
=head1 NAME

pod.t - Tests that the POD in the I<compiled files> is clean enough.
See also pod-source.t


use strict;
use Test::More;
use File::Spec::Functions;

plan(skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD"), exit unless
    eval "use Test::Pod 1.14; 1";
plan(skip_all => "Pod::Checker required for testing POD"), exit unless
    eval "use Pod::Checker; 1";
plan(skip_all => "Pod::Text required for testing POD"), exit unless
    eval "use Pod::Text; 1";

my @mainfiles = Test::Pod::all_pod_files("blib");
my @testfiles = Test::Pod::all_pod_files("t");
plan(skip_all => "no POD (yet?)"), exit if (! @mainfiles && ! @testfiles);

plan( tests => 3 * scalar (@mainfiles) + scalar(@testfiles) );

my $out = catfile(qw(t pod-out.tmp));

sub podcheck_ok {
    my ($file, @testcomment) = @_;
    my $checker = new My::Pod::Checker;
    $checker->parse_from_file($file, \*STDERR);
    if ((my $errors = $checker->num_errors) > 0) {
        diag("$errors errors in podchecker");
    } else {
        &pod_file_ok($file, @testcomment);

    { package My::Pod::Checker; use base "Pod::Checker"; }

    sub My::Pod::Checker::poderror {
        my $self = shift;
        if (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {
          my %opts = %{$_[0]};
          diag(sprintf("%s: %s (file %s, line %d)",
                       @opts{qw(-severity -msg -file -line)}))
            unless ($opts{-msg} =~ m/empty section/);
        } else {
        local $self->{-quiet} = 1;
        return $self->Pod::Checker::poderror(@_);

foreach my $file ( @testfiles ) {
    podcheck_ok($file, "$file (test file)");

foreach my $file (@mainfiles) {
    podcheck_ok($file, "$file");


We also check that the internal and test suite documentations are
B<not> visible in the POD.


    my $parser = Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
    $parser->parse_from_file($file, $out);
    my $result = read_file($out);
    unlike($result, qr/^TEST SUITE/m,
           "Test suite documentation is podded out");
    unlike($result, qr/^INTERNAL/,
           "Internal documentation is podded out");


=head2 read_file

Same foo as L<File::Slurp/read_file>, sans the dependency on same.


sub read_file {
    my ($path) = @_;
    local *FILE;
    open FILE, $path or die $!;
    return wantarray ? <FILE> : join("", <FILE>);