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#!/usr/bin/perl  -w

use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Carp ;

=head1 NAME 

mcd - mini CPAN documentation browser


B<mcd> lets you search you CPAN mini for modules and display attractive HTML documentation in your browser.  This is
useful if you don't have an internet connection available or you have a very slow connection.

=head1 USAGE

 $> mcd [-option] Module::Name


=over 2

=item Generate and display a module's documentation in your browser:

 $> mcd -d Module::Name

=item Generate and display a module's documentation in lynx

 $> mcd -d Module::Name -html_index -browser lynx

=item Search for modules which names containing a specific string:

 $> mcd -s string

=item Match modules to regular expression:

 $> mcd -s '\d0x'


=head1 OPTIONS

  'h|help'      display help
  's|search'    search for modules
  'b|browse'    generate and browse module ocumentation
  'html_index'  generate a pure HTML index for text based browsers
  'browser'     path to your browser or $ENV{BROWSER} or 'firefox'|'elinks'
  'cpan_mini'   cpan mini location or $ENV{CPAN_MINI} or '/devel/cpan'


0 if no error found.

=head1 CAVEAT

You can't use mcd to display core modules documentation. This is due to the fact that core modules come with
Perl and are not in your CPAN mini repository although they are referenced in it! You can display the installed 
core modules documentation with B<perldoc>.

=head1 AUTHOR

  Nadim ibn hamouda el Khemir

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<CPAN::Mini::Webserver>, elinks



our $VERSION = '0.03' ;


use English ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use File::HomeDir ;

use CPAN::Mini::ProjectDocs qw(generate_html get_module_distribution generate_cache search_modules) ;


my (@mcd_arguments) = @ARGV ;
undef @ARGV ;

mcd(@mcd_arguments) ;


sub mcd

#~ =head2 mcd(@arguments)

#~ I<Arguments>

#~ =over 2 

#~ =item @arguments - 

#~ =back

#~ I<Returns> - Nothing

#~ I<Exceptions>

#~ =cut

my (@arguments) = @_ ;


my ($module, $search, $browse,$html_index, $user_defined_browser, $cpan_mini_user_location)  = get_options(@arguments) ;

die "Error: You can only specify one of 'search' or 'browse'!\n" if $search && $browse ;

my $cpan_mini = $cpan_mini_user_location || $ENV{CPAN_MINI} || '/devel/cpan' ;
die "Can't find CPAN::Mini at '$cpan_mini'!" unless -e $cpan_mini ;

my $mcd_cache = home() . '/.cpan_mini_pod2projdoc' ;
mkdir $mcd_cache ;


generate_cache($cpan_mini, $mcd_cache) ;

	search_modules($cpan_mini, $mcd_cache, $module) ;
	my $module_distribution = get_module_distribution($cpan_mini, $mcd_cache, $module) ;
	if(defined $module_distribution)
		print "Found $module in '$module_distribution'.\n"  unless $search ;
			my $html_documentation_location = generate_html($cpan_mini, $mcd_cache, $module_distribution, $html_index) ;
			my $browser = $user_defined_browser || $ENV{BROWSER} || ($html_index ? 'elinks' : 'firefox') ;
			system($browser, $html_documentation_location) == 0 or die "can't start browser!" ;
		print "'$module' not found! Try the -s option.\n" ;


sub get_options

#~ =head2 get_options(@arguments)

#~ Parses the command line for the module to search and user defined options.

#~ I<Arguments>

#~ =over 2 

#~ =item @arguments - the command line arguments

#~ =back

#~ I<Returns> -  A list containing the module to search followed by the options accepted by this command

#~ I<Exceptions> - exits if an invalid option is passed

#~ =cut

my (@arguments) = @_ ;
local @ARGV = @arguments ;

my ($search, $browse, $html_index, $user_defined_browser, $cpan_mini_user_location) ;

		'h|help' => \&display_help,
		's|search' => \$search,
		'b|browse' => \$browse,
		'browser=s' => \$user_defined_browser,
		'html_index' => \$html_index,
		'cpan_mini=s' => \$cpan_mini_user_location,
	die "Error: Invalid Option! Try --help.\n" ;

my $module = $ARGV[0] or die "Error: I need a module name on the command line! Try --help.\n" ;

return ($module, $search, $browse, $html_index, $user_defined_browser, $cpan_mini_user_location) ;


sub display_help

#~ =head2 display_help()

#~ I<Arguments> - None

#~ I<Returns> - Nothing

#~ I<Exceptions> - exits with status code B<1>

#~ =cut

my ($this_script) = ($PROGRAM_NAME =~m/(.*)/sxm ) ;

print {*STDERR} `perldoc $this_script`  or croak 'Error: Can\'t display help!' ; ## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitBacktickOperators)
exit(1) ;