package Monitoring::Generator::TestConfig::HostCheckData;

use strict;
use warnings;


=over 4

=item get_test_hostcheck

    returns the test hostcheck plugin source



sub get_test_hostcheck {
    my $self = shift;
    our $testhostcheck;
    return($testhostcheck) if defined $testhostcheck;
    while(my $line = <DATA>) { $testhostcheck .= $line; }


# nagios: +epn

=head1 NAME - host check replacement for testing purposes


./ [ -v ] [ -h ]
                    [ --type=<type>                 ]
                    [ --minimum-outage=<seconds>    ]
                    [ --failchance=<percentage>     ]
                    [ --previous-state=<state>      ]
                    [ --state-duration=<meconds>    ]
                    [ --parent-state=<state>        ]


this host check calculates a random based result. It can be used as a testing replacement
host check

example monitoring configuration:

    defined command {
        command_name  check_host_alive
        command_line  $USER1$/ --failchance=2% --previous-state=$SERVICESTATE$ --state-duration=$SERVICEDURATIONSEC$


script has the following arguments

=over 4

=item help


print help and exit

=item verbose


verbose output

=item type


can be one of up,down,unreachable,random,flap


=head1 EXAMPLE

./ --minimum-outage=60

=head1 AUTHOR

2009, Sven Nierlein, <>


use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Sys::Hostname;


sub do_check {
    # parse and check cmd line arguments
    my ($opt_h, $opt_v, $opt_failchance, $opt_previous_state, $opt_minimum_outage, $opt_state_duration, $opt_type, $opt_parent_state, $opt_hostname );
    if(!GetOptions (
       "h"                        => \$opt_h,
       "v"                        => \$opt_v,
       "type=s"                   => \$opt_type,
       "minimum-outage=i"         => \$opt_minimum_outage,
       "failchance=s"             => \$opt_failchance,
       "previous-state=s"         => \$opt_previous_state,
       "state-duration=i"         => \$opt_state_duration,
       "parent-state=s"           => \$opt_parent_state,
       "hostname=s"               => \$opt_hostname,
    )) {
        pod2usage( { -verbose => 1, -message => 'error in options' } );
        exit 3;

    if(defined $opt_h) {
        pod2usage( { -verbose => 1 } );
        exit 3;
    my $verbose = 0;
    if(defined $opt_v) {
        $verbose = 1;

    # Set Defaults
    $opt_minimum_outage = 0        unless defined $opt_minimum_outage;
    $opt_failchance     = '5%'     unless defined $opt_failchance;
    $opt_previous_state = 'UP'     unless defined $opt_previous_state;
    $opt_parent_state   = 'UP'     unless defined $opt_parent_state;
    $opt_type           = 'random' unless defined $opt_type;

    if($opt_failchance =~ m/^(\d+)%/) {
        $opt_failchance = $1;
    } else {
        pod2usage( { -verbose => 1, -message => 'failchance must be a percentage' } );
        exit 3;

    my $states = {
        'PENDING'     => 0,
        'UP'          => 0,
        'DOWN'        => 2,
        'UNREACHABLE' => 2,

    my $hostname = hostname;

    my $host_desc = "$hostname";
    if(defined $opt_hostname) {
        $host_desc = "$opt_hostname (checked by $hostname)";

    if($opt_parent_state ne 'UP') {
        print "$host_desc DOWN: $opt_type hostcheck: parent host down\n";
        exit $states->{'UNREACHABLE'};

    # not a random check?
    if($opt_type ne 'random') {
        if(lc $opt_type eq 'up') {
            print "$host_desc OK: ok hostcheck\n";
            exit 0;
        if(lc $opt_type eq 'down') {
            print "$host_desc DOWN: down hostcheck\n";
            exit 2;
        if(lc $opt_type eq 'flap') {
            if($opt_previous_state eq 'OK' or $opt_previous_state eq 'UP') {
                # a failed check takes a while
                my $sleep = 2 + int(rand(5));
                print "$host_desc FLAP: flap hostcheck down\n";
                exit 2;
            print "$host_desc FLAP: flap hostcheck up\n";
            exit 0;
        if(lc $opt_type eq 'block') {
            print "$host_desc BLOCK: blocking....\n";
            exit 0;

    my $rand     = int(rand(100));
    print "random number is $rand\n" if $verbose;

    # if the host is currently up, then there is a chance to fail
    if($opt_previous_state eq 'OK' or $opt_previous_state eq 'UP') {
        if($rand < $opt_failchance) {
            # failed

            # warning critical or unknown?
            my $rand2 = int(rand(100));

            # 60% chance for a critical
            if($rand2 > 60) {
                # a failed check takes a while
                my $sleep = 2 + int(rand(5));
                print "$host_desc CRITICAL: random hostcheck critical\n";
                print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
                exit 2;
            # 30% chance for a warning
            if($rand2 > 10) {
                # a failed check takes a while
                my $sleep = 2 + int(rand(5));
                print "$host_desc WARNING: random hostcheck warning\n";
                print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
                exit 1;

            # 10% chance for a unknown
            print "$host_desc UNKNOWN: random hostcheck unknown\n";
            print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
            exit 3;
    else {
        # already hit the minimum outage?
        if($opt_minimum_outage > $opt_state_duration) {
            print "$host_desc $opt_previous_state: random hostcheck minimum outage not reached yet\n";
            print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
            exit $states->{$opt_previous_state};
        # if the host is currently down, then there is a 30% chance to recover
        elsif($rand < 30) {
            print "$host_desc REVOVERED: random hostcheck recovered\n";
            print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
            exit 0;
        else {
            # a failed check takes a while
            my $sleep = 2 + int(rand(5));
            print "$host_desc $opt_previous_state: random hostcheck unchanged\n";
            print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
            exit $states->{$opt_previous_state};

    print "$host_desc OK: random hostcheck ok\n";
    print "sometimes with multiline and <b>html tags</b>\n";
    exit 0;