package Catmandu::Fix::Bind::list;

use Catmandu::Sane;

our $VERSION = '0.9504';

use Moo;
use Clone ();
use Catmandu::Util;
use namespace::clean;
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;

with 'Catmandu::Fix::Bind';

has path   => (fix_opt => 1);
has var    => (fix_opt => 1);

has _root_ => (is => 'rw');
has flag   => (is => 'rw'  , default => sub { 0 });

sub zero {
    my ($self) = @_;

sub unit {
    my ($self,$data) = @_;


    # Set a flag so that all the bind fixes are only run once...

    defined $self->path ? Catmandu::Util::data_at($self->path,$data) : $data;

sub bind {
    my ($self,$mvar,$func,$name,$fixer) = @_;

    if (Catmandu::Util::is_hash_ref($mvar)) {
         # Ignore all specialized processing when not an array
         $mvar = $func->($mvar);
    elsif (Catmandu::Util::is_array_ref($mvar)) {
        return $mvar if $self->flag;

        # Run only these fixes once: no need for do identity() ... end

        my $idx = 0;

        [ map { 
            my $scope;

            # Switch context to the variable set by the user
            if ($self->var) {
                $scope = $self->_root_;
                $scope->{$self->var} = $_;
            else {
                $scope = $_;
            # Run /all/ the fixes on the scope
            my $res = $fixer->fix($scope);

            # Check for rejects()
            if (defined $res) {
            else {

            delete $res->{$self->var} if $self->var; 
          } @$mvar ];
    else {
        return $self->zero;

# Flatten an array: [ [A] , [A] , [A] ] -> [ A, A, A ]
sub plus {
    my ($self,$prev,$next) = @_;

    Catmandu::Util::is_array_ref($next) ? [ $prev, @$next ] : [ $prev, $next] ;




=head1 NAME

Catmandu::Fix::Bind::list - a binder that computes Fix-es for every element in a list


     # Create an array:
     #  demo:
     #    - test: 1
     #    - test: 2

     # Add a foo field to every item in the demo list, by default all 
     # fixes will be in context of the iterated path
     do list(path:demo)

     # Loop over the list but store the values in a temporary 'loop' variable
     # Use this loop variable to copy the list to the root 'xyz' path
     do list(path:demo,var:loop)

     # This will result:
     #  demo:
     #    - test: 1
     #    - test: 2
     #  xyz:
     #    - 1
     #    - 2


The list binder will iterate over all the elements in a list and fixes the values in context of that list.


=head2 path 

The path to a list in the data.

=head2 var

The loop variable to be iterated over. When used, a magic field will be available
in the root of the record containing iterated data.

=head1 SEE ALSO

