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# Regression test: put and get values of wrong type
use t::lib;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use Class::AutoDB;
use autodbUtil;

use autodb_118;

my $autodb=new Class::AutoDB(database=>testdb,create=>1); # create database
isa_ok($autodb,'Class::AutoDB','class is Class::AutoDB - sanity check');

# regression test starts here
# make and store some objects
my $r={};			# any ref will do
my $p=new Persistent(name=>'persistent',id=>id_next());
my $np=new NonPersistent(name=>'nonpersistent',id=>id_next());
my @objects=
  (new Test(name=>"test_wrong string values",id=>id_next(),
	    iwrong=>'string', iwrong_list=>[qw(string string string)],
	    swrong=>'string', swrong_list=>[qw(string string string)],
	    fwrong=>'string', fwrong_list=>[qw(string string string)],
	    owrong=>'string', owrong_list=>[qw(string string string)],),
   new Test(name=>"test_wrong integer values",id=>id_next(),
	    iwrong=>123, iwrong_list=>[qw(123 123 123)],
	    swrong=>123, swrong_list=>[qw(123 123 123)],
	    fwrong=>123, fwrong_list=>[qw(123 123 123)],
	    owrong=>123, owrong_list=>[qw(123 123 123)],),
   new Test(name=>"test_wrong float values",id=>id_next(),
	    iwrong=>123.456, iwrong_list=>[qw(123.456 123.456 123.456)],
	    swrong=>123.456, swrong_list=>[qw(123.456 123.456 123.456)],
	    fwrong=>123.456, fwrong_list=>[qw(123.456 123.456 123.456)],
	    owrong=>123.456, owrong_list=>[qw(123.456 123.456 123.456)],),
   new Test(name=>"test_wrong ref values",id=>id_next(),
	    iwrong=>$r, iwrong_list=>[$r,$r,$r],
	    swrong=>$r, swrong_list=>[$r,$r,$r],
	    fwrong=>$r, fwrong_list=>[$r,$r,$r],
	    owrong=>$r, owrong_list=>[$r,$r,$r],),
   new Test(name=>"test_wrong persistent object values",id=>id_next(),
	    iwrong=>$p, iwrong_list=>[$p,$p,$p],
	    swrong=>$p, swrong_list=>[$p,$p,$p],
	    fwrong=>$p, fwrong_list=>[$p,$p,$p],
	    owrong=>$p, owrong_list=>[$p,$p,$p],),
  new Test(name=>"test_wrong nonpersistent object values",id=>id_next(),
	    iwrong=>$np, iwrong_list=>[$np,$np,$np],
	    swrong=>$np, swrong_list=>[$np,$np,$np],
	    fwrong=>$np, fwrong_list=>[$np,$np,$np],
	    owrong=>$np, owrong_list=>[$np,$np,$np],),
my $dbh=$autodb->dbh;

my @basekeys=qw(iwrong swrong fwrong owrong);
# my @baseops=qw(= LIKE = =);
my @baseops=qw(= = = =);
my $basecols=join(', ',@basekeys);
my $list_count=3;
my $p_oid=$p->oid;

for my $case (qw(string integer float ref),'persistent object','nonpersistent object') {

sub test {
  my $name="test_wrong $case values";
  my @basevals;			# must be in basekeys order
  if ($case eq 'string') {
  } elsif ($case eq 'integer') {
  } elsif ($case eq 'float') {
  } elsif ($case eq 'ref') {
  } elsif ($case eq 'persistent object') {
    @basevals=(0,$p,0,'OID OR OBJECT');
  } elsif ($case eq 'nonpersistent object') {
  # test using SQL
  my $qname=$dbh->quote($name);
  my @qbasevals=map {$dbh->quote($_)} @basevals;
  my @basewhere=("name=$qname");
  map {push(@basewhere,"$basekeys[$_] $baseops[$_] $qbasevals[$_]")} (0..$#basekeys);
  my $basewhere=join(' AND ',@basewhere);
  $basewhere=~s/ = NULL/ IS NULL/g;
  $basewhere=~s/OID OR OBJECT/$p_oid/g;

  my($actual_count)=$dbh->selectrow_array(qq(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test WHERE $basewhere));
  is($actual_count,1,"count via SQL: $case base");
  for(my $i=0; $i<@basekeys; $i++) {
    my $basekey=$basekeys[$i];
    my $listkey=$basekey.'_list';
    my $listtable="Test_$listkey";
    my @listwhere=($basewhere,"Test.oid=$listtable.oid","$listkey $baseops[$i] $qbasevals[$i]");
    my $listwhere=join(' AND ',@listwhere);
    $listwhere=~s/ = NULL/ IS NULL/g;
    $listwhere=~s/OID OR OBJECT/$p_oid/g;
      (qq(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test, $listtable WHERE $listwhere));
    is($actual_count,$list_count,"count via SQL: $case $listkey");
  # test using AutoDB
  @basevals= map {/OID OR OBJECT/ ?$p: $_} @basevals;
  my @query=(name=>$name,map {$basekeys[$_]=>$basevals[$_]} (0..$#basekeys));
  my $actual_count=$autodb->count(collection=>'Test',@query);
  is($actual_count,1,"count via AutoDB: $case base");
  for(my $i=0; $i<@basekeys; $i++) {
    my $basekey=$basekeys[$i];
    my $listkey=$basekey.'_list';
  my $actual_count=$autodb->count(collection=>'Test',@query);
  is($actual_count,1,"count via AutoDB: $case base+list");