# $Id: 05-RRSIG.t 1406 2015-10-05 08:25:49Z willem $	-*-perl-*-

use strict;
use Test::More;
use Net::DNS;

my @prerequisite = qw(

foreach my $package (@prerequisite) {
	next if eval "require $package";
	plan skip_all => "$package not installed";

plan tests => 70;

my $name = 'net-dns.org';
my $type = 'RRSIG';
my $code = 46;
my @attr = qw( typecovered algorithm labels orgttl sigexpiration siginception keytag signame signature );
my @data = (
	qw( NS	7  2  3600 20130914141655 20130815141655 60909	net-dns.org ),
	join '', qw(	IRlCjYNZCkddjoFw6UGxAga/EvxgENl+IESuyRH9vlrys
			NhcFIThuV/qFq+Gs+g0TJ6eyMF6ydYhjS31k= )
my @also = qw( sig sigin sigex vrfyerrstr );

my $wire =

	my $typecode = unpack 'xn', new Net::DNS::RR(". $type")->encode;
	is( $typecode, $code, "$type RR type code = $code" );

	my $hash = {};
	@{$hash}{@attr} = @data;

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(
		name => $name,
		type => $type,

	my $string = $rr->string;
	my $rr2	   = new Net::DNS::RR($string);
	is( $rr2->string, $string, 'new/string transparent' );

	is( $rr2->encode, $rr->encode, 'new($string) and new(%hash) equivalent' );

	foreach (@attr) {
		is( $rr->$_, $hash->{$_}, "expected result from rr->$_()" );

	foreach (@also) {
		is( $rr2->$_, $rr->$_, "additional attribute rr->$_()" );

	my $empty   = new Net::DNS::RR("$name $type");
	my $nodata  = $empty->string;
	my $encoded = $rr->encode;
	my $decoded = decode Net::DNS::RR( \$encoded );
	my $hex1    = uc unpack 'H*', $decoded->encode;
	my $hex2    = uc unpack 'H*', $encoded;
	my $hex3    = uc unpack 'H*', substr( $encoded, length $empty->encode );
	is( $hex1, $hex2, 'encode/decode transparent' );
	is( $hex3, $wire, 'encoded RDATA matches example' );

	my @rdata	= @data;
	my $sig		= pop @rdata;
	my $lc		= new Net::DNS::RR( lc(". $type @rdata ") . $sig );
	my $rr		= new Net::DNS::RR( uc(". $type @rdata ") . $sig );
	my $hash	= {};
	my $predecessor = $rr->encode( 0, $hash );
	my $compressed	= $rr->encode( length $predecessor, $hash );
	ok( length $compressed == length $predecessor, 'encoded RDATA not compressible' );
	is( $rr->encode,    $lc->encode, 'encoded RDATA names downcased' );
	is( $rr->canonical, $lc->encode, 'canonical RDATA names downcased' );

	my $rr	  = new Net::DNS::RR(". $type @data");
	my $class = ref($rr);

	is( $rr->algorithm(),		    10,		 'algorithm mnemonic accepted' );
	is( $rr->algorithm('MNEMONIC'),	    'RSASHA512', "rr->algorithm('MNEMONIC')" );
	is( $class->algorithm('RSASHA512'), 10,		 "class method algorithm('RSASHA512')" );
	is( $class->algorithm(10),	    'RSASHA512', "class method algorithm(10)" );
	is( $class->algorithm(255),	    255,	 "class method algorithm(255)" );

	eval { $rr->algorithm('X'); };
	my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.+)\n/;
	ok( $exception ||= '', "unknown mnemonic\t[$exception]" );

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR(". $type");
	foreach (@attr) {
		ok( !$rr->$_(), "'$_' attribute of empty RR undefined" );

	my $object   = new Net::DNS::RR( type => $type );
	my $class    = ref($object);
	my $scalar   = '';
	my %testcase = (		## test callable with invalid arguments
		'_CreateSig'	 => [$object, $scalar, $object],
		'_CreateSigData' => [$object, $scalar],
		'_string2time'	 => [undef],
		'_time2string'	 => [undef],
		'_VerifySig'	 => [$object, $object, $object],
		'create'	 => [$class,  $scalar, $object],
		'verify'	 => [$object, $object, $object],

	foreach my $method ( sort keys %testcase ) {
		my $arglist = $testcase{$method};
		$object->{algorithm} = 0;			# induce exception
		no strict q/refs/;
		my $subroutine = join '::', $class, $method;
		eval { &$subroutine(@$arglist); };
		my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.*)\n*/;
		ok( defined $exception, "$method method callable\t[$exception]" );

	my %testcase = (		## test time conversion edge cases
		-1	   => '21060207062815',
		0x00000000 => '19700101000000',
		0x7fffffff => '20380119031407',
		0x80000000 => '20380119031408',
		0xf4d41f7f => '21000228235959',
		0xf4d41f80 => '21000301000000',
		0xffffffff => '21060207062815',

	foreach my $time ( sort keys %testcase ) {
		my $string = $testcase{$time};
		my $result = Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_time2string($time);
		is( $result, $string, "_time2string($time)" );

		# Test indirectly: $timeval can be 64-bit or negative 32-bit integer
		my $timeval = Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_string2time($string);
		my $timestr = Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_time2string($timeval);
		is( $timestr, $string, "_string2time($string)" );

	my $timenow = time();
	my $timeval = Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_string2time($timenow);
	is( $timeval, $timenow, "_string2time( time() )\t$timeval" );

	ok( Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( undef,      0 ),	     '_ordered( undef, 0 )' );
	ok( Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0,	       1 ),	     '_ordered( 0, 1 )' );
	ok( Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000 ), '_ordered( 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000 )' );
	ok( Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0xffffffff, 0 ),	     '_ordered( 0xffffffff, 0 )' );
	ok( Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( -2,	       -1 ),	     '_ordered( -2, -1 )' );
	ok( Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( -1,	       0 ),	     '_ordered( -1, 0 )' );
	ok( !Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( undef,	undef ),      '!_ordered( undef, undef )' );
	ok( !Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0,		undef ),      '!_ordered( 0, undef )' );
	ok( !Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff ), '!_ordered( 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff )' );
	ok( !Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0,		0xffffffff ), '!_ordered( 0, 0xffffffff )' );
	ok( !Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( -1,		-2 ),	      '!_ordered( -1, -2 )' );
	ok( !Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG::_ordered( 0,		-1 ),	      '!_ordered( 0, -1 )' );

	my $rr = new Net::DNS::RR("$name $type @data");
