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package Catmandu::Env;

=head1 NAME

Catmandu::Env - A catmandu configuration file loader


    use Catmandu::Env;

    my $env = Catmandu::Env->new(load_paths => [ '/etc/catmandu '] );
    my $env = Catmandu::Env->new(load_paths => [ ':up'] );

    my $store    = $env->store('mongodb');
    my $importer = $env->importer('loc');
    my $exporter = $env->exporter('europeana');
    my $fixer    = $env->fixer('my_fixes');
    my $conf     = $env->config;


This class loads the catmandu.*.pl, catmandy.*.json, catmandy.*.yml and catmandy.*.yaml file from
all provided load_paths. Programmers are adviced *not* to use this class directly 
but use the equivalent functionality provided in the Catmandu package:


     my $store    = Catmandu->store('mongodb');
     my $importer = Catmandu->importer('loc');
     my $exporter = Catmandu->exporter('europeana');
     my $fixer    = Catmandu->fixer('my_fixes');
     my $conf     = Catmandu->config;

=head1 SEE ALSO


use Catmandu::Sane;
use Catmandu::Util qw(require_package use_lib read_yaml read_json :is :check);
use Catmandu::Fix;
use Config::Onion;
use File::Spec;
use Moo;
require Catmandu;
use namespace::clean;

with 'Catmandu::Logger';

sub _search_up {
    my $dir = $_[0];
    my @dirs = grep length, File::Spec->splitdir(Catmandu->default_load_path);
    for (; @dirs; pop @dirs) {
        my $path = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir, @dirs);
        opendir my $dh, $path or last;
        return $path if
            grep { -f File::Spec->catfile($path, $_) }
            grep /^catmandu.+(?:yaml|yml|json|pl)$/,
            readdir $dh;

has load_paths => (
    is      => 'ro',
    default => sub { [] },
    coerce  => sub {
        [ map { File::Spec->canonpath($_) }
          map { $_ eq ':up' ? _search_up($_) : $_ }
          split /,/, join ',',
          ref $_[0] ? @{$_[0]} : $_[0] ];

has config => (is => 'rwp', default => sub { +{} });

has stores => (is => 'ro', default => sub { +{} });
has fixers => (is => 'ro', default => sub { +{} });

has default_store => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'default' });
has default_fixer => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'default' });
has default_importer => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'default' });
has default_exporter => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'default' });
has default_importer_package => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'JSON' });
has default_exporter_package => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'JSON' });

has store_namespace => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'Catmandu::Store' });
has fixes_namespace => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'Catmandu::Fix' }); # TODO unused

has importer_namespace => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'Catmandu::Importer' });
has exporter_namespace => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 'Catmandu::Exporter' });

sub default_config_extensions {
    [qw(yaml yml json pl)];

sub BUILD {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @config_dirs = @{$self->load_paths};
    my @lib_dirs;

    for my $dir (@config_dirs) {
        if (! -d $dir) {
            Catmandu::Error->throw("load path $dir doesn't exist");

        my $lib_dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'lib');

        if (-d $lib_dir && -r $lib_dir) {
            push @lib_dirs, $lib_dir;

    if (@config_dirs) {
        my @globs = map { my $dir = $_;
                          map { File::Spec->catfile($dir, "catmandu*.$_") } qw(yaml yml json pl) }
                              reverse @config_dirs;

        my $config = Config::Onion->new(prefix_key => '_prefix');

        if ($self->log->is_debug) {
            use Data::Dumper;

    if (@lib_dirs) {

sub load_path {

sub roots {
    goto &load_paths;

sub root {
    goto &load_path;

sub store {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;

    my $stores = $self->stores;

    my $key = $name || $self->default_store;

    $stores->{$key} || do {
        my $ns = $self->store_namespace;
        if (my $c = $self->config->{store}{$key}) {
            check_string(my $package = $c->{package});
            my $opts = $c->{options} || {};
            if (@_ > 1) {
                $opts = {%$opts, @_};
            } elsif (@_ == 1) {
                $opts = {%$opts, %{$_[0]}};
            return $stores->{$key} = require_package($package, $ns)->new($opts);
        if ($name) {
            return require_package($name, $ns)->new(@_);
        Catmandu::BadArg->throw("unknown store ".$self->default_store);

sub fixer {
    my $self = shift;
    if (ref $_[0]) {
        return Catmandu::Fix->new(fixes => $_[0]);

    my $key = $_[0] || $self->default_fixer;

    my $fixers = $self->fixers;

    $fixers->{$key} || do {
        if (my $fixes = $self->config->{fixer}{$key}) {
            return $fixers->{$key} = Catmandu::Fix->new(fixes => $fixes);
        return Catmandu::Fix->new(fixes => [@_]);

sub importer {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $ns = $self->importer_namespace;
    if (exists $self->config->{importer}) {
        if (my $c = $self->config->{importer}{$name || $self->default_importer}) {
            my $package = $c->{package} || $self->default_importer_package;
            my $opts    = $c->{options} || {};
            if (@_ > 1) {
                $opts = {%$opts, @_};
            } elsif (@_ == 1) {
                $opts = {%$opts, %{$_[0]}};
            return require_package($package, $ns)->new($opts);
    require_package($name ||
        $self->default_importer_package, $ns)->new(@_);

sub exporter {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $ns = $self->exporter_namespace;
    if (exists $self->config->{exporter}) {
        if (my $c = $self->config->{exporter}{$name || $self->default_exporter}) {
            my $package = $c->{package} || $self->default_exporter_package;
            my $opts    = $c->{options} || {};
            if (@_ > 1) {
                $opts = {%$opts, @_};
            } elsif (@_ == 1) {
                $opts = {%$opts, %{$_[0]}};
            return require_package($package, $ns)->new($opts);
    require_package($name ||
        $self->default_exporter_package, $ns)->new(@_);
