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package Lingua::EN::Numbers;

require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
BEGIN { *DEBUG = sub () {0} unless defined &DEBUG } # setup a DEBUG constant
use vars qw(
 %D %Card2ord %Mult
$VERSION = '2.02';
@EXPORT    = ();
@EXPORT_OK = qw( num2en num2en_ordinal );

@D{0 .. 20, 30,40,50,60,70,80,90} = qw|
 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

@Card2ord{  qw| one   two    three five  eight  nine  twelve  |}
 =          qw| first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth |;

  my $c = 0;
  for ( '', qw<
    thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion
    septillion octillion nonillion
  > ) {
    $Mult{$c} = $_;


sub num2en_ordinal {
   #  Cardinals are [one two three...]
   #  Ordinals  are [first second third...]
  return undef unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0];
  my($x) = $_[0];
  $x = num2en($x);
  return $x unless $x;
  $x =~ s/(\w+)$//s   or return $x . "th";
  my $last = $1;

  $last =
   $Card2ord{$last} || ( $last =~ s/y$/ieth/ && $last ) || ( $last !~ /th$/ ? $last . "th" : $last );

  return "$x$last";


sub num2en {
  my $x = $_[0];
  return undef unless defined $x and length $x;

  return 'not-a-number'      if $x eq 'NaN';
  return 'positive infinity' if $x =~ m/^\+inf(?:inity)?$/si;
  return 'negative infinity' if $x =~ m/^\-inf(?:inity)?$/si;
  return          'infinity' if $x =~  m/^inf(?:inity)?$/si;

  return $D{$x} if exists $D{$x};  # the most common cases

  # Make sure it's not in scientific notation:
  {  my $e = _e2en($x);  return $e if defined $e; }
  my $orig = $x;

  $x =~ s/,//g; # nix any commas

  my $sign;
  $sign = $1 if $x =~ s/^([-+])//s;
  my($int, $fract);
  if(    $x =~ m<^\d+$>          ) { $int = $x }
  elsif( $x =~ m<^(\d+)\.(\d+)$> ) { $int = $1; $fract = $2 }
  elsif( $x =~ m<^\.(\d+)$>      ) { $fract = $1 }
  else {
    DEBUG and print "Not a number: \"orig\"\n";
    return undef;
  DEBUG and printf " Working on Sign[%s]  Int2en[%s]  Fract[%s]  < \"%s\"\n",
   map defined($_) ? $_ : "nil", $sign, $int, $fract, $orig;
  return join ' ', grep defined($_) && length($_),

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub _sign2en {
  return undef unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0];  
  return 'negative' if $_[0] eq '-';
  return 'positive' if $_[0] eq '+';
  return "WHAT_IS_$_[0]";

sub _fract2en {    # "1234" => "point one two three four"
  return undef unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0];  
  my $x = $_[0];
  return join ' ', 'point', map $D{$_}, split '', $x;

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# The real work:

sub _int2en {
  return undef unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
   and $_[0] =~ m/^\d+$/s;

  my($x) = $_[0];

  return $D{$x} if defined $D{$x};  # most common/irreg cases
  if( $x =~ m/^(.)(.)$/ ) {
    return  $D{$1 . '0'} . '-' . $D{$2};
     # like    forty        -     two
      # note that neither bit can be zero at this point
  } elsif( $x =~ m/^(.)(..)$/ ) {
    my($h, $rest) = ("$D{$1} hundred", $2);
    return $h if $rest eq '00';
    return "$h and " . _int2en(0 + $rest);
  } else {
    return _bigint2en($x);

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub _bigint2en {
  return undef unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
   and $_[0] =~ m/^\d+$/s;

  my($x) = $_[0];

  my @chunks;  # each:  [ string, exponent ]
    my $groupnum = 0;
    my $num;
    while( $x =~ s<(\d{1,3})$><>s ) { # pull at most three digits from the end
      $num = $1 + 0;
      unshift @chunks, [ $num, $groupnum ] if $num;
    return $D{'0'} unless @chunks;  # rare but possible
  my $and;
  $and = 'and' if  $chunks[-1][1] == 0  and  $chunks[-1][0] < 100;
   # The special 'and' that shows up in like "one thousand and eight"
   # and "two billion and fifteen", but not "one thousand [*and] five hundred"
   # or "one million, [*and] nine"

  _chunks2en( \@chunks );

  # bugfix: neilb: deals with case where we have at least millions, thousands,
  # but 00N for the last chunk.
  # $chunks[-2] .= " and" if $and and @chunks > 1;
  if ($and and @chunks > 1) {
    $chunks[-2] .= " and $chunks[-1]";

  return "$chunks[0] $chunks[1]" if @chunks == 2 and !$and;
   # Avoid having a comma if just two units
  return join ", ", @chunks;

sub _chunks2en {
  my $chunks = $_[0];
  return unless @$chunks;
  my @out;
  foreach my $c (@$chunks) {
    push @out,   $c = _groupify( _int2en( $c->[0] ),  $c->[1] )  if $c->[0];
  @$chunks = @out;

sub _groupify {
  # turn ("seventeen", 3) => "seventeen billion"
  my($basic, $multnum) = @_;
  return  $basic unless $multnum;  # the first group is unitless
  DEBUG > 2 and print "  Groupifying $basic x $multnum mults\n";
  return "$basic $Mult{$multnum}"  if  $Mult{$multnum};
   # Otherwise it must be huuuuuge, so fake it with scientific notation
  return "$basic " . "times ten to the " . num2en_ordinal($multnum * 3);

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Because I can never remember this:
#  3.1E8
#  ^^^   is called the "mantissa"
#      ^ is called the "exponent"
#         (the implicit "10" is the "base" a/k/a "radix")

sub _e2en {
  my $x = $_[0];

  my($m, $e);
  if( $x =~
        [-+]?  # leading sign
          [\d,]+  |  [\d,]*\.\d+  # number
      ([-+]?\d+)   # mantissa, has to be an integer
  ) {
    ($m, $e) = ($1, $2);
    DEBUG and print "  Scientific notation: [$x] => $m E $e\n";
    $e += 0;
    return num2en($m) . ' times ten to the ' . num2en_ordinal($e);
  } else {
    DEBUG and print "  Okay, $x isn't in exponential notation\n";
    return undef;



=head1 NAME

Lingua::EN::Numbers - turn "407" into "four hundred and seven", etc.


  use Lingua::EN::Numbers qw(num2en num2en_ordinal);

  my $x = 234;
  my $y = 54;
  print "You have ", num2en($x), " things to do today!\n";
  print "You will stop caring after the ", num2en_ordinal($y), ".\n";


  You have two hundred and thirty-four things to do today!
  You will stop caring after the fifty-fourth.


This module provides a function C<num2en>,
which converts a number (such as 123) into English text
("one hundred and twenty-three").
It also provides a function C<num2en_ordinal>,
which converts a number into the ordinal form in words,
so 54 becomes "fifty-fourth".

If you pass either function something that doesn't look like a number,
they will return C<undef>.

This module can handle integers like "12" or "-3" and real numbers like "53.19".

This module also understands exponential notation -- it turns "4E9" into
"four times ten to the ninth").  And it even turns "INF", "-INF", "NaN"
into "infinity", "negative infinity", and "not a number", respectively.

Any commas in the input numbers are ignored.


The first version of this module, 0.01 released in May 1995,
had an OO interface. This was finally dropped in the 1.08 release.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<> - a review of CPAN modules for converting numbers into English words.

The following modules will convert a number into words:

=over 4


L<Lingua::EN::Inflect> provides a lot more besides, including conversion
of singular to plural, selecting whether to use 'an' or 'a' before a word,
and plenty more


L<Lingua::EN::Nums2Words> provides similar functionality,
but can't handle exponential notation, and 3.14 produces
"three and fourteen hundredths" instead of "three point one four".


L<Math::BigInt::Named> doesn't work.


L<Number::Spell> doesn't handle negative numbers, exponential notation,
or non-integer real numbers. The generated text doesn't contain any commas
or the word 'and', so the results for long numbers don't scan.


There are other modules which provide related, but not identical,

=over 4


L<Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate> provides a function that will convert
a cardinal number (such as "3") to an ordinal ("3rd").


L<Lingua::EN::Numbers::Years> provides a function that will convert
a year in numerals (eg "1984") into words ("nineteen eighty-four").


L<Lingua::EN::Fractions> provides a function that will convert
a numeric fraction (eg "3/4") into words ("three quarters").





Copyright (c) 2005, Sean M. Burke.

Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Neil Bowers, minor changes in 1.02 and later.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it only under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

(But if you have any problems with this library, I ask that you let
me know.)

=head1 AUTHOR

The first release to CPAN, 0.01, was written by Stephen Pandich
in 1999.

Sean M Burke took over maintenance in 2005, and completely rewrote
the module, releasing versions 0.02 and 1.01.

Neil Bowers E<lt>neilb@cpan.orgE<gt> has been maintaining the module
since 2011.
