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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# tkdict - a Perl/Tk DICT client, for accessing network dictionary servers
# Neil Bowers <>
# Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Neil Bowers

use strict;
use warnings;

use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Net::Dict;
use AppConfig::Std;

use vars qw($PROGRAM $VERSION);
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%d", q$Revision: $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);

my $warn_dialog;
my $dict_server;
my $word;
my $text_window;
my $bgcolor;
my $mw;
my $config;
my $help;
my ($info_top, $info_text, $info_title);
my $ht;
my %helpString;
my $dict;
my ($lookup_mode, $modeDisplay);
my $mbDefine;
my ($sframe, $strat_menu, $strategy, $strategyDisplay);
my ($db_frame, $db_menu, $db, $dbDisplay);
my $bar3;

exit 0;

# main()
# This is the main body of tkdict
sub main
    if ($config->host)
        $dict_server = $config->host;
    $mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', \&tkdict_exit);

# initialise()
# check config file and command-line
sub initialise
    # Initialise misc global variables
    $PROGRAM = "TkDict";
    $lookup_mode = "define";

    # Create AppConfig::Std, define parameters, and parse command-line
    $config = AppConfig::Std->new()
        || die "failed to create AppConfig::Std: $!\n";

    $config->define('host',       { ARGCOUNT => 1, ALIAS => 'h' });
    $config->define('port',       { ARGCOUNT => 1, ALIAS => 'p',
                                    DEFAULT => 2628 });
    $config->define('client',     { ARGCOUNT => 1, ALIAS => 'c',
				"[using Net::Dict $Net::Dict::VERSION]",

        || die "run \"$PROGRAM -help\" to see valid options\n";

    # Consistency checking, ensure we have required options, etc.

# select_server()
# connect to the server, and get information needed to
# configure the user interface.
sub select_server

    if (not defined $dict_server || $dict_server eq '')

    $word = '';

    # Create connection to DICT server
    $dict = Net::Dict->new($dict_server,
                           Port   => $config->port,
                           Client => $config->client,
			   Debug  => $config->debug,
    if (not defined $dict)
	tkd_warn("Failed to connect to DICT server $dict_server");


# configure_dict_gui()
# Configure the relevant bits of the GUI according to
# the current DICT connection.
sub configure_dict_gui
    my @dbs;
    my %dbhash;
    my @strats;
    my %shash;

    $text_window->delete('0.0', 'end');
    if (not defined $dict)
	$bar3->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

	%dbhash = $dict->dbs();
	@dbs = map { [$dbhash{$_}, $_] } sort keys %dbhash;
	unshift(@dbs, ['search all databases', '*'],
			['search all, stop after 1st match', '!']);
	$db_menu->configure(-options => \@dbs);

	%shash = $dict->strategies();
	@strats = map { [$shash{$_}, $_] } sort keys %shash;
	$strat_menu->configure(-options => \@strats);

	$db_frame->pack(-side => 'left');

# create_gui()
# This procedure creates the widgets for the tkdict GUI
sub create_gui
    my $bar2;
    my $menu_bar;
    my $mbFile;
    my $mbView;
    my $mbHelp;
    my $server_entry;
    my $word_entry;

    $mw = MainWindow->new(-title => "$PROGRAM $VERSION");

    $bgcolor = $mw->cget(-bg);

    # menu bar
    $menu_bar = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -bd => 2);
    $menu_bar->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

    # Menu: File
    # Create the File menu and the entries on the menu

    $mbFile = $menu_bar->Menubutton(
                       -text => 'File',
                       -underline => 0,
		       -tearoff => 0,
		       -menuitems => [
                                      ['command' => 'Exit',
                                       -underline => 1,
                                       -command => \&tkdict_exit]
    $mbFile->pack(-side => 'left');

    # Menu: View
    # Create the View menu and the entries on the menu
    $mbView = $menu_bar->Menubutton(
			-text => 'View', -underline => 0,
			-tearoff => 0,
			-menuitems => [ ['command' => 'Server Information',
					-command => [\&show_info, 'server']],
					['command' => 'Database Information',
					-command => [\&show_info, 'db']],
    $mbView->pack(-side => 'left');

    # Menu: Help
    # Create the Help menu and the entries on the menu
    $mbHelp = $menu_bar->Menubutton(
			-text      => 'Help',
			-underline => 0,
			-tearoff   => 0,
			-menuitems => [
				['command' => 'Overview',
					-command => [\&show_help, 'overview']],
				['command' => 'ToDo List',
					-command => [\&show_help, 'todo']],
				['command' => 'About TkDict ...',
					-command => [\&show_help, 'about']],
    $mbHelp->pack(-side => 'right');

    # bar which has the entries for specifying server and select a dict
    $bar2 = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -bd => 2);
    $bar2->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

    $bar2->Label(-text => 'Server: ')->pack(-side => 'left');
    $server_entry = $bar2->Entry(-relief => 'sunken',
			   -textvariable => \$dict_server,
			   -width => 16)->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x');
    $server_entry->bind('<Return>', \&select_server);
                        sub { $server_entry->configure(-bg => 'white'); });
                        sub { $server_entry->configure(-bg => "$bgcolor"); });

    $db_frame = $bar2->Frame();

    $db_frame->Label(-text => 'Dictionary: ')->pack(-side => 'left');
    $db_menu = $db_frame->Optionmenu(-variable => \$db,
			-textvariable => \$dbDisplay,
			-options => [],
			    )->pack(-side => 'left');

    # Bar which has the entry for entering the word to be defined
    $bar3 = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -bd => 2);
    $bar3->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
    # $bar3->Label(-text => 'Define word:')->pack(-side => 'left');
    $mbDefine = $bar3->Optionmenu(
			-textvariable => \$modeDisplay,
			-variable => \$lookup_mode,
			-command => \&set_mode,
			-options => [ ['Define word', 'define'],
					['Match pattern', 'match'],
    $mbDefine->pack(-side => 'left');

    $word_entry = $bar3->Entry(-relief => 'sunken',
			   -textvariable => \$word,
			   -width => 16)->pack(-side => 'left');
    $word_entry->bind('<Return>', \&lookup_word);
                      sub { $word_entry->configure(-bg => 'white'); });
                      sub { $word_entry->configure(-bg => "$bgcolor"); });

    $sframe = $bar3->Frame();
    $sframe->Label(-text => 'Strategy')->pack(-side => 'left');
    $strat_menu = $sframe->Optionmenu(-variable => \$strategy,
			-textvariable => \$strategyDisplay,
			-options => [],
			    )->pack(-side => 'left');
    $sframe->pack(-side => 'left');


    # Bar which has the entry for entering the word to be defined
    $text_window = $mw->Scrolled('Text',
                                 -bg => 'white', -fg => 'black',
                                 -width => 72, -height => 16,
                                -scrollbars => 'osoe');
    $text_window->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);

    #-- accelerators ---------------------------------------------
    $mw->bind('<Control-x><Control-c>', \&tkdict_exit);



# set_mode()
# Configure the GUI according to the lookup mode selected.
# If 'match', then show the menu for selecting the match strategy.
# If 'define', then hide the strategy selection menu.
sub set_mode

    if ($lookup_mode eq 'match')

# lookup_word()
# Look up the word entered by the user.
# This will either be a match or a define operation.
sub lookup_word
    my $string = '';
    my $eref;

    if (!defined($word) || length($word) == 0)
	tkd_warn("You need to type something first!");

    # clear out any help text which might be displayed
    $text_window->delete('0.0', 'end');

    if ($lookup_mode eq 'define')
        # Word definitions requested. We get back a list ref:
        #    [  [db,definition], [db,definition], ... ]
	$eref = $dict->define($word, $db);
	if (@$eref == 0)
	    $string = "no definition found for \"$word\"\n";
	    foreach my $entry (@$eref)
		$string .= "--- ".$dict->dbTitle($entry->[0])." ---\n";
                $string .= $entry->[1]."\n\n";

        # List of matching words requested.
        my %dbwords;
        my ($dbname, $match);

        $eref = $dict->match($word, $strategy);
        if (@$eref == 0)
            $string = "no words matched :-(\n";
            foreach my $entry (@$eref)
                ($dbname, $match) = @$entry;
                $dbwords{$dbname} = [] if not exists $dbwords{$dbname};
                push(@{ $dbwords{$dbname }}, $match);
            foreach $dbname (sort keys %dbwords)
                my @words;
                $string .= $dict->dbTitle($dbname).":\n";
                $string .= join(', ', @{ $dbwords{$dbname}});
                $string .= "\n\n";

    # display the resulting string in the scrolling text window
    $text_window->insert('end', $string);

# tkdict_exit()
# quit from TkDict. In the future there might be
# more to do here, hence the function.
sub tkdict_exit
    exit 0;

# show_info()
# Display information which is retrieved from the server.
# An argument is passed to identify which piece of info:
#    server: information about the server
#    db    : information about the selected DB (dictionary)
sub show_info
    my $topic = shift;

    if ($topic eq 'server' && !$dict_server)
        tkd_warn("You have to connect to a server first!");
    if ($topic eq 'db' && (!$db || $db eq '*' || $db eq '!'))
        tkd_warn("You must select a specific database first");

    if (not Exists($info_top))
        $info_top = $mw->Toplevel(-class => 'TkDictInfo');
        $info_top->title("$PROGRAM Info");
        $info_title = $info_top->Label();
        $info_title->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

        $info_text = $info_top->Scrolled('Text',
                                 -bg => 'white', -fg => 'black',
                              -width => 60, -height => 12,
                              -scrollbars => 'osoe',
                             )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both',
                                     -expand => 1);

        $info_top->Button(-text => "Close",
                -command => sub {$info_top->withdraw})->pack(-side => 'bottom');
    } else {

    $info_text->delete('0.0', 'end');

    if ($topic eq 'server')
        $info_title->configure(-text => "Server: $dict_server");
        $info_text->insert('end', $dict->serverInfo());
        $info_title->configure(-text => "Database: ".$dict->dbTitle($db));
        foreach my $line ($dict->dbInfo($db))
            $info_text->insert('end', $line);

# show_help() - display a selected help message
#       $topic - the identifier for the topic to display
# This procedure is used to display a help message. An identifying
# string is passed in, which is used to index the associative array
# holding the help text.
sub show_help
    my $topic = shift;

    #-- create the help display toplevel, if needed --------------
    if (not Exists($help))
	$help = $mw->Toplevel(-class => 'TkDictHelp');
	$help->title("$PROGRAM Help");

	$ht = $help->Scrolled('Text',
                              -bg => 'white', -fg => 'black',
			      -width => 60, -height => 12,
			      -scrollbars => 'osoe',
			     )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both',
                                     -expand => 1);

	$help->Button(-text => "Close",
		-command => sub {$help->withdraw})->pack(-side => 'bottom');
    } else {

    #-- clear out any help text which might be displayed ---------
    $ht->delete('0.0', 'end');

    #-- insert the selected help message in text widget ----------
    $ht->insert('end', $helpString{$topic});

# tkd_warn()
# Display a warning message in a dialog, then wait for the
# user to acknowledge it.
sub tkd_warn
    my $message = shift;

    my $choice;

    if (not Exists($warn_dialog))
	$warn_dialog = $mw->Dialog(
				-title		=> "Warning",
				-text		=> $message,
				-bitmap		=> 'warning',
				-default_button => "OK",
	$warn_dialog->configure(-text => $message);

    $choice = $warn_dialog->Show(-global);

# initialise_help() - initialize the help strings
# This procedure initializes the global array helpString, which holds
# the text for the different help messages. The array is indexed by
# single word identifiers.
sub initialise_help
    $helpString{about} = <<EOFABOUT;

                     $PROGRAM v$VERSION

$PROGRAM is a DICT client, used to access network dictionary
servers which support the protocol defined in RFC 2229.

This client is using Perl module Net::Dict $Net::Dict::VERSION.

Neil Bowers <neil\>
Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Neil Bowers

    $helpString{overview} = <<EOFENTRY;

              $PROGRAM $VERSION - Overview

$PROGRAM is a simple Tk tool for looking up entries
in dictionaries which are accessed using the DICT protocol.

First you must specify a Server (and press RETURN).
A good one to try is - it has a number of dictionaries.
You should get a menu for selecting dictionaries,
and a text box for entering a word.

Enter a word and press return. By default $PROGRAM will check
all dictionaries, so you might get a number of definitions.
    $helpString{todo} = <<EOFTODO;

            $PROGRAM v$VERSION - ToDo List
    *   better formatting of results
    *   more user-oriented user interface
    *   have the inline pod available on Help menu
    *   show one definition at a time
        with some sort of NEXT and PREV interface
    *   option to specify whether to stay connect or not
    *   haven't done anything to handle connnection timing out
    *   status line at the bottom of the main window


# show_db_info()
# Query the server for information about the specified database,
# and display the results.
# The information is typically several pages of text,
# describing the contents of the dictionary, where it came from,
# credits, etc.
sub show_db_info
    my $db  = shift;
    my %dbs = $dict->dbs();

    if (not exists $dbs{$config->info})
        print "  dictionary \"$db\" not known\n";

    print $dict->dbInfo($config->info);


=head1 NAME

tkdict - a perl client for accessing network dictionary servers


tkdict [OPTIONS]


B<tkdict> is a Perl/Tk client for the Dictionary server protocol (DICT),
which is used to query natural dictionaries hosted on a remote machine.

At the moment it's not very user oriented, since I've just been
creating an interface to the protocol.

There is more information available in the B<Help> menu
when running B<tkdict>.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h> I<server> or B<-host> I<server>

The hostname for the DICT server.

=item B<-p> I<port> or B<-port> I<port>

Specify the port for connections (default is 2628, from RFC 2229).

=item B<-c> I<string> or B<-client> I<string>

Specify the CLIENT identification string sent to the DICT server.

=item B<-help>

Display a short help message including command-line options.

=item B<-doc>

Display the full documentation for B<tkdict>.

=item B<-version>

Display the version of B<tkdict>

=item B<-verbose>

Display verbose information as B<tkdict> runs.

=item B<-debug>

Display debugging information as B<tkdict> runs.
Useful mainly for developers.



=over 4

=item *

B<tkdict> doesn't know how to handle firewalls.

=item *

The authentication aspects of RFC 2229 aren't currently supported.

=item *

See the B<ToDo> page under the B<Help> menu.


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4


The DICT home page, with all sorts of useful information.
There are a number of other DICT clients available.

=item dict

The C dict client written by Rik Faith;
the options are pretty much lifted from Rik's client.

=item RFC 2229

The document which defines the DICT network protocol.

=item Net::Dict

The perl module which implements the client API for RFC 2229.
It includes a command-line perl client, B<dict>,
as well as B<tkdict>.


=head1 VERSION

$Revision: $

=head1 AUTHOR

Neil Bowers <>


Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Neil Bowers. All rights reserved.

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
