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#!/usr/bin/env perl


use strict;

my $netcat;
    use Test::More;
    for my $path (split(/:/mx, $ENV{'PATH'})) {
        if(-x $path."/netcat") {
            $netcat = $path."/netcat";
    if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
        plan skip_all => 'no sockets on windows';
    elsif(!$netcat) {
        plan skip_all => 'no netcat found in path';
    else {
        plan tests => 13;

BEGIN { use_ok('Monitoring::Livestatus') };

my $testport    = 60123;
my $testresults = $ARGV[0] || 5;

# create object with single arg
my $ml = Monitoring::Livestatus->new('localhost:'.$testport);
isa_ok($ml, 'Monitoring::Livestatus', 'Monitoring::Livestatus->new()');

# prepare testfile
my $testfile   = '/tmp/testresult.json';
open(my $fh, '>', $testfile.'.data') or die($testfile.'.data: '.$!);
print $fh "[";
for my $x (1..$testresults) {
    printf($fh '["Test Host %d","some test pluginoutput............................................",1],%s', $x, "\n");
print $fh "]\n";
ok(-f $testfile.".data", "testfile: ".$testfile.".data written");

my $size = -s $testfile.".data";
ok($size, "file has $size bytes");

open($fh, '>', $testfile.'.head') or die($testfile.'.head: '.$!);
printf($fh "200 %12d\n", $size);
`cat $testfile.head $ > $testfile`;
unlink($testfile.'.head', $testfile.'.data');

my $mem_start = get_memory_usage();
ok($mem_start, sprintf('memory at start: %.2f MB', $mem_start/1024));

# start netcat
`$netcat -vvv -w 3 -l -p $testport >/dev/null 2>&1 < $testfile &`;
ok(1, "netcat started");

my $result = $ml->selectall_arrayref(
      "GET hosts\nColumns: name plugin_output status", {
        Slice => {},
is(ref $result, 'ARRAY', 'result is an array');
is(scalar @{$result}, $testresults, 'result has right number');
is(ref $result->[$testresults-1], 'HASH', 'result contains hashes');
is($result->[$testresults-1]->{'name'}, 'Test Host '.$testresults, 'result contains all hosts');

my $mem_end = get_memory_usage();
ok($mem_end, sprintf('memory at end: %.2f MB', $mem_end/1024));
my $delta = $mem_end - $mem_start;
ok($delta, sprintf('memory delta: %.2f MB', $delta/1024));
ok($delta, sprintf('memory usage per entry: %d B', $delta*1024/$testresults));

# returns memory usage in kB
sub get_memory_usage {
    my($pid) = @_;
    $pid = $$ unless defined $pid;

    my $rsize;
    open(my $ph, '-|', "ps -p $pid -o rss") or die("ps failed: $!");
    while(my $line = <$ph>) {
        if($line =~ m/(\d+)/mx) {
            $rsize = sprintf("%.2f", $1);