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package Catmandu::Fix::Condition::in;

use Catmandu::Sane;
use Moo;
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;

has path    => (fix_arg => 1);
has path2   => (fix_arg => 1);

with 'Catmandu::Fix::Condition::SimpleCompareTest';

sub emit_test {
    my ($self, $var, $var2, $fixer) = @_;
    "${var} ~~ ${var2}";

=head1 NAME

Catmandu::Fix::Condition::in - only execute fixes the data in one path is contained in another


   # When comparing single values to an array: test if the value is 
   # contained in the array  

   # foo => 1 , bar => [3,2,1]  => in(foo,bar) -> true
   if in(foo,bar)

   # foo => 42 , bar => [1,2,3] => in(foo,bar) -> false
   unless in(foo,bar)

   # In the following examples we'll write in pseudo code the true/false
   # values of some 'in()' comparissons

   # scalars vs arrays - check if the value is in the array
   foo: 42 , bar: [1,2,3]                   in(foo,bar) -> false
   foo: 1  , bar: [1,2,3]                   in(foo,bar) -> true

   # scalars vs hashes - check if the key is in the hash
   foo: name , bar: { name => 'Patrick' }           in(foo,bar) -> true
   foo: name , bar: { deep => {name => 'Nicolas'}}  in(foo,bar) -> false

   # array vs array - check if the contents is equal
   foo: [1,2] , bar: [1,2]                  in(foo,bar) -> true
   foo: [1,2] , bar: [1,2,3]                in(foo,bar) -> false
   foo: [1,2] , bar: [[1,2],3]              in(foo,bar) -> false

=head1 STATUS

Be aware this function is experimental in many perl versions

=head1 SEE ALSO


