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# $Id: Makefile.PL 1158 2014-01-10 22:30:40Z willem $ -*-perl-*-

use strict;
$^W = 1;

die <<RIP if $] < 5.004_05;

This version of Net::DNS will not function correctly with perl $]


warn <<AMEN if $] < 5.006;

This version of Net::DNS has not been tested against perl $]
because Test::More requires version 5.6 or later.

The author is confident that this package will function 
properly with older perls such as yours, but bugs may lurk. 


use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(WriteMakefile prompt);
use IO::Socket ();
use Config qw(%Config);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);

sub DEBUG { 0; }

# An existing makefile can confuse the CC test.

# clean up the online testing flag file.

# clean up the IPv6 testing flag file.

# Get the command line args

my $help = 0;
my $IPv6_tests;
my $online_tests = 2;		# 2 = non-fatal, 1 = on, 0 = off
my $use_xs;
my $iphelper = 2;		# only relevant for Cygwin
				# 2 = use when installed, 1 = use, 0 = don't use
my @options  = (
	'xs!' => \$use_xs,
	'pm'  => sub {
		warn qq/\n\tWARNING: Use of "--pm" is deprecated.  Use "--noxs" instead.\n\n/;
		$use_xs = 0;
	'online-tests!'		 => \$online_tests,
	'non-fatal-online-tests' => sub { $online_tests = 2; },
	'IPv6-tests!' => \$IPv6_tests,
	'help!'       => \$help

push @options, ( 'iphelper!' => \$iphelper ) if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' );

unless ( GetOptions(@options) ) {
	print "Error: Unrecognized option.\n";
	print "Try perl Makefile.PL --help for more information\n";
	exit 1;

if ($help) {
	print <<EOT;

Usage: perl Makefile.PL [OPTION...]

Prepare Makefile for building and installing Net::DNS

  --xs | --noxs			Enable or disable the C module.
				Default the C module is build when
				a compiler is found.

  --online-tests		Perform tests by communicating with the
				outside world.	Beware that their success is
				also dependent on outside influences.

  --noonline-tests		Skip online tests completely.

  --non-fatal-online-tests	Perform online test, but do not let failures 
				negatively affect the outcome of running
				make test.  This is the default.

	print <<EOT if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' );
  --iphelper --noiphelper	Use the Win32::IPHelper module to determine
				network parameters like which nameservers to
				use.  When freshly installing Net::DNS, the
				default is to *not* use Win32::IPHelper and
				read those values from /proc/registry.
				When updating, the default is to copy what the
				installed version did.

	exit 0;

if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) {
	# Just testing if Net::DNS::Resolver::Win32 is installed, but
	# Net::DNS::Resolver needs to be required first for it to load
	# successfully (if available).
	my $iphelper_present = '';
	eval { require Net::DNS::Resolver; require Net::DNS::Resolver::Win32; };
	$iphelper_present ||= $INC{'Net/DNS/Resolver/'} unless $@;

	eval { require Net::DNS::Resolver; require Net::DNS::Resolver::MSWin32; };
	$iphelper_present ||= $INC{'Net/DNS/Resolver/'} unless $@;

	$iphelper = ( $iphelper_present ? 1 : 0 ) if $iphelper == 2;

	die <<EOT if $iphelper_present && ! $iphelper;
You have indicated a wish to remove Win32::IPHelper usage. However, you are
either doing a reinstall or an upgrade of an installation which *did* use
Win32::IPHelper.  In your case, you have to delete the file:


by hand first, to build and install Net::DNS in this way.

	print "Build will" . ( $iphelper ? "" : " not" ) . " use Win32::IPHelper.\n\n";

# Get our makefile started...
my %Makefile = (
	NAME	     => 'Net::DNS',
	VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/',
	ABSTRACT     => 'Perl DNS resolver module',
	AUTHOR	     => 'Olaf Kolkman <>',
	LICENSE	     => 'perl',
	PREREQ_PM    => {
		'Digest::HMAC'	=> 1.01,
		'Digest::MD5'	=> 2.13,
		'Digest::SHA'	=> 5.23,
		'IO::Socket'	=> 1.24,
		'MIME::Base64'	=> 2.11,
		'Test::More'	=> 0.52,
	XS    => {},
	C     => [],
	clean => {
		FILES =>
't/IPv6.enabled t/online.enabled t/online.nonfatal compile.* DNS.o DNS.c lib/Net/DNS/Resolver/MSWin32 zone[0-9].txt zone[0-9][0-9].txt'

if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq "cygwin" && $iphelper ) {
	unless (eval {
			local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
			require WIN32::API;
		) {
		warn <<AMEN;
I can not find WIN32::API version 0.55 or higher.
I will add WIN32::API to the list of prerequisites.

		if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
			warn <<AMEN2;
Note that, WIN32::API is included in recent versions
of ActivePerl (5.10 since build 1003) and recent
versions of Strawberry perl (at least in the October
version of and the module has not be 
tested with other versions. In case of failure please
consider upgrading.

	$Makefile{'PREREQ_PM'}->{'enum'}	       = 1.0;	# Dependency for Win32::IPHelper
	$Makefile{'PREREQ_PM'}->{'Win32::IPHelper'}    = 0.07;
	$Makefile{'PREREQ_PM'}->{'Win32::API'}	       = 0.55;
	$Makefile{'PREREQ_PM'}->{'Win32::TieRegistry'} = 0;

# Check if we have a C compiler

unless ( defined $use_xs ) {
	if ( test_cc() ) {
		print "You have a working compiler.\n";
		$use_xs = 1;
		$Makefile{'MYEXTLIB'} = 'netdns$(LIB_EXT)';
	} else {
		$use_xs = 0;
		$Makefile{'MYEXTLIB'} = '';
		print <<END;
I cannot determine if you have a C compiler. I will install the 
perl-only implementation.
You can force installation of the XS version with:

	perl Makefile.PL --xs

if ($use_xs) {

	# turn the XS bits on.
	print "Activating XS Magic...\n" if DEBUG;
	$Makefile{'LIBS'} = '-lresolv' if ( $^O =~ /solaris|sunos/i );
	$Makefile{'OBJECT'} = '$(O_FILES)';
	delete $Makefile{'XS'};
	delete $Makefile{'C'};

# Check if we have internet connection
# (I lifted this code from LWP... )

if ($online_tests) {
	my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		PeerAddr => "",
		Timeout	 => 10,

	unless ($s) {
		$online_tests = 0;
		print <<EOT;
You appear not to be directly connected to the Internet.
Disabling online tests altogether...

	} else {


if ($online_tests) {
	if ( $online_tests == 2 ) {
		print "\nActivating Non Fatal Online Tests...\n\n";
	} else {
		print "\nActivating Online Tests...\n\n";
	print <<EOT;
Online tests depend on conditions beyond the control of Net::DNS. The tests 
check for the expected results when both Net::DNS and the outside world are
functioning properly. In case of failure it is often undecidable if the error
lies with Net::DNS or elsewhere.


	open( ENABLED, ">t/online.enabled" ) || die "Can't touch ./t/online.enabled $!";
	close(ENABLED) || die "Can't touch ./t/online.enabled $!";
	if ( $online_tests == 2 ) {
		open( NONFATAL, ">t/online.nonfatal" ) || die "Can't touch ./t/online.nonfatal $!";
		close(NONFATAL) || die "Can't touch ./t/online.nonfatal $!";

# Test to see if IPv6 is available, unless IPv6 testing has been declined.
if ( !defined $IPv6_tests || $IPv6_tests == 1 ) {
	unless ( eval { require IO::Socket::INET6; IO::Socket::INET6->VERSION("2.01"); } ) {
		print <<V6WARNING;

The libraries needed to support IPv6 transport have not been found. 
You will need recent versions of the IO::Socket::INET6 and Socket6 
libraries (from CPAN). 


		if ($IPv6_tests) {
			$IPv6_tests = prompt( 'Are you sure you wish to enable IPv6 tests?', 'y' ) =~ /^y/i ? 1 : 0;

	if ($IPv6_tests) {
		print "\nActivating IPv6 Tests...\n";
		open( ENABLED, '>t/IPv6.enabled' ) || die "Can't touch ./t/IPv6.enabled $!";
		close(ENABLED) || die "Can't touch ./t/IPv6.enabled $!";


sub test_cc {

	# The perl/C checking voodoo is stolen from Graham Barr's
	# Scalar-List-Utils distribution.
	print "Testing if you have a C compiler and the needed header files....\n";

	unless ( open( F, ">compile.c" ) ) {
		warn "Cannot write compile.c, skipping test compilation and installing pure Perl version.\n";

	print F <<'EOF';
#include "netdns.h"
int main() { return 0; }

	close(F) or return;

	my $ret = system("$Config{'cc'}	 -c compile.c -o compile$Config{obj_ext}");

	my $ar = exists $Config{'full_ar'} ? $Config{'full_ar'} : $Config{'ar'};
	my $cr = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{'cc'} eq 'cl' ? '/OUT:' : 'cr ' );    # ar action

	$ret = system( "$ar $cr compile$Config{lib_ext} compile$Config{obj_ext}" )
			unless $ret;

	foreach my $file ( glob('compile*') ) {
		unlink($file) || warn "Could not delete $file: $!\n";

	return ( $ret == 0 );

package MY;

use Config qw(%Config);

sub postamble {
	my $cr = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{'cc'} eq 'cl' ? '/OUT:' : 'cr ' );    # ar action

	my $content = '
test_cover : pure_all
	cover -delete

netdns$(LIB_EXT): netdns$(OBJ_EXT)
	$(FULL_AR) ' . $cr . '$@ netdns$(OBJ_EXT)
	$(RANLIB) $@


	return $content;

sub MY::libscan {
	my $path = $_[1];
	return '' if $path =~ /\B\.svn\b/;
	return '' if $^O eq 'cygwin' && !$iphelper && $path =~ /Resolver[^\w]MSWin32\.pm$/;
	return $path;