot eq 'B') {
				$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
				$values->{$pkey} = $oops->load_big($id, $pkey);
			} else {
			delete $ptypes->{$pkey};
		print "\%$id/$pkey hFETCH = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		confess if exists $ptypes->{$pkey} && tied $ptypes->{$pkey};
		return $values->{$pkey};

	sub STORE
		my $self = shift;
		my ($pkey, $pval) = @_;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		return undef unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		$oops->workaround27555($pval) if ref $pval;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		if (exists $ptypes->{$pkey}) {
			my $ot = $ptypes->{$pkey};
			if ($ot eq 'R') {
				print "*$id/$pkey hSTORE *$id/$pkey = *$values->{$pkey}\n" if $debug_oldobject;
				$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
			} elsif ($ot eq 'B') {
				$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
			} else {
			print "%$id/$pkey hSTORE Oldvalue = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
			$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
			delete $ptypes->{$pkey};
		} else {
			if (exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}) {
				# nada
			} elsif (exists($values->{$pkey}) && ! exists($added->{$pkey})) {
				print "%$id/$pkey hSTORE oldvalue = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
				$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
			} else {
				no warnings;
				$added->{$pkey} = 1;
		$oops->{demandwrite}{$id} = 1;
		print "\%$id/$pkey hSTORE = $qval{$pval} ($qval{$values->{$pkey}})\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		$values->{$pkey} = $pval;

		my $self = shift;
		my $pkey = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		print "\%$id/$pkey hDELETE ($values->{$pkey})\n" if $debug_normalhash;

		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		if (exists $values->{$pkey}) {
			if (exists $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey}) {
				my $ref = $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
				my $addr = refaddr($ref);

				unless (exists $added->{$pkey} || exists $vars->{deleted}{$pkey} || exists $vars->{alldelete}) {
					print "%*$id/'$pkey' hDELETE preserve $addr ($ref) in original_refs\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
					confess if $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey};
					$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = $ref

				print "%*$id/'$pkey' hDELETE MEMORY2KEY($addr) := undef ($ref)\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
				delete $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};

			if (exists $added->{$pkey}) {
				# nada
			} else {
				if (exists $ptypes->{$pkey}) {
					my $ot = $ptypes->{$pkey};
					if ($ot eq 'R') {
						print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey hDELETE = *$values->{$pkey}\n" if $debug_oldobject;
						$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
					} elsif ($ot eq 'B') {
						$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
					} else {
					print "%$id/$pkey hDELETE Oldvalue = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
					$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
					delete $ptypes->{$pkey};
				} elsif (! exists($oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}) && ! exists $added->{$pkey}) {
					print "%$id/$pkey hDELETE oldvalue = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
					$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
				unless (exists($vars->{deleted}{$pkey}) || exists($vars->{alldelete})) {
					# first time it's deleted
					$vars->{deleted}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
			delete $values->{$pkey};
		$oops->{demandwrite}{$id} = 1;

	sub CLEAR
		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		return unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		print "\%$id hCLEAR\n" if $debug_normalhash;


		confess if %$ptypes;
		if ($vars->{keyrefs}) {
			for my $pkey (keys %{$vars->{keyrefs}}) {
				no warnings qw(uninitialized);
				next unless $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
				my $ref = $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
				my $addr = refaddr($ref);
				print "%*$id/'$pkey' hCLEAR MEMORY2KEY($addr) := undef ($ref)\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;

				unless (exists $added->{$pkey} || exists $vars->{deleted}{$pkey} || exists $vars->{alldelete}) {
					print "%*$id/'$pkey' hCLEAR preserve $addr ($ref) in original_refs\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
					confess if $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey};
					$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = $ref
			delete $vars->{keyrefs};
		if (exists $vars->{alldelete}) {
			%$values = ();
		} else {
			delete @{$values}{keys %$added};
			$vars->{alldelete} = $self->[0];
			$self->[0] = {};
		delete $vars->{deleted};
		%$added = ();
		$oops->{demandwrite}{$id} = 1;

		my $self = shift;
		my $pkey = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		if (exists($vars->{alldelete}) || exists($vars->{deleted}{$pkey})) {
			$self->LOAD_SELF_REF() unless $vars->{ref_to_self_loaded};
			print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG returning cached original $qaddr{$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey}} ($vars->{original_reference}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_refalias && exists $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey};
			return $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey}
				if exists $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey};
			my $pval;
			$vars->{during_save}{oldvalue} = %{$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}};
			if (exists $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey}) {
				$pval = $oops->load_object($oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey});
				print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG from loadobject $oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey}\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} elsif (exists $oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey}) {
				$pval = $oops->load_big($id, $pkey);
				print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG from loadbig\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} elsif (exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}) {
				$pval = $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey};
				print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG from oldvalue\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} elsif (exists $vars->{alldelete} && exists $vars->{alldelete}{$pkey}) {
				print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG from CLEARed value\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} else {
				print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG no prior value\n" if $debug_refalias;
				$pval = undef;
			my $ref = \$pval;
			print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG original $qval{$pval} $qaddr{$ref} ($ref)\n" if $debug_refalias;
			$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = $ref;
			return $ref;
		print "%*$id/$pkey hGETREFORIG returning NEW reference\n" if $debug_refalias;
		return $self->GETREF($pkey);

	# This should be a normal tie method but it isn't so we depend on it's 
	# being called by workaround27555
		my $self = shift;
		my $pkey = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		$self->STORE($pkey, $self->FETCH($pkey));
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		confess unless exists $values->{$pkey};
		$self->LOAD_SELF_REF() unless $vars->{ref_to_self_loaded};
		my $ref = \$values->{$pkey};
		$vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey} = $ref;
		$oops->memory2key($ref, $id, $pkey);
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' hGETREF MEMORY2KEY $qval{$ref} := *$id/$pkey (ref to: $qval{$values->{$pkey}})\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
		return $ref;

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		print "%*$id hLOAD_SELF_REF - already done\n" if $vars->{ref_to_self_loaded} && $debug_refalias && $debug_normalhash;
		return if $vars->{ref_to_self_loaded};
		$vars->{ref_to_self_loaded} = 1;  # early in function to prevent re-entrency
		print "\%$id searching for references to keys\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_normalhash;
		my $reftargobjectQ = $oops->query('reftargobject', execute => $id);
		my $refid;
		while (($refid) = $reftargobjectQ->fetchrow_array()) {
			print "\%$id loading reference *$refid\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_normalhash;
			unless (exists $oops->{cache}{$refid}) {
				my $x = $oops->{cache}{$refid}; # force untie
		print "%*$id hLOAD_SELF_REF - complete\n" if $vars->{ref_to_self_loaded} && $debug_refalias && $debug_normalhash;

	sub preserve_ptypes
		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		return unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		for my $pkey (keys %$values) {
			no warnings qw(uninitialized);
			if (exists $ptypes->{$pkey}) {
				my $ot = $ptypes->{$pkey};
				if ($ot eq 'R') {
					print "OLDOBJECT *$id/$pkey hPreserve_ptypes = *$values->{$pkey}\n" if $debug_oldobject;
					$oops->{oldobject}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
				} elsif ($ot eq 'B') {
					$oops->{oldbig}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
				} else {
				print "%$id/$pkey hCLEAR oldvalue = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
				$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};
				delete $ptypes->{$pkey};
			} elsif (exists $added->{$pkey}) {
				# nada
			} elsif (! exists $oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey}) {
				print "%$id/$pkey hCLEAR oldvalue = $qval{$values->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
				$oops->{oldvalue}{$id}{$pkey} = $values->{$pkey};

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		my $pkey = shift;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		print "\%$id/$pkey hEXISTS? = ".(exists($values->{$pkey}) ? "YES" : "NO")."\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		return exists $values->{$pkey};

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		confess if tied $ptypes;
		my $t = tied %$ptypes;
		$vars->{ineach} = 1;
		keys %$values;
		print "\%$id hFIRSTKEY\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		return $self->NEXTKEY();

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		my ($pkey, $pval) = each(%$values);
		if (defined $pkey) {
			no warnings qw(uninitialized);
			confess if exists $ptypes->{$pkey} && tied $ptypes->{$pkey};
		} else {
			delete $vars->{ineach};
		print "\%$id hNEXTKEY = $qval{$pkey}\n" if $debug_normalhash;
		return $pkey;

		my $self = shift;
		my ($values, $ptypes, $added, $oops, $id, $vars) = @$self;
		return scalar(%$values);

#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::DemandHash;

	use Carp qw(confess longmess);
	use Scalar::Util qw(weaken refaddr);

	# $oops - OOPS::OOPS1003 object to use
	# $id - persistant object id
	# $rcache - read cache
	# $wcache - write cache
	# $necache - non-exists cache
	# $dcache - deleted cache
	# $ovcache - old values cache
	# $vars - {
	# 	dbseach - each() database cursor
	#	alldelete - everything has been deleted at least once
	# }

		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;

		printf "%%%s SAVE_SELF dcache=%s, wcache=%s\n", $id, join('/',keys %$dcache), join('/',keys %$wcache) if $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save;

		return unless %$wcache || %$dcache || $vars->{alldelete};
		if ($vars->{alldelete}) {
			print "%$id alldelete\n" if $debug_virtual_save;
			$oops->predelete_object($id);  # doesn't clear object row.
			$oops->query('postdeleteV', execute => $id);
			$self->LOAD_SELF_REF() if $oops->{reftarg}{$id};
		} elsif (%$dcache || %$wcache) {
			my %done;
			for my $pkey (keys %$dcache, keys %$wcache) {
				no warnings qw(uninitialized);
				confess if $done{$pkey}++;
				my ($pval, $ptype);
				if (exists $ovcache->{$pkey}) {
					($pval, $ptype) = @{$ovcache->{$pkey}};
					print "%$id/'$pkey' - old value is cached ('$pval', $ptype)\n" if $debug_virtual_save;
				} elsif (exists $necache->{$pkey}) {
					print "%$id/'$pkey' - old value known to be absent\n" if $debug_virtual_save;
				} else {
					print "%$id/'$pkey' - checking old pval in virtual SAVE_SELF\n" if $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save;
					my $loadpkeyQ = $oops->query('loadpkey', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
					if (($pval, $ptype) = $loadpkeyQ->fetchrow_array) {
						$ovcache->{$pkey} = [ $pval, $ptype ];
					} else {
						# no old value
				if (! $ptype) {
					# nothing
				} elsif ($ptype eq 'R') {
					 print "%$id/'$pkey' - old value was a reference (*$pval)\n" if $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save || $debug_refcount; 
					$oops->{refchange}{$pval} -= 1;
					print "in demandhash save-self, V%$id reference to $oops->{otype}{$pval}*$pval gone (-1)\n" if $debug_refcount;
				} elsif ($ptype eq 'B') {
					print "%$id/'$pkey' - old value was big\n" if $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save; 
					$oops->query('deletebig', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
				} else {
				$self->LOAD_SELF_REF($pkey) if exists $dcache->{$pkey} && $oops->{reftarg}{$id};
		if (%$dcache && ! $vars->{alldelete}) {
			for my $pkey (keys %$dcache) {
				no warnings qw(uninitialized);
				print "%$id/'$pkey' - commit virtual delete (SAVE_SELF)\n" if $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save;
				$oops->query('deleteattribute', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
		if (%$wcache) {
			my $saveattributeQ = $oops->query('saveattribute');
			for my $pkey (keys %$wcache) {
				no warnings qw(uninitialized);
#				print "%$id/'$pkey' - no change in value\n" if $debug_virtual_save && exists $rcache->{$pkey} && $rcache->{$pkey} eq $wcache->{$pkey} && defined($rcache->{$pkey}) eq defined($wcache->{$pkey}) && ref($rcache->{$pkey}) eq ref($wcache->{$pkey});
#				next if exists $rcache->{$pkey}
#					&& $rcache->{$pkey} eq $wcache->{$pkey}
#					&& defined($rcache->{$pkey}) eq defined($wcache->{$pkey})
#					&& ref($rcache->{$pkey}) eq ref($wcache->{$pkey});
				if (exists($ovcache->{$pkey}) && ! $vars->{alldelete}) {
					my ($atval, $ptype) = $oops->prepare_insert_attribute($id, $pkey, $wcache->{$pkey}, undef);
#print "pkey=$pkey atval=$atval\n";
					print "%$id/'$pkey' - replacement value ('$atval', $ptype [was @{$ovcache->{$pkey}}])\n" if $debug_virtual_save;
					$oops->query('updateattribute', execute => [ $atval, $ptype, $id, $pkey ]);
				} else {
					my ($atval, $ptype) = $oops->prepare_insert_attribute($id, $pkey, $wcache->{$pkey}, undef);
					print "%$id/'$pkey' - new value ('$atval', $ptype)\n" if $debug_virtual_save;
					$oops->query('saveattribute', execute => [ $id, $pkey, $atval, $ptype ]);
				$vars->{new_rcache}{$pkey} = $wcache->{$pkey};

		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		print "%*$id POST_SAVE\n" if $debug_virtual_save;
		if ($vars->{alldelete}) {
			delete $vars->{original_reference};
			%$ovcache = ();
		} elsif (%$dcache) {
			delete @{$vars->{original_reference}}{keys %$dcache};
			delete @{$ovcache}{keys %$dcache};
		$self->[2] = $vars->{new_rcache} || {};
		%$dcache = ();
		%$wcache = ();
		delete $vars->{alldelete};
		delete $oops->{demandwrite}{$id};
		delete $vars->{has_been_deleted};

	sub destroy
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		%$rcache = ();
		%$wcache = ();
		%$necache = ();
		%$ovcache = ();
		%$dcache = ();
		%$vars = ();
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;
		$oops->assertions if $oops; # tied var

		local($main::SIG{'__DIE__'}) = \&OOPS::OOPS1003::die_from_destroy;
		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		print "DESTROY DemandHash \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied;
		delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars;
		$oops->assertions if defined $oops; # weak reference

		my ($pkg, $oops, $id) = @_;
		my $self = bless [ $oops, $id, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ], $pkg;
		weaken $self->[0];
		print "CREATE DemandHash \%$id $self\n" if $debug_free_tied;
		$tiedvars{$self} = "%$id ".longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return $self;

	sub FETCH
		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		return undef unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vFETCH: undef - in dcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $dcache->{$pkey};
		return undef 
			if exists $dcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vFETCH: $qval{$wcache->{$pkey}} - in wcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $wcache->{$pkey};
		return $wcache->{$pkey}
			if exists $wcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vFETCH: $qval{$rcache->{$pkey}} - in rcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $rcache->{$pkey};
		return $rcache->{$pkey}
			if exists $rcache->{$pkey};
		my $val;
		if ($vars->{alldelete}) {
			print "%*$id/'$pkey' vFETCH: undef - alldelete\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
			$val = undef;
		} else {
			$val = $self->ORIGINAL_VALUE($pkey);
			if (exists $wcache->{$pkey}) {
				# Override bad value in wcache when reanimating $x{y} = \$x{y};
				print "%*$id/$pkey vFETCH storing original value in WCACHE: $qval{$val}\n" if $debug_virtual_hash || $debug_refalias;
				$wcache->{$pkey} = $val;
			} else {
				print "%*$id/$pkey vFETCH original value: $qval{$val}\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
				$rcache->{$pkey} = $val;
		print Carp::longmess("DEBUG: vFETCH(@_) returning") if 0; # debug
		return $val;

		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		return undef unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 0 - dcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $dcache->{$pkey};
		return 0 if exists $dcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 1 - rcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $rcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 1 - wcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $wcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 1 - ovcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $ovcache->{$pkey};
		return 1 if exists $rcache->{$pkey} || exists $wcache->{$pkey} || exists $ovcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 0 - necache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && exists $necache->{$pkey};
		return 0 if exists $necache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 0 - alldelete\n" if $debug_virtual_hash && $vars->{alldelete};
		return 0 if $vars->{alldelete};
		my ($pval, $ptype);
		my $loadpkeyQ = $oops->query('loadpkey', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
		if (($pval, $ptype) = $loadpkeyQ->fetchrow_array) {
			if ($ptype) {
				$ovcache->{$pkey} = [ $pval, $ptype ];
			} else {
				$rcache->{$pkey} = $pval;
			print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 0 - found in db\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
			return 1;
		} else {
			$necache->{$pkey} = 1;
			print "%*$id/'$pkey' vEXISTS: 0 - not found in db\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
			return 0;

		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		if (exists $ovcache->{$pkey}) {
			print "%$id/$pkey vORIGINAL_PTYPE ovcache: @{$ovcache->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_virtual_ovals;
			return @{$ovcache->{$pkey}};
		} else {
			my ($pval, $ptype);
			my $loadpkeyQ = $oops->query('loadpkey', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
			my $found = ($pval, $ptype) = $loadpkeyQ->fetchrow_array;
			print "%$id/$pkey vORIGINAL_PTYPE none found\n" if $debug_virtual_ovals && ! $found;
			return () unless $found;
			$ovcache->{$pkey} = [ $pval, $ptype ]
				if $ptype;
			print "%$id/$pkey vORIGINAL_PTYPE lookup: $qval{$pval}/$ptype\n" if $debug_virtual_ovals;
			return ($pval, $ptype);

		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		my ($pval, $ptype) = $self->ORIGINAL_PTYPE($pkey);

		if (! defined $ptype) {
			confess if defined $pval;
		} elsif ($ptype eq 'B') {
			print "%*$id/'$pkey' is big\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
			$pval = $oops->load_big($id, $pkey);
		} elsif ($ptype eq 'R') {
			my $ov = $pval if $debug_virtual_hash;
			$pval = $oops->load_object($pval);
			print "%*$id/'$pkey' is object: *$ov: $qval{$pval}\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
			# possible side effects of load_object() include another call
			# to FETCH.
		} elsif ($ptype ne '0') {
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		print "%*$id/$pkey vORIGINAL_VALUE = $qval{$pval}\n" if $debug_virtual_ovals;

		return $pval;

	sub STORE
		my ($self, $pkey, $pval) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		return undef unless defined $oops; # weak ref
		$oops->workaround27555($pval) if ref $pval;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		$wcache->{$pkey} = $pval;
		$vars->{has_been_deleted}{$pkey} = 1 if $dcache->{$pkey};
		delete $dcache->{$pkey};
		delete $necache->{$pkey};
		delete $rcache->{$pkey};
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vSTORE into $qval{$qmakeref{$wcache->{$pkey}}}\n" if $debug_refalias;
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vSTORE: $qval{$pval}\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
		return $pval;

		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		my $x = exists $wcache->{$pkey} 
			? $wcache->{$pkey}
			: $rcache->{$pkey};
		$dcache->{$pkey} = 1; # xxx set to $x?
		if ($oops->{reftarg}{$id}
			&& ! $vars->{alldelete} 
			&& ! exists $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey}
			&& (defined($x) || exists $wcache->{$pkey} || exists $rcache->{$pkey})
			&& ! exists $vars->{has_been_deleted}{$pkey})
			if ($vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey}) {
				print "%$id/'$pkey' vDELETE orignal_reference copy from keyrefs $qaddr{$vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey}} ($vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_refalias;
				$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
			} else {
				my $ref = \$x;
				print "%$id/'$pkey' vDELETE orignal_reference copy from keyrefs $qaddr{$ref} ($ref)\n" if $debug_refalias;
				$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = ref;
		if ($vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey}) {
			my $addr = refaddr($vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey});
			print "%*$id/'$pkey' vDELETE MEMORY2KEY($addr) := undef\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
		delete $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
		delete $wcache->{$pkey};
		delete $rcache->{$pkey};
		print "%$id/'$pkey' - vDELETE\n" if $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_hash;
		return $x;

	sub CLEAR
		my ($self) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		return () unless defined $oops; # weak ref

		if ($vars->{alldelete}) {
			%$wcache = ();
		} else {
			delete @$wcache{keys %{$vars->{has_been_deleted}}};
			$vars->{pre_clear_wcache} = $wcache;
			if ($vars->{keyrefs}) {
				for my $pkey (keys %{$vars->{keyrefs}}) {
					no warnings qw(uninitialized);
					next if exists $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey};
					next if exists $dcache->{$pkey} || exists $vars->{has_been_deleted}{$pkey};
					next unless exists $rcache->{$pkey} || ((undef, undef) = $self->ORIGINAL_PTYPE($pkey));
					print "%$id/'$pkey' vCLEAR orignal_reference copy from keyrefs $qaddr{$vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey}} ($vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_refalias;
					$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
			$self->[3] = {};
		if ($vars->{keyrefs}) {
			for my $pkey (keys %{$vars->{keyrefs}}) {
				no warnings qw(uninitialized);
				my $ref = $vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey};
				my $addr = refaddr($ref);
				print "%*$id/'$pkey' vCLEAR MEMORY2KEY($addr) := undef\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
			delete $vars->{keyrefs};
		delete $vars->{keyrefs};
		%$rcache = ();
		%$necache = ();
		%$ovcache = ();
		%$dcache = ();
		$vars->{alldelete} += 1;
		print "%*$id vCLEAR\n" if $debug_virtual_hash;
		return ();

		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		if (exists $dcache->{$pkey} || $vars->{alldelete} || exists $vars->{has_been_deleted}{$pkey}) {
			if (exists $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey}) {
				print "%*$id/$pkey GETREFORIG cached-answer $qaddr{$vars->{original_reference}{$pkey}} ($vars->{original_reference}{$pkey})\n" if $debug_refalias;
				return $vars->{original_reference}{$pkey};
			# If there has been a delete then we want a reference to the orignal value.
			# This reference must be shared between references.
			my $pval;
			if (exists $vars->{pre_clear_wcache}{$pkey} && ((undef, undef) = $self->ORIGINAL_PTYPE($pkey))) {
				$pval = $vars->{pre_clear_wcache}{$pkey};
				print "%*$id/$pkey GETREFORIG pre-clear-wcache $qval{$pval}\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} else {
				$pval = $self->ORIGINAL_VALUE($pkey);
				print "%*$id/$pkey GETREFORIG original-value $qval{$pval}\n" if $debug_refalias;
			my $ref = \$pval;
			print "%*$id/$pkey GETREFORIG new-answer $qaddr{$ref} ($ref)\n" if $debug_refalias;
			return ($vars->{original_reference}{$pkey} = $ref);
		print "%*$id/$pkey GETREFORIG returning GETREF\n" if $debug_refalias;
		return $self->GETREF($pkey);

	# This should be a normal tie method but it isn't so we depend on it's 
	# being called by workaround27555.
	# The ordering of this is important: we pre-compute the return reference before
	# we figure out what the reference is to.  Subsequent calls can return before
	# we are done.
		my $self = shift;
		my $pkey = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		no warnings qw(uninitialized);
		$self->STORE($pkey, undef) unless $self->EXISTS($pkey);
		my $wcache_already = exists $wcache->{$pkey};
		my $ref = \$wcache->{$pkey};
		$vars->{keyrefs}{$pkey} = $ref;
		$oops->memory2key($ref, $id, $pkey);
		if ($wcache_already) {
			print "%*$id/$pkey vGETREF prior wcache: $qval{$wcache->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_refalias;
		} else {
			if (exists $dcache->{$pkey}) {
				print "%*$id/$pkey vGETREF no wcache - dcache\n" if $debug_refalias;
				# done
			} elsif (exists $rcache->{$pkey}) {
				$wcache->{$pkey} = $rcache->{$pkey};
				delete $rcache->{$pkey};
				print "%*$id/$pkey vGETREF no wcache - rcache: $qval{$wcache->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_refalias;
			} elsif ($vars->{alldelete}) {
				print "%*$id/$pkey vGETREF no wcache - alldelete\n" if $debug_refalias;
				# done
			} else {
				$wcache->{$pkey} = $self->ORIGINAL_VALUE($pkey);
				print "%*$id/$pkey vGETREF no wcache - original value: $qval{$wcache->{$pkey}}\n" if $debug_refalias;
		print "%*$id/'$pkey' vGETREF MEMORY2KEY $qval{$ref} := *$id/$pkey\n" if $debug_memory || $debug_refalias;
		return $ref;

		my $self = shift;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		return if exists $vars->{ref_to_self_loaded};
		my $searchQ;
		if (@_) {
			my $pkey = shift;
			no warnings qw(uninitialized);
			return if exists $vars->{ref_to_pkey_loaded}{$pkey};
			$vars->{ref_to_pkey_loaded}{$pkey} = 1; 
			print "\%$id searching for references to $qval{$pkey}\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save;
			$searchQ = $oops->query('reftargkey', execute => [ $id, $pkey ]);
		} else {
			$vars->{ref_to_self_loaded} = 1; 
			print "\%$id searching for references to keys\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save;
			$searchQ = $oops->query('reftargobject', execute => $id);
		my $refid;
		while (($refid) = $searchQ->fetchrow_array()) {
			print "\%$id loading self-reference *$refid\n" if $debug_refalias || $debug_virtual_delete || $debug_virtual_save;
			unless (exists $oops->{cache}{$refid}) {
				my $x = $oops->{cache}{$refid}; # force untie

		my ($self) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;

		# We don't share these because someone might want to do 
		# each() on more than one virutal object at the same time.
		# Of course, we could check for that...
		$vars->{dbeach}->finish if ref($vars->{dbeach});
		if ($vars->{alldelete}) {
			$vars->{dbeach} = 1;
			print "%*$id vFIRSTKEY - wcache\n" if $debug_virtual_hash || $debug_demand_iterator;
		} else {
			$vars->{dbeach} = $oops->query('objectload', execute => $id);
			print "%*$id vFIRSTKEY - query\n" if $debug_virtual_hash || $debug_demand_iterator;
		keys %$wcache; 			# reset iterator
		return $self->NEXTKEY();

		my ($self, $pkey) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		my $dbe = $vars->{dbeach};
		return () unless $dbe;
		my ($name, $pval, $ptype);
		if (ref($dbe) && (($pkey, $pval, $ptype) = $dbe->fetchrow_array())) {
			print "%*$id vNEXTKEY: query: '$pkey' ($pval/$ptype)\n" if $debug_virtual_hash || $debug_demand_iterator;
			no warnings qw(uninitialized);
			if (exists $dcache->{$pkey}) {
				print "%$id - nextpkey deleted\n" if $debug_demand_iterator;
				goto &NEXTKEY;
			if ($ptype) {
				$ovcache->{$pkey} = [ $pval, $ptype ];
			} else {
				$rcache->{$pkey} = $pval;
			if (exists $wcache->{$pkey}) {
				print "%$id - nextpkey is in wcache\n" if $debug_demand_iterator;
				goto &NEXTKEY;
			return $pkey;
		} elsif (defined ($pkey = each(%$wcache))) {
			$vars->{dbeach} = 1
				if ref $vars->{dbeach};
			print "%*$id vNEXTKEY: wcache: '$pkey'\n" if $debug_virtual_hash || $debug_demand_iterator;
			return $pkey;
		} else {
			print "%*$id vNEXTKEY: done: undef\n" if $debug_virtual_hash || $debug_demand_iterator;
			delete $vars->{dbeach};
			return ();

		my ($self) = @_;
		my ($oops, $id, $rcache, $wcache, $necache, $ovcache, $dcache, $vars) = @$self;
		print "%*$id vSCALAR = 1 - rcache\n" if %$rcache && $debug_hashscalar;
		return 1 if %$rcache;
		print "%*$id vSCALAR = 1 - wcache\n" if %$wcache && $debug_hashscalar;
		return 1 if %$wcache;
		print "%*$id vSCALAR = 0 - alldelete\n" if $vars->{alldelete} && $debug_hashscalar;
		return 0 if $vars->{alldelete};
		for my $k (keys %$ovcache) {
			next if exists $dcache->{$k};
			print "%*$id vSCALAR = 1 - '$k' in ovcache\n" if %$ovcache && $debug_hashscalar;
			return 1;
		my ($pkey, $pval, $ptype);
		my $objectloadQ = $oops->query('objectload', execute => $id);
		while (($pkey, $pval, $ptype) = $objectloadQ->fetchrow_array()) {
			no warnings qw(uninitialized);
			next if exists $dcache->{$pkey};
			if ($ptype) {
				$ovcache->{$pkey} = [ $pval, $ptype ];
			} else {
				$rcache->{$pkey} = $pval;
			print "%*$id vSCALAR = 1 - found '$pkey'\n" if $debug_hashscalar;
			return 1;
		print "%*$id vSCALAR = 0 - none found\n" if $debug_hashscalar;
		return 0;

#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 
	package OOPS::OOPS1003::Aware;

	# methods to overload...

	sub object_id_assigned { my ($obj, $id) = @_; }
	sub destroy { }

#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 

	package OOPS::OOPS1003::FrontEnd;

	use Carp qw(longmess);
	use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);

	sub new 
		my ($pkg, $oops) = @_;
		tie my %x, 'OOPS::OOPS1003::NamedObjects', $oops;
		my $self = bless \%x, $pkg;

		# the following is a lie, but hopefully it's one that won't
		# be caught.
		$oops->memory($self, 1);
		print "MEMORY OOPS::OOPS1003::FE $qval{$self} := 1\n" if $debug_memory;

		$tiedvars{$self} = __PACKAGE__.longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return $self;
	sub destroy		{ my $self = shift; { (tied %$self)->destroy; } untie %$self }
	sub DESTROY		{ my $self = shift; delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars }
	sub commit		{ my $self = shift; my $tied = tied %$self; $tied->[0]->commit(@_); }
	sub virtual_object	{ my $self = shift; my $tied = tied %$self; $tied->[0]->virtual_object(@_); }
	sub workaround27555	{ my $self = shift; my $tied = tied %$self; $tied->[0]->workaround27555(@_); }
	sub load_object		{ my $self = shift; my $tied = tied %$self; $tied->[0]->load_object(@_); } 
	sub dbh			{ my $self = shift; my $tied = tied %$self; $tied->[0]->{dbh} }


#	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	- 

	package OOPS::OOPS1003::NamedObjects;

	use Carp qw(longmess);
	use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);

		my ($pkg, $oops) = @_;
		my $not = tied %{$oops->{named_objects}};
		my $self = bless [ $oops, $not ], $pkg;

		# the following is a lie, but hopefully it's one that won't
		# be caught.
		$oops->memory($self, 1);
		print "MEMORY OOPS::OOPS1003::NO $qval{$self} := 1\n" if $debug_memory;

		$tiedvars{$self} = __PACKAGE__.longmess if $debug_tiedvars;
		return $self;
	sub destroy	{ my $self = shift; $self->[0]->DESTROY; }
	sub DESTROY	{ my $self = shift; delete $tiedvars{$self} if $debug_tiedvars }
	sub FETCH	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->FETCH(@_) }
	sub EXISTS	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->EXISTS(@_) }
	sub STORE	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->STORE(@_) }
	sub DELETE	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->DELETE(@_) }
	sub CLEAR	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->CLEAR(@_) }
	sub GETREF	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->GETREF(@_) }
	sub FIRSTKEY	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->FIRSTKEY(@_) }
	sub NEXTKEY	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->NEXTKEY(@_) }
	sub SCALAR	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->SCALAR(@_) }
	sub SAVE_SELF	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->SAVE_SELF(@_) }
	sub POST_SAVE	{ my $self = shift; $self->[1]->POST_SAVE(@_) }




remove $oops->{loaded}?


deadlock detection/avoidances multi-process integrety

some more hash tests in the cross-product tests

memory leaks with misc, ref, array, hash, and slowtest.