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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use common::sense;     #new features in perl
use Getopt::Long;      # to command line parsing
use AnyEvent::HTTP; # use for http requests and etc. methods
use POSIX; # POSIX related stuff
use Data::Dumper;      # to debug data
use AnyEvent::CacheDNS ':register'; # dns requests caching
my $DEBUG      = 0;        #Debug mode. Default is false (0)
my $verbose    = 0;        #to view the each connection result
my $timeout    = 60;
my $count      = 30000;    #default number of requests
my $concurency = 20;       # default number of parralle requests
my $done       = 0;             #number of done requests
my $url; # the url to test
my $method = 'GET';        #http method
my $proxy;                 # proxy server
my $max_recurse = 10;      # the default recurse number;
my $useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; U; AnyEvent::HTTPBenchmark/0.09; +';

my @reqs_time;             # the time of requests

parse_command_line();      #parsing the command line arguments

$AnyEvent::VERBOSE            = 10 if $DEBUG;
$AnyEvent::HTTP::MAX_PER_HOST = $concurency;
$AnyEvent::HTTP::set_proxy    = $proxy;
$AnyEvent::HTTP::USERAGENT    = $useragent;

#on ctrl-c break run the end_bench sub.
$SIG{'INT'} = 'end_bench';

my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

#start measuring time
my $start_time = AnyEvent->time;

print 'Started at ' . format_time($start_time) . "\n";

#starting requests
for ( 1 .. $concurency ) {
    add_request( $_, $url );

$cv->recv;      # begin receiving message and make callbacks magic ;)
end_bench();    # call the end

sub parse_command_line {
    if (not defined @ARGV)
        print <<HEREDOC;

        -url                 url to test,
        -number        number of requests,
        -c                    number of parrallel clients
        -verbose        verbose mode
        -debug           debug mode
        -proxy            proxy
        -useragent     useragent string

Example :
    ./ -url  -n number_of_requests -c number_of_parrallel clients 
 Another example : --url -n 100 -c 10 -verbose 3


    #get options which ovveride the default values
    my $result = GetOptions(
        "url=s"       => \$url,
        "n=i"         => \$count,
        "c=i"         => \$concurency,
        "verbose=i"  => \$verbose,
        "debug"       => \$DEBUG,
        "proxy=s"     => \$proxy,
        "useragent=s" => \$useragent

    if ($concurency > $count) {
        #the mini hack to avoid stupid cases ;)
        $concurency = $count;

    unless ($url) {
        if (@ARGV) {
            $url = shift @ARGV;
        else {
            #set the default site 
            $url = '';

sub add_request {
    my ( $id, $url ) = @_;

    my $req_time = AnyEvent->time;
    http_request $method => $url,
      timeout            => $timeout,
      sub {
        my $completed = AnyEvent->time;
        my $req_time  = format_seconds( $completed - $req_time );
        print "Got answer in $req_time seconds\n" if $verbose;
        push @reqs_time, $req_time;

	if ($verbose >= 2) {
	    print "=========== HTTP RESPONSE ===========\n";
	    print @_[0];

        my $hdr = @_[1];

        if ( $hdr->{Status} =~ /^2/ ) {
            print "done $done\n" if $verbose;
        else {
            print STDERR "Oops we get problem in  request  . $done  . ($hdr->{Status}) . ($hdr->{Reason}) \n";

        return add_request( $done, $url ) if $done < $count;


sub end_bench {
    my $end_time     = AnyEvent->time;
    my $overall_time = format_seconds( $end_time - $start_time );
    print "It takes the $overall_time seconds\n";
    my $sum;

    print 'Requests per second: ' . sprintf( "%.2f", $count / $overall_time ) . "\n";

    #sort by time
    @reqs_time = sort {$a <=> $b} (@reqs_time);

    for my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@reqs_time) ) {

        #calculate average time
        $sum += $reqs_time[$i];

    print "\nShortest is :  $reqs_time[0]  sec. \n";
    print "Average time is : " . format_seconds( $sum / $count ) . " sec. \n";
    print "Longest is :  $reqs_time[scalar(@reqs_time)-1] sec. \n";

sub format_time {
    my ( $microsec, $seconds ) = modf(shift);

    my ( $sec, $min, $hour ) = localtime($seconds);

    return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d.%04d", $hour, $min, $sec, int( $microsec * 10000 );

sub format_seconds {
    return sprintf "%.4f", shift;
