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package HTML::FormFu::Constraint;

use strict;
our $VERSION = '2.03'; # VERSION

use Moose;
use MooseX::Attribute::FormFuChained;
extends 'HTML::FormFu::Processor';

use HTML::FormFu::Exception::Constraint;
use HTML::FormFu::Util qw(
use Clone ();
use List::MoreUtils qw( any );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Carp qw( croak );
use List::MoreUtils qw( any all );
use List::Util qw( first );
use Scalar::Util qw( reftype blessed );

has not          => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['FormFuChained'] );
has force_errors => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['FormFuChained'] );
has when         => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['FormFuChained'] );
has only_on_reps => ( is => 'rw', traits => ['FormFuChained'] );

sub repeatable_repeat {
    my ( $self, $repeatable, $new_block ) = @_;

    my $block_fields = $new_block->get_fields;

    # rename any 'when' fields
        my $when = $self->when;

        if ( my $name = $when->{field} ) {
            my $field = $repeatable->get_field_with_original_name( $name,
                $block_fields );

            if ( defined $field ) {
                DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS && debug(
                        "Repeatable renaming constraint 'when{field}' '%s' to '%s'",
                    $name, $field->nested_name,

                $when->{field} = $field->nested_name;
        elsif ( my $names = $when->{fields} ) {
            for my $name (@$names) {
                my $field = $repeatable->get_field_with_original_name( $name,
                    $block_fields );

                if ( defined $field ) {
                    $when->{field} = $field->nested_name;

sub pre_process { }

sub process {
    my ( $self, $params ) = @_;

    return unless $self->_run_this_rep;

    my $value = $self->_find_field_value($params);

    my @errors;

    # check when condition
    if ( !$self->_process_when($params) ) {
        DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS && debug('fail when() check - skipping constraint');

    if ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        push @errors, eval { $self->constrain_values( $value, $params ) };

        if ($@) {
            push @errors,
                $self->mk_errors( {
                    pass    => 0,
                    message => $@,
                } );
    else {
        my $ok = eval { $self->constrain_value( $value, $params ) };

        DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS && debug( '$@' => $@ );

        push @errors,
            $self->mk_errors( {
                pass => ( $@ || !$ok ) ? 0 : 1,
                message => $@,
            } );

    return @errors;

sub _run_this_rep {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $only_on_reps = $self->only_on_reps
        or return 1;

    my $current_rep = $self->field->repeatable_count
        or return 1;

    $only_on_reps = [$only_on_reps]
        if ( reftype($only_on_reps) || '' ) ne 'ARRAY';

    return first { $current_rep == $_ } @$only_on_reps;

sub _find_field_value {
    my ( $self, $params ) = @_;

    my $value = $self->get_nested_hash_value( $params, $self->nested_name );

    my @fields_with_this_name
        = @{ $self->form->get_fields( { nested_name => $self->nested_name } ) };

    if ( @fields_with_this_name > 1 ) {
        my $field = $self->parent;
        my $index;

        for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#fields_with_this_name; ++$i ) {
            if ( $fields_with_this_name[$i] eq $field ) {
                $index = $i;

        croak 'did not find ourself - how can this happen?'
            if !defined $index;

        if ( ( reftype($value) || '' ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            $value = $value->[$index];
        elsif ( $index == 0 ) {

            # keep $value
        else {
            undef $value;

    return $value;

sub constrain_values {
    my ( $self, $values, $params ) = @_;

    my @errors;

    for my $value (@$values) {
        my $ok = eval { $self->constrain_value( $value, $params ) };

        DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS && debug( '$@' => $@ );

        push @errors,
            $self->mk_errors( {
                pass => ( $@ || !$ok ) ? 0 : 1,
                message => $@,
            } );

    return @errors;

sub constrain_value {
    croak "constrain_value() should be overridden";

sub mk_errors {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    my $pass    = $args->{pass};
    my $message = $args->{message};

    my @errors;
    my $force = $self->force_errors || $self->parent->force_errors;

    if ( !$pass || $force ) {
        my $error = $self->mk_error($message);

        $error->forced(1) if $pass;

        push @errors, $error;

    return @errors;

sub mk_error {
    my ( $self, $err ) = @_;

    if ( !blessed $err || !$err->isa('HTML::FormFu::Exception::Constraint') ) {
        $err = HTML::FormFu::Exception::Constraint->new;

    return $err;

sub _process_when {
    my ( $self, $params ) = @_;

    # returns 1 if when condition is fullfilled or not defined
    # returns 0 if when condition is defined and not fullfilled
    # If it's a callback, return callback's return value (so 'when'
    # condition is met if callback returns a true value)

    # get when condition
    my $when = $self->when;
    return 1 if !defined $when;

    # check type of 'when'
    croak "Parameter 'when' is not a hash ref" if ref $when ne 'HASH';

    # field or callback must be defined
    my $when_field     = $when->{field};
    my $when_fields    = $when->{fields};
    my $when_any_field = $when->{any_field};
    my $when_callback  = $when->{callback};

        "'field', 'fields', 'any_field' or 'callback' key must be defined in 'when'"
        if all { !defined } $when_field, $when_fields, $when_any_field,

    # Callback will be the preferred thing
    if ($when_callback) {
        ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict);
        no strict 'refs';
        return $when_callback->( $params, $self );

    my $any;
    my @when_fields_value;

    if ($when_any_field) {
        croak "'any_field' is set to an empty list" if !@$when_any_field;

        $any = 1;

        @$when_fields = @$when_any_field;

    if ($when_fields) {
        croak "'fields' is set to an empty list" if !@$when_fields;

        for my $name (@$when_fields) {
            my $value = $self->get_nested_hash_value( $params, $name );

            push @when_fields_value, $value
                if defined $value;
    else {

        # nothing to constrain if field doesn't exist
        my $value = $self->get_nested_hash_value( $params, $when_field );

        push @when_fields_value, $value
            if defined $value;

    DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS_WHEN && debug( 'WHEN_FIELDS_VALUES' => \@when_fields_value );

    if ( !@when_fields_value ) {
            && debug("No 'when' fields values exist - returning false");
        return 0;

    my @values;

    if ( defined( my $value = $when->{value} ) ) {
        push @values, $value;
    elsif ( defined( my $values = $when->{values} ) ) {
        push @values, @$values;

    # determine if condition is fulfilled
    my @ok;

    if (@values) {
        for my $value (@when_fields_value) {
            push @ok, any { $value eq $_ } @values;
    else {
        for my $value (@when_fields_value) {
            push @ok, $value ? 1 : 0;

    DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS_WHEN && debug( "'when' value matches" => \@ok );

    my $return
        = $any
        ? any { $when->{not} ? !$_ : $_ } @ok
        : all { $when->{not} ? !$_ : $_ } @ok;

    DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS_WHEN && debug( "'when' return value" => $return );

    return $return;

sub fetch_error_message {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my $error = HTML::FormFu::Exception::Constraint->new({
        form      => $self->form,
        parent    => $self->parent,
        processor => $self,

    return $error->message;

sub clone {
    my $self = shift;

    my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone(@_);

    if ( defined( my $when = $self->when ) ) {
        $clone->when( Clone::clone $when );

    return $clone;




=head1 NAME

HTML::FormFu::Constraint - Constrain User Input

=head1 VERSION

version 2.03


      - type: Text
        name: foo
          - type: Length
            min: 8
              field: bar
              values: [ 1, 3, 5 ]
      - type: Text
        name: bar
          - Integer
          - Required
      - SingleValue


User input is processed in the following order:


=item L<Filters|HTML::FormFu::Filter>

=item L<Constraints|HTML::FormFu::Constraint>

=item L<Inflators|HTML::FormFu::Inflator>

=item L<Validators|HTML::FormFu::Validator>

=item L<Transformers|HTML::FormFu::Transformer>


See L<HTML::FormFu/"FORM LOGIC AND VALIDATION"> for further details.

L<HTML::FormFu/constraints> can be called on any L<form|HTML::FormFu>,
L<block element|HTML::FormFu::Element::Block> (includes fieldsets) or
L<field element|HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field>.

If called on a field element, no C<name> argument should be passed.

If called on a L<form|HTML::FormFu> or
L<block element|HTML::FormFu::Element::Block>, if no C<name> argument is
provided, a new constraint is created for and added to every field on that
form or block.

See L<HTML::FormFu/"FORM LOGIC AND VALIDATION"> for further details.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 type

Returns the C<type> argument originally used to create the constraint.

=head2 not

If true, inverts the results of the constraint - such that input that would
otherwise fail will pass, and vise-versa.

This value is ignored by some constraints - see the documentation for
individual constraints for details.

=head2 only_on_reps

Argument: \@repeatable_count

For constraints added to fields within a
L<Repeatable|HTML::FormFu::Element::Repeatable> element, if C<only_on_reps>
is set, the constraint will only be run for fields whose
matches one of these set values.

Not available for the constraints listed in
L<HTML::FormFu::Element::Repeatable/"Unsupported Constraints">.

=head2 message

Arguments: $string

Set the message which will be displayed if the constraint fails.

=head2 message_xml

Arguments: $string

Variant of L</message> which ensures the value won't be XML-escaped.

=head2 message_loc

Arguments: $string

Variant of L</message> which uses L<localize|HTML::FormFu/localize> to
create the message.

=head2 localize_args

Provide arguments that should be passed to L<localize|HTML::FormFu/localize>
to replace C<[_1]>, C<[_2]>, etc. in the localized string.

=head2 force_errors

See L<HTML::FormFu/force_errors> for details.

=head2 parent

Returns the L<field|HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field> object that the constraint
is associated with.

=head2 form

Returns the L<HTML::FormFu> object that the constraint's field is attached

=head2 name

Shorthand for C<< $constraint->parent->name >>

=head2 when

Defines a condition for the constraint. Only when the condition is fullfilled
the constraint will be applied.

This method expects a hashref.

The C<field> or C<callback> must be supplied, all other fields are optional.

If C<value> or C<values> is not supplied, the constraint will pass if the
named field's value is true.

The following keys are supported:


=item field

Nested-name of form field that shall be checked against - if C<when->{value}>
is set, the C<when> condition passes if the named field's value matches that,
otherwise the C<when> condition passes if the named field's value is true.

=item fields

Array-ref of nested-names that shall be checked. The C<when> condition passes
if all named-fields' values pass, using the same rules as C<field> above.

=item any_field

Array-ref of nested-names that shall be checked. The C<when> condition passes
if any named-fields' values pass, using the same rules as C<field> above.

=item value

Expected value in the form field 'field'

=item values

Array of multiple values, one must match to fullfill the condition

=item not

Inverts the when condition - value(s) must not match

=item callback

A callback subroutine-reference or fully resolved subroutine name can be
supplied to perform complex checks. An hashref of all parameters is passed
to the callback sub. In this case all other keys are ignored, including not.
You need to return a true value for the constraint to be applied or a false
value to not apply it.

The callback subroutine receives 2 arguments:

=over 8

=item 1

C<$params> (hashref of all submitted parameters)

=item 2

C<$constraint> (the Constraint object)




=head2 fetch_error_message

Return value: $string

Attempt to return the error message that would be used if this constraint
generated an error.

This will generally be correct for simple constraints with a fixed message or
which use a placeholder from a known value, such as
This will generally C<not> return the correct message for constraints which
use L<HTML::FormFu::Role::Constraint::Others/others>, where the field with an
error is not known without actually fully processing a form submission.



=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::AllOrNone>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::ASCII>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::AutoSet>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Bool>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Callback>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::CallbackOnce>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::DateTime>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::DependOn>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Email>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Equal>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::MIME>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::MaxSize>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::MinSize>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::File::Size>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Integer>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Length>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MaxLength>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MaxRange>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MinLength>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MinRange>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::MinMaxFields>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Number>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Printable>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Range>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Regex>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Required>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Set>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::SingleValue>

=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Word>




=item L<HTML::FormFu::Constraint::reCAPTCHA>


=head1 CAVEATS

See L<HTML::FormFu::Element::Repeatable/"Unsupported Constraints">
for a list of constraints that won't work within

=head1 AUTHOR

Carl Franks, C<>

Based on the original source code of L<HTML::Widget::Constraint>, by
Sebastian Riedel, C<>.

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
