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package X11::Xlib;

use 5.008000;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
use Carp;
use Try::Tiny;

our $VERSION = '0.18';

sub dl_load_flags { 1 } # Make PerlXLib.c functions available to other XS modules

bootstrap X11::Xlib;

require X11::Xlib::Struct;
require X11::Xlib::Opaque;

my %_constants= (
  const_cmap => [qw( AllocAll AllocNone )],
  const_error => [qw( BadAccess BadAlloc BadAtom BadColor BadCursor BadDrawable
    BadFont BadGC BadIDChoice BadImplementation BadLength BadMatch BadName
    BadPixmap BadRequest BadValue BadWindow Success )],
  const_event => [qw( ButtonPress ButtonRelease CirculateNotify ClientMessage
    ColormapNotify ConfigureNotify CreateNotify DestroyNotify EnterNotify
    Expose FocusIn FocusOut GraphicsExpose GravityNotify KeyPress KeyRelease
    KeymapNotify LeaveNotify MapNotify MapRequest MappingNotify MotionNotify
    NoExpose PropertyNotify ReparentNotify ResizeRequest SelectionClear
    SelectionNotify SelectionRequest UnmapNotify VisibilityNotify )],
  const_event_mask => [qw( Button1MotionMask Button2MotionMask
    Button3MotionMask Button4MotionMask Button5MotionMask ButtonMotionMask
    ButtonPressMask ButtonReleaseMask ColormapChangeMask EnterWindowMask
    ExposureMask FocusChangeMask KeyPressMask KeyReleaseMask KeymapStateMask
    LeaveWindowMask NoEventMask OwnerGrabButtonMask PointerMotionHintMask
    PointerMotionMask PropertyChangeMask ResizeRedirectMask
    StructureNotifyMask SubstructureNotifyMask SubstructureRedirectMask
    VisibilityChangeMask )],
  const_ext_composite => [qw( CompositeRedirectAutomatic
    CompositeRedirectManual )],
  const_ext_shape => [qw( ShapeBounding ShapeClip ShapeInput ShapeIntersect
    ShapeInvert ShapeSet ShapeSubtract ShapeUnion )],
  const_input => [qw( AnyKey AnyModifier AsyncBoth AsyncKeyboard AsyncPointer
    Button1Mask Button2Mask Button3Mask Button4Mask Button5Mask ControlMask
    GrabModeAsync GrabModeSync LockMask Mod1Mask Mod2Mask Mod3Mask Mod4Mask
    Mod5Mask NoSymbol PointerRoot ReplayKeyboard ReplayPointer RevertToNone
    RevertToParent RevertToPointerRoot ShiftMask SyncBoth SyncKeyboard
    SyncPointer XK_VoidSymbol )],
  const_sizehint => [qw( PAspect PBaseSize PMaxSize PMinSize PPosition
    PResizeInc PSize PWinGravity USPosition USSize )],
  const_visual => [qw( VisualAllMask VisualBitsPerRGBMask VisualBlueMaskMask
    VisualClassMask VisualColormapSizeMask VisualDepthMask VisualGreenMaskMask
    VisualIDMask VisualRedMaskMask VisualScreenMask )],
  const_win => [qw( Above AnyPropertyType Below BottomIf CenterGravity
    CopyFromParent EastGravity ForgetGravity InputOnly InputOutput
    LowerHighest NorthEastGravity NorthGravity NorthWestGravity Opposite
    PropModeAppend PropModePrepend PropModeReplace RaiseLowest
    SouthEastGravity SouthGravity SouthWestGravity StaticGravity TopIf
    UnmapGravity WestGravity )],
  const_winattr => [qw( CWBackPixel CWBackPixmap CWBackingPixel CWBackingPlanes
    CWBackingStore CWBitGravity CWBorderPixel CWBorderPixmap CWBorderWidth
    CWColormap CWCursor CWDontPropagate CWEventMask CWHeight
    CWOverrideRedirect CWSaveUnder CWSibling CWStackMode CWWidth CWWinGravity
    CWX CWY )],
  const_x => [qw( None )],
my %_functions= (
  fn_atom => [qw( XGetAtomName XGetAtomNames XInternAtom XInternAtoms )],
  fn_conn => [qw( ConnectionNumber XCloseDisplay XDisplayName XOpenDisplay
    XServerVendor XSetCloseDownMode XVendorRelease )],
  fn_event => [qw( XCheckMaskEvent XCheckTypedEvent XCheckTypedWindowEvent
    XCheckWindowEvent XEventsQueued XFlush XGetErrorDatabaseText XGetErrorText
    XNextEvent XPending XPutBackEvent XQLength XSelectInput XSendEvent XSync
  fn_input => [qw( XAllowEvents XBell XGrabButton XGrabKey XGrabKeyboard
    XGrabPointer XQueryKeymap XQueryPointer XSetInputFocus XUngrabButton
    XUngrabKey XUngrabKeyboard XUngrabPointer keyboard_leds )],
  fn_keymap => [qw( XDisplayKeycodes XGetKeyboardMapping XGetModifierMapping
    XKeysymToKeycode XLookupString XRefreshKeyboardMapping XSetModifierMapping
    load_keymap save_keymap )],
  fn_keysym => [qw( IsFunctionKey IsKeypadKey IsMiscFunctionKey IsModifierKey
    IsPFKey IsPrivateKeypadKey XConvertCase XKeysymToString XStringToKeysym
    char_to_keysym codepoint_to_keysym keysym_to_char keysym_to_codepoint )],
  fn_pix => [qw( XCreateBitmapFromData XCreatePixmap
    XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData XFreePixmap )],
  fn_screen => [qw( DefaultColormap DefaultDepth DefaultGC DefaultScreen
    DefaultVisual DisplayHeight DisplayHeightMM DisplayWidth DisplayWidthMM
    RootWindow ScreenCount )],
  fn_thread => [qw( XInitThreads XLockDisplay XUnlockDisplay )],
  fn_vis => [qw( XCreateColormap XFreeColormap XGetVisualInfo XMatchVisualInfo
    XVisualIDFromVisual )],
  fn_win => [qw( XChangeProperty XChangeWindowAttributes XCirculateSubwindows
    XConfigureWindow XCreateSimpleWindow XCreateWindow XDefineCursor
    XDeleteProperty XDestroyWindow XGetGeometry XGetWMNormalHints
    XGetWMProtocols XGetWMSizeHints XGetWindowAttributes XGetWindowProperty
    XListProperties XLowerWindow XMapWindow XMoveResizeWindow XMoveWindow
    XQueryTree XRaiseWindow XReparentWindow XResizeWindow XRestackWindows
    XSetWMNormalHints XSetWMProtocols XSetWMSizeHints XSetWindowBackground
    XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap XSetWindowBorder XSetWindowBorderPixmap
    XSetWindowBorderWidth XSetWindowColormap XTranslateCoordinates
    XUndefineCursor XUnmapWindow )],
  fn_xtest => [qw( XTestFakeButtonEvent XTestFakeKeyEvent XTestFakeMotionEvent
our @EXPORT_OK= map { @$_ } values %_constants, values %_functions;
    constants => [ map { @$_ } values %_constants ],
    functions => [ map { @$_ } values %_functions ],
    all => \@EXPORT_OK,
our @EXPORT= @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{fn_keysym} }; # backward compatibility

# Used by XS.  In the spirit of letting perl users violate encapsulation
#  as needed, the XS code exposes its globals to Perl.
our (
    %_connections,              # weak-ref set of all connection objects, keyed by *raw pointer*
    %_display_attr,             # inside-out ->display attribute for any Xlib objects derived from Display*
    $_error_nonfatal_installed, # boolean, whether handler is installed
    $_error_fatal_installed,    # boolean, whether handler is installed
    $_error_fatal_trapped,      # boolean, whether Xlib is dead from fatal error
    $on_error,                  # application-supplied callback

sub new {
    require X11::Xlib::Display;
    my $class= shift;

sub autoclose {
    my $self= shift;
    $self->{autoclose}= shift if @_;
    return $self->{autoclose};

    my $self= shift;
    $self->XCloseDisplay() if $self->autoclose;
    my $ptr= $self->_pointer_value;
    delete $_connections{$ptr} if $ptr;

sub on_error {
    # Can be called as
    #  PKG::on_error # get global
    #  PKG::on_error($coderef) # set global
    #  PKG->on_error # get global
    #  PKG->on_error($coderef) # set global
    #  $dpy->on_error # get instance
    #  $dpy->on_error($coderef) # set instance
    my $self= $_[0] && !ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__)? shift
        : $_[0] && ref $_[0] && ref($_[0])->isa(__PACKAGE__)? shift
        : __PACKAGE__;
    return ref $self? $self->{on_error} : $on_error
        unless @_;
    my $cb= shift;
    ref $cb eq 'CODE'
        or croak "Expected coderef for callback parameter";
    $on_error= $cb if !ref $self;
    $self->{on_error}= $cb if ref $self;

# called by XS, if error handler is installed
sub _error_nonfatal {
    my $event= shift;
    my $dpy= $event->display;
    if ($on_error) {
        try { $on_error->($dpy, $event); }
        catch { warn $_; };
    if ($dpy && $dpy->on_error) {
        try { $dpy->on_error->($dpy, $event); }
        catch { warn $_; };
# called by XS, if error handler is installed
sub _error_fatal {
    my $conn= shift;
    $conn->_mark_dead; # this connection is dead immediately

    if ($on_error) {
        try { $on_error->($conn); }
        catch { warn $_; };
    # also call a user callback in any Display object
    for my $dpy (values %_connections) {
        next unless defined $dpy && defined $dpy->on_error;
        try { $dpy->on_error->($dpy); }
        catch { warn $_; };

    # Kill all X11 connections, since Xlib internal state might be toast after this
    $_->_mark_dead for grep { defined } values %_connections;

sub _mark_dead {
    my $self= shift;
    my $ptr= $self->_pointer_value;
    $self->{_dead}= 1;
    $self->{_pointer_value}= $ptr;
    # above line removed $self from cache.  Put it back.
    Scalar::Util::weaken( $_connections{$ptr}= $self );



=head1 NAME

X11::Xlib - Low-level access to the X11 library


  # C-style
  use X11::Xlib ':all';
  my $display = XOpenDisplay($conn_string);
  XTestFakeMotionEvent($display, undef, 50, 50);
  # or, Object-Oriented perl style:
  use X11::Xlib;
  my $display= X11::Xlib->new($conn_string);  # shortcut for X11::Xlib::Display->new
  $display->fake_motion(undef, 50, 50)

  # Remap Caps_Lock to a Smiley face
  use X11::Xlib;
  my $display= X11::Xlib->new;
  my $caps_code= $display->keymap->find_keycode('Caps_lock') // 0x42;
  $display->keymap->modmap_del_codes(lock => $caps_code);
  $display->keymap->keymap->[$caps_code]= [("U263A") x 4];


This module provides low-level access to Xlib functions.

This includes access to some X11 extensions like the X11 test library (Xtst).

If you import the Xlib functions directly, or call them as methods on an
instance of X11::Xlib, you get a near-C experience where you are required to
manage the lifespan of resources, XIDs are integers instead of objects, and the
library doesn't make any attempt to keep you from passing bad data to Xlib.

If you instead create a L<X11::Xlib::Display> object and call all your methods
on that, you get a more friendly wrapper around Xlib that helps you manage
resource lifespan, wraps XIDs with perl objects, and does some sanity checking
on the state of the library when you call methods.


The X11::Xlib connection is a hashref with a few attributes and methods
independent of Xlib.

=head2 autoclose

Boolean flag that determines whether the destructor will call L</XCloseDisplay>.
Defaults to true for connections returned by L</XOpenDisplay>.

=head2 on_error

  # Global error handler
  # Per-connection error handler
  my $display= X11::Xlib->new;
  sub my_callback {
    my ($display, $event)= @_;

By default, Xlib aborts the program on a fatal error.  Use this method to
install an error-handling callback to gracefully catch and deal with errors.
On non-fatal errors, C<$event> will be the error event from the server.
On fatal errors, C<$event> will be C<undef>.  You can also install a handler
on an individual connection.  On a nonfatal error, both the connection and
global error handlers are invoked.  On a fatal error, all error handlers are

Setting a value for this attribute automatically installs the Xlib error
handler, which isn't enabled by default.

Note that this callback is called from XS context, so your exceptions will
not travel up the stack.  Also note that on Xlib fatal errors, you cannot
call any more Xlib functions on the current connection, or on any connection
at all once the callback returns.

Be sure to read notes under L</"ERROR HANDLING">


=head2 new

This is an alias for C<< X11::Xlib::Display->new >>, to help encourage use
of the object oriented interface.

=head1 XLIB API

Most functions can be called as methods on the Xlib connection object, since
this is usually the first argument.  Every Xlib function listed below can be
exported, and you can grab them all with

  use X11::Xlib ':functions';


=head3 XInitThreads

Sets up Xlib in a thread-safe manner, which basically means wrapping each Xlib
method with a mutex.  After this call, multiple threads may access the same
Display connection without application-level synchronization.
If used, this must be the first Xlib call in the whole program, which can be
inconvenient if you don't know in advance which other modules you are using.
While perl scripts are typically single-threaded, you might still require this
if you call into other libraries that create their own threads and also access

Returns true if multithread initialization succeeded.  If it fails, you
probably should abort.  (and then fix your program so that it is the first
Xlib function called)

=head3 XLockDisplay

Assuming XInitThreads succeeded, this will lock the Xlib mutex so you can run
multiple calls uninterrupted.

=head3 XUnlockDisplay

Release the lock taken by L</XLockDisplay>.


=head3 XDisplayName

  my $conn_string= X11::Xlib::XDisplayName();
  my $conn_string= X11::Xlib::XDisplayName( $str );

Returns the official connection string Xlib will use if you were to call

=head3 XOpenDisplay

  my $display= X11::Xlib::XOpenDisplay($connection_string);

Instantiate a new (C-level) L</Display> instance. This object contains the
connection to the X11 display.  This will be an instance of C<X11::Xlib>.
The L<X11::Xlib::Display> object constructor is recommended instead.

The C<$connection_string> variable specifies the display string to open.
(C<"host:display.screen">, or often C<":0"> to connect to the only screen of
the only display on C<localhost>)
If unset, Xlib uses the C<$DISPLAY> environement variable.

If the handle goes out of scope, its destructor calls C<XCloseDisplay>, unless
you already called C<XCloseDisplay> or the X connection was lost.  (Be sure to
read the notes on L</"ERROR HANDLING">)

=head3 XCloseDisplay

  # or, just:
  undef $display

Close a handle returned by C<XOpenDisplay>.  You do not need to call this method
since the handle's destructor does it for you, unless you want to forcibly
stop communicating with X and can't track down your references.  Once closed,
all further Xlib calls on the handle will die with an exception.

=head3 ConnectionNumber

  my $fh= IO::Handle->new_from_fd( $display->ConnectionNumber, 'w+' );

Return the file descriptor (integer) of the socket connected to the server.
This is useful for select/poll designs.
(See also: L<X11::Xlib::Display/wait_event>)

=head3 XSetCloseDownMode

  XSetCloseDownMode($display, $close_mode)

Determines what resources are freed upon disconnect.  See X11 documentation.


The X11 server maintains an enumeration of strings, called Atoms.  By enumerating
the strings, it allows small integers to be exchanged instead of variable-length
identifiers, which makes parsing the protocol more efficient for both sides.
However clients need to look up (or create) the relevant atoms before they can be
used.  Be careful when creating atoms; they remain until the server is restarted.

=head3 XInternAtom

  my $atom_value= XInternAtom($display, $atom_name, $only_existing);

Get the value of a named atom.  If C<$only_existing> is true and the atom does
not already exist on the server, this function returns 0.  (which is not a valid
atom value)

=head3 XInternAtoms

  my $atoms_array= XInternAtoms($display, \@atom_names, $only_existing);

Same as above, but look up multiple atoms at once, for round-trip efficiency.
The returned array will always be the same length as C<@atom_names>, but will
have 0 for any atom value that didn't exist if C<$only_existing> was true.

=head3 XGetAtomName

  my $name= XGetAtomName($display, $atom_value);

Return the name of an atom.  If the atom is not defined this generates a
protocol error (can be caught by C</on_error> handler) and returns undef.

=head3 XGetAtomNames

  my $names_array= XGetAtomNames($display, \@atom_values);

Same as above, but look up multiple atoms at once, for round-trip efficiency.
If any atom does not exist, this generates a protocol error, but if you catch
the error then this function will return an array the same length as
C<@atom_values> with C<undef> for each atom that didn't exist.


Most of these functions return an L</XEvent> by way of an "out" parameter that
gets overwritten during the call, in the style of C.  The variable receiving the
event does not need to be initialized.

=head3 XQLength

  my $count= XQLength($display);

Return number of events already in the incoming queue, without trying to read

=head3 XPending

  my $count= XPending($display);

Return number of events in incoming queue after performing a flush and a read.

=head3 XEventsQueued

  my $count= XEventsQueued($display, $mode);

C<$mode> is one of QueuedAlready, QueuedAfterFlush, or QueuedAfterReading.
QueuedAlready simply returns the queue size.  QueuedAfterReading performs a
read, then returns the count.  QueuedAfterFlush performs a flush and a read,
then returns the count.

=head3 XNextEvent

  XNextEvent($display, my $event_return)
  ... # event scalar is populated with event

You probably don't want this.  It blocks forever until an event arrives, even
ignoring signals.  I added it for completeness.
See L<X11::Xlib::Display/wait_event> for a more perl-ish interface.

=head3 XCheckMaskEvent

=head3 XCheckWindowEvent

=head3 XCheckTypedEvent

=head3 XCheckTypedWindowEvent

  if ( XCheckMaskEvent($display, $event_mask, my $event_return) ) ...
  if ( XCheckTypedEvent($display, $event_type, my $event_return) ) ...
  if ( XCheckWindowEvent($display, $event_mask, $window, my $event_return) ) ...
  if ( XCheckTypedWindowEvent($display, $event_type, $window, my $event_return) ) ...

Each of these variations checks whether there is a matching event received from
the server and not yet extracted form the message queue.  If so, it stores the
event into C<$event_return> and returns true.  Else it returns false without

(Xlib also has another variant that uses a callback to choose which message to
 extract, but I didn't implement that because it seemed like a pain and probably
 nobody would use it.)

=head3 XSendEvent

  XSendEvent($display, $window, $propagate, $event_mask, $xevent)
    or die "Xlib hates us";

Send an XEvent to the server, to be redispatched however appropriate.

=head3 XPutBackEvent

  XPutBackEvent($display, $xevent)

Push an XEvent back onto your own incoming queue.
This can presumably put arbitrarily bogus events onto your own queue
since it returns void.

=head3 XFlush


Push any queued messages to the X11 server.  Some Xlib calls perform an
implied flush of the queue, while others don't.  If you're wondering why
nothing happened when you called an XTest function, this is why.

=head3 XSync

  XSync($display, $discard);

Force a round trip to the server to process all pending messages and receive
the responses (or errors).  A true value for the second argument will wipe your
incoming event queue.

=head3 XSelectInput

  XSelectInput($display, $window, $event_mask)

Change the event mask for a window.  Note that event masks are B<per-client>,
so one client can listen to a window with a different mask than a second
client listening to the same window.

=head3 XGetErrorText

  my $error_description= XGetErrorText($display, $error_code);

=head3 XGetErrorDatabaseText

  my $msg= XGetErrorDatabaseText($display, $name, $message, $default_string);

$name indicates what sort of thing to look up. $message is a stringified code
of some sort.  Yes this is really weird for a C API.

  my $msg= XGetErrorDatabaseText($display, 'XProtoError', $error_code, $default);
  my $msg= sprintf(
    XGetErrorDatabaseText($display, 'XlibMessage', 'MajorCode', "Request Major Code %d"),
  my $message= XGetErrorDatabaseText($display, 'XRequest', $request_code);

Just use L<X11::Xlib::XEvent/summarize> on an XErrorEvent and save yourself
the trouble.


Xlib provides opaque L</Display> and L</Screen> structs which have locally-
stored attributes, but which you must use method calls to access.
For each attribute of a screen, there are four separate ways to access it:

  DisplayFoo($display, $screen_num);     # C Macro like ->{screens}[$screen_num]{foo}
  XDisplayFoo($display, $screen_num);    # External linked function from Xlib
  FooOfScreen($screen_pointer);          # C Macro like ->{foo}
  XFooOfScreen($screen_pointer);         # External linked function from Xlib

Since screen pointers become invalid when the Display is closed, I decided not
to expose them, and since DisplayFoo and XDisplayFoo are identical I decided
to only implement the first since it makes one less symbol to link from Xlib.

So, if you grab some sample code from somewhere and wonder where those functions
went, drop the leading X and do a quick search on this page.

=head3 ScreenCount

  my $n= ScreenCount($display);

Return number of configured L</Screen>s of this display.

=head3 DisplayWidth

=head3 DisplayHeight

  my $w= DisplayWidth($display, $screen);
  my $h= DisplayHeight($display, $screen);
  # use instead of WidthOfScreen, HeightOfScreen

Return the width or height of screen number C<$screen>.  You can omit the
C<$screen> paramter to use the default screen of your L<Display> connection.

=head3 DisplayWidthMM

=head3 DisplayHeightMM

  my $w= DisplayWidthMM($display, $screen);
  my $h= DisplayHeightMM($display, $screen);
  # use instead of WidthMMOfScreen, HeightMMOfScreen

Return the physical width or height (in millimeters) of screen number C<$screen>.
You can omit the screen number to use the default screen of the display.

=head3 RootWindow

  my $xid= RootWindow($display, $screen)

Return the XID of the X11 root window.  C<$screen> is optional, and defaults to the
default screen of your connection.
If you want a Window object, call this method on L<X11::Xlib::Display>.

=head3 DefaultVisual

  my $visual= DefaultVisual($display, $screen);
  # use instead of DefaultVisualOfScreen

Screen is optional and defaults to the default screen of your connection.
This returns a L</Visual>, not a L</XVisualInfo>.

=head3 DefaultDepth

  my $bits_per_pixel= DefaultDepth($display, $screen);
  # use instead of DefaultDepthOfScreen, DisplayPlanes, PlanesOfScreen

Return bits-per-pixel of the root window of a screen.
If you omit C<$screen> it uses the default screen.


=head3 XMatchVisualInfo

  XMatchVisualInfo($display, $screen, $depth, $class, my $xvisualinfo_return)
    or die "Don't have one of those";

Loads the details of a L</Visual> into the final argument,
which must be an L</XVisualInfo> (or undefined, to create one)

Returns true if it found a matching visual.

=head3 XGetVisualInfo

  my @info_structs= XGetVisualInfo($display, $mask, $xvis_template);

Returns a list of L</XVisualInfo> each describing an available L</Visual>
which matches the template you provided. (which is also an C<XVisualInfo>)

C<$mask> can be any combination of:


each describing a field of L<X11::Xlib::XVisualInfo> which is relevant
to your search.

=head3 XVisualIDFromVisual

  my $vis_id= XVisualIDFromVisual($visual);
  # or, assuming $visual is blessed,
  my $vis_id= $visual->id;

Pull the visual ID out of the opaque object $visual.

If what you wanted was actually the L</XVisualInfo> for a C<$visual>, then try:

  my ($vis_info)= GetVisualInfo($display, VisualIDMask, { visualid => $vis_id });
  # or with Display object:

=head3 XCreateColormap

  my $xid= XCreateColormap($display, $rootwindow, $visual, $alloc_flag);
  # or 99% of the time
  my $xid= XCreateColormap($display, RootWindow($display), DefaultVisual($display), AllocNone);
  # and thus these are the defaults
  my $xid= XCreateColormap($display);

Create a L</Colormap>.  The C<$visual> is a L</Visual>
object, and the C<$alloc_flag> is either C<AllocNone> or C<AllocAll>.

=head3 XFreeColormap

  XFreeColormap($display, $colormap);

Delete a L</Colormap>, and set the colormap to C<None> for any window that was
using it.

=head3 Colormap TODO

  XInstallColormap XUninstallColormap, XListInstalledColormaps
  XGetWMColormapWindows XSetWMColormapWindows, XSetWindowColormap
  XAllocColor XStoreColors XFreeColors XAllocColorPlanes XAllocNamedColor
  XQueryColors XCopyColormapAndFree

If anyone actually needs palette graphics anymore, send me a patch :-)


=head3 XCreatePixmap

  my $xid= XCreatePixmap($display, $drawable, $width, $height, $depth);

The C<$drawable> parameter is just used to determine the screen.
You probably want to pass either C<DefaultRootWindow($display)> or the window
you're creating the pixmap for.

=head3 XFreePixmap

  XFreePixmap($display, $pixmap);

=head3 XCreateBitmapFromData

  my $pixmap_xid= XCreateBitmapFromData($display, $drawable, $data, $width, $height);

First, be aware that in X11, a "bitmap" is literally a "Bit" "Map" (1 bit per pixel).

The C<$drawable> determines which screen the pixmap is created for.
The C<$data> is a string of bytes.

The C<$data> should technically be opaque, written by another X11 function
after having rendering graphics to a pixmap or something, but since those
aren't implemented here yet, you'll just have to know the format.

=head3 XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData

  my $pixmap_xid= XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData($display, $drawable, $data,
    $width, $height, $fg, $bg, $depth);

This function uses a bitmap (1 bit per pixel) and a foreground and background
color to build a pixmap of those two colors.  It's basically upscaling color
from monochrome to C<$depth>.


=head3 XCreateWindow

  my $wnd_xid= XCreateWindow(
    $parent_window,  # such as DefaultRootWindow()
    $x, $y,
    $width, $height,
    $color_depth,    # such as $visual_info->depth or DefaultDepth($display)
    $class,          # InputOutput, InputOnly, or CopyFromParent
    $visual,         # such as $visual_info->visual or DefaultVisual($display)
    $attr_mask,      # indicates which fields of \%attrs are initialized
    \%attrs          # struct XSetWindowAttributes or hashref of its fields

The parameters the probably need more explanation are C<$visual> and C<%attrs>.

C<$visual> is a L</Visual>.  You probably either want to use the default visual
of the screen (L</DefaultVisual>) or look up your own visual using
L</XGetVisualInfo> or L</XMatchVisualInfo> (which is a L</VisualInfo>, and has
an attribute C<< ->visual >>).  In the second case, you should also pass
C<< $visual_info->depth >> as the C<$depth> parameter, and create a matching
L</Colormap> which you pass via the C<\%attrs> parameter.

Since this function didn't have nearly enough parameters for the imaginations
of the Xlib creators, they added the full L<X11::Xlib::XSetWindowAttributes> structure
as a final argument.  But to save you the trouble of setting all I<those>
fields, they added an C<$attr_mask> to indicate which fields you are using.
Simply OR together the constants listed in that struct.  If C<$attr_mask> is
zero, then C<\%attrs> may be C<undef>.

The window is initially un-mapped (i.e. hidden).  See L</XMapWindow>

=head3 XCreateSimpleWindow

  my $wnd_xid= XCreateSimpleWindow(
    $display, $parent_window,
    $x, $y, $width, $height,
    $border_width, $border_color, $background_color

This function basically creates a "child window", clipped to its parent, with
all the same visual configuration.

It is initially unmapped.  See L</XMapWindow>.

=head3 XMapWindow

  XMapWindow($display, $window);

Ask the X server to show a window.  This call is asynchronous and you should call
L</XFlush> if you want it to appear immediately.  The window will only appear if
the parent window is also mapped.  The server sends back a MapNotify event if
the Window event mask allows it, and if a variety of other conditions are met.
It's really pretty complicated and you should read the offical docs.

=head3 XUnmapWindow

  XUnmapWindow($display, $window);

Hide a window.

=head3 XGetGeometry

  my ($root, $x, $y, $width, $height, $border_width, $color_depth)
    = XGetGeometry($display, $drawable)
    or die "XGetGeometry failed";

=head3 XGetWindowAttributes

  my $bool= XGetWindowAttributes($display, $window, $attrs_out);

Populate $attrs_out, which should be an undefined variable or a buffer or an
instance of L<X11::Xlib::XWindowAttributes>.  If it returns false,
C<$attrs_out> remains unchanged.

=head3 XChangeWindowAttributes

  XChangeWindowAttributes($display, $window, $valuemask, \%XSetWindowAttributes)

Apply one or more fields of the L<X11::Xlib::XSetWindowAttributes> struct to
the specified window.  C<$valuemask> is a ORed combination of the flags listed
for that struct.

=head3 XSetWindowBackground

  XSetWindowBackground($display, $window, $background_pixel)

Set the background pixel color (integer) for the window.

=head3 XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap

  XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap($display, $window, $background_pixmap)

=head3 XSetWindowBorder

  XSetWindowBorder($display, $window, $border_pixel)

=head3 XSetWindowBorderPixmap

  XSetWindowBorderPixmap($display, $window, $border_pixmap)

=head3 XSetWindowColormap

  XSetWindowColormap($display, $window, $colormap)

=head3 XDefineCursor

  XDefineCursor($display, $window, $cursor)

=head3 XUndefineCursor

  XUndefineCursor($display, $window)

=head3 XReparentWindow

  XReparentWindow($display, $wnd, $new_parent, $x, $y);

Unmap, change parent, and remap C<$wnd> to be a child of C<$parent>.
The X and Y arguments set the new location of the window relative to the
parent client space.

=head3 XConfigureWindow

  XConfigureWindow($display, $window, $mask, \%XWindowChanges);

Set the size, position, border, and stacking order of a window.
L<X11::Xlib::XWindowChanges> can be passed as an object or plain hashref.
C<$mask> is an ORed combination of the constants listed in the documentation
for that struct, indicating which fields have been initialized.

=head3 XMoveWindow

  XMoveWindow($display, $window, $x, $y);

=head3 XResizeWindow

  XMoveWindow($display, $window, $width, $height)

=head3 XMoveResizeWindow

  XModeResizeWindow($display, $window, $x, $y, $width, $height)

=head3 XSetWindowBorderWidth

  XSetWindowBorderWidth($display, $window, $border_width)

=head3 XQueryTree

  my ($root, $parent, @children)= XQueryTree($display, $window);

Return windows related to C<$window>.  Child windows are returned in
bottom-to-top stacking order.  Returns an empty list if it fails.

=head3 XRaiseWindow

  XRaiseWindow($display, $window);

Move window to front of stacking order.

=head3 XLowerWindow

 XLowerWindow($display, $window);

Move window to back of stacking order.

=head3 XCirculateSubwindows

  XCirculateSubwindows($display, $parent_window, $direction);

For the child windows of the given window, either bring the back-most to the
front (C<direction == RaiseLowest>), or the front-most to the back
(C<direction == LowerHighest>).

(Note: use this instead of XCirculateSubwindowsUp or XCirculateSubwindowsDown)

=head3 XRestackWindows

  XRestackWindows($display, \@windows);

Reset the stacking order of the specified windows, from front to back.

=head3 XListProperties

  my @prop_atoms= XListProperties($display, $window);
  print "Window has these properties: ".join(", ", @{ XGetAtomNames($display, \@prop_atoms, 1) });

Returns an arrayref of all defined properties on the specified window.

=head3 XGetWindowProperty

  my $success= XGetWindowProperty($display, $wnd, $prop_atom, $offset, $length, $delete, $req_type,
        my $actual_type, my $actual_format, my $nitems, my $bytes_after, my $data);

Welcome to the wonderful world of X11 Window Properties!  You pick the
property using C<$prop_atom> (see L</XInternAtom>) and then request some range
of the bytes that compose it (using C<$offset>*4 and C<$length>*4, which are
a count of 4-byte units, not bytes) request to delete it with C<$delete>,
request the resource be given to you as C<$req_type> (also an Atom), and then
receive all the actual values in the last 5 variables.

C<$actual_format> is either 8, 16, or 32 indicating the multiplier for
C<$nitems>.  But you can just check C<length($data)> to save time.

The details are complicated enough you should go read the X11 docs, but a quick
example is:

  my $netwmname= XInternAtom($display, "_NET_WM_NAME");
  my $type_utf8= XInternAtom($display, "UTF8_STRING");
  if (XGetWindowProperty($display, $wnd, $netwmname, 0, 32, 0, $type_utf8,
        my $actual_type, my $actual_format, my $n, my $remaining, my $data)
  ) {
    say $data; # should check $actual_type, but it's probably readable text.
    say "window title was longer than 128 bytes" if $remaining > 0;

=head3 XChangeProperty

  XChangeProperty($display, $wnd, $prop_atom, $type_atom, $format, $mode, $data, $nitems);

C<$prop_atom> determines what property is being written.  C<$type_atom>
declares the logical type of the data.  C<$format> is 8, 16, or 32 to determine
the word size of the data (used by X server for endian swapping).  C<$mode> is
one of: C<PropModeReplace>, C<PropModePrepend>, C<PropModeAppend>.  C<$data>
is a scalar that must be at least as long as C<$nitems> * C<$format> bits.

=head3 XDeleteProperty

  XDeleteProperty($display, $window, $prop_atom);

Deletes the property from the window if it exists.  No error is raised if it
doesn't exist.

=head3 XGetWMProtocols

  my @atoms= XGetWMProtocols($display, $wnd);

Returns a list of protocols (identifiers, represented as L<atoms|/"ATOM FUNCTIONS">)
which the owner of this window claims to support.  If a protocol's atom is in
this list then you can send that sort of ClientMessage events to this window.

=head3 XSetWMProtocols

  XSetWMProtocols($display, $wnd, \@procol_atoms)
    or die "Failed to set WM_PROTOCOLS";

Set the list of protocols you want to respond to for this window.
For example, to advertise support for standard "close" events:

  my $close_atom= XInternAtrom($display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0);
  XSetWMProtocols($display, $window, [ $close_atom ]);

=head3 XGetWMNormalHints

  my ($hints_out, $supplied_fields_out);
  XGetWMNormalHints($display, $window, $hints_out, $supplied_fields_out)
    or warn "Doesn't have WM hints";

If a window has Window Manager Normal Hints defined on it, this function will
store them into the C<$hints_out> variable (which will become a L<X11::Xlib::XSizeHints>
if it wasn't already).  It will also set the bits of C<$supplied_fields_out> to
indicate which fields the X11 server knows about.  This is different from the
bits in C<< $hints_out->flags >> that indicate which individual fields are defined
for this window.

=head3 XSetWMNormalHints

  XSetWMNormalHints($display, $window, $hints);

Set window manager hints for the specified window.  C<$hints> is an instance of
L<X11::Xlib::XSizeHints>, or a hashref of its fields.  Note that the C<< ->flags >>
member of this struct will be initialized for you if you pass a hashref, according
to what fields exist in the hashref.

=head3 XDestroyWindow

  XDestroyWindow($display, $window);

Unmap and destroy a window.


These methods create fake server-wide input events, useful for automated testing.
They are available through the XTest extension.  Currently this extension is a
mandatory requirement for installing this module, and so these functions are
always available.

Don't forget to call L</XFlush> after these methods, if you want the events to
happen immediately.

=head3 XTestFakeMotionEvent

  XTestFakeMotionEvent($display, $screen, $x, $y, $EventSendDelay)

Fake a mouse movement to position C<$x>,C<$y> on screen number C<$screen>.

The optional C<$EventSendDelay> parameter specifies the number of milliseconds to wait
before sending the event. The default is 10 milliseconds.

=head3 XTestFakeButtonEvent

  XTestFakeButtonEvent($display, $button, $pressed, $EventSendDelay)

Simulate an action on mouse button number C<$button>. C<$pressed> indicates whether
the button should be pressed (true) or released (false). 

The optional C<$EventSendDelay> parameter specifies the number of milliseconds ro wait
before sending the event. The default is 10 milliseconds.

=head3 XTestFakeKeyEvent

  XTestFakeKeyEvent($display, $kc, $pressed, $EventSendDelay)

Simulate a event on any key on the keyboard. C<$kc> is the key code (8 to 255),
and C<$pressed> indicates if the key was pressed or released.

The optional C<$EventSendDelay> parameter specifies the number of milliseconds to wait
before sending the event. The default is 10 milliseconds.

See L<X11::Xlib::Keymap/EXAMPLES>.


These utility functions help identify and convert KeySym values, and do not
depend on a connection to an X server.

=head3 XKeysymToString

  my $ident= XKeysymToString($keysym)

Return the ASCII identifier of the KeySym (as in X11/keysym.h) minus the
leading "XK_" prefix, or undef of that fails for some reason.

C<XKeysymToString> is the exact reverse of C<XStringToKeysym>.

=head3 XStringToKeysym

  my $keysym= XStringToKeysym($string)

Return the keysym number for the symbolic identifier C<$string>.
(as per X11/keysym.h, minus the XK_ prefix)

C<XStringToKeysym> is the reverse of C<XKeysymToString>.

=head3 codepoint_to_keysym

  my $keysym= codepoint_to_keysym(ord($char));

Convert a Unicode codepoint to a KeySym value.  This isn't a true Xlib
function, but fills a gap in the API since Xlib is pretty weak on unicode
handling.  Every normal unicode codepoint has a keysym value, but if you
pass an invalid codepoint you will get C<undef>.

=head3 keysym_to_codepoint

  my $cp= keysym_to_codepoint($keysym);
  my $char= defined $cp? chr($cp) : undef;

Convert a KeySym to a unicode codepoint.  Many KeySyms (like F1, Control, etc)
do not have any character associated with them, and will return C<undef>.
Again, not actually part of Xlib, but provided here for convenience.

=head3 char_to_keysym

Like L</codepoint_to_keysym> example above, but takes a string from which it
calls L<ord()> on the first character.  Returns undef if the string doesn't
have a first character.

=head3 keysym_to_char

Like L</keysym_to_codepoint> example above, but returns a string if there is
a valid codepoint, and C<undef> otherwise.

=head3 XConvertCase

  XConvertCase($keysym, $lowercase_out, $uppercase_out);

Return the lowercase and uppercase KeySym values for C<$keysym>.

=head3 IsFunctionKey


Return true if C<$keysym> is a function key (F1 .. F35)

=head3 IsKeypadKey


Return true if C<$keysym> is on numeric keypad.

=head3 IsMiscFunctionKey


Return true if key is... no clue :/ and not documented anywhere??

=head3 IsModifierKey


Return true if C<$keysym> is a modifier key (Shift, Alt).

=head3 IsPFKey


Xlib docs are fun.  No mention of what "PF" might be.

=head3 IsPrivateKeypadKey


True for vendor-private key codes.


=head3 XSetInputFocus

  XSetInputFocus($display, $wnd_focus, $revert_to, $time);

Change input focus and set last-focus-time if C<$time> is after the current
last-focus-time and before the current time of the X server.

C<$time> can be CurrentTime to use the X server's clock.

C<$wnd_focus> can be None to discard all keyboard input until a new window is
focused, or PointerRoot to actively track the root window of whatever screen
the pointer moves to.

Once the target window becomes un-viewable, the C<$revert_to> setting takes
effect, and can be C<RevertToParent>, C<RevertToPointerRoot>, or C<RevertToNone>.

=head3 XQueryKeymap


Return a list of the key codes currently pressed on the keyboard.

=head3 XGrabKeyboard

  $bool= XGrabKeyboard($display, $window, $owner_events, $pointer_mode, $keyboard_mode, $timestamp)

Direct foxus to the specified window.  See X11 docs.

=head3 XUngrabKeyboard

  XUngrabKeyboard($display, $timestamp)

=head3 XGrabKey

  XGrabKey($display, $keycode, $modifiers, $window, $owner_events, $pointer_mode, $keyboard_mode)

Register a window to receive any matching key events, optionally hiding them
from the normal target window.

C<$keycode> is the keyboard scan code to watch for, or C<AnyKey>.
C<$modifiers> is a bit mask combined from C<ControlMask>, C<LockMask>,
C<Mod1Mask>, C<Mod2Mask>, C<Mod3Mask>, C<Mod4Mask>, C<Mod5Mask>, C<ShiftMask>,
or the special mask C<AnyModifier> which means any I<or none> of the modifiers.
C<$window> is the XID or L<X11::Xlib::Window> to direct events toward.
C<$owner_events> is a boolean of whether to also let the normal target of the
key event receive them.  C<$pointer_mode> and C<$keyboard_mode> are either
C<GrabModeSync> or C<GrabModeAsync>.

=head3 XUngrabKey

  XUngrabKey($display, $keycode, $modifiers, $window)

Cancel a grab registered by L</XGrabKey>.

=head3 XGrabPointer

  $bool= XGrabPointer($display, $window, $owner_events, $event_mask,
    $pointer_mode, keyboard_mode, confine_to, cursor, timestamp)

=head3 XUngrabPointer

  XUngrabPointer(dpy, timestamp)

=head3 XGrabButton

  XGrabButton($display, $button, $modifiers, $window, $owner_events,
    $event_mask, $pointer_mode, $keyboard_mode, $confine_to, $cursor)

=head3 XUngrabButton

  XUngrabButton($display, $button, $modifiers, $window)

=head3 XAllowEvents

  XAllowEvents($display, $event_mode, $timestamp)

If grab modes used above are C<GrabModeSync> then further X11 input processing
is halted until you call this function.  See X11 docs.

=head3 XGetKeyboardMapping

  XGetKeyboardMapping($display, $keycode, $count)

Return an array of KeySym numbers corresponding to C<$count> key codes,
starting at C<$keycode>.

Each position in the per-key array corresponds to a combination of key
modifiers (Shift, Lock, Mode).  The X11 server may return a variable number
of codes per key, which you can determine by dividing the total number of
values returned by this function by the C<$count>.

For a more perl-friendly interface, see L</load_keymap>.  For object-oriented
access, see L<X11::Xlib::Keymap>.

=head3 XChangeKeyboardMapping

  XChangeKeyboardMapping($display, $first_keycode, $keysym_per_keycode, \@keysyms, $num_codes);
  # Best explained with an example...
  # KeySym in 0x20..0x7E map directly from Latin1
  my @keycodes= (
    ord('a'), ord('A'), ord('a'), ord('A'),  # want to assign these KeySym to KeyCode 38
    ord('s'), ord('S'), ord('s'), ord('S'),  # and these to KeyCode 39
  XChangeKeyboardMapping($display, 38, 4, \@keycodes, scalar @keycodes);

Update some/all of the KeySyms attached to one or more KeyCodes.
In the example above, only the first 4 KeySyms of each KeyCode will be changed.
Specify a larger number of C<$keysym_per_keycode> to overwrite more of them.

For a more perl-friendly interface, see L</save_keymap>.  For object-oriented
access, see L<X11::Xlib::Keymap>.

=head3 load_keymap

  my $keymap= load_keymap($display, $symbolic, $min_key, $max_key);
  my $keymap= load_keymap($display, $symbolic); # all keys
  my $keymap= load_keymap($display); # all keys, symbolic=2

This is a wrapper around L</XGetKeyboardMapping> which returns an arrayref
of arrayrefs, and also translates KeySym values into KeySym names or unicode
characters.  If C<$symbolic> is 0, the elements of the arrays are KeySym numbers.
If C<$symbolic> is 1, the elements are the KeySym name (or integers, if a name
is not available).
If C<$symbolic> is 2, the elements are characters for every KeySym that can be
un-ambiguously represented by a character, else KeySym names, else integers.

The minimum KeyCode of an X server is never below 8.  If you omit C<$min_key>
it defaults to 0, and so the returned array will always have at least 8 undef
values at the start.  This minor waste allows you to index into the array
directly with a KeyCode.

=head3 save_keymap

  save_keymap($display, \@keymap, $min_key, $max_key);
  save_keymap($display, \@keymap); # to update all keycodes

This is a wrapper around L</XChangeKeyboardMapping> that accepts the same
array-of-arrays returned by L</load_keymap>.  The first element of the array
is assumed to be C<$min_key> B<unless the array is longer than C<$max_key> >
in which case the array is assumed to start at 0 and you are requesting that
only elements C<($min_key .. $max_key)> be sent to the X server.

Each element of the inner array can be an integer KeySym, or a KeySym name
recognized by L</XStringToKeysym>, or a single unicode character.
If the KeySym is an integer, it must be at least two integer digits, which
all real KeySyms should be (other than C<NoSymbol> which has the value 0, and
should be represented by C<undef>) to avoid ambiguity with the characters of
the number keys.  i.e. "4" means "the KeySym for the character 4" rather than
the KeySym value 4.

=head3 XGetModifierMapping

  my $mapping= XGetModifierMapping($display);

Return an arrayref of 8 arrayrefs, one for each modifier group.
The inner arrayrefs can contain a variable number of key codes which belong
to the modifier group.  See L<X11::Xlib::Keymap> for an explanation.

=head3 XSetModifierMapping

  XSetModifierMapping($display, \@modifiers);

C<@modifiers> is an array of 8 arrayrefs, each holding the set of key codes
that are part of the modifier.  This is the same format as returned by

=head3 XRefreshKeyboardMapping


Given a XMappingEvent, reload the internal Xlib cache for the parts of the
keymap or modmap which have changed.

The functions below (using the internal Xlib cache) are an alternative to
processing the keymap directly.

=head3 XLookupString

  XLookupString($key_event, $text_out, $keycode_out);

Given a XKeyEvent, translate the key code and modifiers vs. the internal Xlib
cached keymap/modmap and write the text name of the key into C<$text_out>.
This will either be a name of a key, or the character the key normally
generates in a Latin-1 environment.  If C<$keycode_out> is given, it will be
overwritten with the numeric value of the KeySym.

(If you want to do more than Latin-1, see L<X11::Xlib::Keymap> for utilities
 to manipulate the keymap directly.)

=head3 XKeysymToKeycode

  my $keycode= XKeysymToKeycode($display, $keysym)

Return the key code corresponding to C<$keysym> in the current mapping.

=head3 XBell

  XBell($display, $percent)

Make the X server emit a sound.


This is an optional extension.  If you have Xcomposite available when this
module was installed, then the following functions will be available.
None of these functions are exportable.

  sudo apt-get install libxcomposite-dev   # Debian/Mint/Ubuntu
  sudo yum install libXcomposite-devel     # Fedora/RHEL

=head3 XCompositeVersion

  my $version_integer= X11::Xlib::XCompositeVersion()
    if X11::Xlib->can('XCompositeVersion');

=head3 XCompositeQueryExtension

  my ($event_base, $error_base)= $display->XCompositeQueryExtension
    if $display->can('XCompositeQueryExtension');

=head3 XCompositeQueryVersion

  my ($major, $minor)= $display->XCompositeQueryVersion
    if $display->can('XCompositeQueryVersion');

=head3 XCompositeRedirectWindow

  $display->XCompositeRedirectWindow($window, $update);

=head3 XCompositeRedirectSubwindows

  $display->XCompositeRedirectSubwindows($window, $update);

=head3 XCompositeUnredirectWindow

  $display->XCompositeUnredirectWindow($window, $update);

=head3 XCompositeUnredirectSubwindows

  $display->XCompositeUnredirectSubwindows($window, $update);

=head3 XCompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip

  my $XserverRegion= $display->XCompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip($window);

=head3 XCompositeNameWindowPixmap

  my $pixmap= $display->XCompositeNameWindowPixmap($window);

=head3 XCompositeGetOverlayWindow

  my $window= $display->XCompositeGetOverlayWindow($window);

=head3 XCompositeReleaseOverlayWindow



This is an optional extension.  If you have Xrender available when this
module was installed, then the following functions will be available.
None of these functions are exportable.

  sudo apt-get install libxrender-dev   # Debian/Mint/Ubuntu
  sudo yum install libXrender-devel     # Fedora/RHEL

=head3 XRenderQueryExtension

  my ($event_base, $error_base)= $display->XRenderQueryExtension()
    if $display->can('XRenderQueryExtension');

=head3 XRenderQueryVersion

  my ($major, $minor)= $display->XRenderQueryVersion()
    if $display->can('XRenderQueryVersion');

=head3 XRenderFindVisualFormat

  my $pfmt= $display->XRenderFindVisualFormat( $visual );

Takes a L<X11::Xlib::Visual>, and returns a L<X11::Xlib::XRenderPictFormat>.


Xlib has a lot of C B<struct>s.  Most of them do not have much "depth"
(i.e. pointers to further nested structs) and so I chose to represent them
as simple blessed scalar refs to a byte string.  This gives you the ability
to pack new values into the struct which might not be known by this module,
and keeps the object relatively lightweight.  Most also have a C<pack> and
C<unpack> method which convert from/to a hashref.
Sometimes however these structs do contain a raw pointer value, and so you
should take extreme care if you do modify the bytes.

Xlib also has a lot of B<opaque pointers> where they just give you a pointer
and some methods to access it without any explanation of its inner fields.
I represent these with the matching Perl feature for blessed opaque references,
so the only way to interact with the pointer value is through XS code.
In each case, when the object goes out of scope, this library calls any
appropriate "Free" function.

Finally, there are lots of objects which exist on the server, and Xlib just
gives you a number (L</XID>) to refer to them when making future requests.
Windows are the most common example.  Since these are simple integers, and
can be shared among any program connected to the same display, this module
allows a mix of simple scalar values or blessed objects when calling any
function that expects an C<XID>.  The blessed objects derive from L<X11::Xlib::XID>.

Most supported structures have their own package with further documentation,
but here is a quick list:

=head2 Display

Represents a connection to an X11 server.  Xlib provides an B<opaque pointer>
C<Display*> on which you can call methods.  These are represented by this
package, C<X11::Xlib>.  The L<X11::Xlib::Display> package provides a more
perl-ish interface and some helper methods to "DWIM".

=head2 Screen

The Xlib C<Screen*> is not exported by this module, since most methods that
use a C<Screen*> have a matching method that uses a C<Display*>.
If you are using the object-oriented L<Display|X11::Xlib::Display> you then
get L<Screen|X11::Xlib::Screen> objects for convenience, but they are just
a wrapper around the Display and screen number instead of screen pointer.

=head2 Visual

An B<opaque pointer> describing binary representation of pixels for some mode of
the display.  There's probably only one in use on the entire display (i.e. RGBA)
but Xlib makes you look it up and pass it around to various functions.

=head2 XVisualInfo

A more useful B<struct> describing a Visual.  See L<X11::Xlib::XVisualInfo>.

=head2 XEvent

A B<struct> that can hold any sort of message sent to/from the server.  The struct
is a union of many other structs, which you can read about in L<X11::Xlib::XEvent>.

=head2 Colormap

An B<XID> referencing what used to be a palette for 8-bit graphics but which is
now mostly a useless appendage to be passed to L</XCreateWindow>.  When using
the object-oriented C<Display>, these are wrapped by L<X11::Xlib::Colormap>.

=head2 Pixmap

An B<XID> referencing a rectangular pixel buffer.  Has dimensions and color
depth and is bound to a L</Screen>.  Can be used for copying images, or tiling.
When using the object-oriented C<Display>, these are wrapped by L<X11::Xlib::Pixmap>.

=head2 Window

An B<XID> referencing a Window.  Used for painting, event/input delivery, and
having data tagged to them.  Not abused nearly as much as the Win32 API abuses
its Window structures.  See L<X11::Xlib::Window> for details.


Error handling in Xlib is pretty bad.  The first problem is that non-fatal
errors are reported asynchronously in an API masquerading as if they were
synchronous function calls.
This is mildly annoying.  This library eases the pain by giving you a nice
L<XEvent|X11::Xlib::XEvent> object to work with, and the ability to deliver
the errors to a callback on your display or window object.

The second much larger problem is that fatal errors (like losing the connection
to the server) cause a mandatory termination of the host program.  Seriously.
The default behavior of Xlib is to print a message and abort, but even if you
install the C error handler to try to gracefully recover, when the error
handler returns Xlib still kills your program.  Under normal circumstances you
would have to perform all cleanup with your stack tied up through Xlib, but
this library cheats by using croak (C<longjmp>) to escape the callback and let
you wrap up your script in a normal manner.  B<However>, after a fatal
error Xlib's internal state could be damaged, so it is unsafe to make any more
Xlib calls.  This library tries to help enforce that by invalidating all the
connection objects.

If you really need your program to keep running your best bet is to state-dump
to shared memory and then C<exec()> a fresh copy of your script and reload the
dumped state.  Or use XCB instead of Xlib.


Xlib libraries are found on most graphical Unixes, but you might lack the header
files needed for this module.  Try the following:


=item Debian (Ubuntu, Mint)

  sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev
  # and you probably want the optional deps, too
  sudo apt-get install libxcomposite-dev libxrender-dev libxfixes-dev

=item Fedora

  sudo yum install libXtst-devel
  # and you probably want the optional deps, too
  sudo yum install libXcomposite-devel libXrender-devel libXfixes-devel


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item L<X11::GUITest>

This module provides a higher-level API for X input simulation and testing.

=item L<Gtk2>

Functions provided by X11/Xlib are mostly included in the L<Gtk2> binding, but
through the GTK API and perl objects.

=item L<X11::Protocol>

Pure-perl implementation of the X11 protocol.


=head1 TODO

This module still only covers a fraction of the Xlib API.
Patches are welcome :)

=head1 AUTHOR

Olivier Thauvin, E<lt>nanardon@nanardon.zarb.orgE<gt>

Michael Conrad, E<lt>mike@nrdvana.netE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Olivier Thauvin

Copyright (C) 2017 by Michael Conrad

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
