The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use IO::Handle;
use File::Spec;

use utf8;
use feature 'state';

my $pkg;

    $pkg = 'Catmandu::Util';
    use_ok $pkg;
require_ok $pkg;


    package T::ImportNothing;
    use Catmandu::Util;

    package T::ImportAll;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:all);

    package T::ImportIs;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:is);

    package T::ImportCheck;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:check);

    package T::ImportMisc;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:misc);

    package T::ImportIo;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:io);

    package T::ImportData;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:data);

    package T::ImportArray;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:array);

    package T::ImportHash;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:hash);

    package T::ImportString;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:string);

    package T::ImportHuman;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:human);

    package T::ImportXML;
    use Catmandu::Util qw(:xml);

    package T::Foo;
    use Moo;
    sub bar {'bar'}

for my $sym (qw(same different)) {
    can_ok $pkg, "is_$sym";
    can_ok $pkg, "check_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', "is_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', "check_$sym";
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can("is_$sym");
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can("check_$sym");
    can_ok 'T::ImportIs', "is_$sym";
    ok !T::ImportCheck->can("is_$sym");
    can_ok 'T::ImportCheck', "check_$sym";
    ok !T::ImportIs->can("check_$sym");
for my $sym (
    qw(able instance invocant ref
    scalar_ref array_ref hash_ref code_ref regex_ref glob_ref
    value string number integer natural positive)
    can_ok $pkg, "is_$sym";
    can_ok $pkg, "is_maybe_$sym";
    can_ok $pkg, "check_$sym";
    can_ok $pkg, "check_maybe_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', "is_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', "is_maybe_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', "check_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', "check_maybe_$sym";
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can("is_$sym");
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can("is_maybe_$sym");
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can("check_$sym");
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can("check_maybe_$sym");
    can_ok 'T::ImportIs', "is_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportIs', "is_maybe_$sym";
    ok !T::ImportCheck->can("is_$sym");
    ok !T::ImportCheck->can("is_maybe_$sym");
    can_ok 'T::ImportCheck', "check_$sym";
    can_ok 'T::ImportCheck', "check_maybe_$sym";
    ok !T::ImportIs->can("check_$sym");
    ok !T::ImportIs->can("check_maybe_$sym");

    # autovivication test
    my $arr_ref  = [];
    my $hash_ref = {arr_ref => $arr_ref};
    my $name     = "is_$sym";
    my $sub_ref  = do {
        no strict 'refs';
    is_deeply $hash_ref, {arr_ref => []}, "no autovivication in $name";

    my $val;
    lives_ok {Catmandu::Util::check_maybe_regex_ref($val)};
    $val = qr/re/;
    lives_ok {Catmandu::Util::check_regex_ref($val)};

for my $sym (qw(require_package use_lib)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll',  $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportMisc', $sym;
for my $sym (qw(io read_file read_yaml read_json)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportIo',  $sym;
for my $sym (qw(parse_data_path get_data set_data delete_data data_at)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll',  $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportData', $sym;
for my $sym (
    qw(array_exists array_group_by array_pluck array_to_sentence
    array_sum array_includes array_any array_uniq array_split)
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll',   $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportArray', $sym;
for my $sym (qw(hash_merge)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll',  $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportHash', $sym;
for my $sym (qw(as_utf8 trim capitalize)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll',    $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportString', $sym;
for my $sym (qw(human_number human_content_type human_byte_size)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll',   $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportHuman', $sym;
for my $sym (qw(xml_declaration xml_escape)) {
    can_ok $pkg, $sym;
    ok !T::ImportNothing->can($sym);
    can_ok 'T::ImportAll', $sym;
    can_ok 'T::ImportXML', $sym;

    my $coderef = sub {
        state $counter = 0;
        return "Count: $counter\n" if $counter++ < 5;

    my $io = Catmandu::Util::io($coderef, mode => 'r');

    ok $io , 'io from code_ref read';
    is $io->getline(), "Count: 1\n", 'getline';

    my $coderef = sub {
        my $line = shift;
        return 1;

    my $io = Catmandu::Util::io($coderef, mode => 'w');

    ok $io , 'io from code_ref write';
    ok $io->print("Test"), 'print';

    my $io = Catmandu::Util::io(IO::File->new("< Changes"));

    ok $io , 'io IO::Handle instance';

    use Math::BigRat;
    throws_ok {Catmandu::Util::io(Math::BigRat->new('3/7'))}
    'Catmandu::BadArg', 'got Catmandu::BadArg';

    my $test = <<EOF;
На берегу пустынных волн
Стоял он, дум великих полн,
И вдаль глядел. Пред ним широко
Река неслася; бедный чёлн
По ней стремился одиноко.
По мшистым, топким берегам
Чернели избы здесь и там,
Приют убогого чухонца;
И лес, неведомый лучам
В тумане спрятанного солнца,
Кругом шумел.
    is Catmandu::Util::read_file("t/russian.txt"), $test, 'read_file';

    my $test = <<EOF;
На берегу пустынных волн
Стоял он, дум великих полн,
И вдаль глядел. Пред ним широко
Река неслася; бедный чёлн
По ней стремился одиноко.
По мшистым, топким берегам
Чернели избы здесь и там,
Приют убогого чухонца;
И лес, неведомый лучам
В тумане спрятанного солнца,
Кругом шумел.
    my $io = IO::File->new("< t/russian.txt");
    is Catmandu::Util::read_io($io), $test, 'read_io';

    my $test = <<EOF;
На берегу пустынных волн
Стоял он, дум великих полн,
И вдаль глядел. Пред ним широко
Река неслася; бедный чёлн
По ней стремился одиноко.
По мшистым, топким берегам
Чернели избы здесь и там,
Приют убогого чухонца;
И лес, неведомый лучам
В тумане спрятанного солнца,
Кругом шумел.

    my $filename = "$$.txt";
    ok Catmandu::Util::write_file($filename, $test), 'write_file';
    is Catmandu::Util::read_file($filename), $test, 'read_file';
    unlink $filename;

    is_deeply Catmandu::Util::read_yaml("t/small.yaml"),
        {"hello" =>
            "ვეპხის ტყაოსანი შოთა რუსთაველი"
        }, 'read_yaml';

    is_deeply Catmandu::Util::read_json("t/small.json"),
        {"hello" =>
            "ვეპხის ტყაოსანი შოთა რუსთაველი"
        }, 'read_json';

is Catmandu::Util::join_path(
    "/this/..", "./is", "..", "./a/../weird/path", "./../../isnt/../it"
    File::Spec->catfile("/it"), 'join_path';
is Catmandu::Util::normalize_path(
    File::Spec->catfile("/it"), 'normalize_path';
is Catmandu::Util::segmented_path(
    segment_size => 2,
    base_path    => "/x"
    File::Spec->catfile("/x/12/34/56/78"), 'segmented_path';

is_deeply [Catmandu::Util::parse_data_path("")],
    [['foo', 'bar'], "x"], "parse_data_path";

is Catmandu::Util::get_data({foo => 'bar'}, 'foo'), 'bar', 'get_data(foo)';
ok !Catmandu::Util::get_data({foo => 'bar'}, 'foo2'), 'get_data(foo2)';
ok !Catmandu::Util::get_data([qw(0 1 2)], 3), 'get_data(3)';
is Catmandu::Util::get_data([qw(0 1 2)], 1),        '1', 'get_data(1)';
is Catmandu::Util::get_data([qw(0 1 2)], '$first'), '0', 'get_data($first)';
is Catmandu::Util::get_data([qw(0 1 2)], '$last'),  '2', 'get_data($last)';
is_deeply [Catmandu::Util::get_data([qw(0 1 2)], '*')], [qw(0 1 2)],

    my $data = {foo => 'bar'};
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, 'foo', 'bar2');
    is_deeply $data , {foo => 'bar2'}, 'set_data 1';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, 0, 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar 1 2)], 'set_data 2';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$first', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar 1 2)], 'set_data 3';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$last', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1 bar)], 'set_data 4';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$prepend', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar 0 1 2)], 'set_data 5';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$append', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1 2 bar)], 'set_data 6';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '*', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar bar bar)], 'set_data 7';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, 'foo', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1 2)], 'set_data 8';

    my $data = undef;
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, 'foo2', 'bar2');
    is_deeply $data , undef, 'set_data 9';

    my $data = {foo => 'bar'};
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, 'foo', 'bar2');
    is_deeply $data , {foo => 'bar2'}, 'set_data 1';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, 0, 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar 1 2)], 'set_data 2';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$first', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar 1 2)], 'set_data 3';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$last', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1 bar)], 'set_data 4';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$prepend', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(bar 0 1 2)], 'set_data 5';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::set_data($data, '$append', 'bar');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1 2 bar)], 'set_data 6';

    my $data = {foo => 'bar'};
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, 'foo');
    is_deeply $data , {}, 'delete_data 1';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, 0);
    is_deeply $data , [qw(1 2)], 'delete_data 2';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, '$first');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(1 2)], 'delete_data 3';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, '$last');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1)], 'delete_data 4';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, '*');
    is_deeply $data , [], 'delete_data 5';

    my $data = [qw(0 1 2)];
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, '100');
    is_deeply $data , [qw(0 1 2)], 'delete_data 6';

    my $data = undef;
    Catmandu::Util::delete_data($data, '100');
    is_deeply $data , undef, 'delete_data 7';

is Catmandu::Util::data_at('foo', {foo => 'bar'}), 'bar', 'data_at 1';
is Catmandu::Util::data_at('foo.1', {foo => [qw(bar bar2 bar3)]}), 'bar2',
    'data_at 2';
is Catmandu::Util::data_at('foo.$first', {foo => [qw(bar bar2 bar3)]}),
    'bar', 'data_at 3';
is Catmandu::Util::data_at('foo.$last', {foo => [qw(bar bar2 bar3)]}),
    'bar3', 'data_at 4';

    my $data = {foo => [qw(0 1 2)]};
    is_deeply Catmandu::Util::data_at('foo.$prepend', $data), undef,
        'data_at 5';
    is_deeply $data , {foo => [undef, qw(0 1 2)]}, 'data_at 5';

    my $data = {foo => [qw(0 1 2)]};
    is_deeply Catmandu::Util::data_at('foo.$append', $data), undef,
        'data_at 6';
    is_deeply $data , {foo => [qw(0 1 2), undef]}, 'data_at 6';

ok Catmandu::Util::array_exists([qw(0 1 2)], 0), 'array_exists 1';
ok !Catmandu::Util::array_exists([qw(0 1 2)], 3), '!array_exists';

is_deeply Catmandu::Util::array_group_by(
        {color  => 'red',   number => 1},
        {color  => 'blue',  number => 2},
        {color  => 'green', number => 3},
        {number => 4}
    red   => [{color => 'red',   number => 1}],
    blue  => [{color => 'blue',  number => 2}],
    green => [{color => 'green', number => 3}],

is_deeply Catmandu::Util::array_pluck([{id => 1}, {foo => 2}, {id => 3}],
    'id'), [1, undef, 3], 'array_pluck';

is Catmandu::Util::array_sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), 55,

ok Catmandu::Util::array_includes(
    [{foo => [{bar => 1}]}],
    {foo => [{bar => 1}]}

ok !Catmandu::Util::array_includes(
    [{foo => [{bar => 1}]}],
    {foo => [{bar => 5}]}

ok Catmandu::Util::array_any([0, 1, 2], sub {return 1 if shift == 2}),

ok !Catmandu::Util::array_any([0, 1, 2], sub {return 1 if shift == 100}),

is Catmandu::Util::array_to_sentence([1, 2]), '1 and 2', 'array_to_sentence';

is Catmandu::Util::array_to_sentence([1, 2, 3]), '1, 2 and 3',

is_deeply Catmandu::Util::array_rest([0, 1, 2]), [1, 2], 'array_rest';

is_deeply Catmandu::Util::array_uniq([0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3]),
    [0, 1, 2, 3], 'array_uniq';

is_deeply Catmandu::Util::hash_merge({a => {b => 1}}, {a => {c => 2}}),
    {a => {b => 1, c => 2}}, 'hash_merge';

is Catmandu::Util::as_utf8("école"), "école", 'as_utf8';

is Catmandu::Util::trim("   \r\n     bla    \t\t\t\r\n"), "bla", 'trim';

is Catmandu::Util::capitalize("école"), "École", 'capitalize';

ok Catmandu::Util::is_same(
    {a => [{b => 1, c => 1}]},
    {a => [{c => 1, b => 1}]}

ok Catmandu::Util::is_different(
    {a => [{b => 1, c => 1}]},
    {a => [{d => 1, b => 1}]}

ok Catmandu::Util::check_same(
    {a => [{b => 1, c => 1}]},
    {a => [{c => 1, b => 1}]}

throws_ok {
    Catmandu::Util::check_same({a => [{b => 1, c => 1}]},
        {a => [{d => 1, b => 1}]})
'Catmandu::BadVal', '! check_same';

ok Catmandu::Util::check_different(
    {a => [{b => 1, c => 1}]},
    {a => [{b => 1, b => 1}]}

throws_ok {
    Catmandu::Util::check_different({a => [{b => 1, c => 1}]},
        {a => [{c => 1, b => 1}]})
'Catmandu::BadVal', '! check_different';

ok Catmandu::Util::is_able(T::Foo->new, 'bar'), 'is_able';
ok !Catmandu::Util::is_able(T::Foo->new, 'bar2'), '! is_able';
ok !Catmandu::Util::is_able('123',       'bar2'), '! is_able';

ok Catmandu::Util::check_able(T::Foo->new, 'bar'), 'check_able';
throws_ok {Catmandu::Util::check_able('123', 'bar2')} 'Catmandu::BadVal',
    '! check_able';

ok !Catmandu::Util::check_maybe_able(undef, 'bar2'), 'check_maybe_able';
throws_ok {Catmandu::Util::check_maybe_able('123', 'bar2')}
'Catmandu::BadVal', '! check_maybe_able';

ok Catmandu::Util::is_instance(T::Foo->new, 'T::Foo'), 'is_instance';
ok !Catmandu::Util::is_instance(T::Foo->new, 'T::Foo2'), '! is_instance';
ok !Catmandu::Util::is_instance(undef,       'T::Foo'),  '! is_instance';

ok Catmandu::Util::check_instance(T::Foo->new, 'T::Foo'), 'check_instance';
throws_ok {Catmandu::Util::check_instance(undef, 'T::Foo')}
'Catmandu::BadVal', '! check_instance';

ok !Catmandu::Util::check_maybe_instance(undef, 'T::Foo'),
    '! check_maybe_instance';
throws_ok {Catmandu::Util::check_maybe_instance(123, 'T::Foo')}
'Catmandu::BadVal', '! check_maybe_instance';

is Catmandu::Util::human_number(64354), "64,354", 'human_number';

is Catmandu::Util::human_byte_size(10),       "10 bytes", 'human_byte_size';
is Catmandu::Util::human_byte_size(10005),    "10.01 KB", 'human_byte_size';
is Catmandu::Util::human_byte_size(10005000), "10.01 MB", 'human_byte_size';
is Catmandu::Util::human_byte_size(10005000000), "10.01 GB",

is Catmandu::Util::human_content_type('application/x-dos_ms_excel'), 'Excel',

is Catmandu::Util::xml_declaration(),
    qq(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n), 'xml_declaration';

is Catmandu::Util::xml_escape("<>'&"), '&lt;&gt;&apos;&amp;', 'xml_escape';
