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=head2 Utility functions

=over 2

=item * LinkWith

          This function I<returns> a builder for default linking with the libraries
        specified as arguments. The arguments are a list of library I<names> to include
        in linking (without suffix) -- to link with e.g. the system math library, libm.a,
        specify 'libm'. Again, note that this is a function that I<returns> a builder,
        not a builder in itself -- it should be called with arguments rather as passed
        as a builder reference.


          AddRule 'mytool', [ '%TARGET_PATH/mytool' => 'mytool.objects' ], LinkWith('libm');



use File::Slurp;
use Devel::Depend::Cpp 0.03 ;


use PBS::SubpbsResult ;

sub LinkWith
my $extra_libraries = join(' ', @_);

my $sub = sub
	my ($config, $file_to_build, $dependency_list) = @_ ;
	my $object_files = '';
	for my $dependency (@$dependency_list)
		next if ($dependency =~ /\.so$/);
		if($dependency =~ /\.objects$/)
			my $subpbs_result = new PBS::SubpbsResult($dependency ) ;
			$object_files .= join("\n", GetFiles($subpbs_result)) . "\n" ;
			my @search_paths = @{ $subpbs_result->GetLibrarySearchPaths()} ;
			$extra_libraries .= '  /L' .  join('  /L' , @search_paths) if @search_paths ;
			# libs are normal dependencies
			#~ my @libraries = GetLibraries($subpbs_result) ;
			#~ $extra_libraries .= ' ' .  join(' ' ,  @libraries) if @libraries ;
			$object_files .= "$dependency\n";
	my $link_command_file = "$";
	write_file($link_command_file, $object_files) ;
	RunShellCommands("$config->{CC} $config->{CFLAGS} -o $file_to_build $link_command_file $extra_libraries $config->{LDFLAGS}");
	} ;
return($sub) ;

sub GetFiles
# extract files from fileAndMd5 class

my ($subpbs_result) = @_ ;

	map{$_->{FILE}} @{ $subpbs_result->GetFileAndMd5()}
	) ;

1 ;
