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package Inline::Ruby;
use strict;
use Carp;
require Inline;
require DynaLoader;
require Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @EXPORT_OK);

$VERSION = '0.02';
@ISA = qw(Inline DynaLoader Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(rb_eval

# Prevent Inline's import from complaining
sub import {
    Inline::Ruby->export_to_level(1, @_);

sub dl_load_flags { 0x01 }

# Register as a valid Inline language
sub register {
    return {
            language => 'Ruby',
            aliases => ['rb', 'ruby', 'RUBY'],
            type => 'interpreted',
            suffix => 'rbdat',

# Validate the Ruby config options
sub validate {
    my $o = shift;

    $o->{ILSM} ||= {};
    $o->{ILSM}{FILTERS} ||= [];
    $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} ||= {};
    $o->{ILSM}{built} ||= 0;
    $o->{ILSM}{loaded} ||= 0;
    $o->{ILSM}{bindto} = [qw(classes modules functions)];
    $o->{ILSM}{ITER} ||= 'iter';

    while (@_) {
	my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift);

	if ($key eq 'REGEX' or $key eq 'REGEXP') {
	    $o->{ILSM}{regexp} = qr/$value/;
	elsif ($key eq 'BIND_TYPE' or $key eq 'BIND_TYPES') {
	    $o->add_list($o->{ILSM}, 'bindto', $value, []);
	elsif ($key eq 'ITER') {
	    $o->{ILSM}{$key} = $value;
	elsif ($key eq 'FILTERS') {
	    next if $value eq '1' or $value eq '0'; # ignore ENABLE, DISABLE
	    $value = [$value] unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
	    my %filters;
	    for my $val (@$value) {
		if (ref($val) eq 'CODE') {
		    $o->add_list($o->{ILSM}, $key, $val, []);
		else {
		    eval { require Inline::Filters };
		    croak "'FILTERS' option requires Inline::Filters to be installed."
		      if $@;
		    %filters = Inline::Filters::get_filters($o->{API}{language})
		      unless keys %filters;
		    if (defined $filters{$val}) {
			my $filter = Inline::Filters->new($val, 
			$o->add_list($o->{ILSM}, $key, $filter, []);
		    else {
			croak "Invalid filter $val specified.";
	else {
	    croak "$key is not a valid config option for Ruby";

sub usage_validate {
    return "Invalid value for config option $_[0]";

sub add_list {
    my $o = shift;
    my ($ref, $key, $value, $default) = @_;
    $value = [$value] unless ref $value;
    croak usage_validate($key) unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
    for (@$value) {
	if (defined $_) {
	    push @{$ref->{$key}}, $_;
	else {
	    $ref->{$key} = $default;

sub add_string {
    my $o = shift;
    my ($ref, $key, $value, $default) = @_;
    $value = [$value] unless ref $value;
    croak usage_validate($key) unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
    for (@$value) {
	if (defined $_) {
	    $ref->{$key} .= ' ' . $_;
	else {
	    $ref->{$key} = $default;

sub add_text {
    my $o = shift;
    my ($ref, $key, $value, $default) = @_;
    $value = [$value] unless ref $value;
    croak usage_validate($key) unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
    for (@$value) {
	if (defined $_) {
	    $ref->{$key} .= $_ . "\n";
	else {
	    $ref->{$key} = $default;

# Print a short information section if PRINT_INFO is enabled.
sub info {
    my $o = shift;
    my $info =  "";

    $o->build unless $o->{ILSM}{built};

    my @functions = @{$o->{ILSM}{namespace}{functions}||[]};
    $info .= "The following Ruby functions have been bound to Perl:\n"
      if @functions;
    for my $function (sort @functions) {
	$info .= "\tdef $function()\n";
    my %classes = %{$o->{ILSM}{namespace}{classes}||{}};
    $info .= "The following Ruby classes have been bound to Perl:\n";
    my $i = ' ' x 4;
    for my $class (sort keys %classes) {
	$info .= "${i}class $class\n";
	$i .= $i;
	for my $method (sort @{$classes{$class}{imethods}}) {
	    next unless $method =~ /^\w+$/;
	    $info .= "${i}def $method(...)\n";
	for my $method (sort @{$classes{$class}{methods}}) {
	    next unless $method =~ /^\w+$/;
	    $info .= "${i}def $class.$method(...)\n";

    return $info;

sub eval_support_code {
def inline_ruby_class_grokker(*classes)
    if classes == []
	ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |x|
	    yield ['classes',]
	ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |x|
	    yield ['modules',]
	Kernel.private_methods.each do |x|
	    yield ['functions', x]
	classes.each do |k|
	    n = {}
		n['methods'] = eval "#{k}.methods"
		n['imethods'] = eval "#{k}.instance_methods"
	    rescue Exception
		p "Exception: " + $!
	    yield [k, n]

# Run the code, study the main namespace, and cache the results.
sub build {
    my $o = shift;
    return if $o->{ILSM}{built};

    # Filter the code
    $o->{ILSM}{code} = $o->filter(@{$o->{ILSM}{FILTERS}});

    # Get the namespace before & after evaluating the code:
    my (%pre, %post, %n);
    rb_iter(undef, sub {my ($type, $name) = @_; $pre{$type}{$name}++})
    rb_iter(undef, sub {my ($type, $name) = @_; $post{$type}{$name}++})

    # Select those things which sprang into existence after running the code:
    my @skip_clas = qw(PerlException PerlProc);
    my @skip_func = qw(inline_ruby_class_grokker);
    for (@skip_clas) { delete $post{classes}{$_} }
    for (@skip_func) { delete $post{functions}{$_} }
    for (keys %{$pre{classes}}) { delete $post{classes}{$_} }
    for (keys %{$pre{modules}}) { delete $post{modules}{$_} }
    for (keys %{$pre{functions}}) { delete $post{functions}{$_} }
    for (keys %{$post{classes}}) { delete $post{modules}{$_} }

    # Filter the results according to the {bindto} and {REGEXP} selections:
    for my $type (qw(classes modules functions)) {
	if ($o->{ILSM}{bindto}) {
	    delete $post{$type}
	      unless grep { $_ eq $type } @{$o->{ILSM}{bindto}};
	if ($o->{ILSM}{regexp}) {
	    for my $k (keys %{$post{$type}}) {
		delete $post{$type}{$k} unless $k =~ $o->{ILSM}{regexp};

    # Get more details about the classes and modules:
    rb_iter(undef, sub { $n{$_[0]} = $_[1] })
      ->inline_ruby_class_grokker(keys %{$post{classes}})
	if (%{$post{classes} || {}});
    rb_iter(undef, sub { $n{$_[0]} = $_[1] })
      ->inline_ruby_class_grokker(keys %{$post{modules}})
	if (%{$post{modules} || {}});

    # And the namespace is:
    my %namespace = (
	classes		=> \%n,
	functions	=> [keys %{$post{functions} || {}}],

    warn "No functions or classes found!"
      unless ((length @{$namespace{functions}}) > 0 and
	      (length keys %{$namespace{classes}}) > 0);

    # Cache the results
    require Inline::denter;
    my $namespace = Inline::denter->new->indent(
	*namespace => \%namespace,
	*filtered  => $o->{ILSM}{code},
	*itername  => $o->{ILSM}{ITER},


    open RBDAT, "> $o->{API}{location}" or
      croak "Inline::Ruby couldn't write parse information!";
    print RBDAT $namespace;
    close RBDAT;

    $o->{ILSM}{namespace} = \%namespace;

# Load the code, run it, and bind everything to Perl
sub load {
    my $o = shift;
    return if $o->{ILSM}{loaded};

    # Load the code
    open RBDAT, $o->{API}{location} or 
      croak "Couldn't open parse info!";
    my $rbdat = join '', <RBDAT>;
    close RBDAT;

    require Inline::denter;
    my %rbdat = Inline::denter->new->undent($rbdat);
    $o->{ILSM}{namespace} = $rbdat{namespace};
    $o->{ILSM}{code} = $rbdat{filtered};
    $o->{ILSM}{ITER} = $rbdat{itername};

    # Run it

    # Bind it all
    rb_bind_func("$o->{API}{pkg}::$_", $_)
      for (@{ $o->{ILSM}{namespace}{functions} || [] });
    rb_bind_class("$o->{API}{pkg}::$_", $_, $o->{ILSM}{ITER},
      for keys %{ $o->{ILSM}{namespace}{classes} || {} };

    # Bind the global function 'iter':
    eval <<END;
sub $o->{API}{pkg}::$o->{ILSM}{ITER} {
    unshift \@_, undef;
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_iter;
    croak $@ if $@;

# Wrap a Ruby function with a Perl sub which calls it.
sub rb_bind_func {
    my $perlfunc = shift;	# The fully-qualified Perl sub name to create
    my $function = shift;	# The fully-qualified Ruby sub name to wrap

    my $bind = <<END;
sub $perlfunc {
    unshift \@_, "$function";
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_call_function;

    eval $bind;
    croak $@ if $@;

# Wrap a Ruby class in a Perl package. We wrap every method we know about, 
# and we inherit from Inline::Ruby::Object so the Perverse Ruby Programmer 
# can still create dynamic methods on-the-fly using its AUTOLOAD.
sub rb_bind_class {
    my $pkg  	= shift;	# The perl class to use
    my $class	= shift;	# The ruby class to wrap
    my $iter	= shift;	# The name to use for 'iter'
    my %methods = @_;

    my $bind = <<END;
package ${pkg};
\@${pkg}::ISA = qw(Inline::Ruby::Object);
sub new {	# ${class}::new
    splice \@_, 1, 0, "$class";
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_new_object;
    $bind .= <<END if $iter;
sub $iter {
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_iter;

    for my $method (@{$methods{methods}}) {
	next unless $method =~ /^\w+$/;
	next if $method eq 'new';	# handled specially
	$bind .= <<END;
sub $method {	# ${class}::${method}
    splice \@_, 1, 0, "$method";
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_call_class_method;
    for my $method (@{$methods{imethods}}) {
	next unless $method =~ /^\w+$/;
	$bind .= <<END;
sub $method {	# ${class}::${method}
    splice \@_, 1, 0, "$method";
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_call_instance_method;

    eval $bind;
    croak $@ if $@;

# Create a new instance of a Ruby object.
sub rb_new_object {
    return &Inline::Ruby::Object::new;

# We provide Inline::Ruby::Object as a base class for Ruby objects. It
# knows how to create, destroy, and call methods on objects.
package Inline::Ruby::Object;

sub new {
    my $pkg = shift;
    splice @_, 1, 0, 'new';
    return bless &Inline::Ruby::rb_call_class_method, ref($pkg) || $pkg;

    no strict;
    $AUTOLOAD =~ s|^.*::||;
    splice @_, 1, 0, $AUTOLOAD;
    return &Inline::Ruby::rb_call_instance_method;

# We provide Inline::Ruby::Exception as a class for Ruby exceptions. Creating
# an instance of it throws a Perl exception. You can call Ruby methods on the
# exception object to get more information about what went wrong.
# Don't create your own Inline::Ruby::Exception objects. This is intended to
# be created from XS.
package Inline::Ruby::Exception;
use overload '""' => \&to_str;

sub new {
    my ($cls, $obj) = @_;
    die bless $obj, ref($cls) || $cls;

sub to_str {
    $_[0]->inspect . "\n";
